What the national polls say about a 2020 Trump vs. Biden race.

I don't think it'll be Biden

Well, then it will be Sanders. Sanders beats Trump in the polling as well, just not by the margins that Biden does.

Bottom line, Trump is not going to be re-elected. If you really want to pick the next President of the United States, you need to be voting in the Democratic Primary's.
Biden's problem is his record. And Obama prefers Booker, whose campaign has already lost to Harris. I'm a little leery of Harris appealing to working class whites in Wisc Mich and Pa, and the dems have to have all 3 unless they pull off a miracle in GA or NC, and maybe even that wouldn't be enough, and Harris is not winnign Oh, Iowa or Missouri

If Beto can win the same black vote that Sanders did ......

I like Harris and she would beat Trump, but she is not going to be the nominee. Its either Biden or Sanders with O'Rourke as a long shot.

Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania are BLUE WALL states. Trump won them because Democrats did not spend enough campaign money and time defending them. In Wisconsin Trump got less votes than Mitt Romney did in 2012 when he lost the state by 7 percentage points. That shows Trump did not win the state in 2016 and that Democrats lost it. Too many Democratic voters stayed home and no significant numbers of them ever voted for Trump.
I agree Hillary couldn't get the vote out. Esp after Comey. But I'm not convinced the dems will easily recapture them, esp Wisc.

I'm not a big Harris fan. But the black vote controls the southern primaries, and she has CA in her pocket. Somebody will have to knock her out early.

And with Bernie, what's he going to say when Warren wants to break up Apple and Amazon? I just don't see that as a strategy that's gonna play in a general election.

Of course if the dems can somehow flip Oh or even NC and Ariz ...

Based on current polling their actually closer to flipping Texas then those states. The current polling shows that its a race between Biden and Sanders. Harris is a distant third.

I know but it's early. Basically, I think the dems problem is this. Biden's been wrong on Judges, Iraq-Syria, Taxes. I don't think Bernie is yet trusted by old southern blacks who came up in the 60s and 70s.

And to win the middle voters - Pa, Mich, and Wisc - they've got to be pro Trump econ and not Trump. An old white dude doing this?

Biden was right on all of those except for the 1994, 1996, 1999, and 2005 issues.

A childish response.

As was yours.

Everyone knows that the Iraq war was a mistake. Everyone knows that one of the prime causes of the 2008 depression was the repeal of the Steagall Act.

It is apparent from everyone of those stands that Biden took, that he is no different than any other corporate tool. There isn't a soul in America that REALLY understands that Patriot Act that supports it.

You are just an idiot that doesn't understand shit about politics and only parrots what you see on TEE VEE. The corporations tell you how to think, and you oblige them.

Removing SADDAM from power in Iraq was one of the best things the United States ever did for its security, the security of the region, and the world. It would be foolish to believe that things would be better off with Saddam in power, the man that invaded and annexed Kuwait resulting in a crises in the oil markets that caused the 1991 recession.

I agree that Biden was foolish to repeal glass Steagall. That's why I listed 1999 above.

Only extreme liberals and foolish libertarians oppose the patriot act.


With Saddam gone, Iran has moved into that power vacuum, and it has caused the rise of ISIS.

The only folks that have benefited are Israel and the Saudis. It has only led to chaos in the region.

He was tricked into invading Kuwait, b/c they wanted to invade him.

We have LOST freedom because of the Patriot Act, not gained it. It has not benefited America in any way.

Biden is no different than Republicans, no different.
The polls between Biden and Trump reflect the fact that Trump after over 2 years in office only has an average approval rating of 40% in the Gallup poll. That is the worst average of any President in history. You don't win re-election when you average 40% in approval. The most recent Gallup poll has Trump at 39% approval, 57% disapproval.

What did the polls show in March of 2007? How accurate were they? Did it matter?

You missed this one. Yours were taken 3/2 - 3/10, the one you forgot is from 3/17 - 3/19.

Rasmussen Trump approval 48%, 52% disapproval. As you know too, Rasmussen was one of two polling companies to nail the 2016 election.

Once again another low informed wants to compare health statistics between America and some European country.
It is the food we eat.
High Sodium
High Processed Sugars
High Saturated Fats


To a degree.

The other, indisputable factor, is race. Until the recent immigration to European countries were homogeneous. The U.S. is drastically different. Yes, it makes a huge difference.
Yup! Just like Hillarys historic landslide victory that was also predicted by the SAME POLLS.


