What the hell happened Truthers?

In 2001, a Fox News report by Carl Cameron laid out the Israeli spy scenario, however, the story was short-lived, and Shea was told by a representative at the news organization that there was outside pressure to kill the story.

9-11 Attacks: The Five Dancing Israelis Arrested on 9-11

Fox News broadcasts a remarkable series about the Israeli "art student" spy ring. The report mentions that at least 60 more Israelis have been detained or arrested since 9/11.

"There is no indication that the Israelis were involved in the 9/11 attacks, but investigators suspect that the Israelis may have gathered intelligence about the attacks in advance, and not shared it."

When a government source is asked if the Israeli spies knew about the 9/11 attacks before they happened, he responds,

"The principal question is 'how could they have not known?'"

"Investigators within the DEA, INS and FBI have all told Fox News that to pursue or even suggest Israeli spying... is considered career suicide."

A highly placed investigator says there are 'tie- ins' between the spy ring and 9/11. But when asked for details, he flatly refuses to describe them, saying,

"evidence linking these Israelis to 9-11 is classified. I cannot tell you about evidence that has been gathered. It's classified information."

December 16, 2001

Fox News removes its series on the "art student" spy ring (see December 12-15, 2001) from its website after only two days, in response to pressure from the Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs (JINSA), the Anti-Defamation League (ADL), the Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting in America (CAMERA) and others.

(see for instance, [CAMERA, 12/12/01, CAMERA, 12/13/01]).

CAMERA for instance, suggests the reporter "has something, personally, about Israel... Maybe he's very sympathetic to the Arab side."

[Salon, 5/7/02]

The head of the ADL calls the report "sinister dangerous innuendo which fuels anti-Semitism."

[Forward, 12/21/01]

Yet there doesn't appear to be any substance to these personal attacks (and Forward later reverses its stance on the spy ring.

[Forward, 3/15/02]).

Fox News also never makes a formal repudiation or correction about the series. The contents of the series continues to be mostly ignored by the mainstream media, but it makes a big impact inside the US government. For instance, an internal DEA communiqué from December 18 mentions the Fox report by name, and warns of security breaches in telecommunications as described in the Fox report.

[Salon, 5/7/02]

The 14 Israeli 'Art Students' Were Inside The WTC Towers Camping With Construction Passes

There's a lot that people have overlooked, and just dismiss away as insignificant because their government tells them to.
Fact is that 19 Saudis could not have had the incredible luck they did on 9-11, to cause the destruction of 3 skyscrapers, with 2 planes, on the same day as massive military drills.
There is much that has not been explained, and don't make sense, or is just too incredibly coincidental to simply dismiss and trust a corrupt, lying, deceiving US government, and politicians.

Some of you may enjoy being led around by the nose and told what to believe, despite it not making sense, but there are those of us that don't.
This nation has been infiltrated by powerful lobbying forces with vast amounts of money and resources, and who do not have the best interests of the American people, or the country as a whole as their first priority.
Wake the fuck up, and at least have the courage to acknowledge what is so very obvious to millions of others, that at the very least, there are many unanswered questions and discrepancies about 9-11.

Please tell me we don't have to go through this Israeli thing again........

Facts get in the way for you Ollie? Do you fly the Israeli flag also?
Half the SOBs in the Bush administration, were Israeli loyalists, and almost all the writers and signatories of the PNAC were as well.
Why don't you try to stand up for the American people, instead of kissing ass to a foreign state, or supporting the scum in OUR government who do?

No Dumbass I do not fly any other countries flag. Did your mommie drop you on your head a few times?
Here is what the TRUTHERS(keep away from small children or pets) have been reduced to.

So that leaves me with the choice of believing in no-planes (for which there is ample evidence it must be said) and looking at the possibility that the columns in the impact area were replaced with something much weaker than steel to facilitate the entrance of the aircraft into the building in the manner we saw.

This clown from another board thinks that not only were explosives hidden inside the towers without anyone seeing them, but the "perps" also managed to replace the exterior columns in broad daylight without being seen.

One would think at least one of the workers in that office would question why the entire outer wall was gone. I know the wind blowing the papers off my desk would piss me off enough to complain.

