What The New January 6 Videos Will Show

Trumpsters over ran the Capitol trying to stop the peaceful exchange of power, that is not feelings, that is a fact. I find it amazing guys like you go on about how great Americans they are, and how you are constitutionalist, and yet you are all for Trump over throwning a legitimate election, by saying it didnt happen. Or if it didnt...this is too dumb to discuss
In order to accomplish something revolutionary there has to be an ability.
Most of your “they were gonna take over the government” is 10am Saturday cartoon fodder.
What could they find that would somehow make it not happen?
They are reaching and hoping that 1,000's of hours of empty hallways will somehow exonerate the breaking of windows, the beating of Cops, and the illegal entry to restricted areas.
They are reaching and hoping that 1,000's of hours of empty hallways will somehow exonerate the breaking of windows, the beating of Cops, and the illegal entry to restricted areas.
Bizarre...but yea
I didnt ignore that. In fact if you had any cognitive reading skills you would have read that I specifically pointed those people out and excluded them from my statement.
You are too quick to argue that you are right rather than comprehending what was said.
Those people...are the crux of the matter

Not going to happen.

Nice job of trying to deflect responsibility for the insurgency away from the people actually responsible though.
A bunch of clueless, brainwashed, MAGAt deplorables.

Apparently you haven't heard though.
Tucker Carlson and all the rest of the Fox "news" freaks have been completely discredited.
Nothing any of them ever say on air again can ever be taken seriously.
The transcripts from The Dominion lawsuit has them busted....dead to rights LYING to their viewers while they texted one another privately how stupid you all are for believing what they tell you.

So yeah....can't wait to see what Tucker has to say about the footage.

If these freaks truly believed Sedition Day was no big deal, they wouldn't be trying to blame the FBI, Antifa, Ray Epps, John Sullivan, Nancy Pelosi or Chuck Schumer. That they're so desperately seeking to find someone else to pin that on is prima facie evidence even they grasp, at some level, the severity of that day.
In order to accomplish something revolutionary there has to be an ability.
Most of your “they were gonna take over the government” is 10am Saturday cartoon fodder.

So when they shouted, "stop the steal!" We're just supposed to pretend they didn't really mean it?
What reality and capability was there in that?
Are you constantly so frightened by non existent bullshit?
The only bull shit that worries me about my country's future is the Trumpsters BS. You guys swallow it whole, and you are 25% of the voters. It is a concern.
So when they shouted, "stop the steal!" We're just supposed to pretend they didn't really mean it?
Verbal expression!!!
Prohibited in your fake commie land and no where else.
The only bull shit that worries me about my country's future is the Trumpsters BS. You guys swallow it whole, and you are 25% of the voters. It is a concern.
Thank you for the white flag of non answer and diversion
If these freaks truly believed Sedition Day was no big deal, they wouldn't be trying to blame the FBI, Antifa, Ray Epps, John Sullivan, Nancy Pelosi or Chuck Schumer. That they're so desperately seeking to find someone else to pin that on is prima facie evidence even they grasp, at some level, the severity of that day.

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