What sort of man supports abortion?

Many women are coerced into having a child by parents, husbands, boyfriends.

The concept that every woman is some sort of feminist icon who can take care of herself is total bullshit.
Coerced into having a child? Tell me...how does that work and where are all the women who say they wish they aborted
In about half the States, if a pregnant woman is murdered, the murderer can be charged with 2 murders...the State laws all vary... like California can charge them with murder after the embryonic stage, when the baby to be, becomes a fetus....

half the States do not have this law.

federal law is if the murderer committed the murder of a pregnant woman during the act of a federal crime.
Are you a wild animal or a human being?
I'm rational, therefore I don't call abortion murder or fetuses babies.
No, you made a stupid comment about nature and following her advice, to which, I asked if you'd be willing to support mothers who would like to eat their children? Which happens in nature quite a bit.
You progressives could open your own eatery chain, Plan Parenthood Cafe!

And the questions I asked weren't that hard, but you didn't answer any of them...not surprisingly.
When you questions are worthy, I will respond. Not until then.
Ten? It's 1:00am.
Then would make more sense.
Seems more like you need time to form a worthy answer. Good luck with that.
Luck is never required, at least in my case.
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A woman covering 100% of finances for raising a child is not equality, doofus.

I respectfully disagree.

I believe there are instances in which a woman should take responsibility for her actions.

I think women want all the choice but don't want to take on the responsibility of financially supporting a child. If a man makes his position clear beforehand and a woman manages to trick him into getting her pregnant, it should be on her shoulders.

I know a woman, personally know her that is, who intentionally poked holes in condoms and lied about using birth control pills. That's wrong and he should not be financially supporting a baby he tried to prevent.

Poking holes in a condom is a pretty sleazy thing to do, yes. And as much as it sucks for the man who is victim to such an underhanded move, he is still party responsible for the financial support of the child.

Be careful who you screw, is all I can say.
So the man's partially responsible for financial support but not the for the choice of life or death!?
A man and woman decide to have sex, together...
They decide to not use protection, together...
Yet only the woman can choose murder!?

How does that make sense to any sane adult? Sorry Carla, your parents failed you.

Sent from my SM-G920V using Tapatalk

Abortion is not murder, and you need to go read the rules on bring up family, newbie.
If a pregnant woman is killed in a homicide, the killer is charged with two counts of what?


Now the first count is, of course, for the murder of the mother. What's the second murder charge about?

The fetus. And a fetus can not be murdered if it is not first alive.

Now, how can the state say that an embryo is in fact a life worth defending, then on the other hand, when the issue of abortion is raised, claim it's up to the mother and that the fetus has no rights?

Roe vs Wade will not hold up...It will have to be revisited at some point. I hope sooner than later.

Sent from my SM-G920V using Tapatalk

It's held up for over 40 years. Fortunately, you do not get to vote away Constitutional rights, or in this case the right to privacy. States differ on fetal homicide laws. Fetal homicide refers to the deliberate destruction of a fetus due to a criminal act, such as shooting, stabbing, punching, etc. This law does not apply to abortion, nor does it contradict Roe vs Wade.
In about half the States, if a pregnant woman is murdered, the murderer can be charged with 2 murders...the State laws all vary... like California can charge them with murder after the embryonic stage, when the baby to be, becomes a fetus....

half the States do not have this law.

federal law is if the murderer committed the murder of a pregnant woman during the act of a federal crime.
What's the point of all this? I could careless about Cali law, inform me when they slip into the Pacific. My point being the issue has not been decided, it will come before the courts again.

Sent from my SM-G920V using Tapatalk
Are you a wild animal or a human being?
I'm rational, therefore I don't call abortion murder or fetuses babies.
No, you made a stupid comment about nature and following her advice, to which, I asked if you'd be willing to support mothers who would like to eat their children? Which happens in nature quite a bit.
You progressives could open your own eatery chain, Plan Parenthood Cafe!

And the questions I asked weren't that hard, but you didn't answer any of them...not surprisingly.
When you questions are worthy, I will respond. Not until then.
Ten? It's 1:00am.
Then would make more sense.
Seems more like you need time to form a worthy answer. Good luck with that.

Sent from my SM-G920V using Tapatalk

Maybe you need more time to ask reasonable, rational, questions.
In about half the States, if a pregnant woman is murdered, the murderer can be charged with 2 murders...the State laws all vary... like California can charge them with murder after the embryonic stage, when the baby to be, becomes a fetus....

half the States do not have this law.

federal law is if the murderer committed the murder of a pregnant woman during the act of a federal crime.
What's the point of all this? I could careless about Cali law, inform me when they slip into the Pacific. My point being the issue has not been decided, it will come before the courts again.

