What Should The President Do Now?

oh how they change their tunes don't they?

Obama ran on Obamacare so that gave him THE RIGHT to SHOVE it down our throats against our will

But Republicans who ran and WON on repealing ObamaCare doesn't have that same right as the Dear leader

how do you all like that one?

Poll after poll show the Majority of the people hates OScamCare but because Obambam passed it the rest of us can just go to hell.

well get your crying towels out because if WE the people have anything to do with it we will try and have it, REPEALED off our backs
Americans voted for the repeal of Obamacare.
No, they didn't, but you did, and you won't be able to.
prove it!
Which part? Read the Exit Polls for one part, and learn what a Veto is for the second.
right? Repeal Obama care and get jobs back.
Yeah, ain't gonna happen. One the Congress can't do alone, the other the Congress can't do at all.
Who came up with the ideas that are in the ACA?

Well, if one Republican ever supported one thing in Obamacare, I see your point, it was a Republican plan and all Republicans are bound to support it.

How stupid are you? Seriously?

You fucking loser. Calling people stupid when you have said some of the stupid shit you've said here. The arrogance is laughable.

This shit isn't new. Anyone who wants to know the truth has heard strong arguments stating that the GOP supported most of what makes up the ACA. It's Romneycare........Romney. The guy who you voted for. He supported the fucking thing almost entirely.

Enough lying. It's soooooooooo boring.

The irony of Republican disapproval of Obamacare - CSMonitor.com

1) As bad as Romneycare is, at least it was done at the State level, a far different thing that at the national level.

2) Obamacare is over 10,000 pages long. It goes way beyond a healthcare fine and way beyond Romneycare.

3) The fine was supported to my knowledge by Newt and the Heritage Foundation at one time then they both decided it was a bad idea. You called it a GOP proposal, I know they supported it, I don't know who proposed it.

4) Even if you ignore all that, do you know what Newt, the Heritage foundation and Romney have in common? None of them were in the House or Senate when Obamacare was voted in.

5) Can you even name anyone actually in Congress or the Senate when Obamacare was voted in who EVER supported even the basic idea of a fine for not having healthcare?

So, what Democrats did is take a basic idea that was supported by a few Republicans at one time and blew it out into over 10K pages. Then Democrats voted it in ignoring every healthcare idea that was actually supported by many Republicans in Congress and the Senate like making healthcare insurance deductible for everyone and allowing it to be sold across State lines. Then Democrats worked out a reconciliation without gaining any Republican support or incorporating a single idea.

And now you're saying this was a GOP proposal and an example of how you want Republicans to work with Democrats like they worked with you. Oh, and ... I ... am the stupid one. LOL. And this actually sounds good to you, doesn't it?
Americans voted for the repeal of Obamacare.
No, they didn't, but you did, and you won't be able to.
Most of the ads run by GOP candidates touted repealing Obamacare.
It was playing to the base, not the undecided. Everyone but you guys knows it can't be done.
I guess you don't think the democrats in congress matter eh? They just watched their brothers get trashed for following the rejected president. And you think they're going to go with him? you truly smell too much paint!!:lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:
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I would love to see the ACA get cut and replaced with a true model of socialized medicine.
oh how they change their tunes don't they?

Obama ran on Obamacare so that gave him THE RIGHT to SHOVE it down our throats against our will

But Republicans who ran and WON on repealing ObamaCare doesn't have that same right as the Dear leader

how do you all like that one?

Poll after poll show the Majority of the people hates OScamCare but because Obambam passed it the rest of us can just go to hell.

well get your crying towels out because if WE the people have anything to do with it we will try and have it, REPEALED off our backs
Health Tracking Poll Exploring the Public 8217 s Views on the Affordable Care Act ACA The Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation

Math, try some sometime.
Americans voted for the repeal of Obamacare.
No, they didn't, but you did, and you won't be able to.
prove it!
Which part? Read the Exit Polls for one part, and learn what a Veto is for the second.
right? Repeal Obama care and get jobs back.
Yeah, ain't gonna happen. One the Congress can't do alone, the other the Congress can't do at all.
You don't give the democrat congress folks much credit for thinking on their own eh? Oh, you are probably right. So we'll watch as they all go down I guess. right?
Do you think the liberal democrats in congress wanted the ACA from the beginning? Or...do they want single payer? Did they want a public option?

