What sort of man supports abortion?

The scumbag liberals of the world, should have been aborted...I blame their whore mothers who for some reason seem to have caught a bad case of MORALS before we could have flushed these pieces of fecal matter!
6:00 and 9:00 minutes...

Those are very large, human looking zygotes...

So sad.
People receive a blessing and literally throw it away.

Sent from my SM-G920V using Tapatalk

Not at all. The USA has been blessed with a Supreme Court that protects us from religious zealots, so that we don't end up like the theocracies that control the governments of Middle East countries. Many of us not only respect our system of government, but are grateful for it every day. While we understand that some do not agree with us, we are insulated by law from their attempt to control the most personal aspects of our lives.

Of course, you do have the option of starting a movement to amend the constitution, if you are so inclined.

"we are insulated by law from their attempt to control the most personal aspects of our lives."

What do you call ObamaCare, forcing millions to PAY MORE for their medical treatment, while forcing many employers to cut workers time to under 30 hours a week, just to stay solvent?

Let me see if I can make this easier for you Vig. This thread is about abortion. Your post is about "Obamacare". Abortion does not ="Obamacare". Please try to focus.
Yes, it does.

I'm beginning to understand why conservatives seem to have such a hard time following simple lines of reasoning.
If, when you say we don't "follow simple lines of reasoning" you mean we don't swallow your garbage whole, you would be correct.
Its so easy even liberals can do it...

Liberals aren't the ones who have a problem with contraceptives.
You really missed the point of my post.
If you truly want equality of the sexes, then you would have to support this.

It I s actually very simple if she has had just one abortion

A woman covering 100% of finances for raising a child is not equality, doofus.

If she's the only one that want's it, it is. I thought it was about choice.

If a woman decides to raise a child on her own, even though the father doesn't want to participate, he still owes that child support. He made a choice by not keeping is peter in his pants. It takes two to tango. If you disagree, please give us a sample of your sales pitch to the judge.

or he can simply sue for custody by proving her unfit which isn't that hard these days

Well, no, that's not a simple thing to do. She actually does have to be unfit.

If she is unfit and you get custody, you can sue her for child support. See, there's the equality we were talking about.
Men should have no say in the matter.

Men should have NO say on what a woman does with her body. Men don't do the work in pregnancy--they don't do the pre-natal examinations--they don't get sick--they don't feel miserable--and they certainly don't give birth.

Men who continually talk about women's issues, & insist in getting involved in their decisions--are NOT real men.
Men should have no say in the matter.

Men should have NO say on what a woman does with her body. Men don't do the work in pregnancy--they don't do the pre-natal examinations--they don't get sick--they don't feel miserable--and they certainly don't give birth.

Men who continually talk about women's issues, & insist in getting involved in their decisions--are NOT real men.

The unborn baby IS NOT her body...ethically or scientifically....ever check the DNA, as used in so many court cases?
Men should have no say in the matter.

As a woman, this being my father's account in case of confusion, I completely disagree. what if the man wants a child? half that child is of his blood and creation. Why should he have no say? A woman can murder his child simply because she chooses not to carry it? That's disgusting. Anyone who feels this way, carries no heart beneath their ribs. The child growing in that woman's stomach is his as well. It is a decision made between both partners, not just one.

You are certainly entitled to your own opinion, Mr Man, but the ultimate decision belongs to the woman. I do think most women keep in mind, when making that very important decision, whether the man is going to be in the picture or not, however, I cannot speak for all women. And whether you like it or not, it is her body, and it is her choice.

Actually that was my daughter. I went to bed last and forgot to log off and she clearly took some liberties. She will receive a talking to when she wakes up. She brings up a good point though. If a man wants the baby and is willing to take it and raise it, even on his own, why should the woman be able to terminate the child over his objection? I get that it is her body, but she willingly engaged in creating it. Why should she be allowed to unilaterally destroy it?

Here's what I think happened. I think you created another "pretend" scenario so you would feel you had more credibility as a female.

