What sort of man supports abortion?

Lets put it this way, Carla. Would you support a law that releases men from the obligation to support a child financially if they give up their legal status as a father? If you say yes then I will say that at least you are being consistent. If you say no, however, you are demonstrating a clear double standard

Yes, if that's what both parents decide.
I'm beginning to understand why conservatives seem to have such a hard time following simple lines of reasoning.

Mind explaining it to me? I haven't the first idea why this crap is so difficult to understand.

As near as I can tell, their position is that abortion is evil, because the constitution does not mention the word, "Obamacare".....,nor does the Bible. (or something to that effect...I think)


"I believe this so I should be able to force you to abide by laws designed around my religion."

They're too stupid to recognize just how hypocritical this garbage is.

Haha, no.
It's just that we on the pro life side believe that,

" oh, I believe that my pregnancy will be inconvenient. Because I wasn't smart enough to protect against pregnancy or I'm to young to support myself, much less my spawn, I'll just swing by PP and kill this child I created irresponsibility."

is, I won't say evil, but imo very disturbing logic. The parents made the wrong choices, why does the fetus get the death penalty? It's so barbaric...it's almost like the abortion crowd is to stupid to recognize how backwards they are on the issue.

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Lets put it this way, Carla. Would you support a law that releases men from the obligation to support a child financially if they give up their legal status as a father? If you say yes then I will say that at least you are being consistent. If you say no, however, you are demonstrating a clear double standard
Most lefties are fine with men getting put of support....because it results in an argument to kill the baby. It also shows how little they care about women.
What sort of man supports abortion?


Abortion or a woman's right to choose what is done to and with her body?

What sort of person feels they have the right to decide that a woman must carry a baby that she does not want to?
What sort of man supports abortion?


Abortion or a woman's right to choose what is done to and with her body?

What sort of person feels they have the right to decide that a woman must carry a baby that she does not want to?
I don't want to wait at red lights. I don't get to blast through anyway. Ppl don't get to kill other ppl because they WANT to.
What sort of man supports abortion?


Abortion or a woman's right to choose what is done to and with her body?

What sort of person feels they have the right to decide that a woman must carry a baby that she does not want to?
I don't want to wait at red lights. I don't get to blast through anyway. Ppl don't get to kill other ppl because they WANT to.

A zygot is not a person.
It's their body, their choice. Me and wife would never have an abortion, but that hardly means we are entitled to tell other people what they should do. And men should be part of the discussion (its both their lives) but women should ultimately have the call.
What sort of man supports abortion?


Abortion or a woman's right to choose what is done to and with her body?

What sort of person feels they have the right to decide that a woman must carry a baby that she does not want to?
I don't want to wait at red lights. I don't get to blast through anyway. Ppl don't get to kill other ppl because they WANT to.

A zygot is not a person.
A zygote is a stage in human development that lasts four days. Women don't even know they're pregnant at that stage.
It's their body, their choice. Me and wife would never have an abortion, but that hardly means we are entitled to tell other people what they should do. And men should be part of the discussion (its both their lives) but women should ultimately have the call.
Then don't. I would not avert my eyes if I saw a man beating his wife or a woman killing a child...I don't care what stage of development you are, I will defend you.
What sort of man supports abortion?


Abortion or a woman's right to choose what is done to and with her body?

What sort of person feels they have the right to decide that a woman must carry a baby that she does not want to?
I don't want to wait at red lights. I don't get to blast through anyway. Ppl don't get to kill other ppl because they WANT to.

A zygot is not a person.
A zygote is a stage in human development that lasts four days. Women don't even know they're pregnant at that stage.
It's funny how often the pro murder crowd around here throws the term zygote out there...You'd think they could actually, you know, research what that is instead of just regurgitating that term over and over.

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What sort of man supports abortion?


Abortion or a woman's right to choose what is done to and with her body?

What sort of person feels they have the right to decide that a woman must carry a baby that she does not want to?
I don't want to wait at red lights. I don't get to blast through anyway. Ppl don't get to kill other ppl because they WANT to.

A zygot is not a person.
A zygote is a stage in human development that lasts four days. Women don't even know they're pregnant at that stage.
It's funny how often the pro murder crowd around here throws the term zygote out there...You'd think they could actually, you know, research what that is instead of just regurgitating that term over and over.

Sent from my SM-G920V using Tapatalk

The pro murder crowd? Oh you mean the religious right that has murdered hundreds of thousands of living breathing human beings in the Mid East?
If it wasn't so horrific it would be funny how you people dismiss actual murder and attempt to equate early safe abortion with the actual murders we have committed because God told Bush to do these things.

You people are crazy. You need mental evaluations and professional help learning how to define reality and differentiate your silly religious fantasies from the real world.
Huggy, the religious right murdered hundreds in the ME? Is Hillary a member off the religious right? Biden, Kerry, Reid, or Schumer? Top dems where pushing for war as much as anyone else. The fact that you can honestly exclude that shows your crazy and need evaluating....
Besides, I'm pretty sure those human beings in the middle east were running around with ak's and ied's. I've never heard of your zygotes doing this.