Sent from my SM-G920V using Tapatalk

Why don't you research it yourself.
This man right here, and many others.
I respectfully disagree.

I believe there are instances in which a woman should take responsibility for her actions.

I think women want all the choice but don't want to take on the responsibility of financially supporting a child. If a man makes his position clear beforehand and a woman manages to trick him into getting her pregnant, it should be on her shoulders.

I know a woman, personally know her that is, who intentionally poked holes in condoms and lied about using birth control pills. That's wrong and he should not be financially supporting a baby he tried to prevent.

Poking holes in a condom is a pretty sleazy thing to do, yes. And as much as it sucks for the man who is victim to such an underhanded move, he is still party responsible for the financial support of the child.

Be careful who you screw, is all I can say.
So the man's partially responsible for financial support but not the for the choice of life or death!?
A man and woman decide to have sex, together...
They decide to not use protection, together...
Yet only the woman can choose murder!?

How does that make sense to any sane adult? Sorry Carla, your parents failed you.

Sent from my SM-G920V using Tapatalk

Abortion is not murder, and you need to go read the rules on bring up family, newbie.
If a pregnant woman is killed in a homicide, the killer is charged with two counts of what?


Now the first count is, of course, for the murder of the mother. What's the second murder charge about?

The fetus. And a fetus can not be murdered if it is not first alive.

Now, how can the state say that an embryo is in fact a life worth defending, then on the other hand, when the issue of abortion is raised, claim it's up to the mother and that the fetus has no rights?

Roe vs Wade will not hold up...It will have to be revisited at some point. I hope sooner than later.

Sent from my SM-G920V using Tapatalk

... Constitutional rights, or in this case the right to privacy.

Tell the NSA that.

Abortion = deliberate destruction. On this, at least, we can agree, right?

The only question, is it criminal? This is were lefties thrown common sense out of the window.

If legally the embryo is protected from a shooter or a stabber, how is it not protected from a (bad/poor/vain/hormonal) mother? Either it's a life or it isn't. Either it has rights or it does not.

Sent from my SM-G920V using Tapatalk
Are you a wild animal or a human being?
I'm rational, therefore I don't call abortion murder or fetuses babies.
No, you made a stupid comment about nature and following her advice, to which, I asked if you'd be willing to support mothers who would like to eat their children? Which happens in nature quite a bit.
You progressives could open your own eatery chain, Plan Parenthood Cafe!

And the questions I asked weren't that hard, but you didn't answer any of them...not surprisingly.
When you questions are worthy, I will respond. Not until then.
Ten? It's 1:00am.
Then would make more sense.
Seems more like you need time to form a worthy answer. Good luck with that.

Sent from my SM-G920V using Tapatalk

Maybe you need more time to ask reasonable, rational, questions.
The questions were reasonable to the exchange PaintMyHouse and I were having...he seems to have "aborted" the conversation....

Sent from my SM-G920V using Tapatalk
Poking holes in a condom is a pretty sleazy thing to do, yes. And as much as it sucks for the man who is victim to such an underhanded move, he is still party responsible for the financial support of the child.

Be careful who you screw, is all I can say.
So the man's partially responsible for financial support but not the for the choice of life or death!?
A man and woman decide to have sex, together...
They decide to not use protection, together...
Yet only the woman can choose murder!?

How does that make sense to any sane adult? Sorry Carla, your parents failed you.

Sent from my SM-G920V using Tapatalk

Abortion is not murder, and you need to go read the rules on bring up family, newbie.
If a pregnant woman is killed in a homicide, the killer is charged with two counts of what?


Now the first count is, of course, for the murder of the mother. What's the second murder charge about?

The fetus. And a fetus can not be murdered if it is not first alive.

Now, how can the state say that an embryo is in fact a life worth defending, then on the other hand, when the issue of abortion is raised, claim it's up to the mother and that the fetus has no rights?

Roe vs Wade will not hold up...It will have to be revisited at some point. I hope sooner than later.

Sent from my SM-G920V using Tapatalk

... Constitutional rights, or in this case the right to privacy.

Tell the NSA that.

Abortion = deliberate destruction. On this, at least, we can agree, right?

The only question, is it criminal? This is were lefties thrown common sense out of the window.

If legally the embryo is protected from a shooter or a stabber, how is it not protected from a (bad/poor/vain/hormonal) mother? Either it's a life or it isn't. Either it has rights or it does not.

Sent from my SM-G920V using Tapatalk

I disagree. And next time you quote me, either use the entire quote or don't quote me at all.
Absolutely PURE EVIL, and a liberal sickness that infects the country!

