What the Rittenhouse trial resembles

I was thinking, someone had to coerce him into taking on this case. Like a bet at a poker game, when he was drunk. "I'll betcha $20 you won't take this case. And another $20 that you can't win it."
So he's thinking "If I take the case and lose, then I won't be out any money."

Alcohol has that affect on people. LMAO
Actually the Mayor is in all kinds of hot water politically for encouraging and allowing the riots because he is a democrat and wanted the rioting just like Seattle and Portland.

So he has been breathing down the DA and assistant DA to get a prosecution in this case regardless of how it's accomplished.

That's why Grosskreutz hasn't been charged with anything and protected.
That's why everyone shot by Kyle is a hero to the DA.

And it's absolutely disgusting as to why this is happening...they actually know the truth but they just don't care. They would rather flush a poor but good kid than face the consequences of their own actions.

That's a literal David vs Goliath.
I was thinking, someone had to coerce him into taking on this case. Like a bet at a poker game, when he was drunk. "I'll betcha $20 you won't take this case. And another $20 that you can't win it."
So he's thinking "If I take the case and lose, then I won't be out any money."

Alcohol has that affect on people. LMAO
I agree with you to a point. I don't believe it was a bet but I do believe that someone exerted immense pressure, have him by the short curlies.

How could ANY first-year law student know that everything did with the rifle was legal in Wisconsin and we first learned that TODAY? What first-year law student does NOT know that ANY suspect has the right to remain silent? The list goes on and on. He has to be trying desperately to lose the case. What else explains his actions?
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Actually the Mayor is in all kinds of hot water politically for encouraging and allowing the riots because he is a democrat and wanted the rioting just like Seattle and Portland.

So he has been breathing down the DA and assistant DA to get a prosecution in this case regardless of how it's accomplished.

That's why Grosskreutz hasn't been charged with anything and protected.
That's why everyone shot by Kyle is a hero to the DA.

And it's absolutely disgusting as to why this is happening...they actually know the truth but they just don't care. They would rather flush a poor but good kid than face the consequences of their own actions.

That's a literal David vs Goliath.

When the defense called the prosecutions case "garbage," it made me think of "Goliath." The show with Billy Bob Thornton. Damn good show.
Caption this:

You're being facetious...right? Please! There was no case from day one. Even you know that to be true.
In Canada and other democracies the killer wouldn't have even attempted to go hunting people with his military style weapon on public streets.

But Kyle did and it can be said to be pre-meditated.

At least the judge disallowed the self defense claim on one of the charges. Now the judge is only left with finding an excuse to reduce the penalty to a slap on the wrist.
In Canada and other democracies the killer wouldn't have even attempted to go hunting people with his military style weapon on public streets.

But Kyle did and it can be said to be pre-meditated.

At least the judge disallowed the self defense claim on one of the charges. Now the judge is only left with finding an excuse to reduce the penalty to a slap on the wrist.
the USA isnt a democracy,, and why we are a better country than all your democracies,,
The judge has already proven this isn't a kangaroo court. As far as shooting the prosecution down goes, that's not accurate. He's just trying to keep them within the confines of the rules that's already been discussed and agreed upon.

Example: The prosecution trying to make Kyle look bad for his supposed silence. The "right to remain silent" doesn't start when you're arrested. But it is acknowledged by the justice system. The prosecution apparently forgot that people do have a right to remain silent.
Afterwards, he was very forthcoming with information. As in his phone. The investigators couldn't open it up. So he gave them the pass code.
Did you read what I posted in the OP about the other guys phone?
No I didn't but if you're trying to say something concerning the accused or the trial then explain if you like.

But do keep in mind that I'm conditioned to expecting safety on the streets with not threat of guns and bullets. America can never get there and so escalation is the only way forward now.

It's America's most cherished 'freedom' even as your country has been reduced to 58th. on freedoms overall.
No I didn't but if you're trying to say something concerning the accused or the trial then explain if you like.

Then I suggest you do so. That might keep you from looking misinformed.
But do keep in mind that I'm conditioned to expecting safety on the streets with not threat of guns and bullets. America can never get there and so escalation is the only way forward now.

When they take the guns away from the criminals, then people like Kyle Rittenhouse will have no reason to carry a weapon.
It's America's most cherished 'freedom' even as your country has been reduced to 58th. on freedoms overall.