Oh holy crap, the imbecile just got more retarded.

Just look at how he says the column replacement could have been done.

They could have cut the original columns out in smaller sections and sent the pieces down in the freight elevators. The much lighter replacement columns could have then been mounted in sections in the place of the original steel columns. It would have been pretty easy to do.

I can hear it now. "Please stand aside, sir, we have to get these lighter columns in place before it gets dark". :lol:
In 2001, a Fox News report by Carl Cameron laid out the Israeli spy scenario, however, the story was short-lived, and Shea was told by a representative at the news organization that there was outside pressure to kill the story.

9-11 Attacks: The Five Dancing Israelis Arrested on 9-11

Fox News broadcasts a remarkable series about the Israeli "art student" spy ring. The report mentions that at least 60 more Israelis have been detained or arrested since 9/11.

"There is no indication that the Israelis were involved in the 9/11 attacks, but investigators suspect that the Israelis may have gathered intelligence about the attacks in advance, and not shared it."

When a government source is asked if the Israeli spies knew about the 9/11 attacks before they happened, he responds,

"The principal question is 'how could they have not known?'"

"Investigators within the DEA, INS and FBI have all told Fox News that to pursue or even suggest Israeli spying... is considered career suicide."

A highly placed investigator says there are 'tie- ins' between the spy ring and 9/11. But when asked for details, he flatly refuses to describe them, saying,

"evidence linking these Israelis to 9-11 is classified. I cannot tell you about evidence that has been gathered. It's classified information."

December 16, 2001

Fox News removes its series on the "art student" spy ring (see December 12-15, 2001) from its website after only two days, in response to pressure from the Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs (JINSA), the Anti-Defamation League (ADL), the Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting in America (CAMERA) and others.

(see for instance, [CAMERA, 12/12/01, CAMERA, 12/13/01]).

CAMERA for instance, suggests the reporter "has something, personally, about Israel... Maybe he's very sympathetic to the Arab side."

[Salon, 5/7/02]

The head of the ADL calls the report "sinister dangerous innuendo which fuels anti-Semitism."

[Forward, 12/21/01]

Yet there doesn't appear to be any substance to these personal attacks (and Forward later reverses its stance on the spy ring.

[Forward, 3/15/02]).

Fox News also never makes a formal repudiation or correction about the series. The contents of the series continues to be mostly ignored by the mainstream media, but it makes a big impact inside the US government. For instance, an internal DEA communiqué from December 18 mentions the Fox report by name, and warns of security breaches in telecommunications as described in the Fox report.

[Salon, 5/7/02]

The 14 Israeli 'Art Students' Were Inside The WTC Towers Camping With Construction Passes

There's a lot that people have overlooked, and just dismiss away as insignificant because their government tells them to.
Fact is that 19 Saudis could not have had the incredible luck they did on 9-11, to cause the destruction of 3 skyscrapers, with 2 planes, on the same day as massive military drills.
There is much that has not been explained, and don't make sense, or is just too incredibly coincidental to simply dismiss and trust a corrupt, lying, deceiving US government, and politicians.

Some of you may enjoy being led around by the nose and told what to believe, despite it not making sense, but there are those of us that don't.
This nation has been infiltrated by powerful lobbying forces with vast amounts of money and resources, and who do not have the best interests of the American people, or the country as a whole as their first priority.
Wake the fuck up, and at least have the courage to acknowledge what is so very obvious to millions of others, that at the very least, there are many unanswered questions and discrepancies about 9-11.

Please tell me we don't have to go through this Israeli thing again........

Facts get in the way for you Ollie? Do you fly the Israeli flag also?
Half the SOBs in the Bush administration, were Israeli loyalists, and almost all the writers and signatories of the PNAC were as well.
Why don't you try to stand up for the American people, instead of kissing ass to a foreign state, or supporting the scum in OUR government who do?
Paranoid and delusional much, dude?
Here is what the TRUTHERS(keep away from small children or pets) have been reduced to.

So that leaves me with the choice of believing in no-planes (for which there is ample evidence it must be said) and looking at the possibility that the columns in the impact area were replaced with something much weaker than steel to facilitate the entrance of the aircraft into the building in the manner we saw.

