What the Smartest Man in the World Says About Trump

Hawking just regurgitating liberal loon talking points. No surprise.
Ha ha ha ha Like the smartest man in the world copies others.
But on cue you did your duty to the orange clown. Anyone who speaks the truth about him and his cabinet are denegrated like clockwork.

Well Einstein was considered the smartest man in the world as well and from what I've read he had trouble tying his shoes.

Being intelligent doesn't mean everything you say is correct.

Color me shocked that a biased idiot like you thinks it is. LOL
" I like to grab them by the pussy."
" I moved on her and she was married."

Anti Groucho: I'll vote for that.

Damn we're going to have to crown you the King Of Inaccurate Quotes. You fucked up both of Trumps quotes, but I'm going to leave it to you to fix them while I sit back and laugh at your fake ass.

I agree. Nothing like a biased hack who can't get his quotes right.

Oh and those 13 posers faded into the woodwork when Trump was elected. They only came out because he was running for POTUS. Fakes one and all.
Speaking with Piers Morgan during an interview with Good Morning Britain on Monday morning, Stephen Hawking was asked his view of Trump’s presidency.

"Trump was selected by people who felt disenfranchised by the governing elite and the revolt against globalization. His priority will be to satisfy this electorate who are neither liberal nor that well-informed. We have already seen this in the promise to build a wall along the Mexican border and the sanction of two oil pipelines and the appointment to the Environment Protection Agency, Scott Pruitt, a man who does not believe carbon dioxide causes climate change. This appointment pleases the coal industry and miners who voted for Trump."

Piers, always the Trump cheerleader, asked the professor if the reaction to Trump’s election is justified and Hawking said maybe, but “it represents a definite swing to a right-wing, more authoritarian approach” and he went on to say that he feels like he cannot visit the U.S. because of the Butternut Bigot:
"I would like to visit again and to talk to other scientists, but I fear that I may not be welcome."

Piers asked if Professor Hawking had any message he’d like to relay to him. The professor’s response was :

"He should replace Scott Pruitt at the Environment Protection Agency. Climate change is one of the great dangers we face, and it’s one we can prevent. It affects America badly, so tackling it should win votes for his second term. God forbid."

WATCH: Stephen Hawking Just Said What We All Are Thinking About Trump In One Brilliant Interview
If Hawking is that mad about it he should march in front of the White House with a picket sign!

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