Not like it at all. You won’t have Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania this time around.
Bold but stupid statement.

There is no way to tell who will win those states this far out

1. Polling done in Michigan and Wisconsin already indicates that Biden will beat Trump by 8 points in each of those states.

2. Trumps margin of victory was so tiny in these three states. Given the fact that he will most likely be less popular in 2020 than in 2016, that automatically flips those states Blue. Trumps approval ratings since being elected have been consistently lower than the percentage he won in the popular vote. At no time as President has Trump been as popular as he was on election night in 2016. Not a good sing at all for Trump.
Dont cite polls for an election that is that far away unless you want to be known as the tard you appear to be by doing so.
Trump got less votes than Romney. That's a fact. It shows that Trump was not a popular choice in the state. Trump did not win the state. Democrats lost it because the spent so little on campaigning there. Sorry if you can't understand that, but that's what the results show.

You could say Trump won the state or converted some Democrats to his side if he had received 1.5 million or 1.6 million votes. But that did not happen, he got less votes than Mitt Romney did in 2012.

Overall, President Donald Trump did better than Mitt Romney in these areas.

I don't think it'll be Biden

Well, then it will be Sanders. Sanders beats Trump in the polling as well, just not by the margins that Biden does.

Bottom line, Trump is not going to be re-elected. If you really want to pick the next President of the United States, you need to be voting in the Democratic Primary's.
Biden's problem is his record. And Obama prefers Booker, whose campaign has already lost to Harris. I'm a little leery of Harris appealing to working class whites in Wisc Mich and Pa, and the dems have to have all 3 unless they pull off a miracle in GA or NC, and maybe even that wouldn't be enough, and Harris is not winnign Oh, Iowa or Missouri

If Beto can win the same black vote that Sanders did ......

I like Harris and she would beat Trump, but she is not going to be the nominee. Its either Biden or Sanders with O'Rourke as a long shot.

Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania are BLUE WALL states. Trump won them because Democrats did not spend enough campaign money and time defending them. In Wisconsin Trump got less votes than Mitt Romney did in 2012 when he lost the state by 7 percentage points. That shows Trump did not win the state in 2016 and that Democrats lost it. Too many Democratic voters stayed home and no significant numbers of them ever voted for Trump.

200,000 of those votes were suppressed in Wisconsin alone. What was Trumps margin of victory again?
1.) Not true. Depends on which time period. Life was much harder in Europe for much of the 19th and 20th centuries than in the United States. When the United States declared independence in 1776, the New England States had the highest life expectancy in the world.

2.) A. That's debatable. B. That's assuming you can get certain type of care and pay for it. C. Its grossly more expensive than anywhere else.

3.) There are millions of new immigrants in Europe from the middle east and Africa over the past 10 years. Especially from Syria which has seen 1/3 of its population leave the country. They are all being cared for in the European health systems.

4.) 2016 does not define the history of polling or its accuracy.

1) Is true, especially for the past 100 years. Before and after UH.
2) That is a fact. Google it.
3) Only if they are citizens.
4) No but it does tell us to not count our chickens before they hatch.

Life expectancy in Europe: Move to this country and you could live ten years LONGER
US cancer survival rates remain among highest in world

It is based on DIET!

Stop trolling "Edge", you're embarrassing yourself.

For women diagnosed with breast cancer between 2010 and 2014, 5-year survival rates reached 89.5% in Australia and 90.2% in the United States, but generally varied worldwide and remained low in some countries, such as at 66.1% in India.

Proving you to be a fool is fun.

1.) I don't think you understand what happened In Europe over the past 100 years and how that impacted life expectancy there compared to the United States.

2. Still debatable. Plus even with the source you use, it shows European countries following closely behind the United States in those survival rates. At least in Europe those survival rates can apply to everyone since everyone is cared for.

3. Not so. Just look up all the injured refugees from Syria who have received medical care for their war injuries in Europe.

4. The indicators are bad for Trump. No President has had a lower average approval rating than Trump has in office.

Diet improves when you have universal access to healthcare and healthy quality food at low prices. Low income areas of the United States often don't have good access to these things and it brings the overall US life expectancy rates down.

Name calling is childish and undercuts any view you present here.

