What the F Obama , He wants to raise the debt ceiling again

I can read but it seems you can't. Do all fucked in the head liberals have the same comprehension problem?

Obviously you can't. "Federal Reserve Board" is the subject of the sentence. "Federal Reserve Board... to transfer its income to the US Treasure after paying statutory dividends". After the Fed has payed the dividends its obliged to by the Federal Reserve Act, it then gives the remainder to the Treasury.

Since your literacy isn't up to par, here's another source explaining it more clearly:
FRB: Federal Reserve Act: Section 7

The New York Fed is the most important Fed bank. As Bloomberg pointed out in 2009:

The New York Fed is one of 12 regional Federal Reserve banks and the one charged with monitoring capital markets. It is also managing $1.7 trillion [now up to at least $1.9 trillion] of emergency lending programs [and accepting collateral from the banks in return].

However, the country's most powerful "agency" - the Federal Reserve - is actually no more federal than Federal Express. The Fed itself admitted (via Bloomberg):
While the Fed’s Washington-based Board of Governors is a federal agency subject to the Freedom of Information Act and other government rules, the New York Fed and other regional banks maintain they are separate institutions, owned by their member banks, and not subject to federal restrictions.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u2KBpqiORkU]The Truth About the Federal Reserve - YouTube[/ame]

The Federal Reserve ADMITS that Its 12 Banks Are PRIVATE - Not Government - Entities → Washingtons Blog

Since your literacy isn't up to par, here's another source explaining it more clearly

Wishful thinking doesn't make it so.

How do you think any of this is relevant or interesting? I gave you the god damn Federal Reserve Act - the act establishing the Federal Reserve and its 12 regional banks, and outlining the powers given to it - and also filtered through it for you to find the relevant sections and paragraphs.

Maybe what would help is if you clearly state the point you're trying to make, rather than jumping from one to another every time I produce evidence contradicting you. Here's an example of my points clearly and concisely stated:

-The Federal Open Market Committee is responsible for monetary policy
-The Board of Governors form a voting majority on the FOMC
-The Board of Governors are appointed by the President and confirmed by the senate
-The Fed does not directly lend to the government
-At the end of the year, the Fed gives its profits to the Treasury
Obviously you can't. "Federal Reserve Board" is the subject of the sentence. "Federal Reserve Board... to transfer its income to the US Treasure after paying statutory dividends". After the Fed has payed the dividends its obliged to by the Federal Reserve Act, it then gives the remainder to the Treasury.

Since your literacy isn't up to par, here's another source explaining it more clearly:
FRB: Federal Reserve Act: Section 7

The New York Fed is the most important Fed bank. As Bloomberg pointed out in 2009:

The New York Fed is one of 12 regional Federal Reserve banks and the one charged with monitoring capital markets. It is also managing $1.7 trillion [now up to at least $1.9 trillion] of emergency lending programs [and accepting collateral from the banks in return].

However, the country's most powerful "agency" - the Federal Reserve - is actually no more federal than Federal Express. The Fed itself admitted (via Bloomberg):
While the Fed’s Washington-based Board of Governors is a federal agency subject to the Freedom of Information Act and other government rules, the New York Fed and other regional banks maintain they are separate institutions, owned by their member banks, and not subject to federal restrictions.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u2KBpqiORkU]The Truth About the Federal Reserve - YouTube[/ame]

The Federal Reserve ADMITS that Its 12 Banks Are PRIVATE - Not Government - Entities → Washingtons Blog

Since your literacy isn't up to par, here's another source explaining it more clearly

Wishful thinking doesn't make it so.

How do you think any of this is relevant or interesting? I gave you the god damn Federal Reserve Act - the act establishing the Federal Reserve and its 12 regional banks, and outlining the powers given to it - and also filtered through it for you to find the relevant sections and paragraphs.

Maybe what would help is if you clearly state the point you're trying to make, rather than jumping from one to another every time I produce evidence contradicting you. Here's an example of my points clearly and concisely stated:

-The Federal Open Market Committee is responsible for monetary policy
-The Board of Governors form a voting majority on the FOMC
-The Board of Governors are appointed by the President and confirmed by the senate
-The Fed does not directly lend to the government
-At the end of the year, the Fed gives its profits to the Treasury

You still can't get past the fact that the Federal reserve is owned by private banks.
The New York Fed is the most important Fed bank. As Bloomberg pointed out in 2009:

The New York Fed is one of 12 regional Federal Reserve banks and the one charged with monitoring capital markets. It is also managing $1.7 trillion [now up to at least $1.9 trillion] of emergency lending programs [and accepting collateral from the banks in return].

