What sort of man supports abortion?

Why isn't it valid?

Because women cannot give birth to wars, firefighters, or policemen. (eye roll)

Nothing to do with how you are seeing it.

The argument is men have no say, the reason is women are the only ones who get pregnant.

Well firefighters are the only ones who usually fight fires, so that means only firefighters get a say on fire funding, and other fire fighting related activities?

I think you should stop talking about lady parts, you are not qualified.

I think I can talk about whatever I want, and you can go to hell.

It's not the parts we are talking about, it's the consequences. Consequences women have power over, and men do not. If equality is your true goal, why is this acceptable?

Oh, but men do have power. They can keep it in their pants.

And before sex women can keep their pants on. See? Before sex both have the same option, after sex, only the woman can choose to have or not have a kid. Again, where is the equality in that?
Because women cannot give birth to wars, firefighters, or policemen. (eye roll)

Nothing to do with how you are seeing it.

The argument is men have no say, the reason is women are the only ones who get pregnant.

Well firefighters are the only ones who usually fight fires, so that means only firefighters get a say on fire funding, and other fire fighting related activities?

I think you should stop talking about lady parts, you are not qualified.

I think I can talk about whatever I want, and you can go to hell.

It's not the parts we are talking about, it's the consequences. Consequences women have power over, and men do not. If equality is your true goal, why is this acceptable?

Oh, but men do have power. They can keep it in their pants.

And before sex women can keep their pants on. See? Before sex both have the same option, after sex, only the woman can choose to have or not have a kid. Again, where is the equality in that?

When you can carry to term, you too will be able to make that ultimate choice. :D
Pregnancy is one of the easiest things a man or woman can prevent, but the pro-abort people think most men and women are just too dumb, so they think murdering the unborn must continue to keep the population of undesirables down.

There have been studies and programs that work to reduce teen pregnancies by 40%, which would cut down abortions and help our economy in the long run, however, it is expensive. Republican's don't want to invest the money.
Nothing to do with how you are seeing it.

The argument is men have no say, the reason is women are the only ones who get pregnant.

Well firefighters are the only ones who usually fight fires, so that means only firefighters get a say on fire funding, and other fire fighting related activities?

I think you should stop talking about lady parts, you are not qualified.

I think I can talk about whatever I want, and you can go to hell.

It's not the parts we are talking about, it's the consequences. Consequences women have power over, and men do not. If equality is your true goal, why is this acceptable?

Oh, but men do have power. They can keep it in their pants.

And before sex women can keep their pants on. See? Before sex both have the same option, after sex, only the woman can choose to have or not have a kid. Again, where is the equality in that?

When you can carry to term, you too will be able to make that ultimate choice. :D

That's a "just because" reason, not a logical reason. Why shouldn't a man be able to say "no thank you" and thus put the onerous on the woman to take care of the child or have an abortion?
Men should have no say in the matter.

As a woman, this being my father's account in case of confusion, I completely disagree. what if the man wants a child? half that child is of his blood and creation. Why should he have no say? A woman can murder his child simply because she chooses not to carry it? That's disgusting. Anyone who feels this way, carries no heart beneath their ribs. The child growing in that woman's stomach is his as well. It is a decision made between both partners, not just one.

You are certainly entitled to your own opinion, Mr Man, but the ultimate decision belongs to the woman. I do think most women keep in mind, when making that very important decision, whether the man is going to be in the picture or not, however, I cannot speak for all women. And whether you like it or not, it is her body, and it is her choice.

Actually that was my daughter. I went to bed last and forgot to log off and she clearly took some liberties. She will receive a talking to when she wakes up. She brings up a good point though. If a man wants the baby and is willing to take it and raise it, even on his own, why should the woman be able to terminate the child over his objection? I get that it is her body, but she willingly engaged in creating it. Why should she be allowed to unilaterally destroy it?
A man who supports abortion supports infanticide.
They are nothing alike. Your God had no problem with that however. It's very OT.
They are EXACTLY the same. Murdering a child in the womb is no different than murdering a child outside the womb. Sadly you and those like you want to believe in fairy tales to justify murder.

