What sources do Republicans consider legitimate?

Not add their agenda, commentary.. not to mention not editing the video, only having partial quotes out of context, etc... Those sites and many more are not reliable nor are they legit news... it's that simple

The ONLY reason they are cited is because of a hyper-partisan agenda

A fact is a fact no matter who speaks it.

And a fact can be twisted by added commentary and when taken out of context.. which is status quo for sites like Huffy Puffy...

Sorry Carby... those sites are not legit nor credible

See... I am one who does not accept commentary or blogs from any side... while you are one to accept it if it fits your agenda

But people here are often not disputing any opinion associated with the facts presented; they simply say, DailyKos! Fail! or the like.

That is not a refutation. That is a classic logical fallacy of attacking the messenger instead of the message, aka,

ad hominem.
Think progress?? Epic fail... about as winger as you can get... what next? reaganbushdebt.org?

If you can give me one instance where ThinkProgress had lied about anything, I will never visit the site again.
TP isn't Brietbart. Yes they're opinion, but they don't lie and make shit up.
Think Progress retracts McCain plagiarism charge - - POLITICO.com

Think Progress Manufactures Another Fake Tea Party Racism Story - Big Government

Screen cap from a libelous ThinkProgress video before the "we... on Twitpic

Right Klik: ThinkProgress Smears The Tea Party
(This one is just one of the sites that has the compilation of lying videos from TP.... just one of the first place Google brought up and the only reason I used it)

Think Progress Ripped Content From Tea Party Video To Create Fraudulent Racism Claim - Big Government

Don't let the door hit you, where the good door split you

Good bye and good riddance
A fact is a fact no matter who speaks it.

And a fact can be twisted by added commentary and when taken out of context.. which is status quo for sites like Huffy Puffy...

Sorry Carby... those sites are not legit nor credible

See... I am one who does not accept commentary or blogs from any side... while you are one to accept it if it fits your agenda

But people here are often not disputing any opinion associated with the facts presented; they simply say, DailyKos! Fail! or the like.

That is not a refutation. That is a classic logical fallacy of attacking the messenger instead of the message, aka,

ad hominem.

If your brother constantly lies and the pattern is well documented and known, you tend to not consider him credible any more..

All of those blogs and winger sites have a pattern of out of context quotes, articles infused with agenda, etc...

They are not credible, period

And as stated, you instantly accept these while dismissing RW sources in the same mold... hence showing your hyper-partisanship and lack of credibility yourself...
A fact is a fact no matter who speaks it.

And a fact can be twisted by added commentary and when taken out of context.. which is status quo for sites like Huffy Puffy...

Sorry Carby... those sites are not legit nor credible

See... I am one who does not accept commentary or blogs from any side... while you are one to accept it if it fits your agenda

No you can't reject a fact. You can reject the spin attached to it. But you can't reject the fact.

The reason people like you want to dismiss 'unfriendly' sources as evidence is because you know the friendly ones won't do your agenda any harm. It's a very transparent scheme.

No.. it is you who dismissed 'unfriendly' sources... I do not use any RW blog or opinion piece to back up any political stance....
Think progress?? Epic fail... about as winger as you can get... what next? reaganbushdebt.org?

If you can give me one instance where ThinkProgress had lied about anything, I will never visit the site again.
TP isn't Brietbart. Yes they're opinion, but they don't lie and make shit up.
Think Progress retracts McCain plagiarism charge - - POLITICO.com

Think Progress Manufactures Another Fake Tea Party Racism Story - Big Government

Screen cap from a libelous ThinkProgress video before the "we... on Twitpic

Right Klik: ThinkProgress Smears The Tea Party
(This one is just one of the sites that has the compilation of lying videos from TP.... just one of the first place Google brought up and the only reason I used it)

Think Progress Ripped Content From Tea Party Video To Create Fraudulent Racism Claim - Big Government

Don't let the door hit you, where the good door split you

Good bye and good riddance

WOW...what fucking pea brain...you use Andrew Breitbart (Big Government) as a source?

Breitbart lied about Shirley Sherrod. Now he's lying about the NAACP

Andrew Breitbart Ally James O’Keefe Arrested By FBI For Possibly Trying To Wiretap Sen. Mary Landrieu
And a fact can be twisted by added commentary and when taken out of context.. which is status quo for sites like Huffy Puffy...

Sorry Carby... those sites are not legit nor credible

See... I am one who does not accept commentary or blogs from any side... while you are one to accept it if it fits your agenda

But people here are often not disputing any opinion associated with the facts presented; they simply say, DailyKos! Fail! or the like.

That is not a refutation. That is a classic logical fallacy of attacking the messenger instead of the message, aka,

ad hominem.

If your brother constantly lies and the pattern is well documented and known, you tend to not consider him credible any more..

All of those blogs and winger sites have a pattern of out of context quotes, articles infused with agenda, etc...

They are not credible, period

And as stated, you instantly accept these while dismissing RW sources in the same mold... hence showing your hyper-partisanship and lack of credibility yourself...

I do no such thing. So now you're lying. Now that you're known to be a liar, by your logic I can dismiss anything you post as not credible. Fair enough?
And what are your sources, for the 1000th time?


Here's the thing.... maybe, if it didn't drive a few posters here totally crazy that I don't say... I may have told you. But, since not knowing clearly pisses you off, I am inclined to decline to answer. :lol::lol:

Because they don't exist. You're trying to use a forum tactic that was worn out 10 years ago...