Well then you don't know me very well as I have absolutely no problem speaking my mind and I don't feel that a woman has any more credibility on this issue than a man does. It takes two people to create a child so the father has just as much say in what happens as the mother as far as I am concerned. Again I get that it is the woman's body and she has to carry the child and all that...totally get it. But she took the risk of creating a child when she had sex. I think there is at least an argument to be made that if the father wants to keep the baby and is willing to make that commitment that the woman should be obligated to follow through with the pregnancy even if she does not want the baby or has no intention of being in the child's life.

Again, I think most (although I cannot speak for all) women include a father's willingness to raise a child when she's making that very important decision. I would also imagine that most teens/women who have an abortion are having an abortion because there's no willing participant in raising a child. And whether you like it or not, the final decision belongs to the woman.

We are talking about two different things. I agree with you that woman take the willingness of the father to help raise the child into consideration. I am referring to a specific situation where the woman does not want the child but the father is willing to raise the child on his own. Why should the father lose his child in that situation?

Yes, currently the mother has the final decision legally. No argument there. I am talking morally though. I, personally, would support a law which states that a woman cannot get an abortion if the father makes a legal claim to the child. It may be her body, but she took the risk when she had sex with the father.
Men should have no say in the matter.

As a woman, this being my father's account in case of confusion, I completely disagree. what if the man wants a child? half that child is of his blood and creation. Why should he have no say? A woman can murder his child simply because she chooses not to carry it? That's disgusting. Anyone who feels this way, carries no heart beneath their ribs. The child growing in that woman's stomach is his as well. It is a decision made between both partners, not just one.

You are certainly entitled to your own opinion, Mr Man, but the ultimate decision belongs to the woman. I do think most women keep in mind, when making that very important decision, whether the man is going to be in the picture or not, however, I cannot speak for all women. And whether you like it or not, it is her body, and it is her choice.

Actually that was my daughter. I went to bed last and forgot to log off and she clearly took some liberties. She will receive a talking to when she wakes up. She brings up a good point though. If a man wants the baby and is willing to take it and raise it, even on his own, why should the woman be able to terminate the child over his objection? I get that it is her body, but she willingly engaged in creating it. Why should she be allowed to unilaterally destroy it?

Here's what I think happened. I think you created another "pretend" scenario so you would feel you had more credibility as a female.

Well then you don't know me very well as I have absolutely no problem speaking my mind and I don't feel that a woman has any more credibility on this issue than a man does. It takes two people to create a child so the father has just as much say in what happens as the mother as far as I am concerned. Again I get that it is the woman's body and she has to carry the child and all that...totally get it. But she took the risk of creating a child when she had sex. I think there is at least an argument to be made that if the father wants to keep the baby and is willing to make that commitment that the woman should be obligated to follow through with the pregnancy even if she does not want the baby or has no intention of being in the child's life.

Again, I think most (although I cannot speak for all) women include a father's willingness to raise a child when she's making that very important decision. I would also imagine that most teens/women who have an abortion are having an abortion because there's no willing participant in raising a child. And whether you like it or not, the final decision belongs to the woman.

We are talking about two different things. I agree with you that woman take the willingness of the father to help raise the child into consideration. I am referring to a specific situation where the woman does not want the child but the father is willing to raise the child on his own. Why should the father lose his child in that situation?

Yes, currently the mother has the final decision legally. No argument there. I am talking morally though. I, personally, would support a law which states that a woman cannot get an abortion if the father makes a legal claim to the child. It may be her body, but she took the risk when she had sex with the father.

The father cannot force her to carry to term against her will. It's as simple as that.

What you desire is never going to happen. Just because someone claims to be the father, doesn't mean he's the father.

What I recommend for this young man, is to move on with his life, and be careful with his next relationship.
You're pro-abortion.

No. I wish women didn't have to make these decisions, I wish society was perfect, but it's not and I don't believe that a woman should be forced to carry a baby to full term because you believe a two week old embryo somehow has rights even though it is completely incapable of sustaining any existence outside a womb.

You spend every ounce of your time crowing about abortion and not once have I seen you start a thread to have an honest discussion about reproductive education and PREVENTING unplanned pregnancy. You want to bitch and moan about a problem but have no fucking input on how to solve it.