However, the country's most powerful "agency" - the Federal Reserve - is actually no more federal than Federal Express. The Fed itself admitted (via Bloomberg):
While the Fed’s Washington-based Board of Governors is a federal agency subject to the Freedom of Information Act and other government rules, the New York Fed and other regional banks maintain they are separate institutions, owned by their member banks, and not subject to federal restrictions.

The Truth About the Federal Reserve - YouTube

The Federal Reserve ADMITS that Its 12 Banks Are PRIVATE - Not Government - Entities → Washingtons Blog

Wishful thinking doesn't make it so.

How do you think any of this is relevant or interesting? I gave you the god damn Federal Reserve Act - the act establishing the Federal Reserve and its 12 regional banks, and outlining the powers given to it - and also filtered through it for you to find the relevant sections and paragraphs.

Maybe what would help is if you clearly state the point you're trying to make, rather than jumping from one to another every time I produce evidence contradicting you. Here's an example of my points clearly and concisely stated:

-The Federal Open Market Committee is responsible for monetary policy
-The Board of Governors form a voting majority on the FOMC
-The Board of Governors are appointed by the President and confirmed by the senate
-The Fed does not directly lend to the government
-At the end of the year, the Fed gives its profits to the Treasury

You still can't get past the fact that the Federal reserve is owned by private banks.

So that's your one and only point? We've covered this a million billion times. Private banks own shares in the Federal Reserve and get a dividend payment. Private banks do not decide monetary policy (how much base money gets put into the economy). Do you understand that much? Because if you're unclear on the fact that private banks don't get to decide monetary policy, I'll explain it one more time. If you do understand, let me know that I'm not just talking to a wall here.
How do you think any of this is relevant or interesting? I gave you the god damn Federal Reserve Act - the act establishing the Federal Reserve and its 12 regional banks, and outlining the powers given to it - and also filtered through it for you to find the relevant sections and paragraphs.

Maybe what would help is if you clearly state the point you're trying to make, rather than jumping from one to another every time I produce evidence contradicting you. Here's an example of my points clearly and concisely stated:

-The Federal Open Market Committee is responsible for monetary policy
-The Board of Governors form a voting majority on the FOMC
-The Board of Governors are appointed by the President and confirmed by the senate
-The Fed does not directly lend to the government
-At the end of the year, the Fed gives its profits to the Treasury

You still can't get past the fact that the Federal reserve is owned by private banks.

So that's your one and only point? We've covered this a million billion times. Private banks own shares in the Federal Reserve and get a dividend payment. Private banks do not decide monetary policy (how much base money gets put into the economy). Do you understand that much? Because if you're unclear on the fact that private banks don't get to decide monetary policy, I'll explain it one more time. If you do understand, let me know that I'm not just talking to a wall here.

Shocking when you first learn the truth isn't it? I use to be like you I argued with everybody that said the fed was privately owned just like you are doing. Words wrote down saying what the fed is supposed to be are very different from how the chairman of the fed reacts when called before congress and he tells them he doesn't answer to them.
I realize it's a shock to you.
It's because we are self aware of the debt now and the threat it imposes. Obama can stop this run away train or he can throw more coal in the fire box.

Stop defending stupidity JUST BECAUSE you like Obama.

Oh...........so it's okay that Jr. is the one that started this mess with all the tax cuts, but because we are now aware of it, we blame the person in charge when we become aware?

Wanna know how to fix the debt ceiling? Reinstate the Clinton era taxes, when EVERYONE had a bit more money in their pockets.

I know I did then.

STOP FUCKING SPENDING AT EXTRAORDINARY LEVELS... not raising the debt ceiling.. not taxing 1/2 the people more and more

Well, if you want to stoop to that level, Bush was born of a Nazi and named in honor of a Nazi and he ran up more debt than all previous presidents combined.

But, Bush was a conservative who wanted to privatize SS, health care, and education, plus he was for a BBA. BO had 2 communist parents and wants single payer socilaist health care. That means the government pays all the bills. Bush and BO are opposites, you just lack the ability to understand it

How can 15 trillion be that bad when the Lyin' Ryan budget CON$ worship increases the debt to 23 trillion????

Again it all seems over your head. Ryan tried for best he could get given Democrats. Ron Paul wants to cut $1 trillion first year. Since Jefferson founded party 100% of support for responsible government has been Republican. 4 attempts at Balanced Budget just last year and of course all opposed by liberals. Coincidence it was liberals who spied for Stalin?

In what universe?

You still can't get past the fact that the Federal reserve is owned by private banks.

So that's your one and only point? We've covered this a million billion times. Private banks own shares in the Federal Reserve and get a dividend payment. Private banks do not decide monetary policy (how much base money gets put into the economy). Do you understand that much? Because if you're unclear on the fact that private banks don't get to decide monetary policy, I'll explain it one more time. If you do understand, let me know that I'm not just talking to a wall here.