This clown from another board thinks that not only were explosives hidden inside the towers without anyone seeing them, but the "perps" also managed to replace the exterior columns in broad daylight without being seen.

One would think at least one of the workers in that office would question why the entire outer wall was gone. I know the wind blowing the papers off my desk would piss me off enough to complain.

Oh holy crap, the imbecile just got more retarded.

Just look at how he says the column replacement could have been done.

They could have cut the original columns out in smaller sections and sent the pieces down in the freight elevators. The much lighter replacement columns could have then been mounted in sections in the place of the original steel columns. It would have been pretty easy to do.

I can hear it now. "Please stand aside, sir, we have to get these lighter columns in place before it gets dark". :lol:
Christ, these people are FUCKIN' NUTS!:evil:
Here is what the TRUTHERS(keep away from small children or pets) have been reduced to.

This clown from another board thinks that not only were explosives hidden inside the towers without anyone seeing them, but the "perps" also managed to replace the exterior columns in broad daylight without being seen.

One would think at least one of the workers in that office would question why the entire outer wall was gone. I know the wind blowing the papers off my desk would piss me off enough to complain.

Oh holy crap, the imbecile just got more retarded.

Just look at how he says the column replacement could have been done.

They could have cut the original columns out in smaller sections and sent the pieces down in the freight elevators. The much lighter replacement columns could have then been mounted in sections in the place of the original steel columns. It would have been pretty easy to do.

I can hear it now. "Please stand aside, sir, we have to get these lighter columns in place before it gets dark". :lol:
Christ, these people are FUCKIN' NUTS!:evil:

This ass gets funnier and funnier every time I go back there. Here is his latest tome of knowledge.

You may have covered this already but some people think that the flashes were 'matches' to make sure that the photogenic fireball would actually ignite and not turn into a damp squib. That would leave the watching live world audience much less impressed than they might have been. Not enough 'shock and awe'.

If so it means that the planes hit with pinpoint accuracy which in turn could mean that the perimeter columns in the impact area had been replaced with something that looked like steel but was not.
And this imbecile responded to him.

Did i know how thick it was? I had a general idea yes, and I knew how they got less thick on the way up. You forgot the part about the Bofors 40mm gun

He thinks the 767 had cannons mounted on it to shoot out the fake perimeter columns. :lol:
Oh holy crap, the imbecile just got more retarded.

Just look at how he says the column replacement could have been done.

I can hear it now. "Please stand aside, sir, we have to get these lighter columns in place before it gets dark". :lol:
Christ, these people are FUCKIN' NUTS!:evil:

This ass gets funnier and funnier every time I go back there. Here is his latest tome of knowledge.

You may have covered this already but some people think that the flashes were 'matches' to make sure that the photogenic fireball would actually ignite and not turn into a damp squib. That would leave the watching live world audience much less impressed than they might have been. Not enough 'shock and awe'.

If so it means that the planes hit with pinpoint accuracy which in turn could mean that the perimeter columns in the impact area had been replaced with something that looked like steel but was not.
Unbelievable......And these twoofer loons just eat it up.:cuckoo:
But one of the Twoofers did manage to get on "Who Wants To Be A Millionaire"


You know, if you gave 100 Hollywood writers a million dollars each, even they couldn't come up with this shit...

That means that approximately nine floors just VANISHED. They didn't gradually buckle, melt, shift, topple, or shake. ALL of the core columns, as well as the steel-reinforced concrete, just VANISHED.

Someone needs to get out of Grandma's basement. :eek:
Kinda funny but, Nat Geo is having a documentary on the twoofers right now......Everything they put up is being fully debunked....It's friggin' hilarious.

Super Thermite?.....Debunked.
Missile into Pentagon?....Debunked.
WTC 7?............Debunked.
Evidence of controlled demolitions?.....Debunked.
No Plane crashing in Shanksville?......Debunked.
And on and on and on.

