What the hell did obama do with the 800 billion in stimulus money we gave him?

But thanks for the world depression that cost 8 trillion dollars to avert.

And after $2 trillion went to bail out what Affirmative Action Dem Franklin Raines did with taxpayer insured mortgage guarantees.... the rest went MISSING as it usually does.

It is funny how angry Dems like Franco get when reminded of the truth that the Dem Party is nothing less than a kleptocratic racket...
All investigated and nothing there but ridiculous GOP propaganda, super duper. Or give us a link from a respected media or law enforcement. And no it is not a conspiracy, nut job..
It was a slow recovery because you messiah hit the citizens with the largest tax increase in American history with his obamacare.
Oh come on, even you are not STUPID enough to believe that bullshit!
We give trump NO STIMULUS MONEY In the first 2 years of the Trump Presidency wages increased 42% more than in the last 2 year's of the Obama administration

I want to know where did the money go obama??

Cummings what did you do with 16 billion?

Democrats have to buy support! And votes..

Actually, Trump didn't need any stimulus money since he had inherited a growing economy. Instead, he gave the super-wealthy a huge tax reduction which was not necessary since the economy was growing. He should have waited to goose the economy when his recession hits us because he will have no arrows in his quiver to deal with it.
Much of Obama's stimulus money went to special interests and some was used to bail out major corporations to prevent bankruptcy by them and all the ancillary companies that depended on them. In other words the money was put into the economy so that people would start working and spending, and it worked. Remember that the great recession was the most severe downturn since the depression and we were slowly emerging from it.

You are a palindrome, Bobob!
We give trump NO STIMULUS MONEY In the first 2 years of the Trump Presidency wages increased 42% more than in the last 2 year's of the Obama administration

I want to know where did the money go obama??

Cummings what did you do with 16 billion?

Democrats have to buy support! And votes..

Actually, Trump didn't need any stimulus money since he had inherited a growing economy. Instead, he gave the super-wealthy a huge tax reduction which was not necessary since the economy was growing. He should have waited to goose the economy when his recession hits us because he will have no arrows in his quiver to deal with it.
Much of Obama's stimulus money went to special interests and some was used to bail out major corporations to prevent bankruptcy by them and all the ancillary companies that depended on them. In other words the money was put into the economy so that people would start working and spending, and it worked. Remember that the great recession was the most severe downturn since the depression and we were slowly emerging from it.
It was a slow recovery because you messiah hit the citizens with the largest tax increase in American history with his obamacare.
Stifled the economies recovery with his anti business EO's.
So why is the economy just the same now even with a couple trillion dollars in sugar from Trump? I sure would like to hear some examples of that... Obamacare didn't even start up until 2013 dumbass lol. and experts outside your bubble of idiocy say if anything it helped the economy. The actual problem was the whole world was in a depression thanks to your scumbag GOP. We had the best economy in the world all those years, dumbass.
Maybe because Obama's economy was getting infused with a couple trillion in sugar from the fed reserve, dumb ass
We give trump NO STIMULUS MONEY In the first 2 years of the Trump Presidency wages increased 42% more than in the last 2 year's of the Obama administration

I want to know where did the money go obama??

Cummings what did you do with 16 billion?

Democrats have to buy support! And votes..

Actually, Trump didn't need any stimulus money since he had inherited a growing economy. Instead, he gave the super-wealthy a huge tax reduction which was not necessary since the economy was growing. He should have waited to goose the economy when his recession hits us because he will have no arrows in his quiver to deal with it.
Much of Obama's stimulus money went to special interests and some was used to bail out major corporations to prevent bankruptcy by them and all the ancillary companies that depended on them. In other words the money was put into the economy so that people would start working and spending, and it worked. Remember that the great recession was the most severe downturn since the depression and we were slowly emerging from it.
It was a slow recovery because you messiah hit the citizens with the largest tax increase in American history with his obamacare.
Stifled the economies recovery with his anti business EO's.
So why is the economy just the same now even with a couple trillion dollars in sugar from Trump? I sure would like to hear some examples of that... Obamacare didn't even start up until 2013 dumbass lol. and experts outside your bubble of idiocy say if anything it helped the economy. The actual problem was the whole world was in a depression thanks to your scumbag GOP. We had the best economy in the world all those years, dumbass.
Maybe because Obama's economy was getting infused with a couple trillion in sugar from the fed reserve, dumb ass
That's what happens when the swamp GOP starts another corrupt World depression, dumbass. El Obama had nothing to do with the Fed. Not when the economy is humming along with seven and a half years straight of growth. The greed and stupidity of the GOP rich is now off the charts.
We give trump NO STIMULUS MONEY In the first 2 years of the Trump Presidency wages increased 42% more than in the last 2 year's of the Obama administration

I want to know where did the money go obama??

