What the Smartest Man in the World Says About Trump

I'm laughing so hard over the mindless Trump whores claiming and insinuating superior intellect over Stephen Hawking.

I knew this would happen which is why I posted his comments.
You dopes never disappoint.

See my first post in this thread.

Hawking is no longer capable of stringing together anything more than simple sentences, and it takes a looong time for him to do that, and even that was about 5 years ago, and he's deteriorated more since. The people in control of hawking are using him and his ALS to make money. You really should not be promoting this story wether he's bashing or praising trump. It really is not at all classy.
I'm laughing so hard over the mindless Trump whores claiming and insinuating superior intellect over Stephen Hawking.

I knew this would happen which is why I posted his comments.
You dopes never disappoint.

Trump may very well be the smartest man on the planet. He DID manage to make millions of people buy his bullshit, suck his dick, and turn into Russian Loving bitches in less than a year.

credit due.
Lol. He's the ultimate con artist who found his suckers and exploited them to the nth degree.
I'm laughing so hard over the mindless Trump whores claiming and insinuating superior intellect over Stephen Hawking.

I knew this would happen which is why I posted his comments.
You dopes never disappoint.

See my first post in this thread.

Hawking is no longer capable of stringing together anything more than simple sentences, and it takes a looong time for him to do that, and even that was about 5 years ago, and he's deteriorated more since. The people in control of hawking are using him and his ALS to make money. You really should not be promoting this story wether he's bashing or praising trump. It really is not at all classy.
It's sad the way they're whoring him.
Stephen Hawking is far from the smartest man in the world. Good grief, he's a befuddled leftist asshole
I once made Stephen Hawking change his mind and life long views on a scientific matter, so he can't be the smartest man because I don't even think I am.
One reason he's not as smart as you make him to be is that HAWKING doesn't understand the broad scope of the wall, because he has never saw the long reaching affects of gangs, drugs, and MASS illegal imigrations and their decay &
stress on inner cities. He also never took into account that the wall is more then just about immigration, it's long reach is beyond his ability to see outside his blinders made for him by liberal media and his University life.
There's some things you go to a physicist about, but when it comes to building healthy functioning cities, there's others.
If I want to know about worm holes I go to Hawking, when I want to clean up the inner cities and build something I go to Trump-common sense 101.

Repeat of my former post relating to this subject:
The ancient archaic age concept of keeping your kingdom -community continually building through projects, & temples, churches, etc was in order to keep people busy working, money flowing which always found it's way back to gov't by way of taxes and their theft. Perhaps this is the mystery of the many construction guilds.
So when the avg person see's building the wall, they only see the purpose of securing the borders and never see the deeper purpose of these projects that involve stimulation by direct and indirect jobs, manufacturing, commodity extraction businesses and suppliers, laborers, shipping and transport, engineering, technical & managerial services, etc.
Furthermore that boost only stimulates money flow from the extra flow of cash comes more spending trickling down to goods and services in their lives including the cash made by investors of these beneficiaries. All of which pay taxes thus revenues for the Gov't expand as well as the money always makes it back to the Gov't.
Therefore spending on THE RIGHT PROJECTS IN THE RIGHT MANNER is part of a system of stimulating sluggish flows of spending and is regulated in order to keep inflation at bay or to keep from a overly depressed economy. With the majority baby boomers near retirement age the gov't is gonna want the flow moving for many reasons, 1 being they will need higher savings rates and 2 being the gov't is gonna need to offset the parity between boomers retiring and the lesser populated back pack hoodie wearing play doh babies.
Speaking with Piers Morgan during an interview with Good Morning Britain on Monday morning, Stephen Hawking was asked his view of Trump’s presidency.

"Trump was selected by people who felt disenfranchised by the governing elite and the revolt against globalization. His priority will be to satisfy this electorate who are neither liberal nor that well-informed. We have already seen this in the promise to build a wall along the Mexican border and the sanction of two oil pipelines and the appointment to the Environment Protection Agency, Scott Pruitt, a man who does not believe carbon dioxide causes climate change. This appointment pleases the coal industry and miners who voted for Trump."

