What the hell happened Truthers?

Nt Geo and Popular Mechanics have turned out to be laughing stocks, and are primarily saying they debunk old strawman theories, and these clowns claim some sort of victory for that? :cuckoo:

What they don't want to understand, or even think about is the things like fall times of the wtc and building 7, the conservation of momentum, and NEWTONS LAWS, NIST and Nat Geo and the other BS they feed to the brain dead masses like themselves, do not address the real concerns and calculations. They simply attack strawman delusional theories.

No mention of 3 massive skyscrapers falling into a pile of dust and rubble, in 10 secs (according to the 9-11 omission report you all swear is so accurate) while falling through the path of most resistance, no mention of WHY the lower structures provided minimal or no resistance etc..Why heat dissipation wasn't taken into account, when discussing fire temps or symetrical straight down collapses, and of course the whole "internal collapse" BS of wtc 7, and the faulty science and BS (secret) computer simulations.

Some people are just fucking bone heads when it comes to the real issues, and since they can't engage in objective debate they resort to "authority" and yellow journalism rags like NG and PS, to help back up their delusional fantasy ( yeah your government loves you) who don't even take into account that the independent scientists actually are talking about Nano thermitic material, and not match sticks.. or thousands of lbs. of thermite..Fucking idiots....Or the uniform acceleration speeds of the roof lines etc..

It's a joke what they present to these idiots, but they need to be "comforted" by their handlers, and "reassured that 19 Arabs with box cutters devised the whole plan, and the cell phone call technology really was there (NOT) in 2001 so as to extract the BS emotional response from these fucking stupid twats..

How'd those passports manage to fall from the terrorists pockets, out of the plane, out of the building, through the massive fireball, and float down to the sidewalk again?? :lol:
Some dumbfucks will believe anything so as to avoid facing the truth..that is we were all fucking lied to, and your Uncle Sam is a fucking murderer.
In 2001, a Fox News report by Carl Cameron laid out the Israeli spy scenario, however, the story was short-lived, and Shea was told by a representative at the news organization that there was outside pressure to kill the story.

9-11 Attacks: The Five Dancing Israelis Arrested on 9-11

Fox News broadcasts a remarkable series about the Israeli "art student" spy ring. The report mentions that at least 60 more Israelis have been detained or arrested since 9/11.

"There is no indication that the Israelis were involved in the 9/11 attacks, but investigators suspect that the Israelis may have gathered intelligence about the attacks in advance, and not shared it."

When a government source is asked if the Israeli spies knew about the 9/11 attacks before they happened, he responds,

"The principal question is 'how could they have not known?'"

"Investigators within the DEA, INS and FBI have all told Fox News that to pursue or even suggest Israeli spying... is considered career suicide."

A highly placed investigator says there are 'tie- ins' between the spy ring and 9/11. But when asked for details, he flatly refuses to describe them, saying,

"evidence linking these Israelis to 9-11 is classified. I cannot tell you about evidence that has been gathered. It's classified information."

December 16, 2001

Fox News removes its series on the "art student" spy ring (see December 12-15, 2001) from its website after only two days, in response to pressure from the Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs (JINSA), the Anti-Defamation League (ADL), the Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting in America (CAMERA) and others.

(see for instance, [CAMERA, 12/12/01, CAMERA, 12/13/01]).

CAMERA for instance, suggests the reporter "has something, personally, about Israel... Maybe he's very sympathetic to the Arab side."

[Salon, 5/7/02]

The head of the ADL calls the report "sinister dangerous innuendo which fuels anti-Semitism."

[Forward, 12/21/01]

Yet there doesn't appear to be any substance to these personal attacks (and Forward later reverses its stance on the spy ring.

[Forward, 3/15/02]).

Fox News also never makes a formal repudiation or correction about the series. The contents of the series continues to be mostly ignored by the mainstream media, but it makes a big impact inside the US government. For instance, an internal DEA communiqué from December 18 mentions the Fox report by name, and warns of security breaches in telecommunications as described in the Fox report.

[Salon, 5/7/02]

The 14 Israeli 'Art Students' Were Inside The WTC Towers Camping With Construction Passes

There's a lot that people have overlooked, and just dismiss away as insignificant because their government tells them to.
Fact is that 19 Saudis could not have had the incredible luck they did on 9-11, to cause the destruction of 3 skyscrapers, with 2 planes, on the same day as massive military drills.
There is much that has not been explained, and don't make sense, or is just too incredibly coincidental to simply dismiss and trust a corrupt, lying, deceiving US government, and politicians.