That's exactly right. They just want to moan and groan about abortion, then moan and groan some more about having to feed poor people with SNAP benefits.

Try mentioning investing in programs that actually work at preventing teen pregnancies and see how far that gets you.

"I am talking morally though. I, personally, would support a law which states that a woman cannot get an abortion if the father makes a legal claim to the child. It may be her body, but she took the risk when she had sex with the father."

And such a law would be struck down as un-Constitutional, and rightfully so, as to compel a woman to give birth against her will would be morally reprehensible, as well as clearly illegal:

“It is an inescapable biological fact that state regulation with respect to the child a woman is carrying will have a far greater impact on the mother's liberty than on the father's. The effect of state regulation on a woman's protected liberty is doubly deserving of scrutiny in such a case, as the State has touched not only upon the private sphere of the family but upon the very bodily integrity of the pregnant woman.”

Planned Parenthood of Southeastern Pa. v. Casey, 505 U.S. 833 (1992)
As a woman, this being my father's account in case of confusion, I completely disagree. what if the man wants a child? half that child is of his blood and creation. Why should he have no say? A woman can murder his child simply because she chooses not to carry it? That's disgusting. Anyone who feels this way, carries no heart beneath their ribs. The child growing in that woman's stomach is his as well. It is a decision made between both partners, not just one.

You are certainly entitled to your own opinion, Mr Man, but the ultimate decision belongs to the woman. I do think most women keep in mind, when making that very important decision, whether the man is going to be in the picture or not, however, I cannot speak for all women. And whether you like it or not, it is her body, and it is her choice.

Actually that was my daughter. I went to bed last and forgot to log off and she clearly took some liberties. She will receive a talking to when she wakes up. She brings up a good point though. If a man wants the baby and is willing to take it and raise it, even on his own, why should the woman be able to terminate the child over his objection? I get that it is her body, but she willingly engaged in creating it. Why should she be allowed to unilaterally destroy it?

Here's what I think happened. I think you created another "pretend" scenario so you would feel you had more credibility as a female.

Well then you don't know me very well as I have absolutely no problem speaking my mind and I don't feel that a woman has any more credibility on this issue than a man does. It takes two people to create a child so the father has just as much say in what happens as the mother as far as I am concerned. Again I get that it is the woman's body and she has to carry the child and all that...totally get it. But she took the risk of creating a child when she had sex. I think there is at least an argument to be made that if the father wants to keep the baby and is willing to make that commitment that the woman should be obligated to follow through with the pregnancy even if she does not want the baby or has no intention of being in the child's life.

Again, I think most (although I cannot speak for all) women include a father's willingness to raise a child when she's making that very important decision. I would also imagine that most teens/women who have an abortion are having an abortion because there's no willing participant in raising a child. And whether you like it or not, the final decision belongs to the woman.

We are talking about two different things. I agree with you that woman take the willingness of the father to help raise the child into consideration. I am referring to a specific situation where the woman does not want the child but the father is willing to raise the child on his own. Why should the father lose his child in that situation?

Yes, currently the mother has the final decision legally. No argument there. I am talking morally though. I, personally, would support a law which states that a woman cannot get an abortion if the father makes a legal claim to the child. It may be her body, but she took the risk when she had sex with the father.

The father cannot force her to carry to term against her will. It's as simple as that.

What you desire is never going to happen. Just because someone claims to be the father, doesn't mean he's the father.

What I recommend for this young man, is to move on with his life, and be careful with his next relationship.

You can do a DNA test using amniotic fluid. Wouldn't be hard to prove who the father is. Yes legally the father cannot force a woman to carry to term. That's not the question. The question is should a father be able to force a woman to carry to term if a) a DNA test proves he is the father, b) he makes a legal declaration of his willingness to accept responsibility for raising the child?