Piers, always the Trump cheerleader, asked the professor if the reaction to Trump’s election is justified and Hawking said maybe, but “it represents a definite swing to a right-wing, more authoritarian approach” and he went on to say that he feels like he cannot visit the U.S. because of the Butternut Bigot:
"I would like to visit again and to talk to other scientists, but I fear that I may not be welcome."

Piers asked if Professor Hawking had any message he’d like to relay to him. The professor’s response was :

"He should replace Scott Pruitt at the Environment Protection Agency. Climate change is one of the great dangers we face, and it’s one we can prevent. It affects America badly, so tackling it should win votes for his second term. God forbid."

WATCH: Stephen Hawking Just Said What We All Are Thinking About Trump In One Brilliant Interview
Hawking has no mobility. He cannot do anything for himself, so, like the lying masses here, he has to rely on the word of others. That makes him a lot like the liberal loons, sans locomotion.
His mind is in perfect shape unlike yours which is your weakest asset.
Your remark has nothing to do with what i stated. It's simply another personal attack from someone backed into the corner again.
I'm laughing so hard over the mindless Trump whores claiming and insinuating superior intellect over Stephen Hawking.

I knew this would happen which is why I posted his comments.
You dopes never disappoint.

See my first post in this thread.

Hawking is no longer capable of stringing together anything more than simple sentences, and it takes a looong time for him to do that, and even that was about 5 years ago, and he's deteriorated more since. The people in control of hawking are using him and his ALS to make money. You really should not be promoting this story wether he's bashing or praising trump. It really is not at all classy.
One thing you aren't aware of is, although his body continues to deteriorate, his mind is alive and alert as ever.
He's the Dali Lama of scientists and people crave to hear what this genius of a man has to say. He's the antithesis of Trump and his sheep.
I once made Stephen Hawking change his mind and life long views on a scientific matter, so he can't be the smartest man because I don't even think I am.
One reason he's not as smart as you make him to be is that HAWKING doesn't understand the broad scope of the wall, because he has never saw the long reaching affects of gangs, drugs, and MASS illegal imigrations and their decay &
stress on inner cities. He also never took into account that the wall is more then just about immigration, it's long reach is beyond his ability to see outside his blinders made for him by liberal media and his University life.
There's some things you go to a physicist about, but when it comes to building healthy functioning cities, there's others.
If I want to know about worm holes I go to Hawking, when I want to clean up the inner cities and build something I go to Trump-common sense 101.

Repeat of my former post relating to this subject:
The ancient archaic age concept of keeping your kingdom -community continually building through projects, & temples, churches, etc was in order to keep people busy working, money flowing which always found it's way back to gov't by way of taxes and their theft. Perhaps this is the mystery of the many construction guilds.
So when the avg person see's building the wall, they only see the purpose of securing the borders and never see the deeper purpose of these projects that involve stimulation by direct and indirect jobs, manufacturing, commodity extraction businesses and suppliers, laborers, shipping and transport, engineering, technical & managerial services, etc.
Furthermore that boost only stimulates money flow from the extra flow of cash comes more spending trickling down to goods and services in their lives including the cash made by investors of these beneficiaries. All of which pay taxes thus revenues for the Gov't expand as well as the money always makes it back to the Gov't.
Therefore spending on THE RIGHT PROJECTS IN THE RIGHT MANNER is part of a system of stimulating sluggish flows of spending and is regulated in order to keep inflation at bay or to keep from a overly depressed economy. With the majority baby boomers near retirement age the gov't is gonna want the flow moving for many reasons, 1 being they will need higher savings rates and 2 being the gov't is gonna need to offset the parity between boomers retiring and the lesser populated back pack hoodie wearing play doh babies.

