What "State Secrets" Did Joe Biden Sell ?

Funny how only you thinks that.
All through my life, I have had hundreds of people tell me that I am a genius (relating to my art and music accomplishments)

I tell them genius is 10% inspiration, 90% perspiration.
You're not fooling anybody, Faux.

Why blame me because you can't read a line chart? You literally claimed portions of that red line simply don't exist at all because you can't see them. That's how retarded you are since the fact is, the red line does connect from the left to the right, even in the areas you don't see it because it's hidden behind the blue line.

You trust 538, right, gramps? They echo what I've tried teaching you...

FiveThirtyEight told Reuters that it is not true that Biden received all the votes in the overnight dump: “these batches were NOT 100% Biden votes; behind the blue line, there is also a red line representing the thousands of votes Trump gained."

Why blame me because you can't read a line chart? You literally claimed portions of that red line simply don't exist at all because you can't see them. That's how retarded you are since the fact is, the red line does connect from the left to the right, even in the areas you don't see it because it's hidden behind the blue line.

You trust 538, right, gramps? They echo what I've tried teaching you...

FiveThirtyEight told Reuters that it is not true that Biden received all the votes in the overnight dump: “these batches were NOT 100% Biden votes; behind the blue line, there is also a red line representing the thousands of votes Trump gained."

You CHANGED the chart. If you would have liked its original form, you wouldn't have changed it. Any time somebody takes a chart and CHANGES it, they have no credibility (not that you had any to begin with) - but you keeping up this discussion is good, It gives more members a chance to see how manipulative you are.
Which NO one approved of.

European and US officials pressed Ukraine to sack Viktor Shokin, the country’s former prosecutor-general, months before Joe Biden, the former US vice-president, personally intervened to force his removal, people involved in the talks said. Mr Biden did not act unilaterally nor did he instigate the push against Mr Shokin, despite suggestions to the contrary by supporters of US president Donald Trump, people familiar with the matter said.

“All of us were really pushing [former Ukrainian president Petro] Poroshenko that he needs to do something, because the prosecutor was not following any of the corruption issues. He was really bad news,” said an EU diplomat involved in the discussions. “It was Biden who finally came in [and triggered it]. Biden was the most vocal, as the US usually is. But we were all literally complaining about the prosecutor.”

“Okay. We – I was just thanking the – anyway, I started off without you, and I sold a lot of state secrets and a lot of very important things that we shared.”

“Now, all kidding aside – look, we’re teaming up to design and develop new technologies that are going to transform the lives of our people around the world,”

More debunked teabagger BS.
You have not debunked anything. I presented a video SHOWING Biden bragging about threatening the Ukrainians to fire Shokin. We have HIS OWN WORDS.

You presented nothing but your words claiming Biden didnt instigate. That's right, He did much more than that. He outright threatened them, and we have his words on video to prove it. Whatever anybody else might have said or done with Shokin, is beside the point. We're talking about BIDEN, and what HE did. That's all.

As for Biden saying he sold state secrets, he said it. It is damning words, whether spoken alone, in Freudian slip, or with rationalization talk afterwards, to try to cover his ass

Your post is a farce.
You have not debunked anything. I presented a video SHOWING Biden bragging about threatening the Ukrainians to fire Shokin. We have HIS OWN WORDS.
No, dumbass, you have a video of Biden getting Shokin fired.
You presented nothing but your words claiming Biden didnt instigate. That's right, He did much more than that. He outright threatened them, and we have his words on video to prove it. Whatever anybody else might have said or done with Shokin, is beside the point. We're talking about BIDEN, and what HE did. That's all.
That's true.
So.................What is your point?
As for Biden saying he sold state secrets, he said it. It is damning words, whether spoken alone, in Freudian slip, or with rationalization talk afterwards, to try to cover his ass
So, teabaggers believe Biden wasn't joking, when he says he was, but believes Trump was joking when he never stated he was?
Your post is a farce.
Just like their dear leader.
You CHANGED the chart. If you would have liked its original form, you wouldn't have changed it. Any time somebody takes a chart and CHANGES it, they have no credibility (not that you had any to begin with) - but you keeping up this discussion is good, It gives more members a chance to see how manipulative you are.


