What sort of man supports abortion?

What kind of man supports abortion.......

A dad ...

What do you want us to do disown our daughters if she choses ?
I want you to help her through the perfectly natural event of pregnancy.


You want him to force his daughter to have the child.
Er, no. She's forced to be pregnant by nature, not dad. Once she's pregnant, there's no force involved...the result is going to be a baby. So unless he forced her to get pregnant by raping her, your ridiculous shit stirring is just that. Women are raped and that is FORCE. You maintain that when they are forced to have sex, we should work with their abusers to hide the crime.
Its so easy even liberals can do it...
You're pro-abortion.

No. I wish women didn't have to make these decisions, I wish society was perfect, but it's not and I don't believe that a woman should be forced to carry a baby to full term because you believe a two week old embryo somehow has rights even though it is completely incapable of sustaining any existence outside a womb.

You spend every ounce of your time crowing about abortion and not once have I seen you start a thread to have an honest discussion about reproductive education and PREVENTING unplanned pregnancy. You want to bitch and moan about a problem but have no fucking input on how to solve it.
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if your truly believe that, they should be release of all financial liability if the mother chooses to give birth

Nice try.

If you truly want equality of the sexes, then you would have to support this.

A woman covering 100% of finances for raising a child is not equality, doofus.

If she's the only one that want's it, it is. I thought it was about choice.

If a woman decides to raise a child on her own, even though the father doesn't want to participate, he still owes that child support. He made a choice by not keeping is peter in his pants. It takes two to tango. If you disagree, please give us a sample of your sales pitch to the judge.

or he can simply sue for custody by proving her unfit which isn't that hard these days
Absolutely PURE EVIL, and a liberal sickness that infects the country!

For those of you who DON'T want to watch it, it shows an intact baby...outside the womb!! ALIVE!!!!! Twitching! They DISECT IT, like a fucking FROG in Biology class! I cannot believe I just saw this!

6:00 and 9:00 minutes...

Those are very large, human looking zygotes...

So sad.
People receive a blessing and literally throw it away.

Sent from my SM-G920V using Tapatalk

Not at all. The USA has been blessed with a Supreme Court that protects us from religious zealots, so that we don't end up like the theocracies that control the governments of Middle East countries. Many of us not only respect our system of government, but are grateful for it every day. While we understand that some do not agree with us, we are insulated by law from their attempt to control the most personal aspects of our lives.

Of course, you do have the option of starting a movement to amend the constitution, if you are so inclined.

"we are insulated by law from their attempt to control the most personal aspects of our lives."

What do you call ObamaCare, forcing millions to PAY MORE for their medical treatment, while forcing many employers to cut workers time to under 30 hours a week, just to stay solvent?

Let me see if I can make this easier for you Vig. This thread is about abortion. Your post is about "Obamacare". Abortion does not ="Obamacare". Please try to focus.
Absolutely PURE EVIL, and a liberal sickness that infects the country!

For those of you who DON'T want to watch it, it shows an intact baby...outside the womb!! ALIVE!!!!! Twitching! They DISECT IT, like a fucking FROG in Biology class! I cannot believe I just saw this!

6:00 and 9:00 minutes...

Those are very large, human looking zygotes...

So sad.
People receive a blessing and literally throw it away.

Sent from my SM-G920V using Tapatalk

Not at all. The USA has been blessed with a Supreme Court that protects us from religious zealots, so that we don't end up like the theocracies that control the governments of Middle East countries. Many of us not only respect our system of government, but are grateful for it every day. While we understand that some do not agree with us, we are insulated by law from their attempt to control the most personal aspects of our lives.

Of course, you do have the option of starting a movement to amend the constitution, if you are so inclined.

"we are insulated by law from their attempt to control the most personal aspects of our lives."

What do you call ObamaCare, forcing millions to PAY MORE for their medical treatment, while forcing many employers to cut workers time to under 30 hours a week, just to stay solvent?

Let me see if I can make this easier for you Vig. This thread is about abortion. Your post is about "Obamacare". Abortion does not ="Obamacare". Please try to focus.

Yes, it does.
What kind of man supports abortion.......

A dad ...

What do you want us to do disown our daughters if she choses ?
I want you to help her through the perfectly natural event of pregnancy.


You want him to force his daughter to have the child.
Er, no. She's forced to be pregnant by nature, not dad. Once she's pregnant, there's no force involved...the result is going to be a baby. So unless he forced her to get pregnant by raping her, your ridiculous shit stirring is just that. Women are raped and that is FORCE. You maintain that when they are forced to have sex, we should work with their abusers to hide the crime.

The result will be a baby, six months later and only if the daughter is FORCED to carry that fetus.

As for rape being force and covering up a crime....wtf are you babbling about? No one said a damn word about protecting an abuser. No one. We are talking about protecting the WOMAN from being FORCED to relive the attack day in and day out for 9 goddamn months until birth.
Absolutely PURE EVIL, and a liberal sickness that infects the country!