BTW I said I would support such a law, I didn't say I necessarily desire it. It simply seems fair. Women are always saying they want equal rights, well with equal rights comes equal responsibility. Do you want equal or do you want more than equal? Equal is giving the father the same rights as the mother. More than equal is putting the power completely in the woman's hands. I am not asking what is legal, I am asking what is fair?
You are certainly entitled to your own opinion, Mr Man, but the ultimate decision belongs to the woman. I do think most women keep in mind, when making that very important decision, whether the man is going to be in the picture or not, however, I cannot speak for all women. And whether you like it or not, it is her body, and it is her choice.

Actually that was my daughter. I went to bed last and forgot to log off and she clearly took some liberties. She will receive a talking to when she wakes up. She brings up a good point though. If a man wants the baby and is willing to take it and raise it, even on his own, why should the woman be able to terminate the child over his objection? I get that it is her body, but she willingly engaged in creating it. Why should she be allowed to unilaterally destroy it?

Here's what I think happened. I think you created another "pretend" scenario so you would feel you had more credibility as a female.

Well then you don't know me very well as I have absolutely no problem speaking my mind and I don't feel that a woman has any more credibility on this issue than a man does. It takes two people to create a child so the father has just as much say in what happens as the mother as far as I am concerned. Again I get that it is the woman's body and she has to carry the child and all that...totally get it. But she took the risk of creating a child when she had sex. I think there is at least an argument to be made that if the father wants to keep the baby and is willing to make that commitment that the woman should be obligated to follow through with the pregnancy even if she does not want the baby or has no intention of being in the child's life.

Again, I think most (although I cannot speak for all) women include a father's willingness to raise a child when she's making that very important decision. I would also imagine that most teens/women who have an abortion are having an abortion because there's no willing participant in raising a child. And whether you like it or not, the final decision belongs to the woman.

We are talking about two different things. I agree with you that woman take the willingness of the father to help raise the child into consideration. I am referring to a specific situation where the woman does not want the child but the father is willing to raise the child on his own. Why should the father lose his child in that situation?

Yes, currently the mother has the final decision legally. No argument there. I am talking morally though. I, personally, would support a law which states that a woman cannot get an abortion if the father makes a legal claim to the child. It may be her body, but she took the risk when she had sex with the father.

The father cannot force her to carry to term against her will. It's as simple as that.

What you desire is never going to happen. Just because someone claims to be the father, doesn't mean he's the father.

What I recommend for this young man, is to move on with his life, and be careful with his next relationship.

You can do a DNA test using amniotic fluid. Wouldn't be hard to prove who the father is. Yes legally the father cannot force a woman to carry to term. That's not the question. The question is should a father be able to force a woman to carry to term if a) a DNA test proves he is the father, b) he makes a legal declaration of his willingness to accept responsibility for raising the child?

BTW I said I would support such a law, I didn't say I necessarily desire it. It simply seems fair. Women are always saying they want equal rights, well with equal rights comes equal responsibility. Do you want equal or do you want more than equal? Equal is giving the father the same rights as the mother. More than equal is putting the power completely in the woman's hands. I am not asking what is legal, I am asking what is fair?

Forcing a woman to carry to term has nothing to do with equal rights. The procedure you're talking about for DNA testing is not only invasive, but causes greater risk for a miscarriage.

Sorry, you're out of luck on getting your way.
Actually that was my daughter. I went to bed last and forgot to log off and she clearly took some liberties. She will receive a talking to when she wakes up. She brings up a good point though. If a man wants the baby and is willing to take it and raise it, even on his own, why should the woman be able to terminate the child over his objection? I get that it is her body, but she willingly engaged in creating it. Why should she be allowed to unilaterally destroy it?

Here's what I think happened. I think you created another "pretend" scenario so you would feel you had more credibility as a female.

Well then you don't know me very well as I have absolutely no problem speaking my mind and I don't feel that a woman has any more credibility on this issue than a man does. It takes two people to create a child so the father has just as much say in what happens as the mother as far as I am concerned. Again I get that it is the woman's body and she has to carry the child and all that...totally get it. But she took the risk of creating a child when she had sex. I think there is at least an argument to be made that if the father wants to keep the baby and is willing to make that commitment that the woman should be obligated to follow through with the pregnancy even if she does not want the baby or has no intention of being in the child's life.