Cummings what did you do with 16 billion?

Democrats have to buy support! And votes..

Actually, Trump didn't need any stimulus money since he had inherited a growing economy. Instead, he gave the super-wealthy a huge tax reduction which was not necessary since the economy was growing. He should have waited to goose the economy when his recession hits us because he will have no arrows in his quiver to deal with it.
Much of Obama's stimulus money went to special interests and some was used to bail out major corporations to prevent bankruptcy by them and all the ancillary companies that depended on them. In other words the money was put into the economy so that people would start working and spending, and it worked. Remember that the great recession was the most severe downturn since the depression and we were slowly emerging from it.
It was a slow recovery because you messiah hit the citizens with the largest tax increase in American history with his obamacare.
Stifled the economies recovery with his anti business EO's.
So why is the economy just the same now even with a couple trillion dollars in sugar from Trump? I sure would like to hear some examples of that... Obamacare didn't even start up until 2013 dumbass lol. and experts outside your bubble of idiocy say if anything it helped the economy. The actual problem was the whole world was in a depression thanks to your scumbag GOP. We had the best economy in the world all those years, dumbass.
Maybe because Obama's economy was getting infused with a couple trillion in sugar from the fed reserve, dumb ass

Dummy, what is your objection to reducing interest rates during deflationary tough times? It's called sound monetary policy.
Last edited:
We give trump NO STIMULUS MONEY In the first 2 years of the Trump Presidency wages increased 42% more than in the last 2 year's of the Obama administration

I want to know where did the money go obama??

Cummings what did you do with 16 billion?

Democrats have to buy support! And votes..

Actually, Trump didn't need any stimulus money since he had inherited a growing economy. Instead, he gave the super-wealthy a huge tax reduction which was not necessary since the economy was growing. He should have waited to goose the economy when his recession hits us because he will have no arrows in his quiver to deal with it.
Much of Obama's stimulus money went to special interests and some was used to bail out major corporations to prevent bankruptcy by them and all the ancillary companies that depended on them. In other words the money was put into the economy so that people would start working and spending, and it worked. Remember that the great recession was the most severe downturn since the depression and we were slowly emerging from it.
It was a slow recovery because you messiah hit the citizens with the largest tax increase in American history with his obamacare.
Stifled the economies recovery with his anti business EO's.
So why is the economy just the same now even with a couple trillion dollars in sugar from Trump? I sure would like to hear some examples of that... Obamacare didn't even start up until 2013 dumbass lol. and experts outside your bubble of idiocy say if anything it helped the economy. The actual problem was the whole world was in a depression thanks to your scumbag GOP. We had the best economy in the world all those years, dumbass.
Maybe because Obama's economy was getting infused with a couple trillion in sugar from the fed reserve, dumb ass
That's what happens when the swamp GOP starts another corrupt World depression, dumbass. El Obama had nothing to do with the Fed. Not when the economy is humming along with seven and a half years straight of growth. The greed and stupidity of the GOP rich is now off the charts.
Yeah....for 8 years he needed the help of the fed reserve because of his policies....don't be such an ignorant dolt, frankie
Actually, Trump didn't need any stimulus money since he had inherited a growing economy. Instead, he gave the super-wealthy a huge tax reduction which was not necessary since the economy was growing. He should have waited to goose the economy when his recession hits us because he will have no arrows in his quiver to deal with it.
Much of Obama's stimulus money went to special interests and some was used to bail out major corporations to prevent bankruptcy by them and all the ancillary companies that depended on them. In other words the money was put into the economy so that people would start working and spending, and it worked. Remember that the great recession was the most severe downturn since the depression and we were slowly emerging from it.
It was a slow recovery because you messiah hit the citizens with the largest tax increase in American history with his obamacare.
Stifled the economies recovery with his anti business EO's.
So why is the economy just the same now even with a couple trillion dollars in sugar from Trump? I sure would like to hear some examples of that... Obamacare didn't even start up until 2013 dumbass lol. and experts outside your bubble of idiocy say if anything it helped the economy. The actual problem was the whole world was in a depression thanks to your scumbag GOP. We had the best economy in the world all those years, dumbass.
Maybe because Obama's economy was getting infused with a couple trillion in sugar from the fed reserve, dumb ass
That's what happens when the swamp GOP starts another corrupt World depression, dumbass. El Obama had nothing to do with the Fed. Not when the economy is humming along with seven and a half years straight of growth. The greed and stupidity of the GOP rich is now off the charts.
Yeah....for 8 years he needed the help of the fed reserve because of his policies....don't be such an ignorant dolt, frankie
Yes the FED control the economy now I guess. We have a great economy -only Republicans can screw it up with corrupt regulation and cronyism.....
We are paying for millions of democrat voters
Are you talking about minorities or what? White Republicans and white Democrats have basically exactly the same status in the economy. Black and browns get discriminated against by racist Republicans oh, so that skews the stats when you count them. Of course duh. Red States paid for by blue States. Your party is a lying cheating disgrace and a disaster.
Your vision of race relations is factually wrong.. you need help .. people are swear of your fake news republicans are racist.. you don’t even know the definition
It is when a person believes a certain race is inferior and discriminates against them. Like most Republicans, not the crap definition you people are told. Hating racists is now racism according to your brainwashers LOL
Blacks in towns run by republicans aren’t screaming of racism that’s only in democrat run towns
Bologna. Anyway they're probably scared to death in those racist towns.
Blacks don’t live in republican run towns? Don’t feel safe?? Have you seen All black colleges are down south lol not north haha retard
It was a slow recovery because you messiah hit the citizens with the largest tax increase in American history with his obamacare.
Stifled the economies recovery with his anti business EO's.
So why is the economy just the same now even with a couple trillion dollars in sugar from Trump? I sure would like to hear some examples of that... Obamacare didn't even start up until 2013 dumbass lol. and experts outside your bubble of idiocy say if anything it helped the economy. The actual problem was the whole world was in a depression thanks to your scumbag GOP. We had the best economy in the world all those years, dumbass.
Maybe because Obama's economy was getting infused with a couple trillion in sugar from the fed reserve, dumb ass
That's what happens when the swamp GOP starts another corrupt World depression, dumbass. El Obama had nothing to do with the Fed. Not when the economy is humming along with seven and a half years straight of growth. The greed and stupidity of the GOP rich is now off the charts.
Yeah....for 8 years he needed the help of the fed reserve because of his policies....don't be such an ignorant dolt, frankie
Yes the FED control the economy now I guess. We have a great economy -only Republicans can screw it up with corrupt regulation and cronyism.....
when it infuses trillions into the economy, yes, they can control the economy. Don't be such an ignorant dolt.
Blacks in towns run by republicans aren’t screaming of racism that’s only in democrat run towns