Some of you may enjoy being led around by the nose and told what to believe, despite it not making sense, but there are those of us that don't.
This nation has been infiltrated by powerful lobbying forces with vast amounts of money and resources, and who do not have the best interests of the American people, or the country as a whole as their first priority.
Wake the fuck up, and at least have the courage to acknowledge what is so very obvious to millions of others, that at the very least, there are many unanswered questions and discrepancies about 9-11.
is it just me or are these twoofers doing the famous twoofer two step by introducing the the Israel gambit to hide (from them selves) the fact that they're getting their collective ass handed to them?

Dream on shithead, your NIST and the rest of the lying scum, are the ones who run away from real questions, and that is what you call handing someone their asses? :lol:
3 buildings, 2 planes,10 secs, uniform acceleration, and you dumbfucks see nothing wrong with that concocted fairy tale? Resume your head up your ass position Dawgshit101, hows Patriot9-11 doing these days? Fucking sock..
just as I said throwing tantrums when their ass is handed to them oh and btw
ya we all saw the national geo hit piece...and we all read popular mechanics..I
found it very interesting they had no interest of speaking to any of these fellows
Patriots Question 9/11 - Responsible Criticism of the 9/11 Commission Report

Nt Geo and Popular Mechanics have turned out to be laughing stocks, and are primarily saying they debunk old strawman theories, and these clowns claim some sort of victory for that? :cuckoo:

What they don't want to understand, or even think about is the things like fall times of the wtc and building 7, the conservation of momentum, and NEWTONS LAWS, NIST and Nat Geo and the other BS they feed to the brain dead masses like themselves, do not address the real concerns and calculations. They simply attack strawman delusional theories.

No mention of 3 massive skyscrapers falling into a pile of dust and rubble, in 10 secs (according to the 9-11 omission report you all swear is so accurate) while falling through the path of most resistance, no mention of WHY the lower structures provided minimal or no resistance etc..Why heat dissipation wasn't taken into account, when discussing fire temps or symetrical straight down collapses, and of course the whole "internal collapse" BS of wtc 7, and the faulty science and BS (secret) computer simulations.

Some people are just fucking bone heads when it comes to the real issues, and since they can't engage in objective debate they resort to "authority" and yellow journalism rags like NG and PS, to help back up their delusional fantasy ( yeah your government loves you) who don't even take into account that the independent scientists actually are talking about Nano thermitic material, and not match sticks.. or thousands of lbs. of thermite..Fucking idiots....Or the uniform acceleration speeds of the roof lines etc..

It's a joke what they present to these idiots, but they need to be "comforted" by their handlers, and "reassured that 19 Arabs with box cutters devised the whole plan, and the cell phone call technology really was there (NOT) in 2001 so as to extract the BS emotional response from these fucking stupid twats..

How'd those passports manage to fall from the terrorists pockets, out of the plane, out of the building, through the massive fireball, and float down to the sidewalk again?? :lol:
Some dumbfucks will believe anything so as to avoid facing the truth..that is we were all fucking lied to, and your Uncle Sam is a fucking murderer.

Besides providing the link to this mysterious 10 seconds, Why don't you tell us how it really happened. In your own words.......

Still refuse to do your own research Ollie?? It's in your beloved 9-11 Ommission Report. And NIST was charged with explaining what happened, as well as the 9-11 Omission Report, which have been scrutinized and dismissed as not plausible numerous times, even by their own members.
So how is it possible for the massive buildings to NOT provide any resistance, and fall in such short times? Can you site where NIST explains the reasons for NO RESISTANCE?
How about explaining the miraculous passports...what a lucky break that was huh?
Oh and how about the flight school rejects achieving a 75% success rate on their targets...on the same day the military drills were taking place?? It's a wonder these guys didn't win the lottery every day!!

But I guess we can just chalk it up to extreme LUCK, and or prayers answered from Allah...Must have been a bunch of lucky telephone connections on the doomed flights as well....:cuckoo:

If you all can't realize just how much BS you been fed, you're fucking hopeless.
is it just me or are these twoofers doing the famous twoofer two step by introducing the the Israel gambit to hide (from them selves) the fact that they're getting their collective ass handed to them?