Again, I think most (although I cannot speak for all) women include a father's willingness to raise a child when she's making that very important decision. I would also imagine that most teens/women who have an abortion are having an abortion because there's no willing participant in raising a child. And whether you like it or not, the final decision belongs to the woman.

We are talking about two different things. I agree with you that woman take the willingness of the father to help raise the child into consideration. I am referring to a specific situation where the woman does not want the child but the father is willing to raise the child on his own. Why should the father lose his child in that situation?

Yes, currently the mother has the final decision legally. No argument there. I am talking morally though. I, personally, would support a law which states that a woman cannot get an abortion if the father makes a legal claim to the child. It may be her body, but she took the risk when she had sex with the father.

The father cannot force her to carry to term against her will. It's as simple as that.

What you desire is never going to happen. Just because someone claims to be the father, doesn't mean he's the father.

What I recommend for this young man, is to move on with his life, and be careful with his next relationship.

You can do a DNA test using amniotic fluid. Wouldn't be hard to prove who the father is. Yes legally the father cannot force a woman to carry to term. That's not the question. The question is should a father be able to force a woman to carry to term if a) a DNA test proves he is the father, b) he makes a legal declaration of his willingness to accept responsibility for raising the child?

BTW I said I would support such a law, I didn't say I necessarily desire it. It simply seems fair. Women are always saying they want equal rights, well with equal rights comes equal responsibility. Do you want equal or do you want more than equal? Equal is giving the father the same rights as the mother. More than equal is putting the power completely in the woman's hands. I am not asking what is legal, I am asking what is fair?

Forcing a woman to carry to term has nothing to do with equal rights. The procedure you're talking about for DNA testing is not only invasive, but causes greater risk for a miscarriage.

Sorry, you're out of luck on getting your way.

Well if the woman wants an abortion what does she care? Yes I understand there is a big difference between a miscarriage and an abortion, but I am speaking theoretically. If a woman says "I want to have an abortion" and then objects to a DNA test because it might result in a miscarriage.....that seems a little fishy. :lol:

Let's reverse things. Why is it fair for a woman to force a man to raise and pay for a child against his will? The rationale is that he chose to have sex, he created the child, and he has a responsibility to raise and pay for the child's upbringing whether he is active in the child's life or not. Well don't those same things extend to the mother if the father wants to raise the child himself? Tell me why a woman has more rights to determine the survival of a child than a father does?
Lets put it this way, Carla. Would you support a law that releases men from the obligation to support a child financially if they give up their legal status as a father? If you say yes then I will say that at least you are being consistent. If you say no, however, you are demonstrating a clear double standard
Actually that was my daughter. I went to bed last and forgot to log off and she clearly took some liberties. She will receive a talking to when she wakes up. She brings up a good point though. If a man wants the baby and is willing to take it and raise it, even on his own, why should the woman be able to terminate the child over his objection? I get that it is her body, but she willingly engaged in creating it. Why should she be allowed to unilaterally destroy it?

Here's what I think happened. I think you created another "pretend" scenario so you would feel you had more credibility as a female.

Well then you don't know me very well as I have absolutely no problem speaking my mind and I don't feel that a woman has any more credibility on this issue than a man does. It takes two people to create a child so the father has just as much say in what happens as the mother as far as I am concerned. Again I get that it is the woman's body and she has to carry the child and all that...totally get it. But she took the risk of creating a child when she had sex. I think there is at least an argument to be made that if the father wants to keep the baby and is willing to make that commitment that the woman should be obligated to follow through with the pregnancy even if she does not want the baby or has no intention of being in the child's life.

Again, I think most (although I cannot speak for all) women include a father's willingness to raise a child when she's making that very important decision. I would also imagine that most teens/women who have an abortion are having an abortion because there's no willing participant in raising a child. And whether you like it or not, the final decision belongs to the woman.

We are talking about two different things. I agree with you that woman take the willingness of the father to help raise the child into consideration. I am referring to a specific situation where the woman does not want the child but the father is willing to raise the child on his own. Why should the father lose his child in that situation?

