What the hell is going on with all the police killing dogs?


Diamond Member
Oct 16, 2010
Here's the latest. I'm finding the frequency of this beyond very disturbing.

Weimaraner dog shot dead in owner’s back yard by police who were searching for missing three-year-old boy

Sean Kendall's two-year-old Weimaraner, Geist was shot dead last week

Police were searching for a missing boy - he was later found asleep

Owner is now calling for the policeman to be fired from the force

Weimaraner dog shot dead in back yard | Mail Online


AND then there is this son of a bitch who slit a Shar Pei's throat. Holy toledo! What the heck is going on?

Grab this. The dog was restrained and the cop said he was going to gut this thing and slit the dogs throat and it bled to death.

The pair allegedly held down and cut the throat of a Shar-Pei, with officials saying there was no reason to kill the dog if it was already restrained.

Schmidt is a 24-year veteran of the Special Operations Section, serving alongside Bolger who was hired in 1992.

The union did not provide information regarding the terms of Schmidt's suspension.

The alleged attack happened on Saturday morning in Brewers Hill, a south-eastern district of the city, after police responded to a report of a woman being bitten.

Deputy Commissioner Dean Palmere said officers gained control of the animal, a seven-year-old Chinese Shar-Pei, with a dog pole and an officer used a knife to cut the dog's throat.

Late last night, Detective Jeremy Silbert issued a statement identifying that policeman as Bolger.

Announcing that internal affairs were investigating the killing, Mr Palmere called the incident 'outrageous and unacceptable'.

Witnesses told police that as Bolger got out of his vehicle, he said: 'I'm going to f****** gut this thing.'

He waited until colleagues got control of the dog before bending down and slashing its throat with a knife, witnesses said. It bled to death before animal control arrived, police told the Baltimore Sun.


Here's the poor owner and the dog.

Sad, hope this bastard loses his job and is charged.

Assuming of course the story completely checks out.

If you have dogs, keep them as far away from cops as possible.
The picture and name of the officer who shot the dog in Salt Lake Valley has been disseminated through the internet, I understand.

He needs to lose his job and his LEO license.

Too many other steps can be taken before shooting a dog.
Sad, hope this bastard loses his job and is charged.

Assuming of course the story completely checks out.

If you have dogs, keep them as far away from cops as possible.

What the fuck are you supposed to do if the cops erroneously break down your door or enter your private yard without cause and your awesome dog does what a good dog will do and charges after them or barks ferociously and the cop shoots it?

If it ever happened to me, the cop or I would also end up dead.
Sad, hope this bastard loses his job and is charged.

Assuming of course the story completely checks out.

If you have dogs, keep them as far away from cops as possible.

What the fuck are you supposed to do if the cops erroneously break down your door or enter your private yard without cause and your awesome dog does what a good dog will do and charges after them or barks ferociously and the cop shoots it?

If it ever happened to me, the cop or I would also end up dead.

I know, it sucks. I don't have an answer for you, other than just pray the police never have contact with your pets.
Do what you can to limit the chances, and pray they never show up because of a mistake with an address. If your dog is kept indoors while you're gone, that will obviously help.
What citizens need to understand is that when they raise a breed of dog that can do significant damage to a human, they are taking on risk. I've been forced to start carrying a revolver when I go for my run in the morning thanks to the neighborhood dogs. Wear a cap and sunglasses and these beasts try their best to get at you. And often, the owner just smiles when the snapping teeth come within a foot or two of you. A police officer is asked to take on significant risk during his shift...if he is threatened he has every right to mitigate that threat. Once the dog has ahold of him, he's apt to really get hurt. No excuse to harm a restrained dog, unless the owner seems inclined to release it.
I had a dog that was supposed to be a black lab when I bought it as a puppy from a stranger. Turned out to a chow, lab, satanic, mix breed. Dog was evil from the start. After it bit a kid on his hand (dog had broken his cord in back yard and dug under fence when I was at work) I shot the son-of-a-bitch in the head.
I just can't understand why some of these SWAT and Drug Task Force teams and whatnot are having such problems with dogs, given that Homeland Security Department monies have made it possible for some of the most rural, cash-strapped police departments to buy armored tanks now.

It's kinda scary to me, knowing that Andy Griffith can pay a helpless grandma a visit in a frick'n Stryker.

I'm pretty sure that it'd scare the crap out of a dog, too.
The picture and name of the officer who shot the dog in Salt Lake Valley has been disseminated through the internet, I understand.

He needs to lose his job and his LEO license.

Too many other steps can be taken before shooting a dog.

Such as? It takes an attacking dog less than 4 seconds to cross most yards...I doubt he had his weapon pulled....I'd say he made a damn fine shot. :doubt:
The picture and name of the officer who shot the dog in Salt Lake Valley has been disseminated through the internet, I understand.

He needs to lose his job and his LEO license.

Too many other steps can be taken before shooting a dog.

Such as? It takes an attacking dog less than 4 seconds to cross most yards...I doubt he had his weapon pulled....I'd say he made a damn fine shot. :doubt:

Private property searching without a warrant. This breed is not known for aggressive behaviour.

But the nonetheless the police were where they shouldn't be to begin with. And he had no right to whack the dog.

Want to comment on the bastard in Baltimore that slit the throat of a constrained Shar Pei?
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The dog was restrained. No reason for him being killed by that idiot. Seems he has a penchant for killing dogs.

Hope the SOB looses his job and I hope the owners of those dogs sue his ass civily.
The picture and name of the officer who shot the dog in Salt Lake Valley has been disseminated through the internet, I understand.

He needs to lose his job and his LEO license.

Too many other steps can be taken before shooting a dog.