1) I don't you understand that life expectancy has zero to do with UH.
2) US is still in the lead. For you 1 year means a lot and we eat way worse so you cannot talk out of both sides of your mouth. Well you are.
3) They may receive medical care but at a cost as they are not part of the UH and are not citizens.
4) Perhaps or not. It is still early, the economy is doing well and if the Mueller report is a bleh then he may be OK. I am fine with you saying the indicators are bad but you cannot possibly foresee an election of 2020 when you don't even know if Biden will win the nomination.

At this time in 2015, you would have given Trump ZERO chance to win or maybe even run. You're such a F*CKING troll. All you do is talk but don't listen. Hence the name calling is well deserved. Stop trolling and I'll cease the name calling.

1.) No one who studies life expectancy or demography would ever claim that access to healthcare has nothing to do with life expectancy.
2.) According to one source. Still debatable. Plus in the United States, it only counts for people that have access to treatment.
3.) Really, so what money would Syrian refugees be using to pay for their healthcare? What, did they take off their clothes and sell them?
4.) I want Biden to win, but any of the Democrats would likely beat Trump given his approval ratings. The only difference is that Biden would have larger margin of victory over Trump than the other candidates. I can't foresee the results of the 2020 election, but Trump's poor indicators make it one of the easiest ones to ever predict.

Trolling? This is my thread. You choose to come in here and call me names. That's childish and by definition, trolling.

1) Our healthcare is chaotic but far from bad. It’s actually fantastic here in Boston. You refuse to acknowledge the diet piece of it. Why?

2) Hospitals don’t turn people without insurance away.

3) How many refugees? Nothing like we have here with anchor babies. And again no one gets turned away.

4) If Trump wins again will you leave this board 4ever? You seem very confident so that should be a no brainer. Correct? Pretty sure his approval rating is above 90% with Republicans. We ll see post debates where he stands with the undecideds.

1.) I've acknowledged the diet part of it as well as explain how Universal Healthcare could help solve that problem.

2.) Yep, insurance, nobody needs that, right?

3.) Millions! The level of war and displacement in the middle east and Africa far exceeds anything seen in Mexico or Latin America.

4.) Nope, but I doubt you and many of your fellow Trump worshipers will stick around when reality hits November 3, 2020 and you finally realize what I was saying in this thread was the truth backed up by factual data. The number of voters registered as Republicans continues to drop. So yes, Trump has a strong majority in a shrinking party. Its only 29% of voters now. Trump will have to run on his record as President which so far, most Americans don't like. A debate here or there is not going to save him.
Here is all the national polling data I could find on potential Trump vs. Biden race in 2020 starting from the latest poll going back in time.

February 16, 2019 - Emerson Poll - Biden 55% Trump 45% - Biden +10

January 22, 2019 - PPP Poll - Biden 53% Trump 41% - Biden +12

June 13, 2018 - PPP Poll - Biden 53% Trump 39% - Biden +14

March 27, 2018 - PPP Poll - Biden 56% Trump 39% - Biden +17

February 14, 2018 - PPP Poll - Biden 51% Trump 42% - Biden +9

January 23, 2018 - CNN Poll - Biden 57% Trump 40% - Biden +17

December 14, 2017 - PPP Poll - Biden 54% Trump 40% - Biden +14

October 31, 2017 - PPP Poll - Biden 56% Trump 38% - Biden +18

October 16, 2017 - Emerson Poll - Biden 51% Trump 42% - Biden +9

September 28, 2017 - PPP Poll - Biden 53% Trump 40% - Biden +13

August 23, 2017 - PPP Poll - Biden 51% Trump 39% - Biden +12

July 18, 2017 - PPP Poll - Biden 54% Trump 39% - Biden +15

June 12, 2017 - PPP Poll - Biden 54% Trump 41% - Biden +13

May 16, 2017 - PPP Poll - Biden 54% Trump 40% - Biden +14

April 20, 2017 - PPP Poll - Biden 54% Trump 40% - Biden +14

March 30, 2017 - PPP Poll - Biden 54% Trump 40% - Biden +14

When you average the margin of victory in the 16 polls, Biden beats Trump on average by 13.5 points, just 6 points less from a total overwhelming landslide when it comes to electoral Presidential politics.

Trumps percentages in these head to head races, around 40%, match his average approval rating over the past two years in the GALLUP poll.

With 18 states not allowing Trump on the ballot, and forfeiting their electoral votes, Trump wins by all but 2-3 states, if that.