And of course, Gage and a few other twoofer "experts" are spittin' and sputterin' along with complete BS, even as the true evidence is thrown straight in their faces.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iR30IhksVVk]National Geographic Science & Conspiracy Part 1 - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V4DlUujWGwo]National Geographic Science & Conspiracy Part 2 - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CGsOkT__M7Y]National Geographic Science & Conspiracy Part 3 - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Q5S0ehGhR4]National Geographic Science & Conspiracy Part 4 - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dkODHlDQpeU]National Geographic Science & Conspiracy Part 5 - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ypl6mhb0-4U]National Geographic Science & Conspiracy Part 6 - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1CLCwkcHdmw]National Geographic Science & Conpsiracy Part 7 - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T8LdG3qmMj8]National Geographic Science & Conspiracy Part 8 - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=24opyHy2dSM]National Geographic Science & Technology Part 9 - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8y87rVK4xX8]National Geographic Science & Conspiracy Part 10 - YouTube[/ame]
In 2001, a Fox News report by Carl Cameron laid out the Israeli spy scenario, however, the story was short-lived, and Shea was told by a representative at the news organization that there was outside pressure to kill the story.

9-11 Attacks: The Five Dancing Israelis Arrested on 9-11

Fox News broadcasts a remarkable series about the Israeli "art student" spy ring. The report mentions that at least 60 more Israelis have been detained or arrested since 9/11.

"There is no indication that the Israelis were involved in the 9/11 attacks, but investigators suspect that the Israelis may have gathered intelligence about the attacks in advance, and not shared it."

When a government source is asked if the Israeli spies knew about the 9/11 attacks before they happened, he responds,

"The principal question is 'how could they have not known?'"

"Investigators within the DEA, INS and FBI have all told Fox News that to pursue or even suggest Israeli spying... is considered career suicide."

A highly placed investigator says there are 'tie- ins' between the spy ring and 9/11. But when asked for details, he flatly refuses to describe them, saying,

"evidence linking these Israelis to 9-11 is classified. I cannot tell you about evidence that has been gathered. It's classified information."

December 16, 2001

Fox News removes its series on the "art student" spy ring (see December 12-15, 2001) from its website after only two days, in response to pressure from the Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs (JINSA), the Anti-Defamation League (ADL), the Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting in America (CAMERA) and others.

(see for instance, [CAMERA, 12/12/01, CAMERA, 12/13/01]).

CAMERA for instance, suggests the reporter "has something, personally, about Israel... Maybe he's very sympathetic to the Arab side."

[Salon, 5/7/02]

The head of the ADL calls the report "sinister dangerous innuendo which fuels anti-Semitism."

[Forward, 12/21/01]

Yet there doesn't appear to be any substance to these personal attacks (and Forward later reverses its stance on the spy ring.

[Forward, 3/15/02]).

Fox News also never makes a formal repudiation or correction about the series. The contents of the series continues to be mostly ignored by the mainstream media, but it makes a big impact inside the US government. For instance, an internal DEA communiqué from December 18 mentions the Fox report by name, and warns of security breaches in telecommunications as described in the Fox report.

[Salon, 5/7/02]

The 14 Israeli 'Art Students' Were Inside The WTC Towers Camping With Construction Passes

There's a lot that people have overlooked, and just dismiss away as insignificant because their government tells them to.
Fact is that 19 Saudis could not have had the incredible luck they did on 9-11, to cause the destruction of 3 skyscrapers, with 2 planes, on the same day as massive military drills.
There is much that has not been explained, and don't make sense, or is just too incredibly coincidental to simply dismiss and trust a corrupt, lying, deceiving US government, and politicians.

Some of you may enjoy being led around by the nose and told what to believe, despite it not making sense, but there are those of us that don't.
This nation has been infiltrated by powerful lobbying forces with vast amounts of money and resources, and who do not have the best interests of the American people, or the country as a whole as their first priority.
Wake the fuck up, and at least have the courage to acknowledge what is so very obvious to millions of others, that at the very least, there are many unanswered questions and discrepancies about 9-11.
is it just me or are these twoofers doing the famous twoofer two step by introducing the the Israel gambit to hide (from them selves) the fact that they're getting their collective ass handed to them?
Please tell me we don't have to go through this Israeli thing again........

Facts get in the way for you Ollie? Do you fly the Israeli flag also?
Half the SOBs in the Bush administration, were Israeli loyalists, and almost all the writers and signatories of the PNAC were as well.
Why don't you try to stand up for the American people, instead of kissing ass to a foreign state, or supporting the scum in OUR government who do?