I'm happy to keep this going since it utterly exposes your ignorance about line charts. You actually claimed a line doesn't exist if it's hidden behind another line.
You have not debunked anything. I presented a video SHOWING Biden bragging about threatening the Ukrainians to fire Shokin. We have HIS OWN WORDS.

You presented nothing but your words claiming Biden didnt instigate. That's right, He did much more than that. He outright threatened them, and we have his words on video to prove it. Whatever anybody else might have said or done with Shokin, is beside the point. We're talking about BIDEN, and what HE did. That's all.

As for Biden saying he sold state secrets, he said it. It is damning words, whether spoken alone, in Freudian slip, or with rationalization talk afterwards, to try to cover his ass

Your post is a farce.

Firing Shokin because Shokin was corrupt. Nothing wrong with that.
Joe Biden has openly admitted to the corruption, if not treason, of selling state secrets, We all know that. But WHAT those "state secrets" are (or we should now say WERE), is my question.

Were they >>>
1. Military ?
2. Economic ?
3. Political ?
4. Scientific ?
5. You name it >>
you name it, whatever the CCP ordered
You have not debunked anything. I presented a video SHOWING Biden bragging about threatening the Ukrainians to fire Shokin. We have HIS OWN WORDS.

You presented nothing but your words claiming Biden didnt instigate. That's right, He did much more than that. He outright threatened them, and we have his words on video to prove it. Whatever anybody else might have said or done with Shokin, is beside the point. We're talking about BIDEN, and what HE did. That's all.

As for Biden saying he sold state secrets, he said it. It is damning words, whether spoken alone, in Freudian slip, or with rationalization talk afterwards, to try to cover his ass

Your post is a farce.
Vice President Biden was following U.S. and President Obama policy by demanding their corrupt prosecutor General be fired silly one, and was bragging about it in public, with no fear of exposing some imaginary, illegal quid pro quo accusation of your side.

trump got caught and impeached for his own quid pro quo attempt with Zelensky, and this whole push from the right wing Trumpers is for Trump's "revenge of the darkside retribution tour" to put on someone else.... his political opponent, what Trump actually did himself....

Y'all are so easily played imo.
No, dumbass, you have a video of Biden getting Shokin fired.

That's true.
So.................What is your point?

So, teabaggers believe Biden wasn't joking, when he says he was, but believes Trump was joking when he never stated he was?

Just like their dear leader.
Once again, the Trump shield. The jump to Trump.

I have what I said I have, dumbass. A video of Biden bragging about getting Shokin fired, Duh! Try getting some tutoring on the use the word "no".

If you can understand English, there's no need to ask about my point. I made it in the post. That the post was about Biden and his influence regarding Shokin, not other people. Get it ?

I'm happy to keep this going since it utterly exposes your ignorance about line charts. You actually claimed a line doesn't exist if it's hidden behind another line.
Line, line, line, No Mr doubletalk. You took a legitimate chart, altered it, and made it illegtimate to suit you and your agenda. 2 dozen posters (most of whom having you on IGNORE), have already agreed with that. Ho hum. yawn****

Yeah, I'm OK with keeping this going too, The 2 dozen will become 3 dozen, then 4 dozen, then 100. Cool. 😐
Firing Shokin because Shokin was corrupt. Nothing wrong with that.
Like we don't know the CNN/MSNBC line ? :laugh:

Fired him because he was investigating Burisma, and its corrupt/ridiculous employment of Hunter Biden, to get political influence from the "BIG GUY"

Shokin told Rudy Giuliani in 2019, that he was indeed asked to back off any probe of a natural gas company linked to Joe Biden’s son.

Shokin told Giuliani that his “investigations stopped out of fear of the United States,” after a top diplomat asked that he use “kid gloves” in pursuing the company.

"Shokin attempted to continue the investigations but on or around June or July of 2015, the U.S. Ambassador [to Ukraine] Geoffrey R. Pyatt told him that the investigation has to be handled with white gloves, which according to Mr. Shokin, that implied do nothing,” according to notes from the phone call.

The notes from Giuliani’s interview were included in a packet State Department Inspector General Steve Linick gave to attendees of an “urgent” closed-door briefing on the Ukraine investigation, according to Fox.

The packet also contained multiple folders with the Trump Hotel logo, news clips and several timelines about investigations related to Burisma.

And now you know the other side of the story (for the benefit of all information-deprived victims of leftwing OMISSION media) :rolleyes:

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