PS: What idiot the time to cook up this cockamaime bullshit? :abgg2q.jpg:

They don't forfeit their electoral votes. The STATE determines the method of their own election including President/VP. If Trump wishes to get counted for those electoral votes, he's going to have to comply with the requirements to be on the ballot. Simple as that. Every other person on the ballot will also have to comply. No exceptions.
Well, then it will be Sanders. Sanders beats Trump in the polling as well, just not by the margins that Biden does.

Bottom line, Trump is not going to be re-elected. If you really want to pick the next President of the United States, you need to be voting in the Democratic Primary's.
Biden's problem is his record. And Obama prefers Booker, whose campaign has already lost to Harris. I'm a little leery of Harris appealing to working class whites in Wisc Mich and Pa, and the dems have to have all 3 unless they pull off a miracle in GA or NC, and maybe even that wouldn't be enough, and Harris is not winnign Oh, Iowa or Missouri

If Beto can win the same black vote that Sanders did ......

I like Harris and she would beat Trump, but she is not going to be the nominee. Its either Biden or Sanders with O'Rourke as a long shot.

Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania are BLUE WALL states. Trump won them because Democrats did not spend enough campaign money and time defending them. In Wisconsin Trump got less votes than Mitt Romney did in 2012 when he lost the state by 7 percentage points. That shows Trump did not win the state in 2016 and that Democrats lost it. Too many Democratic voters stayed home and no significant numbers of them ever voted for Trump.
I agree Hillary couldn't get the vote out. Esp after Comey. But I'm not convinced the dems will easily recapture them, esp Wisc.

I'm not a big Harris fan. But the black vote controls the southern primaries, and she has CA in her pocket. Somebody will have to knock her out early.

And with Bernie, what's he going to say when Warren wants to break up Apple and Amazon? I just don't see that as a strategy that's gonna play in a general election.

Of course if the dems can somehow flip Oh or even NC and Ariz ...

Based on current polling their actually closer to flipping Texas then those states. The current polling shows that its a race between Biden and Sanders. Harris is a distant third.

I know but it's early. Basically, I think the dems problem is this. Biden's been wrong on Judges, Iraq-Syria, Taxes. I don't think Bernie is yet trusted by old southern blacks who came up in the 60s and 70s.

And to win the middle voters - Pa, Mich, and Wisc - they've got to be pro Trump econ and not Trump. An old white dude doing this?

Biden was right on Iraq, Syria, and Taxes. Trump is exploding the national debt by giving tax cuts to the rich and is a SADDAM AND PUTIN LOVER. The world is a safer place without Saddam in power in Iraq. Iraq today in 2019 is a stronger and more prosperous country than it has been in decades if ever. Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, and the other Persian Gulf states are safer today than they were in the days when SADDAM was still in power.

Most Americans will likely trust Bernie Sanders over Trump.

The polls in PA, Mich, and Wisc show those states are now solidly ANTI-TRUMP.
1) Is true, especially for the past 100 years. Before and after UH.
2) That is a fact. Google it.
3) Only if they are citizens.
4) No but it does tell us to not count our chickens before they hatch.

Life expectancy in Europe: Move to this country and you could live ten years LONGER
US cancer survival rates remain among highest in world

It is based on DIET!

Stop trolling "Edge", you're embarrassing yourself.

For women diagnosed with breast cancer between 2010 and 2014, 5-year survival rates reached 89.5% in Australia and 90.2% in the United States, but generally varied worldwide and remained low in some countries, such as at 66.1% in India.

Proving you to be a fool is fun.

1.) I don't think you understand what happened In Europe over the past 100 years and how that impacted life expectancy there compared to the United States.

2. Still debatable. Plus even with the source you use, it shows European countries following closely behind the United States in those survival rates. At least in Europe those survival rates can apply to everyone since everyone is cared for.

3. Not so. Just look up all the injured refugees from Syria who have received medical care for their war injuries in Europe.

4. The indicators are bad for Trump. No President has had a lower average approval rating than Trump has in office.

Diet improves when you have universal access to healthcare and healthy quality food at low prices. Low income areas of the United States often don't have good access to these things and it brings the overall US life expectancy rates down.

Name calling is childish and undercuts any view you present here.

1) I don't you understand that life expectancy has zero to do with UH.
2) US is still in the lead. For you 1 year means a lot and we eat way worse so you cannot talk out of both sides of your mouth. Well you are.
3) They may receive medical care but at a cost as they are not part of the UH and are not citizens.
4) Perhaps or not. It is still early, the economy is doing well and if the Mueller report is a bleh then he may be OK. I am fine with you saying the indicators are bad but you cannot possibly foresee an election of 2020 when you don't even know if Biden will win the nomination.

