What the Smartest Man in the World Says About Trump

See my first post in this thread.

Hawking is no longer capable of stringing together anything more than simple sentences, and it takes a looong time for him to do that, and even that was about 5 years ago, and he's deteriorated more since. The people in control of hawking are using him and his ALS to make money. You really should not be promoting this story wether he's bashing or praising trump. It really is not at all classy.

How do you know this information?

The last documentary about him around 5 years ago stated this problem, and showed him in his actual current state taking a very long time communicate simple sentences. And it's completely in line with the progression ALS, of which he has defied the odds of for a long time, but sadly no one can outrun ALS. And usually when you hit the point he has, it's a quick spiral downwards. I wouldn't be surprised if he dies within the next year or two, but then again he has almost doubled the usual life expectancy for someone with ALS.

That still doesn't mean he's made a miraculous recovery, and is somehow stringing together complex political thought out of the blue, and even more able to communicate it quickly and coherently through any device. Like I said, ALS is a terrible disease, he's been very fortunate for the longevity and quality of the life he's had. But when your hearing that voice box machine attached to his wheelchair on the news...it is not coming from him, that is 100% a prerecorded message, that he is not able to create. He is/was a very smart man, not the smartest, but has a beautiful story that inspires hope in all of us...and no one should be in the business of using him as a puppet for their own gain. And that where I stand on that issue.

Ah. Thanks for the explanation. I realize that Professor Hawking has many prerecords to save time, as I got an opportunity to meet him and heard it explained in person. However, to me his mind still seems as sharp as ever, as he demonstrated by going 'off script' several times (The specially tailored one-off tech he accesses is pretty amazing). It does take him a little time, but he can still 'talk' in original sentences. I know this is anecdotal evidence at best, but I could never see Professor Hawking being a puppet for anyone. The idea seems a bit absurd, TBH.

You sir, are lying, flat out bovine feces. Provide proof of that claim or be known as a liar. Show personal pics you took while there, unless you met this famous guy and didn't take pics of it like no one on earth would ever do when meeting a famous person such as that.

He did a speaking engagement at my place of employment. I'm not providing proof beyond this to any anonymous internet chucklefuck like yourself. I also care not a whit that you believe I'm lying. You are less than nothing to me. Go play in traffic or something.

PS: John Wayne was a shit actor.

Got it! You are lying your ass off. Keep going. :dunno:

PS: You ever had a Tiger by the tail, boy?
I'm laughing so hard over the mindless Trump whores claiming and insinuating superior intellect over Stephen Hawking.

I knew this would happen which is why I posted his comments.
You dopes never disappoint.

See my first post in this thread.

Hawking is no longer capable of stringing together anything more than simple sentences, and it takes a looong time for him to do that, and even that was about 5 years ago, and he's deteriorated more since. The people in control of hawking are using him and his ALS to make money. You really should not be promoting this story wether he's bashing or praising trump. It really is not at all classy.

How do you know this information?
"After meeting with Hawking, Rattner said he wondered whether his company’s processor technology could restore the scientist’s ability to communicate at five words per minute, or even increase that rate to 10. “Up to now, these technologies didn't work well enough to satisfy someone like Stephen, who wants to produce a lot of information,” Rattner said."
Chipmaker Races to Save Stephen Hawking’s Speech as His Condition Deteriorates
That article is from 2013.
I'm laughing so hard over the mindless Trump whores claiming and insinuating superior intellect over Stephen Hawking.

I knew this would happen which is why I posted his comments.
You dopes never disappoint.

See my first post in this thread.

Hawking is no longer capable of stringing together anything more than simple sentences, and it takes a looong time for him to do that, and even that was about 5 years ago, and he's deteriorated more since. The people in control of hawking are using him and his ALS to make money. You really should not be promoting this story wether he's bashing or praising trump. It really is not at all classy.

How do you know this information?

The last documentary about him around 5 years ago stated this problem, and showed him in his actual current state taking a very long time communicate simple sentences. And it's completely in line with the progression ALS, of which he has defied the odds of for a long time, but sadly no one can outrun ALS. And usually when you hit the point he has, it's a quick spiral downwards. I wouldn't be surprised if he dies within the next year or two, but then again he has almost doubled the usual life expectancy for someone with ALS.