Dream on shithead, your NIST and the rest of the lying scum, are the ones who run away from real questions, and that is what you call handing someone their asses? :lol:
3 buildings, 2 planes,10 secs, uniform acceleration, and you dumbfucks see nothing wrong with that concocted fairy tale? Resume your head up your ass position Dawgshit101, hows Patriot9-11 doing these days? Fucking sock..
just as I said throwing tantrums when their ass is handed to them oh and btw

Just as I expected from a dumbshit like you.. All BS and no substance to back up your fantasy claims. 9-11 was the biggest bunch of BS perpetrated on the nation, and you come here to the conspiracy section, to make fun of people who have facts, and all you have are your stupid retorts and photo bucket funnies....Ha!
Dawgshit101 makes funnies...
Dream on shithead, your NIST and the rest of the lying scum, are the ones who run away from real questions, and that is what you call handing someone their asses? :lol:
3 buildings, 2 planes,10 secs, uniform acceleration, and you dumbfucks see nothing wrong with that concocted fairy tale? Resume your head up your ass position Dawgshit101, hows Patriot9-11 doing these days? Fucking sock..
just as I said throwing tantrums when their ass is handed to them oh and btw

Just as I expected from a dumbshit like you.. All BS and no substance to back up your fantasy claims. 9-11 was the biggest bunch of BS perpetrated on the nation, and you come here to the conspiracy section, to make fun of people who have facts, and all you have are your stupid retorts and photo bucket funnies....Ha!
Dawgshit101 makes funnies...
what's funny is YOU claiming to have FACTS.when your whole twoofer world is a paranoid fantasy...
Nt Geo and Popular Mechanics have turned out to be laughing stocks, and are primarily saying they debunk old strawman theories, and these clowns claim some sort of victory for that? :cuckoo:

What they don't want to understand, or even think about is the things like fall times of the wtc and building 7, the conservation of momentum, and NEWTONS LAWS, NIST and Nat Geo and the other BS they feed to the brain dead masses like themselves, do not address the real concerns and calculations. They simply attack strawman delusional theories.

No mention of 3 massive skyscrapers falling into a pile of dust and rubble, in 10 secs (according to the 9-11 omission report you all swear is so accurate) while falling through the path of most resistance, no mention of WHY the lower structures provided minimal or no resistance etc..Why heat dissipation wasn't taken into account, when discussing fire temps or symetrical straight down collapses, and of course the whole "internal collapse" BS of wtc 7, and the faulty science and BS (secret) computer simulations.

Some people are just fucking bone heads when it comes to the real issues, and since they can't engage in objective debate they resort to "authority" and yellow journalism rags like NG and PS, to help back up their delusional fantasy ( yeah your government loves you) who don't even take into account that the independent scientists actually are talking about Nano thermitic material, and not match sticks.. or thousands of lbs. of thermite..Fucking idiots....Or the uniform acceleration speeds of the roof lines etc..

It's a joke what they present to these idiots, but they need to be "comforted" by their handlers, and "reassured that 19 Arabs with box cutters devised the whole plan, and the cell phone call technology really was there (NOT) in 2001 so as to extract the BS emotional response from these fucking stupid twats..

How'd those passports manage to fall from the terrorists pockets, out of the plane, out of the building, through the massive fireball, and float down to the sidewalk again?? :lol:
Some dumbfucks will believe anything so as to avoid facing the truth..that is we were all fucking lied to, and your Uncle Sam is a fucking murderer.

Besides providing the link to this mysterious 10 seconds, Why don't you tell us how it really happened. In your own words.......

Still refuse to do your own research Ollie?? It's in your beloved 9-11 Ommission Report. And NIST was charged with explaining what happened, as well as the 9-11 Omission Report, which have been scrutinized and dismissed as not plausible numerous times, even by their own members.
So how is it possible for the massive buildings to NOT provide any resistance, and fall in such short times? Can you site where NIST explains the reasons for NO RESISTANCE?
How about explaining the miraculous passports...what a lucky break that was huh?
Oh and how about the flight school rejects achieving a 75% success rate on their targets...on the same day the military drills were taking place?? It's a wonder these guys didn't win the lottery every day!!

But I guess we can just chalk it up to extreme LUCK, and or prayers answered from Allah...Must have been a bunch of lucky telephone connections on the doomed flights as well....:cuckoo:

If you all can't realize just how much BS you been fed, you're fucking hopeless.

Give me a fucking break. I asked for your 10 second quote because there is no such report.
Where did NIST report zero resistance? Are you still trying to make people believe that the WTC 7 facade = the entire building for 2.25 seconds?

