What the Smartest Man in the World Says About Trump

He did a speaking engagement at my place of employment. I'm not providing proof beyond this to any anonymous internet chucklefuck like yourself. I also care not a whit that you believe I'm lying. You are less than nothing to me. Go play in traffic or something.

PS: John Wayne was a shit actor.

Got it! You are lying your ass off. Keep going. :dunno:

PS: You ever had a Tiger by the tail, boy?

*yawn* And you are a raving loon devoid of critical thought. Anything else, Marion?

You made a ridiculous claim and provided no proof, therefore you are dismissed.

By the way, here's the smartest man in the US: His name is not Steven Hawking.

I get the feeling this guy can drive a 16p nail in 4 whacks.

First, I'm not debating with you whether Professor Hawking is the smartest man on earth or not. I don't really care. You aren't even a part of the conversation. You are like a petulant child that comes in halfway through the movie demanding to know what he missed. But now that you've shoehorned in your lightweight intellect, allow me to retort:

You are aware that Professor Hawking does speaking engagements, aren't you?

Who works his sound synthesizer for him? Give me the the last date of one of his speaking engagements.

This should get interesting.

Stick with me Jethro: You are aware that Professor Hawking does speaking engagements, aren't you? A simple yes or no will suffice.
He did a speaking engagement at my place of employment. I'm not providing proof beyond this to any anonymous internet chucklefuck like yourself. I also care not a whit that you believe I'm lying. You are less than nothing to me. Go play in traffic or something.

PS: John Wayne was a shit actor.

Got it! You are lying your ass off. Keep going. :dunno:

PS: You ever had a Tiger by the tail, boy?

*yawn* And you are a raving loon devoid of critical thought. Anything else, Marion?

You made a ridiculous claim and provided no proof, therefore you are dismissed.

By the way, here's the smartest man in the US: His name is not Steven Hawking.

I get the feeling this guy can drive a 16p nail in 4 whacks.

First, I'm not debating with you whether Professor Hawking is the smartest man on earth or not. I don't really care. You aren't even a part of the conversation. You are like a petulant child that comes in halfway through the movie demanding to know what he missed. But now that you've shoehorned in your lightweight intellect, allow me to retort:

You are aware that Professor Hawking does speaking engagements, aren't you?

How? He cannot formulate 5 words in a minute even with Intel chip computer.

He is forgetting that it is now 2017 and not 2009 or something when Hawkings was still visible in the media and sorts.
Got it! You are lying your ass off. Keep going. :dunno:

PS: You ever had a Tiger by the tail, boy?

*yawn* And you are a raving loon devoid of critical thought. Anything else, Marion?

You made a ridiculous claim and provided no proof, therefore you are dismissed.

By the way, here's the smartest man in the US: His name is not Steven Hawking.

I get the feeling this guy can drive a 16p nail in 4 whacks.

First, I'm not debating with you whether Professor Hawking is the smartest man on earth or not. I don't really care. You aren't even a part of the conversation. You are like a petulant child that comes in halfway through the movie demanding to know what he missed. But now that you've shoehorned in your lightweight intellect, allow me to retort:

You are aware that Professor Hawking does speaking engagements, aren't you?

Who works his sound synthesizer for him? Give me the the last date of one of his speaking engagements.

This should get interesting.

Stick with me Jethro: You are aware that Professor Hawking does speaking engagements, aren't you? A simple yes or no will suffice.

You do understand that Hawking's illness didn't stop destroying him after he was confined to a chair, right?

Just because he spoke in 2013 doesn't mean he can still speak with 4 more years of destruction wrought from his illness.
You sir, are lying, flat out bovine feces. Provide proof of that claim or be known as a liar. Show personal pics you took while there, unless you met this famous guy and didn't take pics of it like no one on earth would ever do when meeting a famous person such as that.

He did a speaking engagement at my place of employment. I'm not providing proof beyond this to any anonymous internet chucklefuck like yourself. I also care not a whit that you believe I'm lying. You are less than nothing to me. Go play in traffic or something.