That still doesn't mean he's made a miraculous recovery, and is somehow stringing together complex political thought out of the blue, and even more able to communicate it quickly and coherently through any device. Like I said, ALS is a terrible disease, he's been very fortunate for the longevity and quality of the life he's had. But when your hearing that voice box machine attached to his wheelchair on the news...it is not coming from him, that is 100% a prerecorded message, that he is not able to create. He is/was a very smart man, not the smartest, but has a beautiful story that inspires hope in all of us...and no one should be in the business of using him as a puppet for their own gain. And that where I stand on that issue.

Ah. Thanks for the explanation. I realize that Professor Hawking has many prerecords to save time, as I got an opportunity to meet him and heard it explained in person. However, to me his mind still seems as sharp as ever, as he demonstrated by going 'off script' several times (The specially tailored one-off tech he accesses is pretty amazing). It does take him a little time, but he can still 'talk' in original sentences. I know this is anecdotal evidence at best, but I could never see Professor Hawking being a puppet for anyone. The idea seems a bit absurd, TBH.
Money = Puppet.
Sad but true.
Off or on topic, IDK,

I do believe Groucho absolutely was for grabbing pussies.\

If you don't, you have never watched Groucho.
Last edited:
How do you know this information?

The last documentary about him around 5 years ago stated this problem, and showed him in his actual current state taking a very long time communicate simple sentences. And it's completely in line with the progression ALS, of which he has defied the odds of for a long time, but sadly no one can outrun ALS. And usually when you hit the point he has, it's a quick spiral downwards. I wouldn't be surprised if he dies within the next year or two, but then again he has almost doubled the usual life expectancy for someone with ALS.

That still doesn't mean he's made a miraculous recovery, and is somehow stringing together complex political thought out of the blue, and even more able to communicate it quickly and coherently through any device. Like I said, ALS is a terrible disease, he's been very fortunate for the longevity and quality of the life he's had. But when your hearing that voice box machine attached to his wheelchair on the news...it is not coming from him, that is 100% a prerecorded message, that he is not able to create. He is/was a very smart man, not the smartest, but has a beautiful story that inspires hope in all of us...and no one should be in the business of using him as a puppet for their own gain. And that where I stand on that issue.

Ah. Thanks for the explanation. I realize that Professor Hawking has many prerecords to save time, as I got an opportunity to meet him and heard it explained in person. However, to me his mind still seems as sharp as ever, as he demonstrated by going 'off script' several times (The specially tailored one-off tech he accesses is pretty amazing). It does take him a little time, but he can still 'talk' in original sentences. I know this is anecdotal evidence at best, but I could never see Professor Hawking being a puppet for anyone. The idea seems a bit absurd, TBH.

You sir, are lying, flat out bovine feces. Provide proof of that claim or be known as a liar. Show personal pics you took while there, unless you met this famous guy and didn't take pics of it like no one on earth would ever do when meeting a famous person such as that.

He did a speaking engagement at my place of employment. I'm not providing proof beyond this to any anonymous internet chucklefuck like yourself. I also care not a whit that you believe I'm lying. You are less than nothing to me. Go play in traffic or something.

PS: John Wayne was a shit actor.

Got it! You are lying your ass off. Keep going. :dunno:

PS: You ever had a Tiger by the tail, boy?

*yawn* And you are a raving loon devoid of critical thought. Anything else, Marion?
I once made Stephen Hawking change his mind and life long views on a scientific matter, so he can't be the smartest man because I don't even think I am.
One reason he's not as smart as you make him to be is that HAWKING doesn't understand the broad scope of the wall, because he has never saw the long reaching affects of gangs, drugs, and MASS illegal imigrations and their decay &
stress on inner cities. He also never took into account that the wall is more then just about immigration, it's long reach is beyond his ability to see outside his blinders made for him by liberal media and his University life.
There's some things you go to a physicist about, but when it comes to building healthy functioning cities, there's others.
If I want to know about worm holes I go to Hawking, when I want to clean up the inner cities and build something I go to Trump-common sense 101.