For those of you who DON'T want to watch it, it shows an intact baby...outside the womb!! ALIVE!!!!! Twitching! They DISECT IT, like a fucking FROG in Biology class! I cannot believe I just saw this!
Last edited:
So the man's partially responsible for financial support but not the for the choice of life or death!?
A man and woman decide to have sex, together...
They decide to not use protection, together...
Yet only the woman can choose murder!?

How does that make sense to any sane adult? Sorry Carla, your parents failed you.

Sent from my SM-G920V using Tapatalk

Abortion is not murder, and you need to go read the rules on bring up family, newbie.
If a pregnant woman is killed in a homicide, the killer is charged with two counts of what?


Now the first count is, of course, for the murder of the mother. What's the second murder charge about?

The fetus. And a fetus can not be murdered if it is not first alive.

Now, how can the state say that an embryo is in fact a life worth defending, then on the other hand, when the issue of abortion is raised, claim it's up to the mother and that the fetus has no rights?

Roe vs Wade will not hold up...It will have to be revisited at some point. I hope sooner than later.

Sent from my SM-G920V using Tapatalk

... Constitutional rights, or in this case the right to privacy.

Tell the NSA that.

Abortion = deliberate destruction. On this, at least, we can agree, right?

The only question, is it criminal? This is were lefties thrown common sense out of the window.

If legally the embryo is protected from a shooter or a stabber, how is it not protected from a (bad/poor/vain/hormonal) mother? Either it's a life or it isn't. Either it has rights or it does not.

Sent from my SM-G920V using Tapatalk

I disagree. And next time you quote me, either use the entire quote or don't quote me at all.
I'll think about it
The RW wants to control what goes on between my wife and her doctor. The catholics want to control what goes on between my wife and myself in our bedroom. My message to both are the same. Mind your own GD business...
[emoji122] inspiring

Sent from my SM-G920V using Tapatalk
Absolutely PURE EVIL, and a liberal sickness that infects the country!

For those of you who DON'T want to watch it, it shows an intact baby...outside the womb!! ALIVE!!!!! Twitching! They DISECT IT, like a fucking FROG in Biology class! I cannot believe I just saw this!

6:00 and 9:00 minutes...

Those are very large, human looking zygotes...

So sad.
People receive a blessing and literally throw it away.

Sent from my SM-G920V using Tapatalk
Men should have no say in the matter.

As a woman, this being my father's account in case of confusion, I completely disagree. what if the man wants a child? half that child is of his blood and creation. Why should he have no say? A woman can murder his child simply because she chooses not to carry it? That's disgusting. Anyone who feels this way, carries no heart beneath their ribs. The child growing in that woman's stomach is his as well. It is a decision made between both partners, not just one.
Absolutely PURE EVIL, and a liberal sickness that infects the country!

For those of you who DON'T want to watch it, it shows an intact baby...outside the womb!! ALIVE!!!!! Twitching! They DISECT IT, like a fucking FROG in Biology class! I cannot believe I just saw this!

6:00 and 9:00 minutes...

Those are very large, human looking zygotes...

So sad.
People receive a blessing and literally throw it away.

Sent from my SM-G920V using Tapatalk

Not at all. The USA has been blessed with a Supreme Court that protects us from religious zealots, so that we don't end up like the theocracies that control the governments of Middle East countries. Many of us not only respect our system of government, but are grateful for it every day. While we understand that some do not agree with us, we are insulated by law from your attempt to control the most personal aspects of our lives.

Of course, you do have the option of starting a movement to amend the constitution, if you are so inclined.
Last edited:
Absolutely PURE EVIL, and a liberal sickness that infects the country!

For those of you who DON'T want to watch it, it shows an intact baby...outside the womb!! ALIVE!!!!! Twitching! They DISECT IT, like a fucking FROG in Biology class! I cannot believe I just saw this!

6:00 and 9:00 minutes...

Those are very large, human looking zygotes...

So sad.
People receive a blessing and literally throw it away.

Sent from my SM-G920V using Tapatalk

Not at all. The USA has been blessed with a Supreme Court that protects us from religious zealots, so that we don't end up like the theocracies that control the governments of Middle East countries. Many of us not only respect our system of government, but are grateful for it every day. While we understand that some do not agree with us, we are insulated by law from their attempt to control the most personal aspects of our lives.

Of course, you do have the option of starting a movement to amend the constitution, if you are so inclined.

"we are insulated by law from their attempt to control the most personal aspects of our lives."

What do you call ObamaCare, forcing millions to PAY MORE for their medical treatment, while forcing many employers to cut workers time to under 30 hours a week, just to stay solvent?

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