At this time in 2015, you would have given Trump ZERO chance to win or maybe even run. You're such a F*CKING troll. All you do is talk but don't listen. Hence the name calling is well deserved. Stop trolling and I'll cease the name calling.

1.) No one who studies life expectancy or demography would ever claim that access to healthcare has nothing to do with life expectancy.
2.) According to one source. Still debatable. Plus in the United States, it only counts for people that have access to treatment.
3.) Really, so what money would Syrian refugees be using to pay for their healthcare? What, did they take off their clothes and sell them?
4.) I want Biden to win, but any of the Democrats would likely beat Trump given his approval ratings. The only difference is that Biden would have larger margin of victory over Trump than the other candidates. I can't foresee the results of the 2020 election, but Trump's poor indicators make it one of the easiest ones to ever predict.

Trolling? This is my thread. You choose to come in here and call me names. That's childish and by definition, trolling.

1) Our healthcare is chaotic but far from bad. It’s actually fantastic here in Boston. You refuse to acknowledge the diet piece of it. Why?

2) Hospitals don’t turn people without insurance away.

3) How many refugees? Nothing like we have here with anchor babies. And again no one gets turned away.

4) If Trump wins again will you leave this board 4ever? You seem very confident so that should be a no brainer. Correct? Pretty sure his approval rating is above 90% with Republicans. We ll see post debates where he stands with the undecideds.

1.) I've acknowledged the diet part of it as well as explain how Universal Healthcare could help solve that problem.

2.) Yep, insurance, nobody needs that, right?

3.) Millions! The level of war and displacement in the middle east and Africa far exceeds anything seen in Mexico or Latin America.

4.) Nope, but I doubt you and many of your fellow Trump worshipers will stick around when reality hits November 3, 2020 and you finally realize what I was saying in this thread was the truth backed up by factual data. The number of voters registered as Republicans continues to drop. So yes, Trump has a strong majority in a shrinking party. Its only 29% of voters now. Trump will have to run on his record as President which so far, most Americans don't like. A debate here or there is not going to save him.

1) UH has zero to do with diet. Close some fast food places. Stop the drugs that kill millions from entering the country at such a rapid pace.

2) Never said that. You’re a troll. I said They don’t turn people away.

3) Link? Doubt you have it. Making it up as you go along.

4) I am an Independent. The Democrat party has betrayed my people and hence I will not vote Blue. Your stats are wrong. 31% as Jew hating Democrats and 24% as Republicans and 42% as Independents. So you make a bold statement but won’t stand behind it. Not very brave. Trump may lose. He may win. Unless you have a time machine you don’t know. I used to vote Blue and then the party decided that Israel was an evil nation and turned against it. Against me. So now I turn against the party and its sheep followers like you. Thanks to the likes of Tlaib and Omar hopefully my fellow Jews will join me.
Repeat ad infinitum:

Creepy Joe Biden throws live puppies into rush hour traffic!

Creepy Joe Biden is a secret Satan worshiper!

Creepy Joe Biden fondles children!

Creepy Joe Biden is gay!

Creepy Joe Biden is the proprietor of Comet Pizza!

"Joe Biden" is Hebrew for "turtle fucker"!

Creepy Joe Biden killed Kennedy!

Creepy Joe Biden plagiarized Michelle Obama's speech!

Creepy Joe Biden slept with Stormy Daniels and paid her for her silence!

Creepy Joe Biden tried to get a Biden Tower built in Moscow!

Creepy Joe Biden bragged about grabbing pussies!
Okay I didn’t understand this post at all until I saw the rewards for it. Apparently there’s a market to rank this stuff as funny, so incredibly low hanging fruit. Not a substantial market, but enough of one to keep weird shit alive like this.

But in all honesty how could you not watch this shit and not have you’re predator defense systems not engage? I feel like I have to separate joe from every one of these kids with a punch to the face. At least trump kept it to pornstars. Like you can just sense the parents trying to intervene but be conflicted by it being joe Biden. Yea trump had his pussy grabber comments, but joe is getting waaaaay to friendly with children here. There’s no other word for it but creepy. Show me another politician who acts like this around kids and I’ll drop it being creepy. And then I’ll throw in a million. This shit is wrong
Biden's problem is his record. And Obama prefers Booker, whose campaign has already lost to Harris. I'm a little leery of Harris appealing to working class whites in Wisc Mich and Pa, and the dems have to have all 3 unless they pull off a miracle in GA or NC, and maybe even that wouldn't be enough, and Harris is not winnign Oh, Iowa or Missouri

If Beto can win the same black vote that Sanders did ......