No Dumbass I do not fly any other countries flag. Did your mommie drop you on your head a few times?

Nt Geo and Popular Mechanics have turned out to be laughing stocks, and are primarily saying they debunk old strawman theories, and these clowns claim some sort of victory for that? :cuckoo:

What they don't want to understand, or even think about is the things like fall times of the wtc and building 7, the conservation of momentum, and NEWTONS LAWS, NIST and Nat Geo and the other BS they feed to the brain dead masses like themselves, do not address the real concerns and calculations. They simply attack strawman delusional theories.

No mention of 3 massive skyscrapers falling into a pile of dust and rubble, in 10 secs (according to the 9-11 omission report you all swear is so accurate) while falling through the path of most resistance, no mention of WHY the lower structures provided minimal or no resistance etc..Why heat dissipation wasn't taken into account, when discussing fire temps or symetrical straight down collapses, and of course the whole "internal collapse" BS of wtc 7, and the faulty science and BS (secret) computer simulations.

Some people are just fucking bone heads when it comes to the real issues, and since they can't engage in objective debate they resort to "authority" and yellow journalism rags like NG and PS, to help back up their delusional fantasy ( yeah your government loves you) who don't even take into account that the independent scientists actually are talking about Nano thermitic material, and not match sticks.. or thousands of lbs. of thermite..Fucking idiots....Or the uniform acceleration speeds of the roof lines etc..

It's a joke what they present to these idiots, but they need to be "comforted" by their handlers, and "reassured that 19 Arabs with box cutters devised the whole plan, and the cell phone call technology really was there (NOT) in 2001 so as to extract the BS emotional response from these fucking stupid twats..

How'd those passports manage to fall from the terrorists pockets, out of the plane, out of the building, through the massive fireball, and float down to the sidewalk again?? :lol:
Some dumbfucks will believe anything so as to avoid facing the truth..that is we were all fucking lied to, and your Uncle Sam is a fucking murderer.
Please tell me we don't have to go through this Israeli thing again........

Facts get in the way for you Ollie? Do you fly the Israeli flag also?
Half the SOBs in the Bush administration, were Israeli loyalists, and almost all the writers and signatories of the PNAC were as well.
Why don't you try to stand up for the American people, instead of kissing ass to a foreign state, or supporting the scum in OUR government who do?
Paranoid and delusional much, dude?

No, not like you delusional idiots who actually think Al- CIA-DUH is going to get you unless you submit to let yourself and your women to get poked and prodded where ever they see fit to do so.

Dumbasses like you are all for the state telling you what to do, and when to do it so the big bad terrorists don't take your freedoms LOL!

Do you feel all safe and loved when the state tells you they are only "protecting" you??:lol:
In 2001, a Fox News report by Carl Cameron laid out the Israeli spy scenario, however, the story was short-lived, and Shea was told by a representative at the news organization that there was outside pressure to kill the story.

9-11 Attacks: The Five Dancing Israelis Arrested on 9-11

Fox News broadcasts a remarkable series about the Israeli "art student" spy ring. The report mentions that at least 60 more Israelis have been detained or arrested since 9/11.

"There is no indication that the Israelis were involved in the 9/11 attacks, but investigators suspect that the Israelis may have gathered intelligence about the attacks in advance, and not shared it."

When a government source is asked if the Israeli spies knew about the 9/11 attacks before they happened, he responds,

"The principal question is 'how could they have not known?'"

"Investigators within the DEA, INS and FBI have all told Fox News that to pursue or even suggest Israeli spying... is considered career suicide."

A highly placed investigator says there are 'tie- ins' between the spy ring and 9/11. But when asked for details, he flatly refuses to describe them, saying,

"evidence linking these Israelis to 9-11 is classified. I cannot tell you about evidence that has been gathered. It's classified information."

December 16, 2001

Fox News removes its series on the "art student" spy ring (see December 12-15, 2001) from its website after only two days, in response to pressure from the Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs (JINSA), the Anti-Defamation League (ADL), the Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting in America (CAMERA) and others.

(see for instance, [CAMERA, 12/12/01, CAMERA, 12/13/01]).