Repeat of my former post relating to this subject:
The ancient archaic age concept of keeping your kingdom -community continually building through projects, & temples, churches, etc was in order to keep people busy working, money flowing which always found it's way back to gov't by way of taxes and their theft. Perhaps this is the mystery of the many construction guilds.
So when the avg person see's building the wall, they only see the purpose of securing the borders and never see the deeper purpose of these projects that involve stimulation by direct and indirect jobs, manufacturing, commodity extraction businesses and suppliers, laborers, shipping and transport, engineering, technical & managerial services, etc.
Furthermore that boost only stimulates money flow from the extra flow of cash comes more spending trickling down to goods and services in their lives including the cash made by investors of these beneficiaries. All of which pay taxes thus revenues for the Gov't expand as well as the money always makes it back to the Gov't.
Therefore spending on THE RIGHT PROJECTS IN THE RIGHT MANNER is part of a system of stimulating sluggish flows of spending and is regulated in order to keep inflation at bay or to keep from a overly depressed economy. With the majority baby boomers near retirement age the gov't is gonna want the flow moving for many reasons, 1 being they will need higher savings rates and 2 being the gov't is gonna need to offset the parity between boomers retiring and the lesser populated back pack hoodie wearing play doh babies.

Again people should stop commenting on this thread all together. Stephen Hawking is NOT capable of speaking anymore other than simple sentences. He is being used as a puppet to make money by those who are suppose to be caring for him, and it's disgusting no matter whether they're using him to bash or praise trump. Let's ALLLL back away from this.
So now we should be wary of what one of the smartest men on earth says.. but take a pathological liar, like Trump, at his word..
Got it.

The only reason Hawking gets the attention he does is due to his physical state, without it he's just another rambling leftist science geek
He's one of Jerry's Kids!
Your troll like existence is neither funny nor smart.
But it is correct.
Hawking is not the smartest man in the world.

Sorry OP.
The last documentary about him around 5 years ago stated this problem, and showed him in his actual current state taking a very long time communicate simple sentences. And it's completely in line with the progression ALS, of which he has defied the odds of for a long time, but sadly no one can outrun ALS. And usually when you hit the point he has, it's a quick spiral downwards. I wouldn't be surprised if he dies within the next year or two, but then again he has almost doubled the usual life expectancy for someone with ALS.

That still doesn't mean he's made a miraculous recovery, and is somehow stringing together complex political thought out of the blue, and even more able to communicate it quickly and coherently through any device. Like I said, ALS is a terrible disease, he's been very fortunate for the longevity and quality of the life he's had. But when your hearing that voice box machine attached to his wheelchair on the news...it is not coming from him, that is 100% a prerecorded message, that he is not able to create. He is/was a very smart man, not the smartest, but has a beautiful story that inspires hope in all of us...and no one should be in the business of using him as a puppet for their own gain. And that where I stand on that issue.

Ah. Thanks for the explanation. I realize that Professor Hawking has many prerecords to save time, as I got an opportunity to meet him and heard it explained in person. However, to me his mind still seems as sharp as ever, as he demonstrated by going 'off script' several times (The specially tailored one-off tech he accesses is pretty amazing). It does take him a little time, but he can still 'talk' in original sentences. I know this is anecdotal evidence at best, but I could never see Professor Hawking being a puppet for anyone. The idea seems a bit absurd, TBH.

You sir, are lying, flat out bovine feces. Provide proof of that claim or be known as a liar. Show personal pics you took while there, unless you met this famous guy and didn't take pics of it like no one on earth would ever do when meeting a famous person such as that.

He did a speaking engagement at my place of employment. I'm not providing proof beyond this to any anonymous internet chucklefuck like yourself. I also care not a whit that you believe I'm lying. You are less than nothing to me. Go play in traffic or something.

PS: John Wayne was a shit actor.

Got it! You are lying your ass off. Keep going. :dunno:

PS: You ever had a Tiger by the tail, boy?

*yawn* And you are a raving loon devoid of critical thought. Anything else, Marion?

You made a ridiculous claim and provided no proof, therefore you are dismissed.

By the way, here's the smartest man in the US: His name is not Steven Hawking.

I get the feeling this guy can drive a 16p nail in 4 whacks.
Uh he has never been convicted of a sex crime, so I'm confused as to how you can call him a serial sex offender. Especially when Bill Clinton been accused of rape, and that was back in the day before he was even president, and was found to be lying about the lewinski scandal for a year. If that's all you need to condemn trump than go ahed and condemn Clinton.