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Lets put it this way, Carla. Would you support a law that releases men from the obligation to support a child financially if they give up their legal status as a father? If you say yes then I will say that at least you are being consistent. If you say no, however, you are demonstrating a clear double standard

Yes, if that's what both parents decide.

No, no, no...not if both parents decide. If the father unilaterally makes that decision against the will of the mother. It's all about right and responsibilities. Both parties agreed to engage in an activity that could conceive a child. They took the risk of making a baby. Now if the mother does not want that responsibility, she has the right to choose to avoid the consequences of her actions. But men do not have that right. A woman can force a man to financially support the child against his will whether the father is in the child's life or not. Men are forced to face the consequences for their actions in this regard while women have the option of avoiding those consequences. Well that's not equal. So since a woman can unilaterally make the decision to end a pregnancy and avoid taking responsibility for her choices against the father's will, should not the father have that same freedom?
Lets put it this way, Carla. Would you support a law that releases men from the obligation to support a child financially if they give up their legal status as a father? If you say yes then I will say that at least you are being consistent. If you say no, however, you are demonstrating a clear double standard

Yes, if that's what both parents decide.

No, no, no...not if both parents decide. If the father unilaterally makes that decision against the will of the mother. It's all about right and responsibilities. Both parties agreed to engage in an activity that could conceive a child. They took the risk of making a baby. Now if the mother does not want that responsibility, she has the right to choose to avoid the consequences of her actions. But men do not have that right. A woman can force a man to financially support the child against his will whether the father is in the child's life or not. Men are forced to face the consequences for their actions in this regard while women have the option of avoiding those consequences. Well that's not equal. So since a woman can unilaterally make the decision to end a pregnancy and avoid taking responsibility for her choices against the father's will, should not the father have that same freedom?

What is with all this whine? You're just mad because you don't get to control a woman's body.

To put it simply, if a woman gets pregnant out of wedlock, and decides to keep and raise the baby, both parents owe that baby financial support, even if the father doesn't want it.

Now please explain why he shouldn't pay child support. Because some women decide to have an abortion? Please run your story by the judge. Let's hear it.
What sort of man supports abortion?


Abortion or a woman's right to choose what is done to and with her body?

What sort of person feels they have the right to decide that a woman must carry a baby that she does not want to?
I don't want to wait at red lights. I don't get to blast through anyway. Ppl don't get to kill other ppl because they WANT to.

A zygot is not a person.
A zygote is a stage in human development that lasts four days. Women don't even know they're pregnant at that stage.
It's funny how often the pro murder crowd around here throws the term zygote out there...You'd think they could actually, you know, research what that is instead of just regurgitating that term over and over.

Sent from my SM-G920V using Tapatalk

The pro murder crowd? Oh you mean the religious right that has murdered hundreds of thousands of living breathing human beings in the Mid East?
If it wasn't so horrific it would be funny how you people dismiss actual murder and attempt to equate early safe abortion with the actual murders we have committed because God told Bush to do these things.

You people are crazy. You need mental evaluations and professional help learning how to define reality and differentiate your silly religious fantasies from the real world.

No, I don't mean that *religious right* that you have made up. I mean the PROGRESSIVES whose primary function in this world is to think up and carry out ever more brutal ways to kill innocent people, specifically innocent, in fact... in the name of "the greater good"...and to think up more creative ways to lower the bar of humanity.
Lets put it this way, Carla. Would you support a law that releases men from the obligation to support a child financially if they give up their legal status as a father? If you say yes then I will say that at least you are being consistent. If you say no, however, you are demonstrating a clear double standard

Yes, if that's what both parents decide.

No, no, no...not if both parents decide. If the father unilaterally makes that decision against the will of the mother. It's all about right and responsibilities. Both parties agreed to engage in an activity that could conceive a child. They took the risk of making a baby. Now if the mother does not want that responsibility, she has the right to choose to avoid the consequences of her actions. But men do not have that right. A woman can force a man to financially support the child against his will whether the father is in the child's life or not. Men are forced to face the consequences for their actions in this regard while women have the option of avoiding those consequences. Well that's not equal. So since a woman can unilaterally make the decision to end a pregnancy and avoid taking responsibility for her choices against the father's will, should not the father have that same freedom?

What is with all this whine? You're just mad because you don't get to control a woman's body.

To put it simply, if a woman gets pregnant out of wedlock, and decides to keep and raise the baby, both parents owe that baby financial support, even if the father doesn't want it.

Now please explain why he shouldn't pay child support. Because some women decide to have an abortion? Please run your story by the judge. Let's hear it.

So in other words you are not in favor of gender equality. You believe that a woman should have the unilateral right to choose to avoid the consequences of her actions, but a man should not have the same freedoms. Fair enough. Now i know where you stand
"Philippa Taylor is the Head of Public Policy at the Christian Medical Fellowship in the UK. She says, “We have to consider the possibility that perhaps women are not always making choices that they really want to make, as men absolve themselves of their responsibility in decision- making. A choice is no choice if there are not equal (supported) alternatives.”
Men Often Support Abortion More Than Women, And There’s a Reason Why

Men who support abortion typically believe they have the right to coerce women to get abortion.