Negative a 4 week embryo cannot live outside of my body. In fact, most doctors will not claim viability until at least 22-24 weeks.

That, sir, is fact.

Out of the two of us, I suspect you believe in a great many more fairy tales than I because my opinions are based on scientific evidence and not some celestial North Korea my mother and father warned me about.
Why have you distorted the debate...rhetorical question.

Viability means nothing. Murder is MURDER.
And it's not just the babies who are tortured and killed. Progressives care nothing for the women who are victimized.
"Philippa Taylor is the Head of Public Policy at the Christian Medical Fellowship in the UK. She says, “We have to consider the possibility that perhaps women are not always making choices that they really want to make, as men absolve themselves of their responsibility in decision- making. A choice is no choice if there are not equal (supported) alternatives.”
Men Often Support Abortion More Than Women, And There’s a Reason Why

Men who support abortion typically believe they have the right to coerce women to get abortion.

Men who support abortion don't want to support their offspring.

Men who support abortion believe they have a right to sex with women who aren't in a position to raise a child.

Men who support abortion are generally great supporters of the sex industry in all it's forms.

Men who support abortion are often involved in human trafficking.

And the industry tells them that they should feel free to tell women what they "want" (abortion) even if the woman doesn't, in order to *help* her make the right decision for *her*:

"You may think it’s better to support whatever she wants, or you may not want to influence her too much. But, it’s important to tell her how you feel...."

And if you are a man and feel morally bereft because you've coerced a woman into killing her baby, get over it: "If you still think abortion is morally wrong, the solution lies in forgiveness--from yourself, from her, from God." Men and Abortion

"Many men favor abortion for their own reason...They want to be able to have sexual relations without bearing responsibility if a child results....
this has always been the chief reason why abortions occur at all. Though pro-abortion rhetoric depicts the decision to abort as a woman's declaration of independence from male control -- an assertion of her 'right to control her own body' -- the reality is usually that she has found herself both dependent on a man and under his control and feels that abortion is a last ugly option."
"The unmarried father used to be "expected to take his share of the responsibility. The decent thing to do...was to offer marriage. Now he need only ask, 'What are you going to do?' The question conveys the message: 'It's not my problem.' Or he may be more blunt, pressuring her to abort or threatening not to support the child if she goes ahead and gives birth."

America's Future -- Why Men Support Abortion "Rights" -- Week of November 3, 1996

What kind of man supports abortion.......

A dad ...

What do you want us to do disown our daughters if she choses ?
I want you to help her through the perfectly natural event of pregnancy.
You know American Indians rarely abort their children...or put them up for adoption. There is no stigma associated with pregnancy, or single parenthood. Children are raised by the tribe, and no guilt is attached to the mother. A girl who has a baby at 15 or 13 or as a result of rape isn't viewed as damaged goods, and nobody bitches if she can't afford the child...they step up. And the kids aren't made to feel like burdens, either.
Men should have no say in the matter.

As a woman, this being my father's account in case of confusion, I completely disagree. what if the man wants a child? half that child is of his blood and creation. Why should he have no say? A woman can murder his child simply because she chooses not to carry it? That's disgusting. Anyone who feels this way, carries no heart beneath their ribs. The child growing in that woman's stomach is his as well. It is a decision made between both partners, not just one.

You are certainly entitled to your own opinion, Mr Man, but the ultimate decision belongs to the woman. I do think most women keep in mind, when making that very important decision, whether the man is going to be in the picture or not, however, I cannot speak for all women. And whether you like it or not, it is her body, and it is her choice.

Actually that was my daughter. I went to bed last and forgot to log off and she clearly took some liberties. She will receive a talking to when she wakes up. She brings up a good point though. If a man wants the baby and is willing to take it and raise it, even on his own, why should the woman be able to terminate the child over his objection? I get that it is her body, but she willingly engaged in creating it. Why should she be allowed to unilaterally destroy it?