Such as? It takes an attacking dog less than 4 seconds to cross most yards...I doubt he had his weapon pulled....I'd say he made a damn fine shot. :doubt:

Private property searching without a warrant. This breed is not known for aggressive behaviour.

But the nonetheless the police were where they shouldn't be to begin with. And he had no right to whack the dog.

Want to comment on the bastard in Baltimore that slit the throat of a constrained Shar Pei?

The officer had the right, with a missing child, to enter back yards without warrants.

However, he should have had a can of repellant spray out with his baton when he did so. If a dog advanced, the officer easily cold have repelled him.

Traintime, we are going to hold police officers accountable for their actions.

They don't get free passes because they are LEO.

Because they are LEO, their actions must be scrutinized carefully.
The picture and name of the officer who shot the dog in Salt Lake Valley has been disseminated through the internet, I understand.

He needs to lose his job and his LEO license.

Too many other steps can be taken before shooting a dog.

Such as? It takes an attacking dog less than 4 seconds to cross most yards...I doubt he had his weapon pulled....I'd say he made a damn fine shot. :doubt:

Private property searching without a warrant. This breed is not known for aggressive behaviour.

But the nonetheless the police were where they shouldn't be to begin with. And he had no right to whack the dog.

Want to comment on the bastard in Baltimore that slit the throat of a constrained Shar Pei?

I already said a restrained dog is no threat unless it's owner is threatening to let it charge. My only experience with a Shar Pei was a violent one....the damn thing tore down every window blind in a girl's living room I was invited to while I was on the porch. She had to keep it locked in a bedroom while I was there.

I was on a LRRP team with German Shepherds in Vietnam. These dogs were left behind....too dangerous to bring home. I know everything there is to know about training a dog and have trained several. What you're missing is how much damage a guard dog can do very quickly. They attack your legs to take you to the ground and then grab your throat. There are ways to fight a dog but I never saw one that you could count on, especially with the German breeds (including the Weimaraner). I value human life over a dog's life.
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Such as? It takes an attacking dog less than 4 seconds to cross most yards...I doubt he had his weapon pulled....I'd say he made a damn fine shot. :doubt:

Private property searching without a warrant. This breed is not known for aggressive behaviour.

But the nonetheless the police were where they shouldn't be to begin with. And he had no right to whack the dog.

Want to comment on the bastard in Baltimore that slit the throat of a constrained Shar Pei?

I already said a restrained dog is no threat unless it's owner is threatening to let it charge. My only experience with a Shar Pei was a violent one....the damn thing tore down every window blind in a girl's living room I was invited to while I was on the porch. She had to keep it locked in a bedroom while I was there.

I was on a LRRP team with German Shepherds in Vietnam. These dogs were left behind....too dangerous to bring home. I know everything there is to know about training a dog and have trained several. What you're missing is how much damage a guard dog can do very quickly. They attack your legs to take you to the ground and then grab your throat. There are ways to fight a dog but I never saw one that you could count on, especially with the German breeds (including the Weimaraner). I value human life over a dog's life.

I'm very aware of breeds and breed temperaments. Grew up with a shepherd. A Ridgeback was part of my life for many years. I raised Catahoulas aka walking sledgehammers and now for the grand finale I have a Black and Tan Coonhound.

My husband and I hunt consequently I've been around hunting breeds all my adult life.I don't agree with you whatsoever on a high level of aggression in the Weimaraner breed.

That said, I think what we are going to have to do is come to some arrangement in our so called civilized society with officials that if one has a back yard and one's pet is in that back yard they don't get to come in and blow away the family pet willy nilly here.

They blew away a Doctor's cocker spaniel in Chicago looking for a burglar for crying out loud. Reason: they felt threatened by the cocker. Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight.

You have the case where the Shar Pei is restrained and the cop gets out of the car and says I'm going to gut that ***** And the son of a bitch slits the dogs throat and it bleeds to death.

There is no rationale for that killing of that dog except the cop was a complete psycho killer asshole and I'm glad he's suspended.

This is becoming a problem. A disturbing one.
The public needs to stand up and demand that police procedure change. Killing the dog first is part of police training. That's where the change needs to be made. Make some noise at city council meetings county supervisor meetings. Protest at the police department until the policies change and the training change.
The public needs to stand up and demand that police procedure change. Killing the dog first is part of police training. That's where the change needs to be made. Make some noise at city council meetings county supervisor meetings. Protest at the police department until the policies change and the training change.

Well something's got to give. To think that an owner of a property has to fear that his or her dog is going to be shot when a cop decides they have the right of way on your property is so over the top I don't know where to begin.
The public needs to stand up and demand that police procedure change. Killing the dog first is part of police training. That's where the change needs to be made. Make some noise at city council meetings county supervisor meetings. Protest at the police department until the policies change and the training change.

Well something's got to give. To think that an owner of a property has to fear that his or her dog is going to be shot when a cop decides they have the right of way on your property is so over the top I don't know where to begin.

I understand how crazy a dog owner would feel if their dog was shot like this. I wonder sometimes if I shoot a menacing dog out on my run how I'll handle the owner. Pointing a pistol at an unarmed person no matter how distraught, is a felony so I can't do that.

I understand both sides of the story and think a cop should have the sense to look over the fence before he jumps it. Sometimes there's a second dog and some dogs, Pits for instance, don't often bark. But remember, the reason these stories make the news is because they are fairly rare. I just wish folks would give up on the killer-on-a leash type of dog and go back to cockers and beagles like when I grew up. The worst dog I ever encountered as a kid was a boxer on my paper route. I never saw a Rotty until I was on a crew job after high school....he'd have gotten me if his chain had straightened a link....I was too far from my car to get back in time.

Got chased up onto a rock pile in the middle of a field by a bull that summer too. :lol:

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