What The New January 6 Videos Will Show

Unbelievable! It's going to be confirmed that the feds had agent provocateurs everywhere causing mayhem setting up Trump supporters that day. I can't wait for the release.

Will show? Can you at least wait until we see what they actually showed instead of trying to predict now what they will show?
Because it is crazy. One of the things that really concerns me about my country today is the ready acceptance of "alternate facts." Trumpsters see video of an event that obviously is MAGA people over running the capitol. It is so obvious it is very difficult to pretend it did not happen (some can) but most have to make up some fantasy to explain it away. Pretending a bunch old white guys with MAGA hats are BLM or antifa etc is pretty crazy. Pretending it never happened is crazy, and thinking it was actors is the most crazy.

I still don't know why you can't get past "actors."

We know that there were some people who had questions about the unverifiable mail in ballots and other irregularities and wanted to peacefully and patriotically march over and let their voices be heard.

We know that there were FBI, and other groups; official and Contracted groups that had infiltrated the crowd.

We know that Ray Epps and Scaffold Commander were instrumental in moving the events of that day forward at the exact moment that it was needed.

Which group do you see as "actors"?
how many of the 2020 BLM and antifa rioters have been jailed, tried, and convicted? Why are they exempt from our legal system that you so aptly described? Is selective prosecution written somewhere in our federal statutes?
The BLM has nothing to do with this..and your pathetic attempt to deflect and pivot to whataboutism is noted..and laughed at.
I watched it on MSNBC and I don't give a shit about the input of an old fart such as yourself that fell asleep 11:00PM on election night.
11?? Shit I was in bed at 9---knowing that nothing would be decided and more than tired of the same old commentary. I did know that in person votes would be counted first..I did know that that favored Trump, I did know that Trump would have the lead going into the absentee and mail-in count--and I did know that Republicans were going to allege voter fraud, since Trump had already primed THAT pump.


There was NO '3am ballot drop'. None...just a lot of lying and speculation and whining..leading to nothing.
11?? Shit I was in bed at 9---knowing that nothing would be decided and more than tired of the same old commentary. I did know that in person votes would be counted first..I did know that that favored Trump, I did know that Trump would have the lead going into the absentee and mail-in count--and I did know that Republicans were going to allege voter fraud, since Trump had already primed THAT pump.


There was NO '3am ballot drop'. None...just a lot of lying and speculation and whining..leading to nothing.
Yes there were 3am ballot drops. It's been documented.
People who aren't restricted to the Democrat Media Bubble Cult Version don't need to wait.

We already know, Mr. Thinker.
I have no doubt that you are right, BUT, I'm sick and tired of the last six years of Democrats claiming this and that and what will happen. I think we should wait until we see the actual evidence and then blast away with both barrels.
Yes there were 3am ballot drops. It's been documented.
No..actually..it has not..but do enlighten us. Post the link that proves that illegal ballot drops happened..hell..at any time during the 2020 election.
Suspect affidavits coerced by unscrupulous lawyers are not proof..nor are perceived statistical drops or rises in the ballot counts. Some guy seeing a white truck pull up and unload..something...is not evidence either.
Trump was so popular he must have won, don't cut it either.
I have no doubt that you are right, BUT, I'm sick and tired of the last six years of Democrats claiming this and that and what will happen. I think we should wait until we see the actual evidence and then blast away with both barrels.
...or ignore what you don't like and slink away~

BTW..given the plethora of threads promising this and that as regards the 2020 election--I don't think that Dems have a monopoly on throwing shit in all direction in the hope that something might actually be true.
...or ignore what you don't like and slink away~

