What Should The President Do Now?

[obama] should have let housing and banking collapse and begun the march forward into a more stable system of operation.

If obama were 'right'... that is what he would have done. That he is a Marxist, is why he chose to take the socialist course, propping up a fatally flawed system.

HAD he done that, the US would have long ago returned to a viable economy and not presently be sitting under an avalanche of economic catastrophe.
I would love to see the ACA get cut and replaced with a true model of socialized medicine.

well that's nice. But you know you can always move to a country that has Socialized medicine you want it so bad

The "love it or leave it" retort is pretty weak. I love America enough that I would like to see it take measures to increase the level of happiness and standard of living of its citizens. For being such a great, powerful, and prosperous nation, we rank pretty low across the board in comparison to others. American exceptionalism is a thin veneer; we passively allow the perpetuation of private and public practices that undermine the well-being of our population.
because that worked so well when Obama had both the senate and the house. He was so successful in helping the standard of living right? Why do you think we're here today?

Obama is right-of-center and has really done nothing but perpetuate neoliberal policies throughout his presidency. He should have let housing and banking collapse and begun the march forward into a more stable system of operation.

He's a Fabian Socialist and has significantly furthered the Socialist agenda. He may not be at the extreme left but he's just right of it.
I would love to see the ACA get cut and replaced with a true model of socialized medicine.

well that's nice. But you know you can always move to a country that has Socialized medicine you want it so bad

The "love it or leave it" retort is pretty weak. I love America enough that I would like to see it take measures to increase the level of happiness and standard of living of its citizens. For being such a great, powerful, and prosperous nation, we rank pretty low across the board in comparison to others. American exceptionalism is a thin veneer; we passively allow the perpetuation of private and public practices that undermine the well-being of our population.
because that worked so well when Obama had both the senate and the house. He was so successful in helping the standard of living right? Why do you think we're here today?

Obama is right-of-center and has really done nothing but perpetuate neoliberal policies throughout his presidency. He should have let housing and banking collapse and begun the march forward into a more stable system of operation.
I actually agree with you on that!!!!
[obama] should have let housing and banking collapse and begun the march forward into a more stable system of operation.

If obama were 'right'... that is what he would have done. That he is a Marxist, is why he chose to take the socialist course, propping up a fatally flawed system. HAD he done that, the US would have long ago returned to a viable economy and not presently be sitting under an avalanche of economic catastrophe.

There is a difference between Marxism and socialism.
[obama] should have let housing and banking collapse and begun the march forward into a more stable system of operation.

If obama were 'right'... that is what he would have done. That he is a Marxist, is why he chose to take the socialist course, propping up a fatally flawed system. HAD he done that, the US would have long ago returned to a viable economy and not presently be sitting under an avalanche of economic catastrophe.

There is a difference between Marxism and socialism.

Probably, but there's not a sufficient distinction to justify the use of the space it would take to discuss it. I mean there's a difference between a dime minted in December of 1974 and January 1975. But they're both still only worth what 2 pennies minted in 1975 cents were worth ... in 1975, thanks to the unprincipled tenets of socialism.
President Obama should use his constitutional power to veto everything the Republicans want to do for the next two years.
Nah, he should give a two our speech on the steps of the Capitol during a blinding snow storm in sub freezing temperatures while wearing his golfing togs.

That system actually enjoys tremendous efficacy for problems just such as this... .

GOOD idEa... .
and RW' say the Dems have no class in defeat ?

The POTUS should kill himself ? ... and they agree too.

RW's are sick, perverted dipshits, every damn one of them.
lol, Obama is right of center

so much so that's why the people kicked his party out of CONTROL.

Good grief, next they'll have him being able to walk on water and turn the seas into wine
Bring it on Obama. We THE PEOPLE aren't going to stand for you shoving things on us anymore. So all you LOSERS in the Democrat party encourage him on, go ahead.

28 senators who voted for Obamacare and won't be part of new Senate
By Philip Klein | November 5, 2014 | 12:35 pm

Sen. Mark Pryor, D-Ark., speaks during a campaign stop at a senior center in North Little Rock,...
On Dec. 24, 2009, the Democratic-controlled Senate passed President Obama’s healthcare law with a filibuster-proof 60-vote majority, triggering a massive backlash that propelled Republicans to control of the House the following year. On the Senate side, going into Tuesday’s elections, 24 senators who voted for Obamacare were already out or not going be part of the new Senate being sworn in on January.
To be sure, it isn’t fair to attribute all of the turnover in the chamber to Obamacare. Many senators voted for Obamacare and lost re-election battles in which they were hit hard for their support for the law, and other Democrats were forced to retire because they had no hope of getting re-elected given their support for the law.
Additionally, some outgoing pro-Obamacare votes were replaced by new Democratic senators.

That having been said, as of this writing, 16 Senators who voted for Obamacare either failed to win reelection or declined to run for reelection and had their seats turned over to Republicans. That number is likely to grow once the results are in from the Senate runoff in Louisiana, which Mary Landrieu is expected to lose.
The following is a breakdown of senators who have voted for Obamacare who will not be part of the next Senate.
Lost and replaced by a Republican:

all of it here:
28 senators who voted for Obamacare and won t be part of new Senate WashingtonExaminer.com
lol, Obama is right of center

so much so that's why the people kicked his party out of CONTROL.

Good grief, next they'll have him being able to walk on water and turn the seas into wine

the RW's on another post just said Obama was a Marxist/socialist ... and that's right of center?

ok if you say so.
Republicans have lost the opportunity of having anything to say about reforming health care. Obamacare is law and Republicans are far from a veto proof majority....game over.

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