What the media is choosing to ignore about this whole mess: Itself

They got their viewers; that's all they care about.

Not me, i gave up TV years ago

about the only thing i might miss is the professor making radios out of coconuts on Gilligans Island



Holy crap. We've broken a new record for obtuse.

Huh? What? Who? Where?

Tell ya what: Here's a nice little montage. And I know it won't be "good enough" for someone like you: The Revolution Is In You on Twitter

And you can read the piece by Matt Taibbi I linked to earlier. THAT won't be "good enough" for you EITHER.

Gawd, this place is amazing.

Wow…pissy this early in the morning are we?

I saw your post, asked for a link. I hadn’t read through the whole thread. Pro tip: Put your links in your OP.

Taibbi is wonderful…a great journalist. I agree with most of what he said however I will point out that if you’re a news outlet and you keep a story that was later debunked on your website, you have a choice to either remove it and be accused of hiding your dirty laundry or leave it up and now be accused of still “holding a grudge” of some sort. Perhaps cut the NYT a little slack Matt?

I don’t seem to be finding the gobs of “whining” you referred to in the OP, however. I’m sure you can find examples but I’m finding more silence than anything else on Twitter and elsewhere.

As I’ve said numerous times, if I want theater, I go to NY and watch Waitresses instead of turning on MSNBC, FOX, CNN, etc… I primarily rely on AP and NPR for my news… When I do watch TV, I do watch CNN only because they seem to be the least repugnant.

I’m sure this thread will decompose into a standard Mac thread…. But your OP is reasonably sound this time. Kudos.

Holy crap. We've broken a new record for obtuse.

Huh? What? Who? Where?

Tell ya what: Here's a nice little montage. And I know it won't be "good enough" for someone like you: The Revolution Is In You on Twitter

And you can read the piece by Matt Taibbi I linked to earlier. THAT won't be "good enough" for you EITHER.

Gawd, this place is amazing.

Wow…pissy this early in the morning are we?

I saw your post, asked for a link. I hadn’t read through the whole thread. Pro tip: Put your links in your OP.

Taibbi is wonderful…a great journalist. I agree with most of what he said however I will point out that if you’re a news outlet and you keep a story that was later debunked on your website, you have a choice to either remove it and be accused of hiding your dirty laundry or leave it up and now be accused of still “holding a grudge” of some sort. Perhaps cut the NYT a little slack Matt?

I don’t seem to be finding the gobs of “whining” you referred to in the OP, however. I’m sure you can find examples but I’m finding more silence than anything else on Twitter and elsewhere.

As I’ve said numerous times, if I want theater, I go to NY and watch Waitresses instead of turning on MSNBC, FOX, CNN, etc… I primarily rely on AP and NPR for my news… When I do watch TV, I do watch CNN only because they seem to be the least repugnant.

I’m sure this thread will decompose into a standard Mac thread…. But your OP is reasonably sound this time. Kudos.
Great, thanks so much!
This is very funny, a montage of the "press" doing the happy dance over Trump's imminent demise: Glenn Greenwald on Twitter

Bombshell, turning point, beginning of the end, on and on.

So you can watch that and still ask for some kind of meeting in the middle ? They wrote or reported over 530,000 articles about Trumps guilt in two years. A monomaniacal undertaking. An obsession driven by a seething hatred and fear.
They destroyed lives, weakened the country and paralyzed the citizens ability to govern themselves.
And their collusion is evident in the same words and phrases across all networks and platforms. The elites desperately trying to hold power.

2. Astonishing stat
This is very funny, a montage of the "press" doing the happy dance over Trump's imminent demise: Glenn Greenwald on Twitter

Bombshell, turning point, beginning of the end, on and on.

So you can watch that and still ask for some kind of meeting in the middle ? They wrote or reported over 530,000 articles about Trumps guilt in two years. A monomaniacal undertaking. An obsession driven by a seething hatred and fear.
They destroyed lives, weakened the country and paralyzed the citizens ability to govern themselves.
And their collusion is evident in the same words and phrases across all networks and platforms. The elites desperately trying to hold power.

2. Astonishing stat
Merely collateral damage to them.
Media figures defend coverage of Trump and Russia

Notice that these guys pretend that all they did was "report" the "news". THAT'S the key here. They completely ignore the non-stop "pundits" and "panels" who took up hours of TV time every day and massive space on the internet making endless accusations and assumptions based on hearsay and opinion. A few examples of my point, from the piece:

1. CNN chief Jeff Zucker responded to criticism in an interview with The New York Times, saying he’s “entirely comfortable” with the network’s coverage. “We are not investigators. We are journalists, and our role is to report the facts as we know them, which is exactly what we did,” Zucker said.

