What the hell happened Truthers?

After 10 years, all you can come up with is the same tired, worn out BS.

What's next, another demonstration using office supplies and cardboard boxes again, to show how seven fell?

Seriously, do you not understand just how ridiculous you fools make yourselves look?

It's friggin' comical.

you offer nothing...you are not even well versed in the official story you blindly claim to support
The official story is a preposterous conspiracy theory that disagrees with portions of the evidence.

you hit the nail right on the head there.Thats all the government explanation is. a THEORY with no evidence or facts to back it up.the OCTA'S-official conspiracy theory apologists here were all asleep during junior high science classes cause if they werent,they would realise that to accept the 9/11 coverup commissions explanation on the towers,you got to conclude that the laws of physics scientists have gone by for thousands of year no longer applies anymore.:cuckoo:
Ten years after 911 and I have yet to hear a theory that makes sense. The official story is a preposterous conspiracy theory that disagrees with portions of the evidence. All other theories I've heard have holes as well. It sure would have been nice if we had done the normal, usual, procedural investigation right after 911. We might have been able to figure it out. Now, we are left not knowing what happened on one of the most significant days in our nation's history.

And if you're going to disagree, let's have more than vitriolic attack please.
It's pretty damn obvious what happened. No further investigations are needed, and it's time to let the victims rest in peace. And for the troofer idiots to stop spitting on all those who died, and those who continue to fight an enemy that craves to kill us all.

its pretty obvious after 10 years you loyal Bush dupes are afraid of the truth and run away from facts and evidence when you know you cant refute them dodging them by trying to change the subject by asking questions that have nothing to do with the points brought up to you.The only no further investigation that is not needed is to try and determine if you OCTA trolls are idiots.thats plain and obvious to truthers.you Bush dupes are the fucking cowards spitting on the familys liar.you know it,I know it.
The official story is a preposterous conspiracy theory that disagrees with portions of the evidence.

you hit the nail right on the head there.Thats all the government explanation is. a THEORY with no evidence or facts to back it up.the OCTA'S-official conspiracy theory apologists here were all asleep during junior high science classes cause if they werent,they would realise that to accept the 9/11 coverup commissions explanation on the towers,you got to conclude that the laws of physics scientists have gone by for thousands of year no longer applies anymore.:cuckoo:
And your illiterate ass slept through basic grammar classes. Idiot truther.:lol::lol:
that should read: these assholes usurping the word"patriots" would like you to believe a fictional account of the events of 9/11.

so you take issue with the exemplary service of these high level military experts ?
Exemplary service has nothing to do with their being abjectly wrong on the issue.
Ten years after 911 and I have yet to hear a theory that makes sense. The official story is a preposterous conspiracy theory that disagrees with portions of the evidence. All other theories I've heard have holes as well. It sure would have been nice if we had done the normal, usual, procedural investigation right after 911. We might have been able to figure it out. Now, we are left not knowing what happened on one of the most significant days in our nation's history.

And if you're going to disagree, let's have more than vitriolic attack please.
It's pretty damn obvious what happened. No further investigations are needed, and it's time to let the victims rest in peace. And for the troofer idiots to stop spitting on all those who died, and those who continue to fight an enemy that craves to kill us all.

its pretty obvious after 10 years you loyal Bush dupes are afraid of the truth and run away from facts and evidence when you know you cant refute them dodging them by trying to change the subject by asking questions that have nothing to do with the points brought up to you.The only no further investigation that is not needed is to try and determine if you OCTA trolls are idiots.thats plain and obvious to truthers.you Bush dupes are the fucking cowards spitting on the familys liar.you know it,I know it.
How about throwing up cardboard box dude, and office supply boy?

I need a good laugh this morning from you fools.:lol:
Check this moron out. He thinks the only things that burned in the WTC were newspapers, magazines and artificial fire logs. :lol:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0WLitXT4yHQ]9/11 Experiments: Does steel weaken much under fire? - YouTube[/ame]
Then there's this chuckleputz that thinks the towers were made of eggs. :lol:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3ZMcJnq6zh4]9/11 Experiment: Egg Drop, Equal Collision disproves Bazant's "Pile Driver" Theory - YouTube[/ame]

But I'll give him this. He is wearing a very nice bathrobe. :eek:
The only conspiracy that makes any sense is that Republicans let Bin Laden go so they could trick America into invading Iraq to get their oil.

Only China now has the oil and Iraq is close friends with Iran. Republican policies in this country aren't doing much better. They should try doing something good for the country instead of tearing down the president and destroying the middle class. I just wonder what it is they think they will end up with.
Lets not forget this classic "evidence" from the twoofer loons!

And they just scratch their heads, wondering why nobody in their right minds takes 'em seriously.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DFVoencqfZw]AE911TRUTH PLAYSCHOOL WITH RICHARD GAGE. - YouTube[/ame]
Check out these loons, particularly the wench in part 3.

Stupid friggin' dumbasses!
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3MSIkH2e28c]9/11 Truth Protestors get PWNED by Opie & Anthony Part 1 - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G7Eur0b73pk]9/11 Truth Protestors get PWNED by Opie & Anthony Part 3 - YouTube[/ame]
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