Shocking when you first learn the truth isn't it? I use to be like you I argued with everybody that said the fed was privately owned just like you are doing. Words wrote down saying what the fed is supposed to be are very different from how the chairman of the fed reacts when called before congress and he tells them he doesn't answer to them.
I realize it's a shock to you.

Got no idea what the hell you're talking about. But you didn't answer my question. Do you understand that monetary policy isn't decided by banks? Do you understand that it's decided by people appointed by the President and confirmed by the senate? Just a yes or no is what I want.
The New York Fed is the most important Fed bank. As Bloomberg pointed out in 2009:

The New York Fed is one of 12 regional Federal Reserve banks and the one charged with monitoring capital markets. It is also managing $1.7 trillion [now up to at least $1.9 trillion] of emergency lending programs [and accepting collateral from the banks in return].

However, the country's most powerful "agency" - the Federal Reserve - is actually no more federal than Federal Express. The Fed itself admitted (via Bloomberg):
While the Fed’s Washington-based Board of Governors is a federal agency subject to the Freedom of Information Act and other government rules, the New York Fed and other regional banks maintain they are separate institutions, owned by their member banks, and not subject to federal restrictions.

The Truth About the Federal Reserve - YouTube

The Federal Reserve ADMITS that Its 12 Banks Are PRIVATE - Not Government - Entities → Washingtons Blog

Wishful thinking doesn't make it so.

How do you think any of this is relevant or interesting? I gave you the god damn Federal Reserve Act - the act establishing the Federal Reserve and its 12 regional banks, and outlining the powers given to it - and also filtered through it for you to find the relevant sections and paragraphs.

Maybe what would help is if you clearly state the point you're trying to make, rather than jumping from one to another every time I produce evidence contradicting you. Here's an example of my points clearly and concisely stated:

-The Federal Open Market Committee is responsible for monetary policy
-The Board of Governors form a voting majority on the FOMC
-The Board of Governors are appointed by the President and confirmed by the senate
-The Fed does not directly lend to the government
-At the end of the year, the Fed gives its profits to the Treasury

You still can't get past the fact that the Federal reserve is owned by private banks.

And that the Fed gave 98% of their profit last year to the Treasury.
So that's your one and only point? We've covered this a million billion times. Private banks own shares in the Federal Reserve and get a dividend payment. Private banks do not decide monetary policy (how much base money gets put into the economy). Do you understand that much? Because if you're unclear on the fact that private banks don't get to decide monetary policy, I'll explain it one more time. If you do understand, let me know that I'm not just talking to a wall here.

Shocking when you first learn the truth isn't it? I use to be like you I argued with everybody that said the fed was privately owned just like you are doing. Words wrote down saying what the fed is supposed to be are very different from how the chairman of the fed reacts when called before congress and he tells them he doesn't answer to them.
I realize it's a shock to you.

Got no idea what the hell you're talking about. But you didn't answer my question. Do you understand that monetary policy isn't decided by banks? Do you understand that it's decided by people appointed by the President and confirmed by the senate? Just a yes or no is what I want.
I realize it's a shock to find out you are being deceived by the one you trust the most.
You mean you haven't got a clue., what you are talking about? Bernanke has even said he's not accountable to congress.

Think about this before you parrot anything else.
Something wrote on paper such as rules and regulations is a lot different then how the fed actually does business
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Shocking when you first learn the truth isn't it? I use to be like you I argued with everybody that said the fed was privately owned just like you are doing. Words wrote down saying what the fed is supposed to be are very different from how the chairman of the fed reacts when called before congress and he tells them he doesn't answer to them.
I realize it's a shock to you.

Got no idea what the hell you're talking about. But you didn't answer my question. Do you understand that monetary policy isn't decided by banks? Do you understand that it's decided by people appointed by the President and confirmed by the senate? Just a yes or no is what I want.
I realize it's a shock to find out you are being deceived by the one you trust the most.
You mean you haven't got a clue., what you are talking about? Bernanke has even said he's not accountable to congress.

Think about this before you parrot anything else.
Something wrote on paper such as rules and regulations is a lot different then how the fed actually does business

Bernanke has even said he's not accountable to congress.

Show me.
How do you think any of this is relevant or interesting? I gave you the god damn Federal Reserve Act - the act establishing the Federal Reserve and its 12 regional banks, and outlining the powers given to it - and also filtered through it for you to find the relevant sections and paragraphs.

Maybe what would help is if you clearly state the point you're trying to make, rather than jumping from one to another every time I produce evidence contradicting you. Here's an example of my points clearly and concisely stated:

-The Federal Open Market Committee is responsible for monetary policy
-The Board of Governors form a voting majority on the FOMC
-The Board of Governors are appointed by the President and confirmed by the senate
-The Fed does not directly lend to the government
-At the end of the year, the Fed gives its profits to the Treasury

You still can't get past the fact that the Federal reserve is owned by private banks.