I like Harris and she would beat Trump, but she is not going to be the nominee. Its either Biden or Sanders with O'Rourke as a long shot.

Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania are BLUE WALL states. Trump won them because Democrats did not spend enough campaign money and time defending them. In Wisconsin Trump got less votes than Mitt Romney did in 2012 when he lost the state by 7 percentage points. That shows Trump did not win the state in 2016 and that Democrats lost it. Too many Democratic voters stayed home and no significant numbers of them ever voted for Trump.
I agree Hillary couldn't get the vote out. Esp after Comey. But I'm not convinced the dems will easily recapture them, esp Wisc.

I'm not a big Harris fan. But the black vote controls the southern primaries, and she has CA in her pocket. Somebody will have to knock her out early.

And with Bernie, what's he going to say when Warren wants to break up Apple and Amazon? I just don't see that as a strategy that's gonna play in a general election.

Of course if the dems can somehow flip Oh or even NC and Ariz ...

Based on current polling their actually closer to flipping Texas then those states. The current polling shows that its a race between Biden and Sanders. Harris is a distant third.

I know but it's early. Basically, I think the dems problem is this. Biden's been wrong on Judges, Iraq-Syria, Taxes. I don't think Bernie is yet trusted by old southern blacks who came up in the 60s and 70s.

And to win the middle voters - Pa, Mich, and Wisc - they've got to be pro Trump econ and not Trump. An old white dude doing this?

Biden was right on Iraq, Syria, and Taxes. Trump is exploding the national debt by giving tax cuts to the rich and is a SADDAM AND PUTIN LOVER. The world is a safer place without Saddam in power in Iraq. Iraq today in 2019 is a stronger and more prosperous country than it has been in decades if ever. Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, and the other Persian Gulf states are safer today than they were in the days when SADDAM was still in power.

Most Americans will likely trust Bernie Sanders over Trump.

The polls in PA, Mich, and Wisc show those states are now solidly ANTI-TRUMP.
Saddam has been dead for over 10 years? Do you realize that?
Repeat ad infinitum:

Creepy Joe Biden throws live puppies into rush hour traffic!

Creepy Joe Biden is a secret Satan worshiper!

Creepy Joe Biden fondles children!

Creepy Joe Biden is gay!

Creepy Joe Biden is the proprietor of Comet Pizza!

"Joe Biden" is Hebrew for "turtle fucker"!

Creepy Joe Biden killed Kennedy!

Creepy Joe Biden plagiarized Michelle Obama's speech!

Creepy Joe Biden slept with Stormy Daniels and paid her for her silence!

Creepy Joe Biden tried to get a Biden Tower built in Moscow!

Creepy Joe Biden bragged about grabbing pussies!
Okay I didn’t understand this post at all until I saw the rewards for it. Apparently there’s a market to rank this stuff as funny, so incredibly low hanging fruit. Not a substantial market, but enough of one to keep weird shit alive like this.

But in all honesty how could you not watch this shit and not have you’re predator defense systems not engage? I feel like I have to separate joe from every one of these kids with a punch to the face. At least trump kept it to pornstars. Like you can just sense the parents trying to intervene but be conflicted by it being joe Biden. Yea trump had his pussy grabber comments, but joe is getting waaaaay to friendly with children here. There’s no other word for it but creepy. Show me another politician who acts like this around kids and I’ll drop it being creepy. And then I’ll throw in a million. This shit is wrong

Can y’all hear the camera man in the video say “dads gonna stand pretty close by though” after Biden ask for a picture with him and that girl? Am I the only one with protective instincts being engaged for this shit? Like I know the camera man is feeling the same way I do
I like Harris and she would beat Trump, but she is not going to be the nominee. Its either Biden or Sanders with O'Rourke as a long shot.

Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania are BLUE WALL states. Trump won them because Democrats did not spend enough campaign money and time defending them. In Wisconsin Trump got less votes than Mitt Romney did in 2012 when he lost the state by 7 percentage points. That shows Trump did not win the state in 2016 and that Democrats lost it. Too many Democratic voters stayed home and no significant numbers of them ever voted for Trump.
I agree Hillary couldn't get the vote out. Esp after Comey. But I'm not convinced the dems will easily recapture them, esp Wisc.

