What Should The President Do Now?

Republicans have lost the opportunity of having anything to say about reforming health care. Obamacare is law and Republicans are far from a veto proof majority....game over.

mm no. Republicans plan to start chipping away at some aspects of the law, starting with no tax on medical devices. We will see how Obama plays this card.
President Obama should use his constitutional power to veto everything the Republicans want to do for the next two years.

He said earlier today he is still vowing to press ahead with controversial executive action on immigration.

What a guy. :rolleyes:

and Ted Cruz vowed to do everything he can to fight him on it
we need to get ahold of OUR Representatives and tell them to stop the little thug
Republicans have lost the opportunity of having anything to say about reforming health care. Obamacare is law and Republicans are far from a veto proof majority....game over.

mm no. Republicans plan to start chipping away at some aspects of the law, starting with no tax on medical devices. We will see how Obama plays this card.

All the President has to do is veto anything he doesn't like.......and there's nothing they can do about it.
Republicans have lost the opportunity of having anything to say about reforming health care. Obamacare is law and Republicans are far from a veto proof majority....game over.

mm no. Republicans plan to start chipping away at some aspects of the law, starting with no tax on medical devices. We will see how Obama plays this card.

All the President has to do is veto anything he doesn't like.......and there's nothing they can do about it.

good let him veto everything they put forward. show the people who the real OBSTRUCTIONIST really is. You think this election hurt your butt. go for it
Republicans have lost the opportunity of having anything to say about reforming health care. Obamacare is law and Republicans are far from a veto proof majority....game over.

mm no. Republicans plan to start chipping away at some aspects of the law, starting with no tax on medical devices. We will see how Obama plays this card.

All the President has to do is veto anything he doesn't like.......and there's nothing they can do about it.

good let him veto everything they put forward. show the people who the real OBSTRUCTIONIST really is. You think this election hurt your butt. go for it

Excellent idea, that way everyone can be reminded two years from now of how many times they tried to repeal Obamacare. That should make Republicans very popular with the general electorate.
Republicans have lost the opportunity of having anything to say about reforming health care. Obamacare is law and Republicans are far from a veto proof majority....game over.

Nothing is written in stone. Obamacare was "forced" into action under cover of darkness. Even the well known Libtard, Nancy Paloosi, stated that it had to be passed because anyone would know what was in it. Then Dumbama made several executive changes to it after the fact. I think that it could be repealed if Congress went about it the right way. Nobody should be forced to buy a commodity (and that's all it really is) against their will or better judgment.
Republicans won big and they're super angry.

What gives? Is there no brake on the hate train?
Boy the butthurt is strong with this one

Obama should get to the back of the bus we are in the DRIVERS SEAT NOW

We sent him this message last night. Sit down and shut the hell up
Sweetheart, he still drives the bus, your party is just closer to his ear to backseat drive, which is not nothin' BTW, it matters, but not nearly as much as you believe. McConnell can fill you in if you listen to his press conference today.

If the GOP won't give Barry enough money to put gas in his bus then he won't be driving very far now...will he?
Boy the butthurt is strong with this one

Obama should get to the back of the bus we are in the DRIVERS SEAT NOW

We sent him this message last night. Sit down and shut the hell up
Sweetheart, he still drives the bus, your party is just closer to his ear to backseat drive, which is not nothin' BTW, it matters, but not nearly as much as you believe. McConnell can fill you in if you listen to his press conference today.

If the GOP won't give Barry enough money to put gas in his bus then he won't be driving very far now...will he?
Nope, and he also won't get the blame. See how that works?
President Obama should use his constitutional power to veto everything the Republicans want to do for the next two years.

Heh! Funny that! I said the same thing about the Congress needing to block and defund everything Obama has done and tries to do.

Grid locking the government is always a win for the people.

it is when Obama is in charge.
Republicans won big and they're super angry.

What gives? Is there no brake on the hate train?


Democrats broke that handle off back in about '06. They haven't yet figured out that wot goeth around cometh around.
I don't get angry at other people when Democrats win elections.