Does this mean that the US Postal Service is a black hole with no event horizon?
I once made Stephen Hawking change his mind and life long views on a scientific matter, so he can't be the smartest man because I don't even think I am.
One reason he's not as smart as you make him to be is that HAWKING doesn't understand the broad scope of the wall, because he has never saw the long reaching affects of gangs, drugs, and MASS illegal imigrations and their decay &
stress on inner cities. He also never took into account that the wall is more then just about immigration, it's long reach is beyond his ability to see outside his blinders made for him by liberal media and his University life.
There's some things you go to a physicist about, but when it comes to building healthy functioning cities, there's others.
If I want to know about worm holes I go to Hawking, when I want to clean up the inner cities and build something I go to Trump-common sense 101.

Repeat of my former post relating to this subject:
The ancient archaic age concept of keeping your kingdom -community continually building through projects, & temples, churches, etc was in order to keep people busy working, money flowing which always found it's way back to gov't by way of taxes and their theft. Perhaps this is the mystery of the many construction guilds.
So when the avg person see's building the wall, they only see the purpose of securing the borders and never see the deeper purpose of these projects that involve stimulation by direct and indirect jobs, manufacturing, commodity extraction businesses and suppliers, laborers, shipping and transport, engineering, technical & managerial services, etc.
Furthermore that boost only stimulates money flow from the extra flow of cash comes more spending trickling down to goods and services in their lives including the cash made by investors of these beneficiaries. All of which pay taxes thus revenues for the Gov't expand as well as the money always makes it back to the Gov't.
Therefore spending on THE RIGHT PROJECTS IN THE RIGHT MANNER is part of a system of stimulating sluggish flows of spending and is regulated in order to keep inflation at bay or to keep from a overly depressed economy. With the majority baby boomers near retirement age the gov't is gonna want the flow moving for many reasons, 1 being they will need higher savings rates and 2 being the gov't is gonna need to offset the parity between boomers retiring and the lesser populated back pack hoodie wearing play doh babies.

Again people should stop commenting on this thread all together. Stephen Hawking is NOT capable of speaking anymore other than simple sentences. He is being used as a puppet to make money by those who are suppose to be caring for him, and it's disgusting no matter whether they're using him to bash or praise trump. Let's ALLLL back away from this.
Speaking with Piers Morgan during an interview with Good Morning Britain on Monday morning, Stephen Hawking was asked his view of Trump’s presidency.

"Trump was selected by people who felt disenfranchised by the governing elite and the revolt against globalization. His priority will be to satisfy this electorate who are neither liberal nor that well-informed. We have already seen this in the promise to build a wall along the Mexican border and the sanction of two oil pipelines and the appointment to the Environment Protection Agency, Scott Pruitt, a man who does not believe carbon dioxide causes climate change. This appointment pleases the coal industry and miners who voted for Trump."

Piers, always the Trump cheerleader, asked the professor if the reaction to Trump’s election is justified and Hawking said maybe, but “it represents a definite swing to a right-wing, more authoritarian approach” and he went on to say that he feels like he cannot visit the U.S. because of the Butternut Bigot:
"I would like to visit again and to talk to other scientists, but I fear that I may not be welcome."

Piers asked if Professor Hawking had any message he’d like to relay to him. The professor’s response was :

"He should replace Scott Pruitt at the Environment Protection Agency. Climate change is one of the great dangers we face, and it’s one we can prevent. It affects America badly, so tackling it should win votes for his second term. God forbid."