2. MSNBC host Joe Scarborough also blasted back at conservative attacks on the press. “Just because you will justify everything that man does and just because you are corrupt, just because you’re not a journalist, just because you have sold your soul to a personality cult, don’t knock reporters at The New York Times or The Washington Post or The Wall Street Journal or the broadcast networks for doing their job right,” the former Republican congressman and staunch Trump critic said.

3. The editors in chief at The Washington Post and The New York Times, both of which broke countless stories connecting the dots between Trump officials and Moscow, argued that the facts they laid out in their reporting stand on their own, even if no conspiracy charges materialized. “We wrote a lot about Russia, and I have no regrets,” Dean Baquet, the executive editor of the Times, told one of his reporters. “It’s not our job to determine whether or not there was illegality.”

Ian Bremmer gets it right in the piece, including Fox in the circus.

The media should be embarrassed, but they are not. Neither are their usual sycophants.
NYTimes and WaPo have nothing to be embarrassed about. They reported facts and op eds, just exactly as they were supposed to.
I have repeatedly invited posters to link me one actual lie by the NY Times or, for that matter, any other major newspaper. For some reason, they never respond.
Trump said his inauguration was attended by more people than ever in history. The news media who factually reported that this was not true were branded as the liars.
Figure it out. You're not stupid.
Please comment on the following from the OP - True or False?

"... they're pretending that the way they did it was the only way.

"Wall to wall "pundits" making this assumption and that assumption; non-stop "breaking news" about the latest "bombshell", a never-ending stream of "panels" full of delirious anti-Trump wingers going full drama queen over every last damn possible rumor. On and on and on. These were CHOICES that YOU made as you "covered" this "story". That's the "investigation" that you "had" to do? Really?"

I have always thought the "panels" and the 24/7 discussion of Trump's latest tweet or rumor from the WH by some anonymous copy boy was ridiculous. So I stopped watching the channels that did it. I don't miss much.

I can't True or False your quote, because it's an opinion. You're just doing more media bashing. I don't want the baby thrown out with the bathwater, though--that has always been one of my biggest concerns about Trump & Co. Training his followers to mistrust the truth is a very dangerous place to be, and all the conjecture in the world about what is going to happen next (which the panels were endlessly discussing) is nowhere close to as dangerous.
The media is terribly important and it really fucked this up with its partisanship.

The least we can do is be honest about it. Or not.
At least you and I agree that the media is terribly important. Did they really "fuck up?" That is for them to say, I guess. They got their viewers; that's all they care about.

2 things at play.

Nature abhors a vacuum and absent of information, humans fill in their own narrative.

Second, every TV news channel has 168 hours a week to fill. This is why pundits who have never been in a government building are on there commenting about the WH bad Congress. It’s a beast that must be fed. Ratings go hand in glove with that...raise eyebrows and you raise ratings and mouse clicks.

Just a reality. Should they know better? Yes. Do they? Yes. Are they going to change? No.
I've seen quite a bit of whining from the media about the blowback over this whole Russia circus. Their argument is "well, there were lies, and we had to investigate them".

Well yes, that is certainly fair. But they're pretending that the way they did it was the only way.

Wall to wall "pundits" making this assumption and that assumption; non-stop "breaking news" about the latest "bombshell", a never-ending stream of "panels" full of delirious anti-Trump wingers going full drama queen over every last damn possible rumor. On and on and on. These were CHOICES that YOU made as you "covered" this "story". That's the "investigation" that you "had" to do? Really?

Congratulations, folks. There is only one group of people on the fucking planet who can put Donald J. Trump in the position of a fucking VICTIM, and it's YOU.

So thanks loads. Your maniacal, hyper-partisan crusade just handed him a big win. Not good news for those of us who don't care much for the guy.
What if it was Chelsea Clinton that had a secret meeting with the Russians in Clinton Tower? The GOP would have just ignored it. You think? Would you consider the 8 Benghazi investigations to be a circus as well?
Progressivism is a cult
Remember this? They work from a script.
Overall, it's more of a general mindset. I was in the business for 18 years, and it's just a culture. It's just in the air they breathe. I'm serious when I say that they may not even realize what they're doing when they slant things and make one-sided assumptions. Truth be told, looking back, I did the same thing for a long time. I'm not proud to say that.

I think what people (including Trump and the GOP) don't realize is that messing with the "integrity" of the press is like poking at a hungry lion. It will infuriate them like nothing else, because most of them have completely bought into the "the press is sacred and beyond reproach" narrative. What they don't, or won't, or can't see is that they have lost their objectivity. That had happened before Trump, but he pushed them over the top.
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Remember this? They work from a script.
Overall, it's more of a general mindset. I was in the business for 18 years, and it's just a culture. It's just in the air they breathe. I'm serious when I say that they may not even realize what they're doing when they slant things and make one-sided assumptions. Truth be told, looking back, I did the same thing for a long time. I'm not proud to say that.