...oh I know this is wrong because I have special secret knowledge that proves it wrong.


Plus you rarely if ever contribute anything of substance that would demonstrate any existence of any superior secret imaginary sources.

Grow up. You're not fooling anyone.

I have never claimed 'secret' sources, only sources that are not open to the general public. An inconvenience for us both at times. But, you feel free to create your own version of reality. I have no interest in what you 'think'.
Free Republic
Rush Limbaugh
Glenn Beck
World Nut Daily..

Stuff like that.

Fox... yes for news..

The others.. nope

But nice try

The difference between FOX and say the Washington Post and New York Times, is the latter will always seek comment and clarification from the other side of a story. FOX rarely does so, which makes it more propaganda than news. Best source of TV news is still Jim Leher's Newshour. PBS goes out of its way to present both sides of issues.
If you can give me one instance where ThinkProgress had lied about anything, I will never visit the site again.
TP isn't Brietbart. Yes they're opinion, but they don't lie and make shit up.
Think Progress retracts McCain plagiarism charge - - POLITICO.com

Think Progress Manufactures Another Fake Tea Party Racism Story - Big Government

Screen cap from a libelous ThinkProgress video before the "we... on Twitpic

Right Klik: ThinkProgress Smears The Tea Party
(This one is just one of the sites that has the compilation of lying videos from TP.... just one of the first place Google brought up and the only reason I used it)

Think Progress Ripped Content From Tea Party Video To Create Fraudulent Racism Claim - Big Government

Don't let the door hit you, where the good door split you

Good bye and good riddance

WOW...what fucking pea brain...you use Andrew Breitbart (Big Government) as a source?

Breitbart lied about Shirley Sherrod. Now he's lying about the NAACP

Andrew Breitbart Ally James O’Keefe Arrested By FBI For Possibly Trying To Wiretap Sen. Mary Landrieu


You call him a peabrain for his source . . . AND LOOK AT THE "SOURCES" YOU CITE AS PROOF! :rofl::rofl::rofl:

You're such a pitiful excuse for a biped.


You call him a peabrain for his source . . . AND LOOK AT THE "SOURCES" YOU CITE AS PROOF! :rofl::rofl::rofl:

You're such a pitiful excuse for a biped.

Hey pea brain...the Breitbart's slander of Shirley Sherrod and James O’Keefe arrest are PUBLIC RECORD. You need to stop living under the trailer and existing on possum and squirrel.


You call him a peabrain for his source . . . AND LOOK AT THE "SOURCES" YOU CITE AS PROOF! :rofl::rofl::rofl:

You're such a pitiful excuse for a biped.

Notice how I twisted that around on you.. and you fell for it hook, line, and sinker..

The fact is that ToiletPaper, I mean ThinkProgress, has falsified reports, edited video, and taken things completely out of context and stated it as fact... hence they have indeed LIED repeatedly...
But people here are often not disputing any opinion associated with the facts presented; they simply say, DailyKos! Fail! or the like.

That is not a refutation. That is a classic logical fallacy of attacking the messenger instead of the message, aka,

ad hominem.

If your brother constantly lies and the pattern is well documented and known, you tend to not consider him credible any more..

All of those blogs and winger sites have a pattern of out of context quotes, articles infused with agenda, etc...

They are not credible, period

And as stated, you instantly accept these while dismissing RW sources in the same mold... hence showing your hyper-partisanship and lack of credibility yourself...

I do no such thing. So now you're lying. Now that you're known to be a liar, by your logic I can dismiss anything you post as not credible. Fair enough?

Yes.. you do repeatedly accept LW blog sites as fact or list them as credible... and you do dismiss when some person on the right in here uses something like drudge or some other blog with a right leaning stance...

You, sir, are indeed the one who is lying.. and we have known you to have zero credibility for a while now
All major news outlets are looking for ratings.

For instance CNN revived a 1 year old story about a controversial video game.

It was one of those 'look at this awful video game/movie/book someone made' stories with no real substance.

It's a video game that's only available in Japan and in Japanese (unless you pirate it) and is a couple years old.

Why did they bring it up? There seemed to be no real reason.
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All major news outlets are looking for ratings.

For instance CNN revived a 1 year old story about a controversial video game.

It was one of those 'look at this awful video game/movie/book someone made' stories with no real substance.

It's a video game that's only available in Japan and in Japanese (unless you pirate it) and is a couple years old.

Why did they bring it up? There seemed to be no real reason.

Ratings = advertising dollars. Controversy, dirt and innuendo = ratings. They're giving the public what it wants which says more about us then them.
All major news outlets are looking for ratings.

For instance CNN revived a 1 year old story about a controversial video game.

It was one of those 'look at this awful video game/movie/book someone made' stories with no real substance.

It's a video game that's only available in Japan and in Japanese (unless you pirate it) and is a couple years old.

Why did they bring it up? There seemed to be no real reason.

Ratings = advertising dollars. Controversy, dirt and innuendo = ratings. They're giving the public what it wants which says more about us then them.

Was that the case when there were only three major networks providing newscasts?
FOXNews.com - Breaking News | Latest News | Current News
Yeah.....they've finally gotten their.....


....Claude Frollo!!!
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I loved this thread...it showed the right stands for nothing and only is able to stand against...stuff. Except Rupert Murdoch.

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