For those of you who DON'T want to watch it, it shows an intact baby...outside the womb!! ALIVE!!!!! Twitching! They DISECT IT, like a fucking FROG in Biology class! I cannot believe I just saw this!

6:00 and 9:00 minutes...

Those are very large, human looking zygotes...

So sad.
People receive a blessing and literally throw it away.

Sent from my SM-G920V using Tapatalk

Not at all. The USA has been blessed with a Supreme Court that protects us from religious zealots, so that we don't end up like the theocracies that control the governments of Middle East countries. Many of us not only respect our system of government, but are grateful for it every day. While we understand that some do not agree with us, we are insulated by law from their attempt to control the most personal aspects of our lives.

Of course, you do have the option of starting a movement to amend the constitution, if you are so inclined.

"we are insulated by law from their attempt to control the most personal aspects of our lives."

What do you call ObamaCare, forcing millions to PAY MORE for their medical treatment, while forcing many employers to cut workers time to under 30 hours a week, just to stay solvent?

Let me see if I can make this easier for you Vig. This thread is about abortion. Your post is about "Obamacare". Abortion does not ="Obamacare". Please try to focus.

Yes, it does.

I'm beginning to understand why conservatives seem to have such a hard time following simple lines of reasoning.
I'm beginning to understand why conservatives seem to have such a hard time following simple lines of reasoning.

Mind explaining it to me? I haven't the first idea why this crap is so difficult to understand.

As near as I can tell, their position is that abortion is evil, because the constitution does not mention the word, "Obamacare".....,nor does the Bible. (or something to that effect...I think)
Nice try.

If you truly want equality of the sexes, then you would have to support this.

A woman covering 100% of finances for raising a child is not equality, doofus.

If she's the only one that want's it, it is. I thought it was about choice.

If a woman decides to raise a child on her own, even though the father doesn't want to participate, he still owes that child support. He made a choice by not keeping is peter in his pants. It takes two to tango. If you disagree, please give us a sample of your sales pitch to the judge.

or he can simply sue for custody by proving her unfit which isn't that hard these days

Well, no, that's not a simple thing to do. She actually does have to be unfit.

If she is unfit and you get custody, you can sue her for child support. See, there's the equality we were talking about.
Men should have no say in the matter.

As a woman, this being my father's account in case of confusion, I completely disagree. what if the man wants a child? half that child is of his blood and creation. Why should he have no say? A woman can murder his child simply because she chooses not to carry it? That's disgusting. Anyone who feels this way, carries no heart beneath their ribs. The child growing in that woman's stomach is his as well. It is a decision made between both partners, not just one.

You are certainly entitled to your own opinion, Mr Man, but the ultimate decision belongs to the woman. I do think most women keep in mind, when making that very important decision, whether the man is going to be in the picture or not, however, I cannot speak for all women. And whether you like it or not, it is her body, and it is her choice.

Actually that was my daughter. I went to bed last and forgot to log off and she clearly took some liberties. She will receive a talking to when she wakes up. She brings up a good point though. If a man wants the baby and is willing to take it and raise it, even on his own, why should the woman be able to terminate the child over his objection? I get that it is her body, but she willingly engaged in creating it. Why should she be allowed to unilaterally destroy it?

That's the way it is in our society.

I had a friend years ago that impregnated his girlfriend. They were underage and ran off to Florida. The cops caught up with them and brought them back here to Cleveland where they had the child.

They were all set to raise their family after they finished school, but she changed her mind. She didn't want the baby anymore and didn't want him either. So he agreed to take the child and raise it himself.

She didn't want him to have the baby either and took it to court, and to make a long story short, the judge stripped that child out of my friends arms after he said his last goodbyes to his baby.
Men should have no say in the matter.

As a woman, this being my father's account in case of confusion, I completely disagree. what if the man wants a child? half that child is of his blood and creation. Why should he have no say? A woman can murder his child simply because she chooses not to carry it? That's disgusting. Anyone who feels this way, carries no heart beneath their ribs. The child growing in that woman's stomach is his as well. It is a decision made between both partners, not just one.

You are certainly entitled to your own opinion, Mr Man, but the ultimate decision belongs to the woman. I do think most women keep in mind, when making that very important decision, whether the man is going to be in the picture or not, however, I cannot speak for all women. And whether you like it or not, it is her body, and it is her choice.

Actually that was my daughter. I went to bed last and forgot to log off and she clearly took some liberties. She will receive a talking to when she wakes up. She brings up a good point though. If a man wants the baby and is willing to take it and raise it, even on his own, why should the woman be able to terminate the child over his objection? I get that it is her body, but she willingly engaged in creating it. Why should she be allowed to unilaterally destroy it?

That's the way it is in our society.

I had a friend years ago that impregnated his girlfriend. They were underage and ran off to Florida. The cops caught up with them and brought them back here to Cleveland where they had the child.