Have you really not noticed that difference? It's pretty glaring.

oh please, we are seeing nothing but anger from the left. they're saying Obama should put his freight train in gear and just ROLL over all of the people who put Republicans in charge of the Senate. so get real
The idiots calling for Obama to veto everything demonstrate they are not interested in solving problems in this country. They are interested in sticking it to people they consider enemies. That includes Obama btw.
This is the crap we are seeing from you dems/progressives. Egging him on to step all over those who voted to take away the HOUSE AND NOW THE SENATE from you ugly ass Democrats. you are the ones who can't take losing and now the hate and anger come out. You all should be ashamed but you have to have honor for that.

VIDEO OF HIM at the site

The Most Important Thing that Obama Said During that Insufferable Presser

Bryan Preston
November 5, 2014 - 1:35 pm
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[URL='http://pjmedia.com/tatler/2014/11/05/the-most-important-thing-that-obama-said-during-that-insufferable-presser/#'][URL='http://pjmedia.com/tatler/2014/11/05/the-most-important-thing-that-obama-said-during-that-insufferable-presser/#'][URL='http://pjmedia.com/tatler/2014/11/05/the-most-important-thing-that-obama-said-during-that-insufferable-presser/#']He’s not going to change, not for you, not for the voters, not for anybody.
Lose the House? He’s not going to change. Lose more governorships and legislatures? He’s not going to change. Lose the Senate and find himself isolated atop a rump, coastal party?
He’s not going to change.
Barack Obama is tired, you see. Tired of your ability to resist and reject what he wants to do to you.
[url="http://pjmedia.com/tatler/2014/11/05/the-most-important-thing-that-obama-said-during-that-insufferable-presser/"]The PJ Tatler The Most Important Thing that Obama Said During that Insufferable Presser
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The idiots calling for Obama to veto everything demonstrate they are not interested in solving problems in this country. They are interested in sticking it to people they consider enemies. That includes Obama btw.

It won't even get that far

Republicans wil be unable to break the gridlock with the Tea Party. The Tea Party wants them to do nothing other than ceremonial repeal Obamacare votes and harass Obama...that is what we will get
this is the ugly crap we are having to put with from you nasty people in the Democrat party


Add climate alarmists to the list of liberals freaked out by the 2014 midterm election results. If you believe the far-left eco-blog Grist, “the worst is yet to come” for “environmental policy.”

Former Newsweek.com editor Ben Adler warned readers not to mistake conservatives for “rational human beings or patriotic Americans.” Adler said that because conservatives gained control of the U.S. Senate on November 4, they are going to take the economy “hostage” and destroy the planet.

Adler accused conservatives of “gearing up to cause climate mayhem,” and pointed to conservative efforts to reign in the EPA and approve construction of the Keystone XL pipeline. Despite polls that show otherwise, he alleged that these policies are not what Americans want, and conservatives were “lying” when they claimed a popular mandate.

With no sense of irony, Adler cited “Dark Overlord” Karl Rove as saying that conservatives might try to pass legislation on the Keystone XL pipeline and other environmental issues “that could get Democratic votes.” Apparently conservatives can’t do anything right by Adler, even when they propose bipartisan legislation.

President Barack Obama can still veto any bill that crosses his desk, but Adler alleged a conservative conspiracy to push a scary agenda. He said conservatives would “force Obama’s hand” by threatening to “cause a government shutdown, or trigger a global financial collapse by breaching the debt ceiling and defaulting on the U.S. national debt.”

Despite winning the Senate, conservatives have no popular mandate according to Adler. When they claimed a mandate, Adler said “they are lying, and should be called out for it.”

Adler apparently missed the ABC/Washington Post poll from earlier this year that found 65 percent of Americans support the Keystone XL pipeline project. This represented an increase from two years ago, Huffington Post reported March 7, 2014. Adler also ignored the survey released by Gallup on September 15, 2014, that showed only 22 percent of Americans believed that the federal government should increase regulations on business and industry.
ALL of it here:
- See more at: Former Newsweek Editor Congressional GOP Not Rational Human Beings or Patriotic Americans
What he should do: Work with the Republicans which would be a brand new thing for him. The American people have spoken.
What he will likely do: Drag his feet on everything and basically disappear. I see him withdrawing himself even further than he already has. I see him spending the next two years trying to build a bank account.

Yup. Lets wait and see if he will work with the Reps.

I doubt it though because how many times did he tell everyone that he won? He had no interest in working with the Reps at all.

He's an asshole who won't change. He'll be a lame duck for the next two years and I for one can hardly wait to see the backside of that fuck.

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