What the heck is the deal with the gas prices?

I live out in BFE. I have to keep gas in my car. So, I just hold my nose and pump it. It all smells like Obama these days.
They were under three bucks a few weeks ago and now they appear to be on a trajectory for four bucks.

The March and April contracts were bid up once the Russians invaded Crimea.
The NYMEX price for regular has been over $2.90 per gallon for about three weeks.
It has taken this long for prices to catch up.
Oil made it to $106 about a week ago.
However, the price has slackened and settled today at $98.89, up 60 cents on today's trading.
Yeah, I'm gonna haul tons of construction materials in a hybrid lol

My question is how come diesel is so much more expensive than gas?

I know right? We used to use all diesels for work till the prices flip flopped. Started costing us a couple thousand a month just to fill up. Sold them all and switched to regular trucks with overload suspensions. But even now it's still costing a damn fortune.
I had really hoped that prices would recede but it appears that this crap is the new norm.

I's switch back to diesel powered engines. They last longer for sure.
lol...I remember the gas execs getting on TV saying Diesel is cheaper because it doesnt have to be cleaned. Now Diesel is higher and I imagine they'll say its because the Gas Gods required it to be so :lol:


Why Diesel Costs More Than Gasoline - Business Insider

It's all in the link

Union strikes containing violence, lobbying, and then changing the usage tax on trucks for diesel instead of on the truckers themselves.
That's why diesel is more expensive - taxation. But you love taxes! So you should be happy to fork over the extra for diesel that would otherwise be cheaper. Plus there is some good Union violence in the piece and around the decision. Certainly you can at least quietly like the violence thing. It's a lefty darling.

They always pit us against each other while they make off with the spoils

That is precisely the liberal politician playbook.
Who makes the most from high gas prices, business or government?
Business, of course. Now you have been lied to and told government and you were stupid enough to swallow it when the liars pretended the only profit in the oil business was the final sale of the refined gas. For example, the average cost to find and lift US crude is about $34 per barrel which sells for $100. Then that crude is refined also at a profit and finally the gas is sold at a profit. The deceivers only compare the tax on gas to the profit from the final sale of the gas not counting the profit from each step from crude to gas because they know their suckers are too stupid to know there is profit in each step.
one reason is the change in fuel from winter blend to summer blends, unusually cold winters lowered supplies of fuels and caused an increase in natural gas production and gasoline fell to a secondary concern..

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