More Trumper bullshit.

Prove it
Ummm Baltimore riots, New York , Chicago , Detroit, Camden, St. Louis
No riots in San Francisco Los Angeles Seattle and Portland, all very prosperous towns. Divide and conquer with garbage propaganda is the GOP way. Mean while they rob you blind you silly bastard dupes....
Blacks in towns run by republicans aren’t screaming of racism that’s only in democrat run towns

More Trumper bullshit.

Prove it
Ummm Baltimore riots, New York , Chicago , Detroit, Camden, St. Louis
No riots in San Francisco Los Angeles Seattle and Portland, all very prosperous towns. Divide and conquer with garbage propaganda is the GOP way. Mean while they rob you blind you silly bastard dupes....
Not rioting but shitting on the side walks seems pretty oppressed, san Fran , seattle. Oregon .. shot holes
Blacks in towns run by republicans aren’t screaming of racism that’s only in democrat run towns

More Trumper bullshit.

Prove it
Ummm Baltimore riots, New York , Chicago , Detroit, Camden, St. Louis
No riots in San Francisco Los Angeles Seattle and Portland, all very prosperous towns. Divide and conquer with garbage propaganda is the GOP way. Mean while they rob you blind you silly bastard dupes....
All of a sudden with smartphones the cops looked bad. Not really big riots by the way. Of course on Fox they all wanted to kill cops!!! Crap propaganda that was....
Blacks in towns run by republicans aren’t screaming of racism that’s only in democrat run towns

More Trumper bullshit.

Prove it
Ummm Baltimore riots, New York , Chicago , Detroit, Camden, St. Louis
No riots in San Francisco Los Angeles Seattle and Portland, all very prosperous towns. Divide and conquer with garbage propaganda is the GOP way. Mean while they rob you blind you silly bastard dupes....
All of a sudden with smartphones the cops looked bad. Not really big riots by the way. Of course on Fox they all wanted to kill cops!!! Crap propaganda that was....
Blacks in towns run by republicans aren’t screaming of racism that’s only in democrat run towns

More Trumper bullshit.

Prove it
Ummm Baltimore riots, New York , Chicago , Detroit, Camden, St. Louis
No riots in San Francisco Los Angeles Seattle and Portland, all very prosperous towns. Divide and conquer with garbage propaganda is the GOP way. Mean while they rob you blind you silly bastard dupes....
Not rioting but shitting on the side walks seems pretty oppressed, san Fran , seattle. Oregon .. shot holes
Small parts of town brainwashed functional moron. Caused by GOP cutting federal aid for low income housing everywhere the last 35 years and their nice weather and policy out there...

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