Like I said before this thread illustrates that no one is operating on any principles or reason here. Just tribal emotions of I'm gonna say what helps my side most at the time, despite any other position I've held in the past.
No the serial sex offender never was convicted of a sex crime even though he admitted to it. Even though there were many women who had the courage to come forward to testify him assaulting them. He wasn't convicted of defrauding thousands of people either... even though there were many that were.

This thread proves that even when one of the smartest men in the world has valid criticism of Trump, his whores come out like a pack of wild dogs and try to savage him.
It's their MO.

Yes Bill CLINTON lied about sex. Donald Trump lies about everything and anything. Even the size of his inauguration crowd, that he had the biggest electoral victory since Reagan, that there were 3-6 millions illegals that voted... all because his ego was injured because he didn't win the popular vote.

Again not a trump supporter, didn't vote for nor currently like the guy. I've never had locker room talk like what trump claims is locker room talk. I'm also not a fragile narcissist who constantly needs to inflate themselves. By YOUR STANDARDS Clinton is just as bad, and has committed an even bigger treason than trump colluding with Russia, with Clinton selling satellite secretes to China...again by your standards. Not to mention trump has never actually perjured himself like Clinton did under OATH.

My point is, you cannot criticize trump for what you are, unless you criticize Clinton for the same. I never excused Clinton for what he did, the left did, how does the left have any credibility now criticizing trump?
CLINTON is old news. The fact you keep bringing him up undermines your so called objectivity.
We have a habitual liar in the White House. If the country nor our allies can't trust what he says... when areal crisis hits.. no one will believe a word he says.
Not really since this past election the wife of Clinton ran on being Bill Clinton 2.0. And since the left has excused everything that Bill Clinton did (in the lifespan of almost all current voters), and then turns on trump the and tactics the right used on Clinton, without addressing the blind eyes they've been taking. That pretty relevant. I'm just holding your feet to the same fire you wield.
No what you're doing is called deflecting. Diverting. the Clinton's have been discussed forever.
Time to stay current and how our country is faring right now.
If you like clean water, clean air, your rivers as clean as possible,
then this is a horrendous time for people who do. Evidently the Trump whores don't.
If you have family or know people that rely on Meals for Wheels, or have kids that need after school programs so the parents can work... this is a very scary time for them.
If you care about not bankrupting this country with a military buildup that is totally unnecessary when we already spend more than the next 7 countries combined... then these are trying times.
Your little comparison games are just that. Games.
This is real life... and in so many ways the basic core values of this country are under attack by the lunatic cheeto.

Your first assumption a non sequitur, is Trump=less clean water, air, and rivers. Despite the Obama administration shutting down the hydrogen combustible engine that GM created that is zero emissions and much cheaper than fossil fuels. This same administration signed a deal that allowed the biggest growing offender of carbon emissions China to to continually grow their carbon emissions unchecked for 16 years...to be merely revisited at the 16 year mark. Mind you china is a country that has such bad pollution they have to record the sunrise and project on screens in their cities since people can't see the sunrise themselves due to pollution. While a group of unelected officials was allowed to dictate laws in America, and our carbon emission problem just got worse...Remove the plank from you're own eye.

Meals on Wheels has not been cut despite what the left loves to grab pitchforks over. A fund that sometimes gives money to meals on wheels in some states has been cut. Despite meals on wheels getting a large majority of their funding from elsewhere. Yet the left still thinks that it's ok to equate this with totally getting rid of meals on wheels. Which is just as dishonest as anything trump has ever said...hypocrites.

If you really cared about trump bankrupting the country with military programs, then you really should have spoken up when 1 single president put us in more national debt than all presidents combined before him. We have been borrowing money at a million dollars per minute. If you started a business at the time of Jesus' birth, and lost 1 million per year, you'd be in much better shape than our government. Where was the left on this? NO WHERE, THEY CLAIMED WE HAD A REVENUE PROBLEM NOT A SPENDING PROBLEM.