Even a flight school reject can crash.........DUH

Oh and since you haven't a clue, the Military has exercises going on every day. Yes Every single day.

And no I cannot explain the surviving passport. Shit happens. But then you can't explain how the buildings were wired......Or how so many can be kept quiet about their roll in the demolitions or the coverup when our government can't keep a wire tap secret.

Common sense, I've got it.
Dream on shithead, your NIST and the rest of the lying scum, are the ones who run away from real questions, and that is what you call handing someone their asses? :lol:
3 buildings, 2 planes,10 secs, uniform acceleration, and you dumbfucks see nothing wrong with that concocted fairy tale? Resume your head up your ass position Dawgshit101, hows Patriot9-11 doing these days? Fucking sock..
just as I said throwing tantrums when their ass is handed to them oh and btw

Just as I expected from a dumbshit like you.. All BS and no substance to back up your fantasy claims. 9-11 was the biggest bunch of BS perpetrated on the nation, and you come here to the conspiracy section, to make fun of people who have facts, and all you have are your stupid retorts and photo bucket funnies....Ha!
Dawgshit101 makes funnies...
Well cocksucker, after reading your last half dozen posts I figure there are only two scenarios in your pathetic life. Either you don't fly anymore or the TSA has their hand up your ass so far you've given up on women.

Here's what's wrong with you idiots. You called us brainwashed (I hate this word. All you cocksuckers use it) SHEEPLE yet almost every post you make has all of the truthers bullshit buzz words. Free fall, resistance, NEVER happened. When you assholes can compare the WTC to ANY OTHER steel framed building BUILT LIKE THE WTC plus have commercial jumbo jets flown into them then I will listen to your "never happened" bullshit. Until then, go fuck yourself. COMPARE!!!!!! Look it up and get back to us, shit for brains.:lol::lol:
Nt Geo and Popular Mechanics have turned out to be laughing stocks, and are primarily saying they debunk old strawman theories, and these clowns claim some sort of victory for that? :cuckoo:

What they don't want to understand, or even think about is the things like fall times of the wtc and building 7, the conservation of momentum, and NEWTONS LAWS, NIST and Nat Geo and the other BS they feed to the brain dead masses like themselves, do not address the real concerns and calculations. They simply attack strawman delusional theories.

No mention of 3 massive skyscrapers falling into a pile of dust and rubble, in 10 secs (according to the 9-11 omission report you all swear is so accurate) while falling through the path of most resistance, no mention of WHY the lower structures provided minimal or no resistance etc..Why heat dissipation wasn't taken into account, when discussing fire temps or symetrical straight down collapses, and of course the whole "internal collapse" BS of wtc 7, and the faulty science and BS (secret) computer simulations.

Some people are just fucking bone heads when it comes to the real issues, and since they can't engage in objective debate they resort to "authority" and yellow journalism rags like NG and PS, to help back up their delusional fantasy ( yeah your government loves you) who don't even take into account that the independent scientists actually are talking about Nano thermitic material, and not match sticks.. or thousands of lbs. of thermite..Fucking idiots....Or the uniform acceleration speeds of the roof lines etc..

It's a joke what they present to these idiots, but they need to be "comforted" by their handlers, and "reassured that 19 Arabs with box cutters devised the whole plan, and the cell phone call technology really was there (NOT) in 2001 so as to extract the BS emotional response from these fucking stupid twats..

How'd those passports manage to fall from the terrorists pockets, out of the plane, out of the building, through the massive fireball, and float down to the sidewalk again?? :lol:
Some dumbfucks will believe anything so as to avoid facing the truth..that is we were all fucking lied to, and your Uncle Sam is a fucking murderer.

Besides providing the link to this mysterious 10 seconds, Why don't you tell us how it really happened. In your own words.......

Still refuse to do your own research Ollie?? It's in your beloved 9-11 Ommission Report. And NIST was charged with explaining what happened, as well as the 9-11 Omission Report, which have been scrutinized and dismissed as not plausible numerous times, even by their own members.
So how is it possible for the massive buildings to NOT provide any resistance, and fall in such short times? Can you site where NIST explains the reasons for NO RESISTANCE?
How about explaining the miraculous passports...what a lucky break that was huh?
Oh and how about the flight school rejects achieving a 75% success rate on their targets...on the same day the military drills were taking place?? It's a wonder these guys didn't win the lottery every day!!