Here's what I think happened. I think you created another "pretend" scenario so you would feel you had more credibility as a female.

Again, I think most (although I cannot speak for all) women include a father's willingness to raise a child when she's making that very important decision. I would also imagine that most teens/women who have an abortion are having an abortion because there's no willing participant in raising a child. And whether you like it or not, the final decision belongs to the woman.
You know American Indians rarely abort their children...or put them up for adoption. There is no stigma associated with pregnancy, or single parenthood. Children are raised by the tribe, and no guilt is attached to the mother. A girl who has a baby at 15 or 13 or as a result of rape isn't viewed as damaged goods, and nobody bitches if she can't afford the child...they step up. And the kids aren't made to feel like burdens, either.
Yep. I posted this before. Not sure why Lakhota is advocating killing off other races when his own raises the children.
You know American Indians rarely abort their children...or put them up for adoption. There is no stigma associated with pregnancy, or single parenthood. Children are raised by the tribe, and no guilt is attached to the mother. A girl who has a baby at 15 or 13 or as a result of rape isn't viewed as damaged goods, and nobody bitches if she can't afford the child...they step up. And the kids aren't made to feel like burdens, either.
Yep. I posted this before. Not sure why Lakhota is advocating killing off other races when his own raises the children.
Well it's not his race. Mockingbirds do the same thing....they lay their eggs in the nests of other birds. The mockingbird babies shove out the natural babies, who die.
You know American Indians rarely abort their children...or put them up for adoption. There is no stigma associated with pregnancy, or single parenthood. Children are raised by the tribe, and no guilt is attached to the mother. A girl who has a baby at 15 or 13 or as a result of rape isn't viewed as damaged goods, and nobody bitches if she can't afford the child...they step up. And the kids aren't made to feel like burdens, either.

That doesn't sound very Republican. lol
You know American Indians rarely abort their children...or put them up for adoption. There is no stigma associated with pregnancy, or single parenthood. Children are raised by the tribe, and no guilt is attached to the mother. A girl who has a baby at 15 or 13 or as a result of rape isn't viewed as damaged goods, and nobody bitches if she can't afford the child...they step up. And the kids aren't made to feel like burdens, either.
Yep. I posted this before. Not sure why Lakhota is advocating killing off other races when his own raises the children.
Well it's not his race. Mockingbirds do the same thing....they lay their eggs in the nests of other birds. The mockingbird babies shove out the natural babies, who die.
What I mean is...Native Americans are by in large pro life.
Men should have no say in the matter.

As a woman, this being my father's account in case of confusion, I completely disagree. what if the man wants a child? half that child is of his blood and creation. Why should he have no say? A woman can murder his child simply because she chooses not to carry it? That's disgusting. Anyone who feels this way, carries no heart beneath their ribs. The child growing in that woman's stomach is his as well. It is a decision made between both partners, not just one.

You are certainly entitled to your own opinion, Mr Man, but the ultimate decision belongs to the woman. I do think most women keep in mind, when making that very important decision, whether the man is going to be in the picture or not, however, I cannot speak for all women. And whether you like it or not, it is her body, and it is her choice.

Actually that was my daughter. I went to bed last and forgot to log off and she clearly took some liberties. She will receive a talking to when she wakes up. She brings up a good point though. If a man wants the baby and is willing to take it and raise it, even on his own, why should the woman be able to terminate the child over his objection? I get that it is her body, but she willingly engaged in creating it. Why should she be allowed to unilaterally destroy it?
She shouldn't.
Men should have no say in the matter.

As a woman, this being my father's account in case of confusion, I completely disagree. what if the man wants a child? half that child is of his blood and creation. Why should he have no say? A woman can murder his child simply because she chooses not to carry it? That's disgusting. Anyone who feels this way, carries no heart beneath their ribs. The child growing in that woman's stomach is his as well. It is a decision made between both partners, not just one.