WATCH: Stephen Hawking Just Said What We All Are Thinking About Trump In One Brilliant Interview
Hawking has no mobility. He cannot do anything for himself, so, like the lying masses here, he has to rely on the word of others. That makes him a lot like the liberal loons, sans locomotion.
His mind is in perfect shape unlike yours which is your weakest asset.
Your remark has nothing to do with what i stated. It's simply another personal attack from someone backed into the corner again.
What you said was laughably idiotic as is every single one of your posts. Anyone who asks " what lies" ( when talking about Trump) belongs in a padded room with a strait jacket.
I once made Stephen Hawking change his mind and life long views on a scientific matter, so he can't be the smartest man because I don't even think I am.
One reason he's not as smart as you make him to be is that HAWKING doesn't understand the broad scope of the wall, because he has never saw the long reaching affects of gangs, drugs, and MASS illegal imigrations and their decay &
stress on inner cities. He also never took into account that the wall is more then just about immigration, it's long reach is beyond his ability to see outside his blinders made for him by liberal media and his University life.
There's some things you go to a physicist about, but when it comes to building healthy functioning cities, there's others.
If I want to know about worm holes I go to Hawking, when I want to clean up the inner cities and build something I go to Trump-common sense 101.

Repeat of my former post relating to this subject:
The ancient archaic age concept of keeping your kingdom -community continually building through projects, & temples, churches, etc was in order to keep people busy working, money flowing which always found it's way back to gov't by way of taxes and their theft. Perhaps this is the mystery of the many construction guilds.
So when the avg person see's building the wall, they only see the purpose of securing the borders and never see the deeper purpose of these projects that involve stimulation by direct and indirect jobs, manufacturing, commodity extraction businesses and suppliers, laborers, shipping and transport, engineering, technical & managerial services, etc.
Furthermore that boost only stimulates money flow from the extra flow of cash comes more spending trickling down to goods and services in their lives including the cash made by investors of these beneficiaries. All of which pay taxes thus revenues for the Gov't expand as well as the money always makes it back to the Gov't.
Therefore spending on THE RIGHT PROJECTS IN THE RIGHT MANNER is part of a system of stimulating sluggish flows of spending and is regulated in order to keep inflation at bay or to keep from a overly depressed economy. With the majority baby boomers near retirement age the gov't is gonna want the flow moving for many reasons, 1 being they will need higher savings rates and 2 being the gov't is gonna need to offset the parity between boomers retiring and the lesser populated back pack hoodie wearing play doh babies.

Again people should stop commenting on this thread all together. Stephen Hawking is NOT capable of speaking anymore other than simple sentences. He is being used as a puppet to make money by those who are suppose to be caring for him, and it's disgusting no matter whether they're using him to bash or praise trump. Let's ALLLL back away from this.
So now we should be wary of what one of the smartest men on earth says.. but take a pathological liar, like Trump, at his word..
Got it.
I once made Stephen Hawking change his mind and life long views on a scientific matter, so he can't be the smartest man because I don't even think I am.
One reason he's not as smart as you make him to be is that HAWKING doesn't understand the broad scope of the wall, because he has never saw the long reaching affects of gangs, drugs, and MASS illegal imigrations and their decay &
stress on inner cities. He also never took into account that the wall is more then just about immigration, it's long reach is beyond his ability to see outside his blinders made for him by liberal media and his University life.
There's some things you go to a physicist about, but when it comes to building healthy functioning cities, there's others.
If I want to know about worm holes I go to Hawking, when I want to clean up the inner cities and build something I go to Trump-common sense 101.

Repeat of my former post relating to this subject:
The ancient archaic age concept of keeping your kingdom -community continually building through projects, & temples, churches, etc was in order to keep people busy working, money flowing which always found it's way back to gov't by way of taxes and their theft. Perhaps this is the mystery of the many construction guilds.
So when the avg person see's building the wall, they only see the purpose of securing the borders and never see the deeper purpose of these projects that involve stimulation by direct and indirect jobs, manufacturing, commodity extraction businesses and suppliers, laborers, shipping and transport, engineering, technical & managerial services, etc.
Furthermore that boost only stimulates money flow from the extra flow of cash comes more spending trickling down to goods and services in their lives including the cash made by investors of these beneficiaries. All of which pay taxes thus revenues for the Gov't expand as well as the money always makes it back to the Gov't.
Therefore spending on THE RIGHT PROJECTS IN THE RIGHT MANNER is part of a system of stimulating sluggish flows of spending and is regulated in order to keep inflation at bay or to keep from a overly depressed economy. With the majority baby boomers near retirement age the gov't is gonna want the flow moving for many reasons, 1 being they will need higher savings rates and 2 being the gov't is gonna need to offset the parity between boomers retiring and the lesser populated back pack hoodie wearing play doh babies.

