What Should The President Do Now?

It was the usual slick politician's "answer" to an awkward question...one that totally didn't address what was asked. It's something that the Press SHOULDN'T put up with but don't seem willing to put their foot down about.
Gee, wonder why?

Maybe it has something to do with all those reporters carrying the water for him. Just a guess though.
The question was a good one. How can someone BE the President of the United States and not have lots of meetings with the leaders of the House and Senate...and that would be BOTH sides!
If I were Obama I would allow Congress to continue its gridlocked ways and rule by Executive Order
Congress will not be gridlocked; R's control both Houses, if you haven't been keeping up.
If he rules by decree, he will be impeached or forced to resign.

Another one who has no idea how the Constitution works.
Yeah, their chances of getting anything real done are nil, but it's interesting that these guys think Jesus just returned so it's all good now? They are in for a very unpleasant surprise and not only does nothing change, it probably gets worse and the government shuts down at least once if not several times.
Who came up with the ideas that are in the ACA?

Well, if one Republican ever supported one thing in Obamacare, I see your point, it was a Republican plan and all Republicans are bound to support it.

How stupid are you? Seriously?
I'm watching the President's news conference now; way too conciliatory, says he thinks he can work with Mitch McConnell. If President Obama is hoping for change now he should forget about it.

They have consistenly refused to even meet with him.

Nothing is going to change. He will continue to do what he has done all along - his job.

They will continue to do what they said they would and what they have done all along - Nothing except obstruct jobs, economic growth or anything that does not directly benefit the 1%.
He's not treated by the press with the groveling that he was the first several years but they still have a hard time calling him on it when he starts slinging the bullshit.
The question was a good one. How can someone BE the President of the United States and not have lots of meetings with the leaders of the House and Senate...and that would be BOTH sides!
It's easy. They aren't responsible to him, nor he they. They can act together but they certainly aren't required to.
And yet ... you can't think of a single thing.

I've posted them hundreds of times in threads over the years....idiot nutbags never seem to retain the info. Here is one for you.....

The Affordable Care Act. Huge compromise. GOP plan adopted and passed amid GOP opposition. It doesn't get any more clear than that.

Now.....go ahead and start lying.

GOP plan? What the hell are you talking about? The GOP created Obamacare? You are seriously stupid, I don't even have a follow up question.

You act as though you have never heard anyone say that before. Why are you acting that way? Why the dishonesty? Is it more interesting for you to be dishonest?

Oh no, i've heard lots of liberal idiots say that before. It's still completely and utterly inane. If any Republican ever supported one thing in the plan, that doesn't make it a GOP proposal, sorry Skippy.
I'm watching the President's news conference now; way too conciliatory, says he thinks he can work with Mitch McConnell. If President Obama is hoping for change now he should forget about it.

They have consistenly refused to even meet with him.

Nothing is going to change. He will continue to do what he has done all along - his job.

They will continue to do what they said they would and what they have done all along - Nothing except obstruct jobs, economic growth or anything that does not directly benefit the 1%.

Barak Obama
"elections have consequences" and "I won."
If I were Obama I would allow Congress to continue its gridlocked ways and rule by Executive Order
Congress will not be gridlocked; R's control both Houses, if you haven't been keeping up.
If he rules by decree, he will be impeached or forced to resign.

Another one who has no idea how the Constitution works.
Yeah, their chances of getting anything real done are nil, but it's interesting that these guys think Jesus just returned so it's all good now? They are in for a very unpleasant surprise and not only does nothing change, it probably gets worse and the government shuts down at least once if not several times.

I often think we should have a forum devoted to explaining the Constitution and the FACT that there are three branches of government.

Well, okay - four, if you count the Koch brothers.
The President just said he would veto any repeal of Obamacare.; that means game over for Republicans on that issue. In two years time they won't have a chance of repealing Obamacare and they know it.
I'm watching the President's news conference now; way too conciliatory, says he thinks he can work with Mitch McConnell. If President Obama is hoping for change now he should forget about it.

They have consistenly refused to even meet with him.

Nothing is going to change. He will continue to do what he has done all along - his job.

They will continue to do what they said they would and what they have done all along - Nothing except obstruct jobs, economic growth or anything that does not directly benefit the 1%.