If they voted for something that they didn't originally want...it is called compromise.

Why so stupid? Try harder.

So when liberal Democrats from liberal districts compromise with liberal Democrats in conservative districts that is an example of Democrats working with Republicans like you want Republicans to work with you. OK, I get it now, that does make sense...
No, they didn't, but you did, and you won't be able to.
prove it!
Which part? Read the Exit Polls for one part, and learn what a Veto is for the second.
right? Repeal Obama care and get jobs back.
Yeah, ain't gonna happen. One the Congress can't do alone, the other the Congress can't do at all.
You don't give the democrat congress folks much credit for thinking on their own eh? Oh, you are probably right. So we'll watch as they all go down I guess. right?
Congress dropped thinking long before it dropped working.
Who came up with the ideas that are in the ACA?

Well, if one Republican ever supported one thing in Obamacare, I see your point, it was a Republican plan and all Republicans are bound to support it.

How stupid are you? Seriously?

You fucking loser. Calling people stupid when you have said some of the stupid shit you've said here. The arrogance is laughable.

This shit isn't new. Anyone who wants to know the truth has heard strong arguments stating that the GOP supported most of what makes up the ACA. It's Romneycare........Romney. The guy who you voted for. He supported the fucking thing almost entirely.

Enough lying. It's soooooooooo boring.

The irony of Republican disapproval of Obamacare - CSMonitor.com

You quit lying, it was not a compromise.

You really DO look stupid peddling that bullshit.

Do you think the liberal democrats in congress wanted the ACA from the beginning? Or...do they want single payer? Did they want a public option?

If they voted for something that they didn't originally want...it is called compromise.

Why so stupid? Try harder.

That's it baby, double down....that'll work :)

Not a single Repub voted for it, EVERY Dem Voted for it, you really are this stupid aren't you?

I know, in YOUR mind that is a Bi-Partisan "compromise" .......
Americans voted for the repeal of Obamacare.
No, they didn't, but you did, and you won't be able to.
Most of the ads run by GOP candidates touted repealing Obamacare.
It was playing to the base, not the undecided. Everyone but you guys knows it can't be done.
I guess you don't think the democrat congress matters eh? They just watched their brothers get trashed for following the rejected president. And you think they're going to go with him? you truly smell too much paint!!:lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:
Congress doesn't matter at this point little friend, and neither does who runs it.
Americans voted for the repeal of Obamacare.
No, they didn't, but you did, and you won't be able to.
Most of the ads run by GOP candidates touted repealing Obamacare.
It was playing to the base, not the undecided. Everyone but you guys knows it can't be done.
I guess you don't think the democrat congress matters eh? They just watched their brothers get trashed for following the rejected president. And you think they're going to go with him? you truly smell too much paint!!:lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:
Congress doesn't matter at this point little friend, and neither does who runs it.
Keep feeding yourself the pablum.
Americans voted for the repeal of Obamacare.
No, they didn't, but you did, and you won't be able to.
Most of the ads run by GOP candidates touted repealing Obamacare.
It was playing to the base, not the undecided. Everyone but you guys knows it can't be done.
I guess you don't think the democrat congress matters eh? They just watched their brothers get trashed for following the rejected president. And you think they're going to go with him? you truly smell too much paint!!:lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:
Congress doesn't matter at this point little friend, and neither does who runs it.
I see, you haven't heard of overriding a veto eh? uh...........what is it that the congress does?
No, they didn't, but you did, and you won't be able to.
Most of the ads run by GOP candidates touted repealing Obamacare.
It was playing to the base, not the undecided. Everyone but you guys knows it can't be done.
I guess you don't think the democrat congress matters eh? They just watched their brothers get trashed for following the rejected president. And you think they're going to go with him? you truly smell too much paint!!:lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:
Congress doesn't matter at this point little friend, and neither does who runs it.
Keep feeding yourself the pablum.
Sorry, that's your meal. Somehow you believed that winning this would help you? You've been lied to my friend, but it takes being around a while to understand why.
I would love to see the ACA get cut and replaced with a true model of socialized medicine.

well that's nice. But you know you can always move to a country that has Socialized medicine you want it so bad

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