What the Rittenhouse trial resembles

If I was that scared of people, I'd move to a safer location. Even if it had to be Canada. I refuse to be scared.
Canada has gun violence as well, don't let him fool you. We in America have rightfully maintained our God given right of self defense, where in Canada, morons like Justin Trudeau have removed that right from Canadians. It has been so long now that they have no concept of self defense.
We saw a very deliberate attempt by the judge to belittle and demean the prosecution side. That led to forming the false impression that the prosecution's lawyers were arguing a weak case.

The judge didn't make the prosecution or it's case look weak. The prosecution did that on their own. Only a bumbling idiot would make snide comments on ones right to remain silent.
Rittenhouse went out hunting somebody to kill with his AR-15 and that fact can't be ignored by any court, even one under the influence of the Klan.

Really? Then why did he wait so long to start shooting? Instead of trying to put out the trash can fire, or stop the people who were breaking all the car windows, why didn't he just start shooting. You're comment was lame, dude. It's the same lame ass comments the prosecution is making that's making them and their case lame.
It's about as stupid as their attempt to make "active shooter" part of their prosecution. Total garbage.
There 'will' be guilt but it will pale in light of the punishment being a wrist slap.
And then America will have practically what it needs for the purpose of Trump's fascist agenda.

A slap on the wrist is far more than he deserves. The truth of the matter, ever gun toting 2A loving American needs to honor this young man and deem him a hero. For not only ridding this country of scum. But using a right thats given to us by our maker, to defend ourselves.
Only a BS leftist could slander someone for taking out a few thugs. Especially one that was triad and convicted of child rape.

He did us a favor. 3 less thugs in this country.
Why did that judge dismiss the gun charge?
Haven't you noticed how nobody can seem to agree on how to interpret that law?

That's because that law is poorly written and contains very ambiguous language and undefined terms.

The Supreme Court ruled long ago that if a law is ambiguous, the court must rule in favor of the defendant.
Canada has gun violence as well, don't let him fool you. We in America have rightfully maintained our God given right of self defense, where in Canada, morons like Justin Trudeau have removed that right from Canadians. It has been so long now that they have no concept of self defense.

Every where in the world there are guns, there's gun violence. Why? Because there are people with guns. Violence is a human nature trait. Not a gun trait.

But Canada doesn't have the same kind of thugs we have here. Sure they got some. But they're few and far between. It's a totally different mentality up there. They're not worried about who's the biggest and baddest on the block, like the thugs in our inner cities.
Canadians have really weird way of looking at things. They don't understand that simply holding a fork for any of a myriad of reasons does not mean you are going to eat. Similarly, just because you are proactive in realizing you might need protection and carry a gun, does not mean you are hunting humans. I was questioned at a Canadian border crossing if I was in possession of a weapon. I answered, "Definitely Not." The Canadian customs agent then asked me if I owned weapons, I answered affirmatively. He asked if I ever transported them and when I told them I did, he asked why. It was beyond his comprehension that gun ranges and areas where you hunt were usually not in your backyard. Such are the thought processes when the government removes your freedoms.
It was just stupefying that the asshole would actually characterize Kyle as pointedly going out to hunt people.

I've never really met a Canadian I hated until now.
Every where in the world there are guns, there's gun violence. Why? Because there are people with guns. Violence is a human nature trait. Not a gun trait.

But Canada doesn't have the same kind of thugs we have here. Sure they got some. But they're few and far between. It's a totally different mentality up there. They're not worried about who's the biggest and baddest on the block, like the thugs in our inner cities.
Au contraire. https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/fact-check-gun-violence-1.6166328
It was just stupefying that the asshole would actually characterize Kyle as pointedly going out to hunt people.

I've never really met a Canadian I hated until now.
I couldn't believe the prosecutor said that either. The violence erupted and he had untold opportunities to shoot any protestor he wanted--if he was hunting or had a premeditated desire to hunt. He did not. He put attempted to put out a dumpster fire, he attempted to stop vandalism and never a shot was fired UNTIL he was violently assaulted and feared for his own safety. NOT GUILTY.
And then the police. having watched two coldblooded murders, calmly allowed the shooter walking away!

What's wrong in America?
What's wrong with this picture?
I think it is self defense and the prosecution had a very weak case which is what we saw playout. Even the witness admitted that he was going to shoot Rittenhouse, that tells us that Rittenhouse had a reason to fear for his life.

Your opinion claims two coldblooded murders, however the facts do not support your conclusion.
I say, "Let's build a statue in his honor."
I'd donate a chunk of money for that!

In fact, I did donate indirectly to Kyle's defense by buying lots of merchandise from MyPillow when Mike Lindell was contributing to Kyle's bail. I just buy a lot of good pillows and towels and sheets and bathrobes to donate to local Veterans' charities. Vets need good linens too.
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I think it is self defense and the prosecution had a very weak case which is what we saw playout. Even the witness admitted that he was going to shoot Rittenhouse, that tells us that Rittenhouse had a reason to fear for his life.

Your opinion claims two coldblooded murders, however the facts do not support your conclusion.
Nothing ever supports Donald's conclusions. Nothing except his own deluded mind.
The judge didn't make the prosecution or it's case look weak. The prosecution did that on their own. Only a bumbling idiot would make snide comments on ones right to remain silent.
Binger knew exactly what he was doing in front of the jury and he knew damn well we wasn't allowed to do it.

That's why the entire case should have been dismissed with prejudice right there on the spot. The only reason it wasn't is because the judge is a Democrat.
Binger knew exactly what he was doing in front of the jury and he knew damn well we wasn't allowed to do it.

That's why the entire case should have been dismissed with prejudice right there on the spot. The only reason it wasn't is because the judge is a Democrat.
I don't know that the judge is a democrat. If he is, I say maybe there is hope.
Binger knew exactly what he was doing in front of the jury and he knew damn well we wasn't allowed to do it.

That's why the entire case should have been dismissed with prejudice right there on the spot. The only reason it wasn't is because the judge is a Democrat.

Maybe that's why the judge would get so upset with the prosecution. He was giving them chance after chance to make a case. But they had no case.
I don't know that the judge is a democrat. If he is, I say maybe there is hope.
Judge Schroeder is a Democrat.

Sure, he yelled at Binger for egregiously breaking the rules, but that was clearly just a show for the cameras because this trial is being televised. He didn't reprimand Binger in any way. In other words, he just let him get away with it.
How long have you been suffering from those types of paranoid delusions?

Are you off your rocker?

Or maybe a better question is... Are you off your Thorazine?
If you continue to serial post insults I'll begin with limiting my reading of your posts to 1. Then if it's still insults and spamming, to 0. Please confine your posts to something meaningful.

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