What the hell did obama do with the 800 billion in stimulus money we gave him?

Blacks in towns run by republicans aren’t screaming of racism that’s only in democrat run towns

More Trumper bullshit.

Prove it
Ummm Baltimore riots, New York , Chicago , Detroit, Camden, St. Louis
No riots in San Francisco Los Angeles Seattle and Portland, all very prosperous towns. Divide and conquer with garbage propaganda is the GOP way. Mean while they rob you blind you silly bastard dupes....
Not rioting but shitting on the side walks seems pretty oppressed, san Fran , seattle. Oregon .. shot holes
Small parts of town brainwashed functional moron. Caused by GOP cutting federal aid for low income housing everywhere the last 35 years and their nice weather and policy out there...
Opportunity not to own homes is what’s causing it,, no one wants to live in slave dwelling
More Trumper bullshit.

Prove it
Ummm Baltimore riots, New York , Chicago , Detroit, Camden, St. Louis
No riots in San Francisco Los Angeles Seattle and Portland, all very prosperous towns. Divide and conquer with garbage propaganda is the GOP way. Mean while they rob you blind you silly bastard dupes....
Not rioting but shitting on the side walks seems pretty oppressed, san Fran , seattle. Oregon .. shot holes
Small parts of town brainwashed functional moron. Caused by GOP cutting federal aid for low income housing everywhere the last 35 years and their nice weather and policy out there...
Opportunity not to own homes is what’s causing it,, no one wants to live in slave dwelling
35 years of GOP give away to the rich and screw everyone else is leading to ridiculous inequality and crap upward Mobility, the ruin of the middle class and our infrastructure. So we have divisive propaganda and mass murderers everywhere. Great job
Ummm Baltimore riots, New York , Chicago , Detroit, Camden, St. Louis
No riots in San Francisco Los Angeles Seattle and Portland, all very prosperous towns. Divide and conquer with garbage propaganda is the GOP way. Mean while they rob you blind you silly bastard dupes....
Not rioting but shitting on the side walks seems pretty oppressed, san Fran , seattle. Oregon .. shot holes
Small parts of town brainwashed functional moron. Caused by GOP cutting federal aid for low income housing everywhere the last 35 years and their nice weather and policy out there...
Opportunity not to own homes is what’s causing it,, no one wants to live in slave dwelling
35 years of GOP give away to the rich and screw everyone else is leading to ridiculous inequality and crap upward Mobility, the ruin of the middle class and our infrastructure. So we have divisive propaganda and mass murderers everywhere. Great job
Don’t over regulate opportunity
We give trump NO STIMULUS MONEY In the first 2 years of the Trump Presidency wages increased 42% more than in the last 2 year's of the Obama administration

I want to know where did the money go obama??

Cummings what did you do with 16 billion?

Democrats have to buy support! And votes..

Gave it to the public employee unions.
Yet another mindless DittoTard.

It's a fact, edtheliar.

Bailing out the failing pension plans of the public employee unions was the #1 priority of porkulus. Ensuring that someone like you, who was a school janitor for 20 years, can suck a public pension for another 40 years after retiring, what the primary purpose of porkulus.
No it is a Russia Limbaugh Lie, mindlessly parroted by STUPID SUCKERS like you.
The Stimulus package did not earmark one single dollar for pension plans. The RepubliKlan governors who did not want to use the money for construction projects and create jobs which would make Obama look good, chose to use the block granted money to pay down their states debt. GOP governors habitually raid their states pension funds so any paying down of the debt would partially go to the pension funds. The democratic governors used the money for rebuilding infrastructure.

As an example, there was a desperate need for a third tunnel between NY and NJ and the stimulus was willing to help pay for it. The Democratic governor of NY approved the project, but the RepubliKlan governor Christie in NJ blocked the project and used the stimulus money to replenish the the pension funds raided by GOP governor Frisky Whitless (who told the Ground Zero workers as head of the EPA that the air was safe to breathe) to cover her 30% tax cut for the rich. Pathological liar Russia Limbaugh then accused the Democrats of funneling the money to the unions and STUPID SUCKERS like you swallow that shit whole and beg for more.

Sure, edtheliar.

Bailout for teachers' pensions to cost California school districts
It Begins: Pension Bailout Bill To Be Introduced This Week
We give trump NO STIMULUS MONEY In the first 2 years of the Trump Presidency wages increased 42% more than in the last 2 year's of the Obama administration

I want to know where did the money go obama??

Cummings what did you do with 16 billion?

Democrats have to buy support! And votes..

Gave it to the public employee unions.
Yet another mindless DittoTard.

It's a fact, edtheliar.

Bailing out the failing pension plans of the public employee unions was the #1 priority of porkulus. Ensuring that someone like you, who was a school janitor for 20 years, can suck a public pension for another 40 years after retiring, what the primary purpose of porkulus.
No it is a Russia Limbaugh Lie, mindlessly parroted by STUPID SUCKERS like you.
The Stimulus package did not earmark one single dollar for pension plans. The RepubliKlan governors who did not want to use the money for construction projects and create jobs which would make Obama look good, chose to use the block granted money to pay down their states debt. GOP governors habitually raid their states pension funds so any paying down of the debt would partially go to the pension funds. The democratic governors used the money for rebuilding infrastructure.

As an example, there was a desperate need for a third tunnel between NY and NJ and the stimulus was willing to help pay for it. The Democratic governor of NY approved the project, but the RepubliKlan governor Christie in NJ blocked the project and used the stimulus money to replenish the the pension funds raided by GOP governor Frisky Whitless (who told the Ground Zero workers as head of the EPA that the air was safe to breathe) to cover her 30% tax cut for the rich. Pathological liar Russia Limbaugh then accused the Democrats of funneling the money to the unions and STUPID SUCKERS like you swallow that shit whole and beg for more.

Sure, edtheliar.

Bailout for teachers' pensions to cost California school districts
It Begins: Pension Bailout Bill To Be Introduced This Week
Oh if only Obama was president in Nov 2017 the date of your article.
BTW, it was Schwarzenegger (R) who raided the pensions.
We give trump NO STIMULUS MONEY In the first 2 years of the Trump Presidency wages increased 42% more than in the last 2 year's of the Obama administration

I want to know where did the money go obama??

Cummings what did you do with 16 billion?

Democrats have to buy support! And votes..

He gave it to the Corps and Unions like they always do.
All investigated and nothing there but ridiculous GOP propaganda, super duper. Or give us a link from a respected media or law enforcement. And no it is not a conspiracy, nut job..

Raines got off with just a fine for being a Black Dem kleptocrat with no patriotism to the US, just like Mr. Holder, the supremacist bigot who refused to prosecute Raines.

The others got it...

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