But I guess we can just chalk it up to extreme LUCK, and or prayers answered from Allah...Must have been a bunch of lucky telephone connections on the doomed flights as well....:cuckoo:

If you all can't realize just how much BS you been fed, you're fucking hopeless.
You and your fellow loony Slapdicks have had ten years......Why can't you just lay out what happened?

Come on lunatic, lay it out!:eusa_whistle:
Dream on shithead, your NIST and the rest of the lying scum, are the ones who run away from real questions, and that is what you call handing someone their asses? :lol:
3 buildings, 2 planes,10 secs, uniform acceleration, and you dumbfucks see nothing wrong with that concocted fairy tale? Resume your head up your ass position Dawgshit101, hows Patriot9-11 doing these days? Fucking sock..
just as I said throwing tantrums when their ass is handed to them oh and btw

Just as I expected from a dumbshit like you.. All BS and no substance to back up your fantasy claims. 9-11 was the biggest bunch of BS perpetrated on the nation, and you come here to the conspiracy section, to make fun of people who have facts, and all you have are your stupid retorts and photo bucket funnies....Ha!
Dawgshit101 makes funnies...
All the so-called FACTS you morons put up have all beeen thoroughly debunked, REPEATEDLY.

Do you loons have any other horses to bring to this rodeo?.......'cause so far, all your horses seem to come up lame.

Ya' got anymore junk architects and so-called "experts" playing with cardboard boxes, In/out file holders, chicken wire, and whatnot to prove your lunacy?
Nat Geo debunked their arguments over the weekend.

They're all closet Democrats anyway, sore about Al Gore's loss to GWB, and this is their way of working out their frustrations. If invoking the "Sun rises in the West" argumentwould fit their cause, they would be using that too. Reality doesn't matter.
How can they keep skipping their Zyprexa doses continuously for ten years? Aren't their doctors watching them?
just as I said throwing tantrums when their ass is handed to them oh and btw

Just as I expected from a dumbshit like you.. All BS and no substance to back up your fantasy claims. 9-11 was the biggest bunch of BS perpetrated on the nation, and you come here to the conspiracy section, to make fun of people who have facts, and all you have are your stupid retorts and photo bucket funnies....Ha!
Dawgshit101 makes funnies...
Well cocksucker, after reading your last half dozen posts I figure there are only two scenarios in your pathetic life. Either you don't fly anymore or the TSA has their hand up your ass so far you've given up on women.

Here's what's wrong with you idiots. You called us brainwashed (I hate this word. All you cocksuckers use it) SHEEPLE yet almost every post you make has all of the truthers bullshit buzz words. Free fall, resistance, NEVER happened. When you assholes can compare the WTC to ANY OTHER steel framed building BUILT LIKE THE WTC plus have commercial jumbo jets flown into them then I will listen to your "never happened" bullshit. Until then, go fuck yourself. COMPARE!!!!!! Look it up and get back to us, shit for brains.:lol::lol:

Wow you like the word 'cocksucker" Must be a personal favorite of yours as you've heard yourself being called one all your pathetic life.
Look bitch, your lunatic delusions of steel skyscrapers being destroyed in record time by 19 lucky Arabs with 2 planes has been shown to be pure and utter BS, by credible intellectuals.
The OCT has long been proven nearly impossible, as well as many of the events of that day.
You're too stupid to understand the highly impossible odds, or that NIST blames fire as the cause, and doesn't finish explaining things.

Even their tests and scientific data was fucked from the getgo, as you were at birth. How do you like being treated like a sorry little pussy when you fly, feel safer from AL-CIA-DUH after being groped you POS braindead bitch?
Nat Geo debunked their arguments over the weekend.

They're all closet Democrats anyway, sore about Al Gore's loss to GWB, and this is their way of working out their frustrations. If invoking the "Sun rises in the West" argumentwould fit their cause, they would be using that too. Reality doesn't matter.
How can they keep skipping their Zyprexa doses continuously for ten years? Aren't their doctors watching them?

Nat Geo debunked strawman arguments, you don't know the issues.
BTW fuck the left/right political stances, and anybody still stuck in that paradigm.
Just as I expected from a dumbshit like you.. All BS and no substance to back up your fantasy claims. 9-11 was the biggest bunch of BS perpetrated on the nation, and you come here to the conspiracy section, to make fun of people who have facts, and all you have are your stupid retorts and photo bucket funnies....Ha!
Dawgshit101 makes funnies...
Well cocksucker, after reading your last half dozen posts I figure there are only two scenarios in your pathetic life. Either you don't fly anymore or the TSA has their hand up your ass so far you've given up on women.