PS: John Wayne was a shit actor.

Got it! You are lying your ass off. Keep going. :dunno:

PS: You ever had a Tiger by the tail, boy?

*yawn* And you are a raving loon devoid of critical thought. Anything else, Marion?

You made a ridiculous claim and provided no proof, therefore you are dismissed.

By the way, here's the smartest man in the US: His name is not Steven Hawking.

I get the feeling this guy can drive a 16p nail in 4 whacks.

First, I'm not debating with you whether Professor Hawking is the smartest man on earth or not. I don't really care. You aren't even a part of the conversation. You are like a petulant child that comes in halfway through the movie demanding to know what he missed. But now that you've shoehorned in your lightweight intellect, allow me to retort:

You are aware that Professor Hawking does speaking engagements, aren't you?

I had half a response to your previous post written out but it got lost. Anyway it went something like, there was only a few responses I could confidently call BS on of yours, you didn't give those. It would be an interesting topic in a different thread, although I'd have to disagree, but at least you think. I'm still calling BS on this interview hawking had, it would require him to have miraculously improved since the last 5 years, which with ALS does not happen. Not saying he isn't mentally sharp, just the time it takes for him to actually communicate it is not what that interview reflects, and he has only gotten worse since the world has actually heard him speak, which wasn't pretty.
He did a speaking engagement at my place of employment. I'm not providing proof beyond this to any anonymous internet chucklefuck like yourself. I also care not a whit that you believe I'm lying. You are less than nothing to me. Go play in traffic or something.

PS: John Wayne was a shit actor.

Got it! You are lying your ass off. Keep going. :dunno:

PS: You ever had a Tiger by the tail, boy?

*yawn* And you are a raving loon devoid of critical thought. Anything else, Marion?

You made a ridiculous claim and provided no proof, therefore you are dismissed.

By the way, here's the smartest man in the US: His name is not Steven Hawking.

I get the feeling this guy can drive a 16p nail in 4 whacks.

First, I'm not debating with you whether Professor Hawking is the smartest man on earth or not. I don't really care. You aren't even a part of the conversation. You are like a petulant child that comes in halfway through the movie demanding to know what he missed. But now that you've shoehorned in your lightweight intellect, allow me to retort:

You are aware that Professor Hawking does speaking engagements, aren't you?

I had half a response to your previous post written out but it got lost. Anyway it went something like, there was only a few responses I could confidently call BS on of yours, you didn't give those. It would be an interesting topic in a different thread, although I'd have to disagree, but at least you think. I'm still calling BS on this interview hawking had, it would require him to have miraculously improved since the last 5 years, which with ALS does not happen. Not saying he isn't mentally sharp, just the time it takes for him to actually communicate it is not what that interview reflects, and he has only gotten worse since the world has actually heard him speak, which wasn't pretty.

That's fair enough. The engagement I attended was many years ago. Admittedly, I suppose I did not factor in his rate of deterioration since, and it's quite sad it seems to be affecting Professor Hawking's lucidity so adversely. No harm, no foul, thanks again for the info and update.
I am quite concerned about Hawking's predictions about the effect of Climate Change on planet Earth.
He stated the Earth will implode in 700,000,000 years.

I am quite concerned about your ability to function as an adult. The inevitable demise of the Earth due to the expansion of the sun has nothing to do with climate change, ignoramus.
The sun has nothing to do with climate? This is the type of crazed lunatic we have to deal with. It is worthy to repeat. The sun has nothing to do with climate according to crazy leftists. I blame the failed government mandated schools. Or... they may have tried to teach him the basics, but he lacked the intellectual ability to comprehend the material. Either way, it is massive failure by the individual or the school. Not good news for the rest of us.
*yawn* And you are a raving loon devoid of critical thought. Anything else, Marion?

You made a ridiculous claim and provided no proof, therefore you are dismissed.

By the way, here's the smartest man in the US: His name is not Steven Hawking.