Men who support abortion don't want to support their offspring.

Men who support abortion believe they have a right to sex with women who aren't in a position to raise a child.

Men who support abortion are generally great supporters of the sex industry in all it's forms.

Men who support abortion are often involved in human trafficking.

And the industry tells them that they should feel free to tell women what they "want" (abortion) even if the woman doesn't, in order to *help* her make the right decision for *her*:

"You may think it’s better to support whatever she wants, or you may not want to influence her too much. But, it’s important to tell her how you feel...."

And if you are a man and feel morally bereft because you've coerced a woman into killing her baby, get over it: "If you still think abortion is morally wrong, the solution lies in forgiveness--from yourself, from her, from God." Men and Abortion

"Many men favor abortion for their own reason...They want to be able to have sexual relations without bearing responsibility if a child results....
this has always been the chief reason why abortions occur at all. Though pro-abortion rhetoric depicts the decision to abort as a woman's declaration of independence from male control -- an assertion of her 'right to control her own body' -- the reality is usually that she has found herself both dependent on a man and under his control and feels that abortion is a last ugly option."
"The unmarried father used to be "expected to take his share of the responsibility. The decent thing to do...was to offer marriage. Now he need only ask, 'What are you going to do?' The question conveys the message: 'It's not my problem.' Or he may be more blunt, pressuring her to abort or threatening not to support the child if she goes ahead and gives birth."

America's Future -- Why Men Support Abortion "Rights" -- Week of November 3, 1996
He is a low down dirty dog who should be neutered.
Lets put it this way, Carla. Would you support a law that releases men from the obligation to support a child financially if they give up their legal status as a father? If you say yes then I will say that at least you are being consistent. If you say no, however, you are demonstrating a clear double standard

Yes, if that's what both parents decide.

No, no, no...not if both parents decide. If the father unilaterally makes that decision against the will of the mother. It's all about right and responsibilities. Both parties agreed to engage in an activity that could conceive a child. They took the risk of making a baby. Now if the mother does not want that responsibility, she has the right to choose to avoid the consequences of her actions. But men do not have that right. A woman can force a man to financially support the child against his will whether the father is in the child's life or not. Men are forced to face the consequences for their actions in this regard while women have the option of avoiding those consequences. Well that's not equal. So since a woman can unilaterally make the decision to end a pregnancy and avoid taking responsibility for her choices against the father's will, should not the father have that same freedom?

What is with all this whine? You're just mad because you don't get to control a woman's body.

To put it simply, if a woman gets pregnant out of wedlock, and decides to keep and raise the baby, both parents owe that baby financial support, even if the father doesn't want it.

Now please explain why he shouldn't pay child support. Because some women decide to have an abortion? Please run your story by the judge. Let's hear it.

So in other words you are not in favor of gender equality. You believe that a woman should have the unilateral right to choose to avoid the consequences of her actions, but a man should not have the same freedoms. Fair enough. Now i know where you stand

If a woman decides to abort because she is unable to take care of a baby, then she is taking responsibility for her actions.

If a woman decides to raise a baby, both parents owe it to the child to support the baby, and that has nothing to do with gender equality. Child support is just that....to support that child.

All this is, is you whining about not being about to control a woman's decision because it's her body. Don't like it, then get yourself a boyfriend.
Lets put it this way, Carla. Would you support a law that releases men from the obligation to support a child financially if they give up their legal status as a father? If you say yes then I will say that at least you are being consistent. If you say no, however, you are demonstrating a clear double standard

Yes, if that's what both parents decide.

No, no, no...not if both parents decide. If the father unilaterally makes that decision against the will of the mother. It's all about right and responsibilities. Both parties agreed to engage in an activity that could conceive a child. They took the risk of making a baby. Now if the mother does not want that responsibility, she has the right to choose to avoid the consequences of her actions. But men do not have that right. A woman can force a man to financially support the child against his will whether the father is in the child's life or not. Men are forced to face the consequences for their actions in this regard while women have the option of avoiding those consequences. Well that's not equal. So since a woman can unilaterally make the decision to end a pregnancy and avoid taking responsibility for her choices against the father's will, should not the father have that same freedom?

What is with all this whine? You're just mad because you don't get to control a woman's body.

To put it simply, if a woman gets pregnant out of wedlock, and decides to keep and raise the baby, both parents owe that baby financial support, even if the father doesn't want it.

Now please explain why he shouldn't pay child support. Because some women decide to have an abortion? Please run your story by the judge. Let's hear it.

So in other words you are not in favor of gender equality. You believe that a woman should have the unilateral right to choose to avoid the consequences of her actions, but a man should not have the same freedoms. Fair enough. Now i know where you stand
Well men should have the freedom to have sex whenever they want with whomever they want, and and never have to pay for children...

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