"Our most cherished?" That's an opinion some would agree with. Some wouldn't.
the USA isnt a democracy,, and why we are a better country than all your democracies,,

It's not a republic either. And hasn't been since our elected officials started bowing down to the lobbyist. Call it what you want. In fact, even though it's not really a republic any longer, you can still claim it's one. But that doesn't make it so.
It's not a republic either. And hasn't been since our elected officials started bowing down to the lobbyist. Call it what you want. In fact, even though it's not really a republic any longer, you can still claim it's one. But that doesn't make it so.
those are elected officials bowing down not the country,,

you can surrender if you want but that doesnt make it so,,
Then I suggest you do so. That might keep you from looking misinformed.

When they take the guns away from the criminals, then people like Kyle Rittenhouse will have no reason to carry a weapon.
'They', whoever they are, are not going to take the guns away from the criminals. There are going to be more guns and especially AR type weapons, for obvious reasons. Both sides!
"Our most cherished?" That's an opinion some would agree with. Some wouldn't.
True. And my point is that Canadians value other freedoms much more than guns. If we don't lead the world on 'freedoms', we're damn close to the top. America is rated at about 58th.

I'm only the messenger, truly.
'They', whoever they are, are not going to take the guns away from the criminals. There are going to be more guns and especially AR type weapons, for obvious reasons. Both sides!

True. And my point is that Canadians value other freedoms much more than guns. If we don't lead the world on 'freedoms', we're damn close to the top. America is rated at about 58th.
yeah thats why you put preachers in jail for preaching,,
those are elected officials bowing down not the country,,

Which is why you can't actually call the USA a republic. Representation is at the core of how and why we USED to be a republic.
Pelosi and Ryan put the final nails in the coffin of our Republic when they stopped allowing Amendments to be introduced on the House floor. Now they have to go through committee. Which is code for "Lobbyist approvals."
you can surrender if you want but that doesnt make it so,,

Surrender? WTF is there to surrender? "We the people" had no choice in the matter. In fact, 99.9999% of the people didn't even know it happened.

You're statement is along the same lines of someone getting old, and refusing to believe it. Whether or not you believe, or don't. Doesn't change the fact that it's gonna happen.
As far as not being a republic any longer, then it's already happened.
Denial isn't a river in Egypt.
Which is why you can't actually call the USA a republic. Representation is at the core of how and why we USED to be a republic.
Pelosi and Ryan put the final nails in the coffin of our Republic when they stopped allowing Amendments to be introduced on the House floor. Now they have to go through committee. Which is code for "Lobbyist approvals."

Surrender? WTF is there to surrender? "We the people" had no choice in the matter. In fact, 99.9999% of the people didn't even know it happened.

You're statement is along the same lines of someone getting old, and refusing to believe it. Whether or not you believe, or don't. Doesn't change the fact that it's gonna happen.
As far as not being a republic any longer, then it's already happened.
Denial isn't a river in Egypt.
I guess you forgot only a constitutional amendment can change the constitution,,,

and yes you did surrender like a coward and are now supporting it,,
'They', whoever they are, are not going to take the guns away from the criminals. There are going to be more guns and especially AR type weapons, for obvious reasons. Both sides!

True. And my point is that Canadians value other freedoms much more than guns. If we don't lead the world on 'freedoms', we're damn close to the top. America is rated at about 58th.

I'm only the messenger, truly.

I'm not a gun nut. I don't collect them. I don't buy up thousands and thousands of rounds waiting for the "end game, race war, or anything else along those lines. A gun is not more to me than a shovel or a hammer.
But be dayum if I'm going to try to defend me and mine with a hammer.
And I'll pull a Rittenhouse when I do it. Shoot a few more times, just to make sure the thug doesn't move ever again.
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I guess you forgot only a constitutional amendment can change the constitution,,,

and yes you did surrender like a coward and are now supporting it,,

Dude, take your childish coward insult and shove it up your patriotic prissy little ass. Facts don't care about your prissy sensitive feelings. The republic is gone. And has been gone.
While you were busy preaching about how grand our "republic" was, Ryan and Pelosi, W, Reagan, Obama and even Trump were pick pocketing you for it.
And you don't even realize it.

In fact, I don't think you even understand what made us a republic to start with. Like a stupid progressive, you got the talking point propaganda down. But you don't even understand it.
I'm not a gun nut. I don't collect them. I don't buy up thousands and thousands of rounds waiting for the "end game, race war, or anything else along those lines. A gun is not more to me than a shovel or a hammer.
But be dayum if I'm going to try to defend me and mine with a hammer.
And I'll put a Rittenhouse when I do it. Shoot a few more times, just to make sure the thug doesn't move ever again.
I hear you. In Canada very few of us even speculate on the possibility of needed to kill each other on our streets.

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