I think what people (including Trump and the GOP) don't realize is that messing with the "integrity" of the press is like poking at a hungry lion. It will infuriate them like nothing else, because most of them have completely bought into the "the press is sacred and beyond reproach" narrative. What they don't, or won't, or can't see is that they have lost their objectivity. That had happened before Trump, but he pushed them over the top.

Well Mac I think you are brilliantly right there. I would only add their sense of entitlement. They are the Optimates...the best people...born to a privileged position as gatekeepers. And they live in a small parochial echo chamber.
I find it amazing how fast Democrat talking points spread. But I think you are the closest here. A whisper to a particularly popular comic or actress or anchor and soon the rest are imitating her. Then the masses.
Not only did Trump challenge this power...he survived. Never before have the media elites NOT been able to destroy with a few words of ridicule. No matter what they throw at him his base doesn’t budge. And they feel it slipping away...that culture of entitlement that they otherwise hardly notice.
Trump is the end of the world as they have known it. And they are willing to burn even themselves to the ground to stop him and us.
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Remember this? They work from a script.
Overall, it's more of a general mindset. I was in the business for 18 years, and it's just a culture. It's just in the air they breathe. I'm serious when I say that they may not even realize what they're doing when they slant things and make one-sided assumptions. Truth be told, looking back, I did the same thing for a long time. I'm not proud to say that.

I think what people (including Trump and the GOP) don't realize is that messing with the "integrity" of the press is like poking at a hungry lion. It will infuriate them like nothing else, because most of them have completely bought into the "the press is sacred and beyond reproach" narrative. What they don't, or won't, or can't see is that they have lost their objectivity. That had happened before Trump, but he pushed them over the top.

Well Mac I think you are brilliantly right there. I would only add their sense of entitlement. They are the Optimates...the best people...born to a privileged position as gatekeepers. And they live in a small parochial echo chamber.
I find it amazing how fast Democrat talking points spread. But I think you are the closest here. A whisper to a particularly popular comic or actress or anchor and soon the rest are imitating her. Then the masses.
Not only did Trump challenge this power...he survived. Never before have the media elites NOT been able to destroy with s few words of ridicule. No matter what they throw st him his base doesn’t budge. And they feel it slipping away...that culture of entitlement that they otherwise hardly notice.
Trump is the end of the world as they have known it. And they are willing to burn even themselves to the ground to stop him and us.
I'd think the public's distrust of the media is definitely cushioning the blow as the press hammers away at Trump. At the same time, that can go too far. Freedom of the Press is absolutely critical to the well-being of our democracy, but that freedom has to assume that the press is going to act responsibly. So we've gone from a healthy skepticism, to half the country simply not believing anything it hears and essentially creating its own news and information universe. That ain't good.
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We do suffer as a free people the lack of an independent press. It isn’t good but then again we didn’t do it. They chose it. The press is an extension of the opposition.
The New York Times if you will remember resorted to one tweet every 25 minutes to try and stop Trumps tax cuts.

They are partisan advocates and it is corrosive to secede to their requests to be treated like a press Corp.
And as far as free press or free speech...they work actively to suppress it.
What CNN's Threat to Dox a Redditor Tells Us About the State of Journalism
Dershowitz nails it: Alan Dershowitz: How CNN misled its viewers

"Being perceived as a Trump legal defender, even though I publicly disagreed with many of his policies, was a cardinal sin for a liberal Democrat. It would confuse CNN’s viewers at a time when one had to be either for or against Trump. It was as if I were a Red Sox fan on the Yankee network. Today, everyone has to pick a team — Trump or anti-Trump — and picking the side of the Constitution and civil liberties just doesn’t do it."

People have to "pick a side" now, like it's recess on the kindergarten playground. Independent thought is just too hard, mommy.
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Media reports on suspicious behavior, and serial lying, and numerous ominous contacts with a foreign power while an investigation into foreign interference in a federal election is ongoing.

Then one Mr. Barr writes a letter "summarizing" the report on the investigation. Whether that summary is accurate is as yet unknown.

Trump claims "complete and total exoneration", a claim at variance with Barr's letter. And we don't know yet what is in the report itself. Chances are, the report will contradict Trump's claim in great detail.

Mac falls for Trump's lie, and chimes in to Trump's routine decrying of "the media".

Trump's slandering Mueller and the investigative team he led goes unnoticed, as goes Trump's "Luegenpresse" bullshit. Serious media looking into their own coverage every day also doesn't show up on Mac's radar screen.

Everything Trump has been running, from his "charity" to his inauguration and on to Trump Org. itself is under investigation for serious corruption, not to mention Trump's habitual, obsessive-compulsive lying. But somehow, Trump is the "victim", and "the media" is at fault.


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