Yes, currently the mother has the final decision legally. No argument there. I am talking morally though. I, personally, would support a law which states that a woman cannot get an abortion if the father makes a legal claim to the child. It may be her body, but she took the risk when she had sex with the father.

The father cannot force her to carry to term against her will. It's as simple as that.

What you desire is never going to happen. Just because someone claims to be the father, doesn't mean he's the father.

What I recommend for this young man, is to move on with his life, and be careful with his next relationship.

You can do a DNA test using amniotic fluid. Wouldn't be hard to prove who the father is. Yes legally the father cannot force a woman to carry to term. That's not the question. The question is should a father be able to force a woman to carry to term if a) a DNA test proves he is the father, b) he makes a legal declaration of his willingness to accept responsibility for raising the child?

BTW I said I would support such a law, I didn't say I necessarily desire it. It simply seems fair. Women are always saying they want equal rights, well with equal rights comes equal responsibility. Do you want equal or do you want more than equal? Equal is giving the father the same rights as the mother. More than equal is putting the power completely in the woman's hands. I am not asking what is legal, I am asking what is fair?

Forcing a woman to carry to term has nothing to do with equal rights. The procedure you're talking about for DNA testing is not only invasive, but causes greater risk for a miscarriage.

Sorry, you're out of luck on getting your way.
The abortion fan worried about miscarriages...just when you think you've heard it all...

Sent from my SM-G920V using Tapatalk
Here's what I think happened. I think you created another "pretend" scenario so you would feel you had more credibility as a female.

Well then you don't know me very well as I have absolutely no problem speaking my mind and I don't feel that a woman has any more credibility on this issue than a man does. It takes two people to create a child so the father has just as much say in what happens as the mother as far as I am concerned. Again I get that it is the woman's body and she has to carry the child and all that...totally get it. But she took the risk of creating a child when she had sex. I think there is at least an argument to be made that if the father wants to keep the baby and is willing to make that commitment that the woman should be obligated to follow through with the pregnancy even if she does not want the baby or has no intention of being in the child's life.

Again, I think most (although I cannot speak for all) women include a father's willingness to raise a child when she's making that very important decision. I would also imagine that most teens/women who have an abortion are having an abortion because there's no willing participant in raising a child. And whether you like it or not, the final decision belongs to the woman.

We are talking about two different things. I agree with you that woman take the willingness of the father to help raise the child into consideration. I am referring to a specific situation where the woman does not want the child but the father is willing to raise the child on his own. Why should the father lose his child in that situation?

Yes, currently the mother has the final decision legally. No argument there. I am talking morally though. I, personally, would support a law which states that a woman cannot get an abortion if the father makes a legal claim to the child. It may be her body, but she took the risk when she had sex with the father.

The father cannot force her to carry to term against her will. It's as simple as that.

What you desire is never going to happen. Just because someone claims to be the father, doesn't mean he's the father.

What I recommend for this young man, is to move on with his life, and be careful with his next relationship.

You can do a DNA test using amniotic fluid. Wouldn't be hard to prove who the father is. Yes legally the father cannot force a woman to carry to term. That's not the question. The question is should a father be able to force a woman to carry to term if a) a DNA test proves he is the father, b) he makes a legal declaration of his willingness to accept responsibility for raising the child?

BTW I said I would support such a law, I didn't say I necessarily desire it. It simply seems fair. Women are always saying they want equal rights, well with equal rights comes equal responsibility. Do you want equal or do you want more than equal? Equal is giving the father the same rights as the mother. More than equal is putting the power completely in the woman's hands. I am not asking what is legal, I am asking what is fair?

Forcing a woman to carry to term has nothing to do with equal rights. The procedure you're talking about for DNA testing is not only invasive, but causes greater risk for a miscarriage.

Sorry, you're out of luck on getting your way.
The abortion fan worried about miscarriages...just when you think you've heard it all...

Sent from my SM-G920V using Tapatalk

smh...In that particular scenario, my concern is for the female going through needless trauma for no reason, all because of a man thinking he should have control a woman's body, Goober.

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