I get the feeling this guy can drive a 16p nail in 4 whacks.

First, I'm not debating with you whether Professor Hawking is the smartest man on earth or not. I don't really care. You aren't even a part of the conversation. You are like a petulant child that comes in halfway through the movie demanding to know what he missed. But now that you've shoehorned in your lightweight intellect, allow me to retort:

You are aware that Professor Hawking does speaking engagements, aren't you?

Who works his sound synthesizer for him? Give me the the last date of one of his speaking engagements.

This should get interesting.

Stick with me Jethro: You are aware that Professor Hawking does speaking engagements, aren't you? A simple yes or no will suffice.

You do understand that Hawking's illness didn't stop destroying him after he was confined to a chair, right?

Just because he spoke in 2013 doesn't mean he can still speak with 4 more years of destruction wrought from his illness.

Honestly, I am well aware of his illness, but not the specifics of how it is affecting him currently. It's tragic if he has retired from speaking engagements entirely.
Speaking with Piers Morgan during an interview with Good Morning Britain on Monday morning, Stephen Hawking was asked his view of Trump’s presidency.

"Trump was selected by people who felt disenfranchised by the governing elite and the revolt against globalization. His priority will be to satisfy this electorate who are neither liberal nor that well-informed. We have already seen this in the promise to build a wall along the Mexican border and the sanction of two oil pipelines and the appointment to the Environment Protection Agency, Scott Pruitt, a man who does not believe carbon dioxide causes climate change. This appointment pleases the coal industry and miners who voted for Trump."

Piers, always the Trump cheerleader, asked the professor if the reaction to Trump’s election is justified and Hawking said maybe, but “it represents a definite swing to a right-wing, more authoritarian approach” and he went on to say that he feels like he cannot visit the U.S. because of the Butternut Bigot:
"I would like to visit again and to talk to other scientists, but I fear that I may not be welcome."

Piers asked if Professor Hawking had any message he’d like to relay to him. The professor’s response was :

"He should replace Scott Pruitt at the Environment Protection Agency. Climate change is one of the great dangers we face, and it’s one we can prevent. It affects America badly, so tackling it should win votes for his second term. God forbid."

WATCH: Stephen Hawking Just Said What We All Are Thinking About Trump In One Brilliant Interview

This "smartest man in the world" can't even tell the difference between an illegal immigrant and a visitor. An average three year old can figure that out.

Perhaps physicists should just stick to physics.
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See my first post in this thread.

Hawking is no longer capable of stringing together anything more than simple sentences, and it takes a looong time for him to do that, and even that was about 5 years ago, and he's deteriorated more since. The people in control of hawking are using him and his ALS to make money. You really should not be promoting this story wether he's bashing or praising trump. It really is not at all classy.

How do you know this information?

The last documentary about him around 5 years ago stated this problem, and showed him in his actual current state taking a very long time communicate simple sentences. And it's completely in line with the progression ALS, of which he has defied the odds of for a long time, but sadly no one can outrun ALS. And usually when you hit the point he has, it's a quick spiral downwards. I wouldn't be surprised if he dies within the next year or two, but then again he has almost doubled the usual life expectancy for someone with ALS.

That still doesn't mean he's made a miraculous recovery, and is somehow stringing together complex political thought out of the blue, and even more able to communicate it quickly and coherently through any device. Like I said, ALS is a terrible disease, he's been very fortunate for the longevity and quality of the life he's had. But when your hearing that voice box machine attached to his wheelchair on the news...it is not coming from him, that is 100% a prerecorded message, that he is not able to create. He is/was a very smart man, not the smartest, but has a beautiful story that inspires hope in all of us...and no one should be in the business of using him as a puppet for their own gain. And that where I stand on that issue.

