What the Rittenhouse trial resembles

Dude, take your childish coward insult and shove it up your patriotic prissy little ass. Facts don't care about your prissy sensitive feelings. The republic is gone. And has been gone.
While you were busy preaching about how grand our "republic" was, Ryan and Pelosi, W, Reagan, Obama and even Trump were pick pocketing you for it.
And you don't even realize it.

In fact, I don't think you even understand what made us a republic to start with. Like a stupid progressive, you got the talking point propaganda down. But you don't even understand it.
when did I preach about our grand republic coward??

face it youre a coward and a traitor,,

now go suck a cock and leave us alone,,
I hear you. In Canada very few of us even speculate on the possibility of needed to kill each other on our streets.

Our gun thing here is based on fear. And partially for good reason. We have a LOT of violent thugs in our country. But then again, our population is EXTREMELY higher than yours. I think y'alls population is about the same our one state of California. We have a lot more good people here. But a lot more bad too.
Our gun thing here is based on fear. And partially for good reason. We have a LOT of violent thugs in our country. But then again, our population is EXTREMELY higher than yours. I think y'alls population is about the same our one state of California. We have a lot more good people here. But a lot more bad too.
Large populations don't make countries more violent or more peaceful. Canada's population runs about 1/10 or 1/9 of the US.

I attribute America's extreme violence compared to other democracies to it's continuous wars. That would be a lengthy and detailed discussion, which I don't feels needs pressing right now.
Large populations don't make countries more violent or more peaceful. Canada's population runs about 1/10 or 1/9 of the US.

I attribute America's extreme violence compared to other democracies to it's continuous wars. That would be a lengthy and detailed discussion, which I don't feels needs pressing right now.

Based on fear. Fear of jihadists. Fear of blacks. Fear of whites. Fear of midgets. Fear of just about everything that moves.
Some where scared to even go to church. Luckily, they brought their guns, because a bad guy showed up and tried to kill a BUNCH of folks. But because others were scared to go without a gun, the thug was shot and killed before he could do much damage.
The left, seems to dismiss the thugs with guns, and point their prissy little fingers at the decent Americans who own guns. Especially if it's an AR-15.
Like that POS who was shot by Rittenhouse. The left bashed Kyle for having that gun. Turns out, he was legal to do so. But did they bash the armed dude that attacked Kyle, even when he did not have a permit to carry the one he had. (which him being over 18, meant that legally, he should've had a permit)
No, the left didn't say a word about him. In fact, the state didn't even file charges on him for it.
But they filed frivolous charges on Kyle.

Let the thugs walk. And put the innocent in prison. That's the way of the left. At least down here.
He was a witness. And his phone should've been turned over. Considering the fact that he attacked someone. And why wasn't he on trial for trying to attack someone, in possession of a firearm he had no permit for?
If a lawyer is representing a witness in a criminal trial and that witness’ cell phone even MIGHT contain anything incriminating about ANY criminal matter (related to the one case or otherwise), that lawyer would be ethically required to counsel the witness to NOT turn over his phone. And no explanation would be required.

Did the prosecution on this case even ask? I don’t know. But if they did, even of their own witness, any competent criminal defense attorney should say “no.”

By contrast, here, the actual defendant’s attorney did his homework. He knew that his client’s phone would show nothing inculpatory so he offered his clients phone and passwords to allow the prosecution to get it examined. Remarkable. Good lawyering.
Based on fear. Fear of jihadists. Fear of blacks. Fear of whites. Fear of midgets. Fear of just about everything that moves.
Some where scared to even go to church. Luckily, they brought their guns, because a bad guy showed up and tried to kill a BUNCH of folks. But because others were scared to go without a gun, the thug was shot and killed before he could do much damage.
The left, seems to dismiss the thugs with guns, and point their prissy little fingers at the decent Americans who own guns. Especially if it's an AR-15.
Like that POS who was shot by Rittenhouse. The left bashed Kyle for having that gun. Turns out, he was legal to do so. But did they bash the armed dude that attacked Kyle, even when he did not have a permit to carry the one he had. (which him being over 18, meant that legally, he should've had a permit)
No, the left didn't say a word about him. In fact, the state didn't even file charges on him for it.
But they filed frivolous charges on Kyle.

Let the thugs walk. And put the innocent in prison. That's the way of the left. At least down here.
Let's bring the conversation back down to earth.
I wouldn't claim that the victims or others carrying guns illegally shouldn't have been charged.
In Canada the murderer would be facing the most serious charges.

If you desire a discussion with me then you're going to have to make a point or points on some area of disagreement. Areas on which we can agree aren't serving any purpose, unless you have a purpose in mind that's legitimate. Telling me that X or Y is a POS is of no interest.

You decide.
If a lawyer is representing a witness in a criminal trial and that witness’ cell phone even MIGHT contain anything incriminating about ANY criminal matter (related to the one case or otherwise), that lawyer would be ethically required to counsel the witness to NOT turn over his phone. And no explanation would be required.

Did the prosecution on this case even ask? I don’t know. But if they did, even of their own witness, any competent criminal defense attorney should say “no.”

By contrast, here, the actual defendant’s attorney did his homework. He knew that his client’s phone would show nothing inculpatory so he offered his clients phone and passwords to allow the prosecution to get it examined. Remarkable. Good lawyering.