I'm not a big Harris fan. But the black vote controls the southern primaries, and she has CA in her pocket. Somebody will have to knock her out early.

And with Bernie, what's he going to say when Warren wants to break up Apple and Amazon? I just don't see that as a strategy that's gonna play in a general election.

Of course if the dems can somehow flip Oh or even NC and Ariz ...

Based on current polling their actually closer to flipping Texas then those states. The current polling shows that its a race between Biden and Sanders. Harris is a distant third.

I know but it's early. Basically, I think the dems problem is this. Biden's been wrong on Judges, Iraq-Syria, Taxes. I don't think Bernie is yet trusted by old southern blacks who came up in the 60s and 70s.

And to win the middle voters - Pa, Mich, and Wisc - they've got to be pro Trump econ and not Trump. An old white dude doing this?

Biden was right on Iraq, Syria, and Taxes. Trump is exploding the national debt by giving tax cuts to the rich and is a SADDAM AND PUTIN LOVER. The world is a safer place without Saddam in power in Iraq. Iraq today in 2019 is a stronger and more prosperous country than it has been in decades if ever. Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, and the other Persian Gulf states are safer today than they were in the days when SADDAM was still in power.

Most Americans will likely trust Bernie Sanders over Trump.

The polls in PA, Mich, and Wisc show those states are now solidly ANTI-TRUMP.
Saddam has been dead for over 10 years? Do you realize that?

Did I say anything that indicated otherwise?
Repeat ad infinitum:

Creepy Joe Biden throws live puppies into rush hour traffic!

Creepy Joe Biden is a secret Satan worshiper!

Creepy Joe Biden fondles children!

Creepy Joe Biden is gay!

Creepy Joe Biden is the proprietor of Comet Pizza!

"Joe Biden" is Hebrew for "turtle fucker"!

Creepy Joe Biden killed Kennedy!

Creepy Joe Biden plagiarized Michelle Obama's speech!

Creepy Joe Biden slept with Stormy Daniels and paid her for her silence!

Creepy Joe Biden tried to get a Biden Tower built in Moscow!

Creepy Joe Biden bragged about grabbing pussies!
Okay I didn’t understand this post at all until I saw the rewards for it. Apparently there’s a market to rank this stuff as funny, so incredibly low hanging fruit. Not a substantial market, but enough of one to keep weird shit alive like this.

But in all honesty how could you not watch this shit and not have you’re predator defense systems not engage? I feel like I have to separate joe from every one of these kids with a punch to the face. At least trump kept it to pornstars. Like you can just sense the parents trying to intervene but be conflicted by it being joe Biden. Yea trump had his pussy grabber comments, but joe is getting waaaaay to friendly with children here. There’s no other word for it but creepy. Show me another politician who acts like this around kids and I’ll drop it being creepy. And then I’ll throw in a million. This shit is wrong

Trump was accused of sexual assault by over a dozen women. Trump accurately described engaging in sexual assault of women in a tape recording of a conversation he had with Billy Bush. Trump divorced and cheated on his first two wives. He has cheated on his third wife and illegally used his money to pay them to keep silent. His Lawyer, Cohen, is going to jail partly for this crime. Once Trump is not President, he will be facing jail time for this crime as well. Both Cohen and David Pecker of the national enquire are on record saying that Trump ordered the payments to keep women who he cheated on his wife with silent in order to influence the outcome of the 2016 election. That's against the law and Michael Cohen is going to jail for it since he helped arrange the payments.

Has Joe Biden done any of that? Nope. Sorry, but Biden wins this game easily. Most Women did not vote for Trump in 2016. Even more women will be voting against Trump in 2020.
1.) I don't think you understand what happened In Europe over the past 100 years and how that impacted life expectancy there compared to the United States.

2. Still debatable. Plus even with the source you use, it shows European countries following closely behind the United States in those survival rates. At least in Europe those survival rates can apply to everyone since everyone is cared for.

3. Not so. Just look up all the injured refugees from Syria who have received medical care for their war injuries in Europe.

4. The indicators are bad for Trump. No President has had a lower average approval rating than Trump has in office.

Diet improves when you have universal access to healthcare and healthy quality food at low prices. Low income areas of the United States often don't have good access to these things and it brings the overall US life expectancy rates down.