You are certainly entitled to your own opinion, Mr Man, but the ultimate decision belongs to the woman. I do think most women keep in mind, when making that very important decision, whether the man is going to be in the picture or not, however, I cannot speak for all women. And whether you like it or not, it is her body, and it is her choice.

Actually that was my daughter. I went to bed last and forgot to log off and she clearly took some liberties. She will receive a talking to when she wakes up. She brings up a good point though. If a man wants the baby and is willing to take it and raise it, even on his own, why should the woman be able to terminate the child over his objection? I get that it is her body, but she willingly engaged in creating it. Why should she be allowed to unilaterally destroy it?
She shouldn't.
perhaps the better question is what kinda men doesnt control his sperm

What kind of woman doesn't take responsible steps toward preventing unplanned pregnancies?

Seriously, I made that mistake as a young kid and I have raised a marvelous, delightful young daughter as a result. However, I also own the fact that is is MY responsibility to protect myself because it is MY body. If I want to make these choices (which I believe every woman has a right to do) for myself then I have to be the person in control.

This "it's all on men" crap is tired. It's not, it's on us, as women, to protect ourselves. Yes, responsible men will also take proper precautions but in the end, it's our responsibility to control our reproductive organs.
Pregnancy is one of the easiest things a man or woman can prevent, but the pro-abort people think most men and women are just too dumb, so they think murdering the unborn must continue to keep the population of undesirables down.

No one is pro abortion, that's just dumb and dishonest.

And the last time I checked, the only people standing in the way of educating our children on proper use of contraceptives are right wingers who think everyone on the planet should abide by their "no sex before marriage" horseshit.
"Philippa Taylor is the Head of Public Policy at the Christian Medical Fellowship in the UK. She says, “We have to consider the possibility that perhaps women are not always making choices that they really want to make, as men absolve themselves of their responsibility in decision- making. A choice is no choice if there are not equal (supported) alternatives.”
Men Often Support Abortion More Than Women, And There’s a Reason Why

Men who support abortion typically believe they have the right to coerce women to get abortion.

Men who support abortion don't want to support their offspring.

Men who support abortion believe they have a right to sex with women who aren't in a position to raise a child.

Men who support abortion are generally great supporters of the sex industry in all it's forms.

Men who support abortion are often involved in human trafficking.

And the industry tells them that they should feel free to tell women what they "want" (abortion) even if the woman doesn't, in order to *help* her make the right decision for *her*:

"You may think it’s better to support whatever she wants, or you may not want to influence her too much. But, it’s important to tell her how you feel...."

And if you are a man and feel morally bereft because you've coerced a woman into killing her baby, get over it: "If you still think abortion is morally wrong, the solution lies in forgiveness--from yourself, from her, from God." Men and Abortion

"Many men favor abortion for their own reason...They want to be able to have sexual relations without bearing responsibility if a child results....
this has always been the chief reason why abortions occur at all. Though pro-abortion rhetoric depicts the decision to abort as a woman's declaration of independence from male control -- an assertion of her 'right to control her own body' -- the reality is usually that she has found herself both dependent on a man and under his control and feels that abortion is a last ugly option."
"The unmarried father used to be "expected to take his share of the responsibility. The decent thing to do...was to offer marriage. Now he need only ask, 'What are you going to do?' The question conveys the message: 'It's not my problem.' Or he may be more blunt, pressuring her to abort or threatening not to support the child if she goes ahead and gives birth."

America's Future -- Why Men Support Abortion "Rights" -- Week of November 3, 1996

Koshie, you need to stop blaming others for your bad decisions.

You went to the abortion clinic, not your boyfriend who dumped you when he realized you were a psycho.
Pregnancy is one of the easiest things a man or woman can prevent, but the pro-abort people think most men and women are just too dumb, so they think murdering the unborn must continue to keep the population of undesirables down.

No one is pro abortion, that's just dumb and dishonest.

And the last time I checked, the only people standing in the way of educating our children on proper use of contraceptives are right wingers who think everyone on the planet should abide by their "no sex before marriage" horseshit.
You're pro-abortion.

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