What the Republicans need is a realignment


Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2011
Chicago, Chicago, that Toddling Town
Here's the essential problem the GOP has. There aren't enough old angry white people to keep it afloat.

The GOP dominated national politics from 1860 to 1932, holding the presidency for all but 16 of those 72 years, because it was an alliance of Northerners and Urban voters. And for a long time, that worked for them, especially when the country became more urban and industrial.

Then something key happened in 1932. The economy crashed in 1929, and those Urban workers shifted allegience to the Democratic Part. From1932 to 1968, Democrats held the White House for all but 8 of those 36 years.

In 1968, you saw another dramatic shift. The hippies scared the crap out of older more traditional voters, and those urban workers shifted back to the Republicans. People referred to them as "Reagan Democrats", but really, they were Nixon Democrats. And from 1968 to 1992, the REpublicans held the White HOuse for all but 4 years, and it took impeachment and resignation to give them a wedge there.

1992, Ross Perot peeled the "Reagan Democrats" off from the GOP, and the Democrats slowly picked them up. Also, as minority voters grew in numbers, they had more influence.

The only reason why the GOP got into the White House since 1992 at all was because they stole the 2000 election and in 2004, they barely won because we don't throw out presidents in the middle of wars.

right now, the GOP can only really call upon about 45% of the electorate, mostly in the South and Plains states, and that's not enough to win elections.
how interesting !! a fucking commiecrat telling the GOP what they need to do, the commiecrat party is giving the GOP so much fodder for the 2014 election period that should sink the commiecrats for years to come, then come 2016 the failing of obummercare and other scandals will put the commiecrats in a hole :dig: for many years to come.

soooooo ! all you commiecrats get ready for the funeral of the commie/demoncrat party :up: .... :lmao: .... :up: .... :lmao: .... :up: .... :lmao: .... :up: .... :lmao:
Oh gosh another liberal is going to help out the GOP. Destroying the economy was enough help thank you very much.
how interesting !! a fucking commiecrat telling the GOP what they need to do, the commiecrat party is giving the GOP so much fodder for the 2014 election period that should sink the commiecrats for years to come, then come 2016 the failing of obummercare and other scandals will put the commiecrats in a hole :dig: for many years to come.

soooooo ! all you commiecrats get ready for the funeral of the commie/demoncrat party :up: .... :lmao: .... :up: .... :lmao: .... :up: .... :lmao: .... :up: .... :lmao:

the worm will turn as it has throughout history. Even dye in the wool democrats will eventually wake up. Unfortunately unless we elect another Reagan I see nothing changing but the cycle will continue. Who in the hell could ever imagine Boehner, Reid, Pelosi would be the leaders in Congress, simply tragic.
The republicans need to move even further to the right if they are ever again going to win any elections.
How do all you WHITE people who voted for Obama feel about you now being SINGLED out as all the problems in this country and the reason the Gop is failing?

now go vote for a party who throws this in your face, the Democrat/progressive/commie party...that party who showers you with nothing but, love... and invites you into their open arms with nothing but INTOLERANT hate against others in this country
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What do the democrats need, now that the party has fallen apart and is in general revolt?
angry old people in the Plains and Idaho & angry low-info listeners to SeanRush. You people need to take the party back from those 'tards.
Well, the dems are doing what they seem to do best, ie stealing defeat from the jaws of victory by failing to realize that most Americans really don't like govt making decisions for them. What's somewhat different this time around is that the gop isn't really offering anything besides screaming NYET. McConnell doesn't want to talk about anything except how bad Obamacare is, but nothing about how people who didn't have access can get access.

Ike offered security, Nixon promised Peace with Honor and the econ in 1972 was pretty good, and Reagan was sort of a mystery, but he was optimistic and Carter was anything but. I just don't see the gop's positive message. There are guys who want to offer one, but they're scared ballless by the TPM
The angriest white men, young or old are hosts/commentators on MSNBC.

Also the angriest old or young black men and women.

On MSNBC one never sees a smile, only smirks.

I don't think any of them vote Republican.
Well, the dems are doing what they seem to do best, ie stealing defeat from the jaws of victory by failing to realize that most Americans really don't like govt making decisions for them. What's somewhat different this time around is that the gop isn't really offering anything besides screaming NYET. McConnell doesn't want to talk about anything except how bad Obamacare is, but nothing about how people who didn't have access can get access.

Ike offered security, Nixon promised Peace with Honor and the econ in 1972 was pretty good, and Reagan was sort of a mystery, but he was optimistic and Carter was anything but. I just don't see the gop's positive message. There are guys who want to offer one, but they're scared ballless by the TPM

Even Gingrich pointed out that its pathetic that Repubs have to be dragged, kicking and screaming, to the table to offer alternatives. Why? Because the GOP = status quo (rich get richer and the poor get poorer).
Well, the dems are doing what they seem to do best, ie stealing defeat from the jaws of victory by failing to realize that most Americans really don't like govt making decisions for them. What's somewhat different this time around is that the gop isn't really offering anything besides screaming NYET. McConnell doesn't want to talk about anything except how bad Obamacare is, but nothing about how people who didn't have access can get access.

Ike offered security, Nixon promised Peace with Honor and the econ in 1972 was pretty good, and Reagan was sort of a mystery, but he was optimistic and Carter was anything but. I just don't see the gop's positive message. There are guys who want to offer one, but they're scared ballless by the TPM

Even Gingrich pointed out that its pathetic that Repubs have to be dragged, kicking and screaming, to the table to offer alternatives. Why? Because the GOP = status quo (rich get richer and the poor get poorer).

Yeah, I guess so. The real essence of the Kochs and DeMint is they don't want the govt to offer any solutions. They don't want the govt to do anything, because to do so, the rich will have to pay more taxes. So, yeah, at the heart of it, they prey upon old white people's fears that the nation is turning socialist and all these immigrants don't want to work ... which of course is directly contrary to the facts.
Well, the dems are doing what they seem to do best, ie stealing defeat from the jaws of victory by failing to realize that most Americans really don't like govt making decisions for them. What's somewhat different this time around is that the gop isn't really offering anything besides screaming NYET. McConnell doesn't want to talk about anything except how bad Obamacare is, but nothing about how people who didn't have access can get access.

Ike offered security, Nixon promised Peace with Honor and the econ in 1972 was pretty good, and Reagan was sort of a mystery, but he was optimistic and Carter was anything but. I just don't see the gop's positive message. There are guys who want to offer one, but they're scared ballless by the TPM

Even Gingrich pointed out that its pathetic that Repubs have to be dragged, kicking and screaming, to the table to offer alternatives. Why? Because the GOP = status quo (rich get richer and the poor get poorer).

Yeah, I guess so. The real essence of the Kochs and DeMint is they don't want the govt to offer any solutions. They don't want the govt to do anything, because to do so, the rich will have to pay more taxes. So, yeah, at the heart of it, they prey upon old white people's fears that the nation is turning socialist and all these immigrants don't want to work ... which of course is directly contrary to the facts.

that's all so much lying propaganda BS......Rs have been proposing alternative plans for years....

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