Again people should stop commenting on this thread all together. Stephen Hawking is NOT capable of speaking anymore other than simple sentences. He is being used as a puppet to make money by those who are suppose to be caring for him, and it's disgusting no matter whether they're using him to bash or praise trump. Let's ALLLL back away from this.
So now we should be wary of what one of the smartest men on earth says.. but take a pathological liar, like Trump, at his word..
Got it.

The only reason Hawking gets the attention he does is due to his physical state, without it he's just another rambling leftist science geek
Stephen Hawking is far from the smartest man in the world. Good grief, he's a befuddled leftist asshole
Hilarious. A deplorable throwing shade on the smartest man in the world.
Only in wingnut world is this possible.
I once made Stephen Hawking change his mind and life long views on a scientific matter, so he can't be the smartest man because I don't even think I am.
One reason he's not as smart as you make him to be is that HAWKING doesn't understand the broad scope of the wall, because he has never saw the long reaching affects of gangs, drugs, and MASS illegal imigrations and their decay &
stress on inner cities. He also never took into account that the wall is more then just about immigration, it's long reach is beyond his ability to see outside his blinders made for him by liberal media and his University life.
There's some things you go to a physicist about, but when it comes to building healthy functioning cities, there's others.
If I want to know about worm holes I go to Hawking, when I want to clean up the inner cities and build something I go to Trump-common sense 101.

Repeat of my former post relating to this subject:
The ancient archaic age concept of keeping your kingdom -community continually building through projects, & temples, churches, etc was in order to keep people busy working, money flowing which always found it's way back to gov't by way of taxes and their theft. Perhaps this is the mystery of the many construction guilds.
So when the avg person see's building the wall, they only see the purpose of securing the borders and never see the deeper purpose of these projects that involve stimulation by direct and indirect jobs, manufacturing, commodity extraction businesses and suppliers, laborers, shipping and transport, engineering, technical & managerial services, etc.
Furthermore that boost only stimulates money flow from the extra flow of cash comes more spending trickling down to goods and services in their lives including the cash made by investors of these beneficiaries. All of which pay taxes thus revenues for the Gov't expand as well as the money always makes it back to the Gov't.
Therefore spending on THE RIGHT PROJECTS IN THE RIGHT MANNER is part of a system of stimulating sluggish flows of spending and is regulated in order to keep inflation at bay or to keep from a overly depressed economy. With the majority baby boomers near retirement age the gov't is gonna want the flow moving for many reasons, 1 being they will need higher savings rates and 2 being the gov't is gonna need to offset the parity between boomers retiring and the lesser populated back pack hoodie wearing play doh babies.

Again people should stop commenting on this thread all together. Stephen Hawking is NOT capable of speaking anymore other than simple sentences. He is being used as a puppet to make money by those who are suppose to be caring for him, and it's disgusting no matter whether they're using him to bash or praise trump. Let's ALLLL back away from this.
So now we should be wary of what one of the smartest men on earth says.. but take a pathological liar, like Trump, at his word..
Got it.