Name calling is childish and undercuts any view you present here.

1) I don't you understand that life expectancy has zero to do with UH.
2) US is still in the lead. For you 1 year means a lot and we eat way worse so you cannot talk out of both sides of your mouth. Well you are.
3) They may receive medical care but at a cost as they are not part of the UH and are not citizens.
4) Perhaps or not. It is still early, the economy is doing well and if the Mueller report is a bleh then he may be OK. I am fine with you saying the indicators are bad but you cannot possibly foresee an election of 2020 when you don't even know if Biden will win the nomination.

At this time in 2015, you would have given Trump ZERO chance to win or maybe even run. You're such a F*CKING troll. All you do is talk but don't listen. Hence the name calling is well deserved. Stop trolling and I'll cease the name calling.

1.) No one who studies life expectancy or demography would ever claim that access to healthcare has nothing to do with life expectancy.
2.) According to one source. Still debatable. Plus in the United States, it only counts for people that have access to treatment.
3.) Really, so what money would Syrian refugees be using to pay for their healthcare? What, did they take off their clothes and sell them?
4.) I want Biden to win, but any of the Democrats would likely beat Trump given his approval ratings. The only difference is that Biden would have larger margin of victory over Trump than the other candidates. I can't foresee the results of the 2020 election, but Trump's poor indicators make it one of the easiest ones to ever predict.

Trolling? This is my thread. You choose to come in here and call me names. That's childish and by definition, trolling.

1) Our healthcare is chaotic but far from bad. It’s actually fantastic here in Boston. You refuse to acknowledge the diet piece of it. Why?

2) Hospitals don’t turn people without insurance away.

3) How many refugees? Nothing like we have here with anchor babies. And again no one gets turned away.

4) If Trump wins again will you leave this board 4ever? You seem very confident so that should be a no brainer. Correct? Pretty sure his approval rating is above 90% with Republicans. We ll see post debates where he stands with the undecideds.

1.) I've acknowledged the diet part of it as well as explain how Universal Healthcare could help solve that problem.

2.) Yep, insurance, nobody needs that, right?

3.) Millions! The level of war and displacement in the middle east and Africa far exceeds anything seen in Mexico or Latin America.

4.) Nope, but I doubt you and many of your fellow Trump worshipers will stick around when reality hits November 3, 2020 and you finally realize what I was saying in this thread was the truth backed up by factual data. The number of voters registered as Republicans continues to drop. So yes, Trump has a strong majority in a shrinking party. Its only 29% of voters now. Trump will have to run on his record as President which so far, most Americans don't like. A debate here or there is not going to save him.

1) UH has zero to do with diet. Close some fast food places. Stop the drugs that kill millions from entering the country at such a rapid pace.

2) Never said that. You’re a troll. I said They don’t turn people away.

3) Link? Doubt you have it. Making it up as you go along.

4) I am an Independent. The Democrat party has betrayed my people and hence I will not vote Blue. Your stats are wrong. 31% as Jew hating Democrats and 24% as Republicans and 42% as Independents. So you make a bold statement but won’t stand behind it. Not very brave. Trump may lose. He may win. Unless you have a time machine you don’t know. I used to vote Blue and then the party decided that Israel was an evil nation and turned against it. Against me. So now I turn against the party and its sheep followers like you. Thanks to the likes of Tlaib and Omar hopefully my fellow Jews will join me.

1.) Diet and health are closely related, so having access to doctors and other medical professionals definitely impacts diet. Education, and knowledge are gained when people have better access to healthcare. It changes what people do and their habits to a greater degree when they don't have that access.

2.) You've suggested it does not matter. Your the name caller which is what part of the definition of a troll is.

3.) Syria used to have a population of 24 million. Its now down to 17 or 18 million. Between 2011 and 2018, Germany accepted over a million refugees. The most destructive conflicts on the planet are occurring in Yemen, and Syria, although the conflict in Syria is starting to wind down now. Africa is the poorest continent in the world. War and poverty there, and most people in Africa flee to Europe when the leave the continent. No place in Latin America has the war in poverty that these regions in the certain countries in the middles Middle East and Africa do. Immigration to the United States from Latin America is less today than it was decades ago. Less people are coming across the border to immigrate overall which makes Trumps Wall even more absurd.

4.) Great, that just proves my point more. Trump is not going to be saved by 24% of the voting population.

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