Real life has been happening always, time for the left to come back to reality. They don't realize that their departure from reality actually created trump.
Ah. Thanks for the explanation. I realize that Professor Hawking has many prerecords to save time, as I got an opportunity to meet him and heard it explained in person. However, to me his mind still seems as sharp as ever, as he demonstrated by going 'off script' several times (The specially tailored one-off tech he accesses is pretty amazing). It does take him a little time, but he can still 'talk' in original sentences. I know this is anecdotal evidence at best, but I could never see Professor Hawking being a puppet for anyone. The idea seems a bit absurd, TBH.

You sir, are lying, flat out bovine feces. Provide proof of that claim or be known as a liar. Show personal pics you took while there, unless you met this famous guy and didn't take pics of it like no one on earth would ever do when meeting a famous person such as that.

He did a speaking engagement at my place of employment. I'm not providing proof beyond this to any anonymous internet chucklefuck like yourself. I also care not a whit that you believe I'm lying. You are less than nothing to me. Go play in traffic or something.

PS: John Wayne was a shit actor.

Got it! You are lying your ass off. Keep going. :dunno:

PS: You ever had a Tiger by the tail, boy?

*yawn* And you are a raving loon devoid of critical thought. Anything else, Marion?

You made a ridiculous claim and provided no proof, therefore you are dismissed.

By the way, here's the smartest man in the US: His name is not Steven Hawking.

I get the feeling this guy can drive a 16p nail in 4 whacks.

First, I'm not debating with you whether Professor Hawking is the smartest man on earth or not. I don't really care. You aren't even a part of the conversation. You are like a petulant child that comes in halfway through the movie demanding to know what he missed. But now that you've shoehorned in your lightweight intellect, allow me to retort:

You are aware that Professor Hawking does speaking engagements, aren't you?
You sir, are lying, flat out bovine feces. Provide proof of that claim or be known as a liar. Show personal pics you took while there, unless you met this famous guy and didn't take pics of it like no one on earth would ever do when meeting a famous person such as that.

He did a speaking engagement at my place of employment. I'm not providing proof beyond this to any anonymous internet chucklefuck like yourself. I also care not a whit that you believe I'm lying. You are less than nothing to me. Go play in traffic or something.

PS: John Wayne was a shit actor.

Got it! You are lying your ass off. Keep going. :dunno:

PS: You ever had a Tiger by the tail, boy?

*yawn* And you are a raving loon devoid of critical thought. Anything else, Marion?

You made a ridiculous claim and provided no proof, therefore you are dismissed.

By the way, here's the smartest man in the US: His name is not Steven Hawking.

I get the feeling this guy can drive a 16p nail in 4 whacks.

First, I'm not debating with you whether Professor Hawking is the smartest man on earth or not. I don't really care. You aren't even a part of the conversation. You are like a petulant child that comes in halfway through the movie demanding to know what he missed. But now that you've shoehorned in your lightweight intellect, allow me to retort:

You are aware that Professor Hawking does speaking engagements, aren't you?

Who works his sound synthesizer for him? Give me the the last date of one of his speaking engagements.

This should get interesting.
You sir, are lying, flat out bovine feces. Provide proof of that claim or be known as a liar. Show personal pics you took while there, unless you met this famous guy and didn't take pics of it like no one on earth would ever do when meeting a famous person such as that.

He did a speaking engagement at my place of employment. I'm not providing proof beyond this to any anonymous internet chucklefuck like yourself. I also care not a whit that you believe I'm lying. You are less than nothing to me. Go play in traffic or something.

PS: John Wayne was a shit actor.

Got it! You are lying your ass off. Keep going. :dunno:

PS: You ever had a Tiger by the tail, boy?

*yawn* And you are a raving loon devoid of critical thought. Anything else, Marion?

You made a ridiculous claim and provided no proof, therefore you are dismissed.

By the way, here's the smartest man in the US: His name is not Steven Hawking.

I get the feeling this guy can drive a 16p nail in 4 whacks.

First, I'm not debating with you whether Professor Hawking is the smartest man on earth or not. I don't really care. You aren't even a part of the conversation. You are like a petulant child that comes in halfway through the movie demanding to know what he missed. But now that you've shoehorned in your lightweight intellect, allow me to retort:

You are aware that Professor Hawking does speaking engagements, aren't you?

How? He cannot formulate 5 words in a minute even with Intel chip computer.

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