The only reason Hawking gets the attention he does is due to his physical state, without it he's just another rambling leftist science geek
He's one of Jerry's Kids!
I once made Stephen Hawking change his mind and life long views on a scientific matter, so he can't be the smartest man because I don't even think I am.
One reason he's not as smart as you make him to be is that HAWKING doesn't understand the broad scope of the wall, because he has never saw the long reaching affects of gangs, drugs, and MASS illegal imigrations and their decay &
stress on inner cities. He also never took into account that the wall is more then just about immigration, it's long reach is beyond his ability to see outside his blinders made for him by liberal media and his University life.
There's some things you go to a physicist about, but when it comes to building healthy functioning cities, there's others.
If I want to know about worm holes I go to Hawking, when I want to clean up the inner cities and build something I go to Trump-common sense 101.

Repeat of my former post relating to this subject:
The ancient archaic age concept of keeping your kingdom -community continually building through projects, & temples, churches, etc was in order to keep people busy working, money flowing which always found it's way back to gov't by way of taxes and their theft. Perhaps this is the mystery of the many construction guilds.
So when the avg person see's building the wall, they only see the purpose of securing the borders and never see the deeper purpose of these projects that involve stimulation by direct and indirect jobs, manufacturing, commodity extraction businesses and suppliers, laborers, shipping and transport, engineering, technical & managerial services, etc.
Furthermore that boost only stimulates money flow from the extra flow of cash comes more spending trickling down to goods and services in their lives including the cash made by investors of these beneficiaries. All of which pay taxes thus revenues for the Gov't expand as well as the money always makes it back to the Gov't.
Therefore spending on THE RIGHT PROJECTS IN THE RIGHT MANNER is part of a system of stimulating sluggish flows of spending and is regulated in order to keep inflation at bay or to keep from a overly depressed economy. With the majority baby boomers near retirement age the gov't is gonna want the flow moving for many reasons, 1 being they will need higher savings rates and 2 being the gov't is gonna need to offset the parity between boomers retiring and the lesser populated back pack hoodie wearing play doh babies.

Again people should stop commenting on this thread all together. Stephen Hawking is NOT capable of speaking anymore other than simple sentences. He is being used as a puppet to make money by those who are suppose to be caring for him, and it's disgusting no matter whether they're using him to bash or praise trump. Let's ALLLL back away from this.
So now we should be wary of what one of the smartest men on earth says.. but take a pathological liar, like Trump, at his word..
Got it.

The only reason Hawking gets the attention he does is due to his physical state, without it he's just another rambling leftist science geek
How have you managed to survive this long with knowing so little?
Speaking with Piers Morgan during an interview with Good Morning Britain on Monday morning, Stephen Hawking was asked his view of Trump’s presidency.

"Trump was selected by people who felt disenfranchised by the governing elite and the revolt against globalization. His priority will be to satisfy this electorate who are neither liberal nor that well-informed. We have already seen this in the promise to build a wall along the Mexican border and the sanction of two oil pipelines and the appointment to the Environment Protection Agency, Scott Pruitt, a man who does not believe carbon dioxide causes climate change. This appointment pleases the coal industry and miners who voted for Trump."

Piers, always the Trump cheerleader, asked the professor if the reaction to Trump’s election is justified and Hawking said maybe, but “it represents a definite swing to a right-wing, more authoritarian approach” and he went on to say that he feels like he cannot visit the U.S. because of the Butternut Bigot:
"I would like to visit again and to talk to other scientists, but I fear that I may not be welcome."

Piers asked if Professor Hawking had any message he’d like to relay to him. The professor’s response was :

"He should replace Scott Pruitt at the Environment Protection Agency. Climate change is one of the great dangers we face, and it’s one we can prevent. It affects America badly, so tackling it should win votes for his second term. God forbid."

WATCH: Stephen Hawking Just Said What We All Are Thinking About Trump In One Brilliant Interview
Hawking is dumber than most people on this forum when it comes to politics.

Gotta love it when right wing nutjobs proclaim intellectual superiority over Stephen fucking Hawking. You guys are absolute loons.
You have got to love it when idiot Democrats use an Astro-physicist as an example of a political genius and dare actual policy wonks to challenge that assertion.

What a dumbass you are.

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