Here's what's wrong with you idiots. You called us brainwashed (I hate this word. All you cocksuckers use it) SHEEPLE yet almost every post you make has all of the truthers bullshit buzz words. Free fall, resistance, NEVER happened. When you assholes can compare the WTC to ANY OTHER steel framed building BUILT LIKE THE WTC plus have commercial jumbo jets flown into them then I will listen to your "never happened" bullshit. Until then, go fuck yourself. COMPARE!!!!!! Look it up and get back to us, shit for brains.:lol::lol:

Wow you like the word 'cocksucker" Must be a personal favorite of yours as you've heard yourself being called one all your pathetic life.
Look bitch, your lunatic delusions of steel skyscrapers being destroyed in record time by 19 lucky Arabs with 2 planes has been shown to be pure and utter BS, by credible intellectuals.
The OCT has long been proven nearly impossible, as well as many of the events of that day.
You're too stupid to understand the highly impossible odds, or that NIST blames fire as the cause, and doesn't finish explaining things.

Even their tests and scientific data was fucked from the getgo, as you were at birth. How do you like being treated like a sorry little pussy when you fly, feel safer from AL-CIA-DUH after being groped you POS braindead bitch?

Please expand and provide whatever proof you have for these accusations and statements............. Or STFU, you are slobbering all over yourself again....

Just as strange as you found it that people doing historically accurate fact finding on race relations did not talk to Charles Manson???

Just because a whacko or an extremist or some loony tunes weirdo has an opinion, does not mean it has to be taken seriously
Well cocksucker, after reading your last half dozen posts I figure there are only two scenarios in your pathetic life. Either you don't fly anymore or the TSA has their hand up your ass so far you've given up on women.

Here's what's wrong with you idiots. You called us brainwashed (I hate this word. All you cocksuckers use it) SHEEPLE yet almost every post you make has all of the truthers bullshit buzz words. Free fall, resistance, NEVER happened. When you assholes can compare the WTC to ANY OTHER steel framed building BUILT LIKE THE WTC plus have commercial jumbo jets flown into them then I will listen to your "never happened" bullshit. Until then, go fuck yourself. COMPARE!!!!!! Look it up and get back to us, shit for brains.:lol::lol:

Wow you like the word 'cocksucker" Must be a personal favorite of yours as you've heard yourself being called one all your pathetic life.
Look bitch, your lunatic delusions of steel skyscrapers being destroyed in record time by 19 lucky Arabs with 2 planes has been shown to be pure and utter BS, by credible intellectuals.
The OCT has long been proven nearly impossible, as well as many of the events of that day.
You're too stupid to understand the highly impossible odds, or that NIST blames fire as the cause, and doesn't finish explaining things.

Even their tests and scientific data was fucked from the getgo, as you were at birth. How do you like being treated like a sorry little pussy when you fly, feel safer from AL-CIA-DUH after being groped you POS braindead bitch?

Please expand and provide whatever proof you have for these accusations and statements............. Or STFU, you are slobbering all over yourself again....

God grief Ollie, how many times will you ask for proof of all of this? I have posted countless links, in the years we have debated this..don't you ever save anything?
I refer to the fire temps at the wtc7, the data they used for the computer simulation, and the testing they did for floor sagging, that didn't sag but a few inches, and then they exaggerated the sagging in their modeling. I'm away from my other puter, I'll try to post it later on, but really man, you should save stuff in a 9-11 favorites or something, or at least remember all the times it has been hashed around with you in the past.

Just as strange as you found it that people doing historically accurate fact finding on race relations did not talk to Charles Manson???

Just because a whacko or an extremist or some loony tunes weirdo has an opinion, does not mean it has to be taken seriously

so you would consider these people in who served in some of the most sensitive areas in national security, many through multiple administrations
are all whacko and are to be compared to Charles Manson ????
ya we all saw the national geo hit piece...and we all read popular mechanics..I
found it very interesting they had no interest of speaking to any of these fellows
Patriots Question 9/11 - Responsible Criticism of the 9/11 Commission Report

Just as strange as you found it that people doing historically accurate fact finding on race relations did not talk to Charles Manson???