CAMERA for instance, suggests the reporter "has something, personally, about Israel... Maybe he's very sympathetic to the Arab side."

[Salon, 5/7/02]

The head of the ADL calls the report "sinister dangerous innuendo which fuels anti-Semitism."

[Forward, 12/21/01]

Yet there doesn't appear to be any substance to these personal attacks (and Forward later reverses its stance on the spy ring.

[Forward, 3/15/02]).

Fox News also never makes a formal repudiation or correction about the series. The contents of the series continues to be mostly ignored by the mainstream media, but it makes a big impact inside the US government. For instance, an internal DEA communiqué from December 18 mentions the Fox report by name, and warns of security breaches in telecommunications as described in the Fox report.

[Salon, 5/7/02]

The 14 Israeli 'Art Students' Were Inside The WTC Towers Camping With Construction Passes

There's a lot that people have overlooked, and just dismiss away as insignificant because their government tells them to.
Fact is that 19 Saudis could not have had the incredible luck they did on 9-11, to cause the destruction of 3 skyscrapers, with 2 planes, on the same day as massive military drills.
There is much that has not been explained, and don't make sense, or is just too incredibly coincidental to simply dismiss and trust a corrupt, lying, deceiving US government, and politicians.

Some of you may enjoy being led around by the nose and told what to believe, despite it not making sense, but there are those of us that don't.
This nation has been infiltrated by powerful lobbying forces with vast amounts of money and resources, and who do not have the best interests of the American people, or the country as a whole as their first priority.
Wake the fuck up, and at least have the courage to acknowledge what is so very obvious to millions of others, that at the very least, there are many unanswered questions and discrepancies about 9-11.
is it just me or are these twoofers doing the famous twoofer two step by introducing the the Israel gambit to hide (from them selves) the fact that they're getting their collective ass handed to them?

Dream on shithead, your NIST and the rest of the lying scum, are the ones who run away from real questions, and that is what you call handing someone their asses? :lol:
3 buildings, 2 planes,10 secs, uniform acceleration, and you dumbfucks see nothing wrong with that concocted fairy tale? Resume your head up your ass position Dawgshit101, hows Patriot9-11 doing these days? Fucking sock..

Nt Geo and Popular Mechanics have turned out to be laughing stocks, and are primarily saying they debunk old strawman theories, and these clowns claim some sort of victory for that? :cuckoo:

What they don't want to understand, or even think about is the things like fall times of the wtc and building 7, the conservation of momentum, and NEWTONS LAWS, NIST and Nat Geo and the other BS they feed to the brain dead masses like themselves, do not address the real concerns and calculations. They simply attack strawman delusional theories.

No mention of 3 massive skyscrapers falling into a pile of dust and rubble, in 10 secs (according to the 9-11 omission report you all swear is so accurate) while falling through the path of most resistance, no mention of WHY the lower structures provided minimal or no resistance etc..Why heat dissipation wasn't taken into account, when discussing fire temps or symetrical straight down collapses, and of course the whole "internal collapse" BS of wtc 7, and the faulty science and BS (secret) computer simulations.

Some people are just fucking bone heads when it comes to the real issues, and since they can't engage in objective debate they resort to "authority" and yellow journalism rags like NG and PS, to help back up their delusional fantasy ( yeah your government loves you) who don't even take into account that the independent scientists actually are talking about Nano thermitic material, and not match sticks.. or thousands of lbs. of thermite..Fucking idiots....Or the uniform acceleration speeds of the roof lines etc..

It's a joke what they present to these idiots, but they need to be "comforted" by their handlers, and "reassured that 19 Arabs with box cutters devised the whole plan, and the cell phone call technology really was there (NOT) in 2001 so as to extract the BS emotional response from these fucking stupid twats..

How'd those passports manage to fall from the terrorists pockets, out of the plane, out of the building, through the massive fireball, and float down to the sidewalk again?? :lol:
Some dumbfucks will believe anything so as to avoid facing the truth..that is we were all fucking lied to, and your Uncle Sam is a fucking murderer.

Besides providing the link to this mysterious 10 seconds, Why don't you tell us how it really happened. In your own words.......
they had no interest because bullshit gets stale very fast....and who the fuck is "we"

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