They were all set to raise their family after they finished school, but she changed her mind. She didn't want the baby anymore and didn't want him either. So he agreed to take the child and raise it himself.

She didn't want him to have the baby either and took it to court, and to make a long story short, the judge stripped that child out of my friends arms after he said his last goodbyes to his baby.

How long ago was this?

There are organizations out there to help men get custody of their children when they've been wronged by the court system.
I'm beginning to understand why conservatives seem to have such a hard time following simple lines of reasoning.

Mind explaining it to me? I haven't the first idea why this crap is so difficult to understand.

As near as I can tell, their position is that abortion is evil, because the constitution does not mention the word, "Obamacare".....,nor does the Bible. (or something to that effect...I think)


"I believe this so I should be able to force you to abide by laws designed around my religion."

They're too stupid to recognize just how hypocritical this garbage is.
Men should have no say in the matter.

As a woman, this being my father's account in case of confusion, I completely disagree. what if the man wants a child? half that child is of his blood and creation. Why should he have no say? A woman can murder his child simply because she chooses not to carry it? That's disgusting. Anyone who feels this way, carries no heart beneath their ribs. The child growing in that woman's stomach is his as well. It is a decision made between both partners, not just one.

You are certainly entitled to your own opinion, Mr Man, but the ultimate decision belongs to the woman. I do think most women keep in mind, when making that very important decision, whether the man is going to be in the picture or not, however, I cannot speak for all women. And whether you like it or not, it is her body, and it is her choice.

Actually that was my daughter. I went to bed last and forgot to log off and she clearly took some liberties. She will receive a talking to when she wakes up. She brings up a good point though. If a man wants the baby and is willing to take it and raise it, even on his own, why should the woman be able to terminate the child over his objection? I get that it is her body, but she willingly engaged in creating it. Why should she be allowed to unilaterally destroy it?

That's the way it is in our society.

I had a friend years ago that impregnated his girlfriend. They were underage and ran off to Florida. The cops caught up with them and brought them back here to Cleveland where they had the child.

They were all set to raise their family after they finished school, but she changed her mind. She didn't want the baby anymore and didn't want him either. So he agreed to take the child and raise it himself.

She didn't want him to have the baby either and took it to court, and to make a long story short, the judge stripped that child out of my friends arms after he said his last goodbyes to his baby.

Sounds like we need a better plan.

Men should have no say in the matter.

As a woman, this being my father's account in case of confusion, I completely disagree. what if the man wants a child? half that child is of his blood and creation. Why should he have no say? A woman can murder his child simply because she chooses not to carry it? That's disgusting. Anyone who feels this way, carries no heart beneath their ribs. The child growing in that woman's stomach is his as well. It is a decision made between both partners, not just one.

You are certainly entitled to your own opinion, Mr Man, but the ultimate decision belongs to the woman. I do think most women keep in mind, when making that very important decision, whether the man is going to be in the picture or not, however, I cannot speak for all women. And whether you like it or not, it is her body, and it is her choice.

Actually that was my daughter. I went to bed last and forgot to log off and she clearly took some liberties. She will receive a talking to when she wakes up. She brings up a good point though. If a man wants the baby and is willing to take it and raise it, even on his own, why should the woman be able to terminate the child over his objection? I get that it is her body, but she willingly engaged in creating it. Why should she be allowed to unilaterally destroy it?

That's the way it is in our society.

I had a friend years ago that impregnated his girlfriend. They were underage and ran off to Florida. The cops caught up with them and brought them back here to Cleveland where they had the child.

They were all set to raise their family after they finished school, but she changed her mind. She didn't want the baby anymore and didn't want him either. So he agreed to take the child and raise it himself.

She didn't want him to have the baby either and took it to court, and to make a long story short, the judge stripped that child out of my friends arms after he said his last goodbyes to his baby.

How long ago was this?

There are organizations out there to help men get custody of their children when they've been wronged by the court system.

Oh, I wanna say it was the early 70's era. But what happened during that time is he started to date my sister and they eventually got married and had two wonderful kids. But about three years ago he found some program to help people find their lost children and it worked for him. He found his son was not only living here in Ohio, but in the exact same town where he lived.

It was awkward but they got together because he felt it necessary to tell this guy about what took place and that he wasn't unloved. He explained the thousands of dollars he went through, the court, the fighting for months, and how much he tried to keep him, but nothing he did was enough.

Today they still see each other and get together for a beer now and then. He comes to family gatherings and things like that. So it worked out okay. When his children get old enough, they are going to learn that my friend is actually their grandfather, but of course, they're too young to understand all that now.

My niece warmed up to him but my nephew not so much. Until my friend found his son, neither my niece or nephew knew of the story. As for his lost son, he didn't learn he was adopted until he was into his adult years when he got into a big fight with his mother and she told him out of spite.

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