Just because a whacko or an extremist or some loony tunes weirdo has an opinion, does not mean it has to be taken seriously

so you would consider these people in who served in some of the most sensitive areas in national security, many through multiple administrations
are all whacko and are to be compared to Charles Manson ????

Sadly they don't have the capacity to take this into account. These aren't whackos or nutjobs, these are credible, and highly respected people. They just don't agree with the OCT or some of the posters on here who are OCT fanatics, so they resort to character defamation.
It's incredible how the lies and distortions they were told, by NIST and the gov. just do not matter to these idiots. The ability to stop their critical thinking and ignore things like this is a reason for a psych eval imo. Simply incredible.
Besides providing the link to this mysterious 10 seconds, Why don't you tell us how it really happened. In your own words.......

Still refuse to do your own research Ollie?? It's in your beloved 9-11 Ommission Report. And NIST was charged with explaining what happened, as well as the 9-11 Omission Report, which have been scrutinized and dismissed as not plausible numerous times, even by their own members.
So how is it possible for the massive buildings to NOT provide any resistance, and fall in such short times? Can you site where NIST explains the reasons for NO RESISTANCE?
How about explaining the miraculous passports...what a lucky break that was huh?
Oh and how about the flight school rejects achieving a 75% success rate on their targets...on the same day the military drills were taking place?? It's a wonder these guys didn't win the lottery every day!!

But I guess we can just chalk it up to extreme LUCK, and or prayers answered from Allah...Must have been a bunch of lucky telephone connections on the doomed flights as well....:cuckoo:

If you all can't realize just how much BS you been fed, you're fucking hopeless.

Give me a fucking break. I asked for your 10 second quote because there is no such report.
Where did NIST report zero resistance? Are you still trying to make people believe that the WTC 7 facade = the entire building for 2.25 seconds?

Even a flight school reject can crash.........DUH

Oh and since you haven't a clue, the Military has exercises going on every day. Yes Every single day.

And no I cannot explain the surviving passport. Shit happens. But then you can't explain how the buildings were wired......Or how so many can be kept quiet about their roll in the demolitions or the coverup when our government can't keep a wire tap secret.

Common sense, I've got it.
what nist reported as compared to what the twoofers wish nist had reported:In the draft WTC 7 report (released Aug. 21, 2008; available at WTC Disaster Study), NIST stated that the north face of the building descended 18 stories (the portion of the collapse visible in the video) in 5.4 seconds, based on video analysis of the building collapse. This time period is 40 percent longer than the 3.9 seconds this process would have taken if the north face of the building had descended solely under free fall conditions. During the public comment period on the draft report, NIST was asked to confirm this time difference and define the reasons for it in greater detail.

To further clarify the descent of the north face, NIST recorded the downward displacement of a point near the center of the roofline from first movement until the north face was no longer visible in the video. Numerical analyses were conducted to calculate the velocity and acceleration of the roofline point from the time-dependent displacement data. The instant at which vertical motion of the roofline first occurred was determined by tracking the numerical value of the brightness of a pixel (a single element in the video image) at the roofline. This pixel became brighter as the roofline began to descend because the color of the pixel started to change from that of the building façade to the lighter color of the sky.

The approach taken by NIST is summarized in Section 3.6 of the final summary report, NCSTAR 1A (released Nov. 20, 2008; available at WTC Disaster Study) and detailed in Section 12.5.3 of NIST NCSTAR 1-9 (available at WTC Disaster Study).

The analyses of the video (both the estimation of the instant the roofline began to descend and the calculated velocity and acceleration of a point on the roofline) revealed three distinct stages characterizing the 5.4 seconds of collapse:

Stage 1 (0 to 1.75 seconds): acceleration less than that of gravity (i.e., slower than free fall).
Stage 2 (1.75 to 4.0 seconds): gravitational acceleration (free fall)
Stage 3 (4.0 to 5.4 seconds): decreased acceleration, again less than that of gravity

This analysis showed that the 40 percent longer descent time—compared to the 3.9 second free fall time—was due primarily to Stage 1, which corresponded to the buckling of the exterior columns in the lower stories of the north face. During Stage 2, the north face descended essentially in free fall, indicating negligible support from the structure below. This is consistent with the structural analysis model which showed the exterior columns buckling and losing their capacity to support the loads from the structure above. In Stage 3, the acceleration decreased as the upper portion of the north face encountered increased resistance from the collapsed structure and the debris pile below.

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