BTW..given the plethora of threads promising this and that as regards the 2020 election--I don't think that Dems have a monopoly on throwing shit in all direction in the hope that something might actually be true.
Throwing shit is all any of them know how to do.
Even the ones with the flagpoles, hit the police officer with a fire extinguisher? Or destroyed government property? Oh yea, how bout delaying the peaceful transfer of power? Since we are talking about Trump cultist, how bout we just use harsh language and take their dessert? All the destruction and assaulting police etc. just demonstrates what great Americans and true patriots they are. Geeze.
those in the BLM riots that burned down buildings, those that vandalized cities, those that caused physical harm to residents and merchants, those that looted, those that attacked police...yes they should be prosecuted to the absolute fullest extent of the law. Same thing with the J6 protestors. Those that burnt down buildings, those that vandalized, caused actual physical harm, those that looted should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

The difference is, no BLM rioters are being charged and the J6 protestors are sitting in jail without hearings going on 2 years now.
There was NO '3am ballot drop'. None...just a lot of lying and speculation and whining..leading to nothing.
I was bouncing around between Fox, CNN and MSNBC, and the latter two networks were saying ALL NIGHT that there would be a flood of Biden votes in states X, Y and Z because those states counted mail in ballots last, and that Biden was expected to have a lion's share of those votes. I heard that at least a dozen times.

Those who only watched Fox didn't hear that, so naturally they'd fall for the conspiracy theories. As usual.
those in the BLM riots that burned down buildings, those that vandalized cities, those that caused physical harm to residents and merchants, those that looted, those that attacked police...yes they should be prosecuted to the absolute fullest extent of the law. Same thing with the J6 protestors. Those that burnt down buildings, those that vandalized, caused actual physical harm, those that looted should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

The difference is, no BLM rioters are being charged and the J6 protestors are sitting in jail without hearings going on 2 years now.
Damn..why do you guys have to lie?? They are NOT sitting in jail without hearings. Simply are not. They were all arraigned--probable cause was found..bail was discussed for those eligible. Status hearings are held from time to time. The long wait time is more about the defense. You do know that this is business as usual--for the courts in the US?

But the no hearing thing..I can't believe how stupid some are..to not only believe that..but to continue to tell that lie..no matter how many times they are corrected~
Damn..why do you guys have to lie?? They are NOT sitting in jail without hearings. Simply are not. They were all arraigned--probable cause was found..bail was discussed for those eligible. Status hearings are held from time to time. The long wait time is more about the defense. You do know that this is business as usual--for the courts in the US?

But the no hearing thing..I can't believe how stupid some are..to not only believe that..but to continue to tell that lie..no matter how many times they are corrected~
lawyers representing those held without bail for no valid reason have confirmed that their clients have not had a hearing, but are being held illegally. This is far from over and heads are going to roll as the truth comes out.
lawyers representing those held without bail for no valid reason have confirmed that their clients have not had a hearing, but are being held illegally. This is far from over and heads are going to roll as the truth comes out.
Uh-huh. I'd believe ya more if you had an actual link to that assertion. First, your opinion about 'no valid reason' for denying bail may not be shared by the courts...and they have the say. I've found that most of those denied bail have parole or probation holds..thus bail is moot.

The Govt. DID screw up in the case of Denny. He got most of the charges dropped and hurried up and took a plea..before they changed their minds..LOL!
Uh-huh. I'd believe ya more if you had an actual link to that assertion. First, your opinion about 'no valid reason' for denying bail may not be shared by the courts...and they have the say. I've found that most of those denied bail have parole or probation holds..thus bail is moot.

The Govt. DID screw up in the case of Denny. He got most of the charges dropped and hurried up and took a plea..before they changed their minds..LOL!
several of them have stated just that in tv interviews. its not my job here to bring you up to speed on current events.
I was bouncing around between Fox, CNN and MSNBC, and the latter two networks were saying ALL NIGHT that there would be a flood of Biden votes in states X, Y and Z because those states counted mail in ballots last, and that Biden was expected to have a lion's share of those votes. I heard that at least a dozen times.

Those who only watched Fox didn't hear that, so naturally they'd fall for the conspiracy theories. As usual.
Considering the networks, including FOX, knew the election was going to be stolen it does not matter what they said. They were making excuses for the obvious fraud we saw in the vote totals. Late batches with 94% for Biden.

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