I remember reading an account about what happened when the GOP took control of the House in 2010. It was suggested to President Obama that he call John Boehner and congratulate him on becoming Speaker. They had a problem however because nobody there knew what the Minority Leader of the House's telephone number was because they'd never CALLED him before! That was two YEARS into his Administration!
If I were Obama I would allow Congress to continue its gridlocked ways and rule by Executive Order
Congress will not be gridlocked; R's control both Houses, if you haven't been keeping up.
If he rules by decree, he will be impeached or forced to resign.

Another one who has no idea how the Constitution works.
Yeah, their chances of getting anything real done are nil, but it's interesting that these guys think Jesus just returned so it's all good now? They are in for a very unpleasant surprise and not only does nothing change, it probably gets worse and the government shuts down at least once if not several times.

I often think we should have a forum devoted to explaining the Constitution and the FACT that there are three branches of government.

Well, okay - four, if you count the Koch brothers.
It is amusing watching libs talk like they know something about the Constitution. Or anything for that matter.
Who came up with the ideas that are in the ACA?

Well, if one Republican ever supported one thing in Obamacare, I see your point, it was a Republican plan and all Republicans are bound to support it.

How stupid are you? Seriously?

You fucking loser. Calling people stupid when you have said some of the stupid shit you've said here. The arrogance is laughable.

This shit isn't new. Anyone who wants to know the truth has heard strong arguments stating that the GOP supported most of what makes up the ACA. It's Romneycare........Romney. The guy who you voted for. He supported the fucking thing almost entirely.

Enough lying. It's soooooooooo boring.

The irony of Republican disapproval of Obamacare - CSMonitor.com
Who came up with the ideas that are in the ACA?

Well, if one Republican ever supported one thing in Obamacare, I see your point, it was a Republican plan and all Republicans are bound to support it.

How stupid are you? Seriously?

You fucking loser. Calling people stupid when you have said some of the stupid shit you've said here. The arrogance is laughable.

This shit isn't new. Anyone who wants to know the truth has heard strong arguments stating that the GOP supported most of what makes up the ACA. It's Romneycare........Romney. The guy who you voted for. He supported the fucking thing almost entirely.

Enough lying. It's soooooooooo boring.

The irony of Republican disapproval of Obamacare - CSMonitor.com

You quit lying, it was not a compromise.

You really DO look stupid peddling that bullshit.
Who came up with the ideas that are in the ACA?

Well, if one Republican ever supported one thing in Obamacare, I see your point, it was a Republican plan and all Republicans are bound to support it.

How stupid are you? Seriously?

You fucking loser. Calling people stupid when you have said some of the stupid shit you've said here. The arrogance is laughable.

This shit isn't new. Anyone who wants to know the truth has heard strong arguments stating that the GOP supported most of what makes up the ACA. It's Romneycare........Romney. The guy who you voted for. He supported the fucking thing almost entirely.

Enough lying. It's soooooooooo boring.

The irony of Republican disapproval of Obamacare - CSMonitor.com

You quit lying, it was not a compromise.

You really DO look stupid peddling that bullshit.

Do you think the liberal democrats in congress wanted the ACA from the beginning? Or...do they want single payer? Did they want a public option?

If they voted for something that they didn't originally want...it is called compromise.

Why so stupid? Try harder.
If I were Obama I would allow Congress to continue its gridlocked ways and rule by Executive Order
Congress will not be gridlocked; R's control both Houses, if you haven't been keeping up.
If he rules by decree, he will be impeached or forced to resign.

Another one who has no idea how the Constitution works.
Yeah, their chances of getting anything real done are nil, but it's interesting that these guys think Jesus just returned so it's all good now? They are in for a very unpleasant surprise and not only does nothing change, it probably gets worse and the government shuts down at least once if not several times.

I often think we should have a forum devoted to explaining the Constitution and the FACT that there are three branches of government.
Good idea. In McConnell's speech today every third word was VETO. He's already setting the stage for "Sorry kiddos, we can't do jack-shit". Now if only the kiddos knew that...
Boy the butthurt is strong with this one

Obama should get to the back of the bus we are in the DRIVERS SEAT NOW

We sent him this message last night. Sit down and shut the hell up

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