I agree. But I think it was worth noting to discredit Grosskreutz. Especially if the prosecution was going to try to say something like "Kyle was a white supremist." Obviously there was nothing along those lines factual. But had Kyle not opened the phone, the prosecution could've said something that put that into the minds of the jury, or even one.

Richards is a tough smart lawyer who thinks way ahead and counters stuff he knows is going to come up.
Let's bring the conversation back down to earth.
I wouldn't claim that the victims or others carrying guns illegally shouldn't have been charged.
In Canada the murderer would be facing the most serious charges.

If you desire a discussion with me then you're going to have to make a point or points on some area of disagreement. Areas on which we can agree aren't serving any purpose, unless you have a purpose in mind that's legitimate. Telling me that X or Y is a POS is of no interest.

You decide.

Are you wanting me to argue with you, just for the sake of arguing?
I agree. But I think it was worth noting to discredit Grosskreutz. Especially if the prosecution was going to try to say something like "Kyle was a white supremist." Obviously there was nothing along those lines factual. But had Kyle not opened the phone, the prosecution could've said something that put that into the minds of the jury, or even one.

Richards is a tough smart lawyer who thinks way ahead and counters stuff he knows is going to come up.
I completely agree that the use of that rhetoric by the defense to discredit Grosskreutz was appropriate. And it was done very well. As I said before. Very good lawyering.
Remember when DNA evidence started exposing all the wrongly convicted people in this country? People that had been in prison for decades were being set free, and proving to the world that 90% of the time, it was the prosecution just trying to get a guilty verdict, even if there was strong evidence to prove innocence. For over a century now, prosecutors have gotten away with sending innocent people to prison, for what ever reason. Maybe it was someone in the community they just didn't like. Maybe they couldn't actually solve a case, and wanted to just find someone, anyone guilty, so they could close the case on it.

This Rittenhouse case, IMO, is one of those instances. The proof is in the favors the prosecution did for Gaige Grosskreutz

When Kyle handed over his phone to the police, they couldn't get into it. Instead of hiding behind that privilege, Kyle opened the phone for them so they could search it's contents.
On the otherhand, Grosskreutz's phone, a warrant was created, but the state never followed and executed that warrant. The prosecution never attempted to recover Grosskreutz's phone and enter it into evidence. Since the search warrant was never executed, the defense never had a chance to go through Grosskreutz's phone.
Why did all this happen? Because Grosskreutz was the prosecutions star witness.
Grosskreutz was also in possession of a gun which he had no permit for. Being over the age of 18, he was required by law to get a permit for it. Nor was he charged with lying to police officers about the gun. Which is obstruction of justice.
Why? Because once again, Grosskreutz was the prosecutions star witness.

Also, the prosecution continues to dismiss how in every incident, the people that Kyle shot were running or lunging towards him. all less than about 3ft.

Trials like this have been going on for a long long time, against innocent Americans. And there's no telling how many hundreds of thousands, maybe millions in the last century, that have done time for a crime they didn't commit. Or because of some bogus charges, just because the person was there. We've all seen video's of the cops screaming "Stop resisting, when they wasn't actually resisting.

The fact that the prosecution is making light of the fact that the mob was attacking Kyle, is a clear sign that this is one of those prosecutors who had gotten guilty verdicts on innocent people. Of course, I can't personally prove that he has. But his actions in this case is some great evidence that proves he's very capable of being a crooked prosecutor.

BTW, this thread isn't so much about Kyle Rittenhouse. But more so about how crooked prosecutors are. And how they get convictions on innocent people.
It also goes along with the pattern I have been noticing for the last decade or so. Liberals are above the rule of law and often instead of being prosecuted they get to waltz away scot-free while with conservatives the approach is to “hang them high.”
I completely agree that the use of that rhetoric by the defense to discredit Grosskreutz was appropriate. And it was done very well. As I said before. Very good lawyering.
We saw a very deliberate attempt by the judge to belittle and demean the prosecution side. That led to forming the false impression that the prosecution's lawyers were arguing a weak case.

Rittenhouse went out hunting somebody to kill with his AR-15 and that fact can't be ignored by any court, even one under the influence of the Klan.

There 'will' be guilt but it will pale in light of the punishment being a wrist slap.
And then America will have practically what it needs for the purpose of Trump's fascist agenda.
Let's bring the conversation back down to earth.
I wouldn't claim that the victims or others carrying guns illegally shouldn't have been charged.
In Canada the murderer would be facing the most serious charges.

If you desire a discussion with me then you're going to have to make a point or points on some area of disagreement. Areas on which we can agree aren't serving any purpose, unless you have a purpose in mind that's legitimate. Telling me that X or Y is a POS is of no interest.

You decide.
So you advocate for just laying down and cowardly submitting to a thug who is assaulting you, because if you defended yourself and took the thug out, you would be convicted of murder under Canadian law? Is that it? No self defense in Canada? Even though gun violence is escalating in Canada? https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/fact-check-gun-violence-1.6166328
In Canada and other democracies the killer wouldn't have even attempted to go hunting people with his military style weapon on public streets.

But Kyle did and it can be said to be pre-meditated.

At least the judge disallowed the self defense claim on one of the charges. Now the judge is only left with finding an excuse to reduce the penalty to a slap on the wrist.
Satire is difficult for most to transfer to paper. Ernest Hemmingway was excellent at accomplishing the feat. I've not seen anyone on this message board with the skills of Hemmingway.

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