And that the Fed gave 98% of their profit last year to the Treasury.

The federal reserve owners charged the government for the print paper money.
It was Allan Greenspan who said it.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J2fjxaRLpQo&feature=related]RON PAUL - THIS WILL MAKE YOU ANGRY! - YouTube[/ame]
Shocking when you first learn the truth isn't it? I use to be like you I argued with everybody that said the fed was privately owned just like you are doing. Words wrote down saying what the fed is supposed to be are very different from how the chairman of the fed reacts when called before congress and he tells them he doesn't answer to them.
I realize it's a shock to you.

Got no idea what the hell you're talking about. But you didn't answer my question. Do you understand that monetary policy isn't decided by banks? Do you understand that it's decided by people appointed by the President and confirmed by the senate? Just a yes or no is what I want.
I realize it's a shock to find out you are being deceived by the one you trust the most.
You mean you haven't got a clue., what you are talking about? Bernanke has even said he's not accountable to congress.

Think about this before you parrot anything else.
Something wrote on paper such as rules and regulations is a lot different then how the fed actually does business

You're clearly not interesting in actually engaging in conversation, so I'm gonna try and stop now. Suffice to say that you are the single dumbest person I have ever met. You are the boundry between below normal intelligence and mental retardation. Good day.
Got no idea what the hell you're talking about. But you didn't answer my question. Do you understand that monetary policy isn't decided by banks? Do you understand that it's decided by people appointed by the President and confirmed by the senate? Just a yes or no is what I want.
I realize it's a shock to find out you are being deceived by the one you trust the most.
You mean you haven't got a clue., what you are talking about? Bernanke has even said he's not accountable to congress.

Think about this before you parrot anything else.
Something wrote on paper such as rules and regulations is a lot different then how the fed actually does business

You're clearly not interesting in actually engaging in conversation, so I'm gonna try and stop now. Suffice to say that you are the single dumbest person I have ever met. You are the boundry between below normal intelligence and mental retardation. Good day.
You are a fucking moron why don't you go fuck you god damn self you son a bitch. I seen idiots like you before never saw their face because they always had their head in the sand.
You still can't get past the fact that the Federal reserve is owned by private banks.

And that the Fed gave 98% of their profit last year to the Treasury.

The federal reserve owners charged the government for the print paper money.

How many times can I say it, the government doesn't use paper money.

If a bank needs paper money, they'll buy it from the Fed, but just where, exactly, do you think the Treasury uses FRNs? Spell it out.

And thanks for ignoring the $78.4 billion the Fed gave to the Treasury, while paying dividends of only $1.6 billion to the "owners".

He said it was an independent AGENCY. Not a private company. Thanks for disproving your own claim.

Exactly when did I ever mention company? Thanks for proving how dishonest you can be. Didn't he also say they couldn't be overruled?

It was Allan Greenspan who said it.

Said what? Be specific.

Didn't he also say they couldn't be overruled?

Why don't you post the exact quote, then we can discuss it?
He said it was an independent AGENCY. Not a private company. Thanks for disproving your own claim.

Exactly when did I ever mention company? Thanks for proving how dishonest you can be. Didn't he also say they couldn't be overruled?

It was Allan Greenspan who said it.

Said what? Be specific.

Didn't he also say they couldn't be overruled?

Why don't you post the exact quote, then we can discuss it?

Stop it When did I say the Fed was a private company you fucking dumb ass?
I guess 5 trillion he has added to the debt was not enough. Obama Wants to Raise the Debt Ceiling Again - Yahoo! News

We could instead default on our debt, collapse the dollar, and send the world into economic chaos. Oh, wait, did I say the world? I forget that isolationist righties don't care about the rest of the world. Let me rephrase then in terms you'll understand: We could instead default on our debt, collapse the dollar, and send the United States into economic chaos.

The White House plans to ask Congress by the end of the week for an increase in the government's debt ceiling to allow the United States to pay its bills on time, according to a senior Treasury Department official on Tuesday.

What an evil man,. He wants the U.S. to pay its bills on time.

what I don't get is why he has to ask. Congress has already authorized the spending - its implicit in their spending authorization that the Treasury raise the money to do the spendnig
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Exactly when did I ever mention company? Thanks for proving how dishonest you can be. Didn't he also say they couldn't be overruled?

It was Allan Greenspan who said it.

Said what? Be specific.

Didn't he also say they couldn't be overruled?

Why don't you post the exact quote, then we can discuss it?

Stop it When did I say the Fed was a private company you fucking dumb ass?

Excellent! You agree it's part of the government.

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