What the Rittenhouse trial resembles

Why did that judge dismiss the gun charge?

Was it worth it to blow the cover of trying to claim it was an unbiased court?

If there is no guilt found by the jury on the existing charges then the effort will be proven to be worthwhile. The severity of the gun charge in Kyle's case would have demanded the maximum 9 months in jail.

I'm still betting on a 5 year suspended sentence.

Why is everybody else so afraid of making a guess?
So you advocate for just laying down and cowardly submitting to a thug who is assaulting you, because if you defended yourself and took the thug out, you would be convicted of murder under Canadian law? Is that it?
In Canada, the laws go out of their way to protect criminals and make crimninals out of people trying to protect themselves.
Amazing how ass-backward they have it up there,
Defense should have been asking prospective jurors if they had a death wish.
Then any who answered "NO" should have been kicked out because they obviously would have had to go for "guilty" in the interests of their own survival.

The professional haters and America's Most Violent are gathering in hope that the a "not guilty" verdict will give them license....yes.....license in a liberal city....to rape, pillage, burn and kill.
Satire is difficult for most to transfer to paper. Ernest Hemmingway was excellent at accomplishing the feat. I've not seen anyone on this message board with the skills of Hemmingway.
I've still flattered by the mere suggestion!
I'm receiving some similar quite regularly from the exploding heads.

Can you provide an example of Hemingway's satire in that respect?
The media is trying to whip up another riot...even FOX news is doing it...look at their website...headlines like tension over heating outside the courtroom when only 25people are standing out front....are you sick of them yet?...they are the enemy of America....
We saw a very deliberate attempt by the judge to belittle and demean the prosecution side. That led to forming the false impression that the prosecution's lawyers were arguing a weak case.

Rittenhouse went out hunting somebody to kill with his AR-15 and that fact can't be ignored by any court, even one under the influence of the Klan.

There 'will' be guilt but it will pale in light of the punishment being a wrist slap.
And then America will have practically what it needs for the purpose of Trump's fascist agenda.
You obviously have no facts relating to the case so why are you commenting?

For your edification, there are numerous videos showing Rittenhouse acting in self-defense. The "star" witness for the prosecution, the one wounded by Rittenhouse testified that Rittenhouse was not pointing his gun at him when his hands were raised. When he dropped his hands and POINTED HIS GUN AT RITTENHOUSE, Rittenhouse then pointed his gun at him and fired.

NO witness has claimed that Rittenhouse acted in any way other than self-defense.

The judge, as you know, dropped the weapons charge because the prosecution finally agreed that everything Rittenhouse did with the weapon was 100% legal. He was called a white supremacist by none other than President Biden. All three of the victims are white and one of them was running down the street hollering the "N" word over and over.

Given all the FACTS, what makes you so eager show yourself as a fool?
We saw a very deliberate attempt by the judge to belittle and demean the prosecution side.
No. You saw a judge who held a prosecutor to extablished legal and procedural standards.
Only the ignorant or dishonest will argue otherwise.
That led to forming the false impression that the prosecution's lawyers were arguing a weak case.
No. The prosecutor created that impression though the witnesses he called and the inane arguments he made.
Only the ignorant or dishonest will argue otherwise.
Rittenhouse went out hunting somebody to kill with his AR-15 and that fact can't be ignored by any court,
Absent the demonstration of a rational basis for your statement, you cannot clain there is any such fact.
Only the ignorant or dishonest will argue otherwise.
And then America will have practically what it needs for the purpose of Trump's fascist agenda.
Absent absent the demonstration of a rational basis for your statement, you cannot clain there is any such fact.
Only the ignorant or dishonest will argue otherwise.
We saw a very deliberate attempt by the judge to belittle and demean the prosecution side. That led to forming the false impression that the prosecution's lawyers were arguing a weak case.

Rittenhouse went out hunting somebody to kill with his AR-15 and that fact can't be ignored by any court, even one under the influence of the Klan.

There 'will' be guilt but it will pale in light of the punishment being a wrist slap.
And then America will have practically what it needs for the purpose of Trump's fascist agenda.
No. We saw no such thing. We saw the judge properly chastising a prosecutor for prosecutorial misconduct and doing it out of the presence of the jury. You could be more wrong I guess. But it would be difficult.
You obviously have no facts relating to the case so why are you commenting?

For your edification, there are numerous videos showing Rittenhouse acting in self-defense. The "star" witness for the prosecution, the one wounded by Rittenhouse testified that Rittenhouse was not pointing his gun at him when his hands were raised. When he dropped his hands and POINTED HIS GUN AT RITTENHOUSE, Rittenhouse then pointed his gun at him and fired.

NO witness has claimed that Rittenhouse acted in any way other than self-defense.

The judge, as you know, dropped the weapons charge because the prosecution finally agreed that everything Rittenhouse did with the weapon was 100% legal. He was called a white supremacist by none other than President Biden. All three of the victims are white and one of them was running down the street hollering the "N" word over and over.

Given all the FACTS, what makes you so eager show yourself as a fool?
Why, because he is Donald H Duck the canuck who is ashamed of his own country's failings, so as a result resorts to lies and innuendo about the neighboring country to falsely bolster his own ego.
No need to light the fire under your ass more often than once a week pissant!

Oh boo hoo hoo, are we a wittle testy when called out on valid points. Straighten out your own house before ignorantly trying to enter an intelligent conversation that you clearly have no understanding. You are not a party to anything that happens in this country and as such, you show yourself to be no more than a meddling fool. LMAO.
In Canada and other democracies the killer wouldn't have even attempted to go hunting people with his military style weapon on public streets.

But Kyle did and it can be said to be pre-meditated.

At least the judge disallowed the self defense claim on one of the charges. Now the judge is only left with finding an excuse to reduce the penalty to a slap on the wrist.
Really? I mean, are you really this much of an idiot?
Rittenhouse went out hunting somebody to kill with his AR-15 and that fact can't be ignored by any court, even one under the influence of the Klan.
How long have you been suffering from those types of paranoid delusions?

Are you off your rocker?

Or maybe a better question is... Are you off your Thorazine?
Really? I mean, are you really this much of an idiot?
Canadians have really weird way of looking at things. They don't understand that simply holding a fork for any of a myriad of reasons does not mean you are going to eat. Similarly, just because you are proactive in realizing you might need protection and carry a gun, does not mean you are hunting humans. I was questioned at a Canadian border crossing if I was in possession of a weapon. I answered, "Definitely Not." The Canadian customs agent then asked me if I owned weapons, I answered affirmatively. He asked if I ever transported them and when I told them I did, he asked why. It was beyond his comprehension that gun ranges and areas where you hunt were usually not in your backyard. Such are the thought processes when the government removes your freedoms.

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