Ah. Thanks for the explanation. I realize that Professor Hawking has many prerecords to save time, as I got an opportunity to meet him and heard it explained in person. However, to me his mind still seems as sharp as ever, as he demonstrated by going 'off script' several times (The specially tailored one-off tech he accesses is pretty amazing). It does take him a little time, but he can still 'talk' in original sentences. I know this is anecdotal evidence at best, but I could never see Professor Hawking being a puppet for anyone. The idea seems a bit absurd, TBH.
If you don't mind me asking, to confirm you anecdotal stories, what are you thoughts on Hawkings claims that information is destroyed in a black hole? What would be his answer currently?

My thoughts? Honestly, I don't think I really have anything of value to add. That shit is way above my mental 'pay grade'. But from my non-physicist understanding, the recent change to the information paradox (black holes simultaneously deleting and retaining info) would be that black holes retain a halo of information instead of emitting radiation.
Interesting theory for another thread outside of this community. It doesn't confirm or deny your anecdotal stories, (there's only a few answers that would deny it with some degree of confidence). Hawking would probably say it gets transferred as information into another demention in a different universe, going off what he has most receantly said.
Got it! You are lying your ass off. Keep going. :dunno:

PS: You ever had a Tiger by the tail, boy?

*yawn* And you are a raving loon devoid of critical thought. Anything else, Marion?

You made a ridiculous claim and provided no proof, therefore you are dismissed.

By the way, here's the smartest man in the US: His name is not Steven Hawking.

I get the feeling this guy can drive a 16p nail in 4 whacks.

First, I'm not debating with you whether Professor Hawking is the smartest man on earth or not. I don't really care. You aren't even a part of the conversation. You are like a petulant child that comes in halfway through the movie demanding to know what he missed. But now that you've shoehorned in your lightweight intellect, allow me to retort:

You are aware that Professor Hawking does speaking engagements, aren't you?

I had half a response to your previous post written out but it got lost. Anyway it went something like, there was only a few responses I could confidently call BS on of yours, you didn't give those. It would be an interesting topic in a different thread, although I'd have to disagree, but at least you think. I'm still calling BS on this interview hawking had, it would require him to have miraculously improved since the last 5 years, which with ALS does not happen. Not saying he isn't mentally sharp, just the time it takes for him to actually communicate it is not what that interview reflects, and he has only gotten worse since the world has actually heard him speak, which wasn't pretty.

That's fair enough. The engagement I attended was many years ago. Admittedly, I suppose I did not factor in his rate of deterioration since, and it's quite sad it seems to be affecting Professor Hawking's lucidity so adversely. No harm, no foul, thanks again for the info and update.

And none on you're end. I wouldn't say it effects his lucidity necessarily, but lucidity is in a way still trapped in his actual ability, most importantly for him his ability to communicate, which has deteriorated. Which one could claim one has the effect on another. Which is really hard for anyone to know. Again my position is no one should be speaking for hawking, and anything otherwise is kind of sick for a man in his condition.

This is an edit to this post: and...
Hahaha I found that half post I was talking about earlier. Didn't realize it was there
He did a speaking engagement at my place of employment. I'm not providing proof beyond this to any anonymous internet chucklefuck like yourself. I also care not a whit that you believe I'm lying. You are less than nothing to me. Go play in traffic or something.

PS: John Wayne was a shit actor.

Got it! You are lying your ass off. Keep going. :dunno:

PS: You ever had a Tiger by the tail, boy?

*yawn* And you are a raving loon devoid of critical thought. Anything else, Marion?

You made a ridiculous claim and provided no proof, therefore you are dismissed.

By the way, here's the smartest man in the US: His name is not Steven Hawking.

I get the feeling this guy can drive a 16p nail in 4 whacks.

First, I'm not debating with you whether Professor Hawking is the smartest man on earth or not. I don't really care. You aren't even a part of the conversation. You are like a petulant child that comes in halfway through the movie demanding to know what he missed. But now that you've shoehorned in your lightweight intellect, allow me to retort:

You are aware that Professor Hawking does speaking engagements, aren't you?

I had half a response to your previous post written out but it got lost. Anyway it went something like, there was only a few responses I could confidently call BS on of yours, you didn't give those. It would be an interesting topic in a different thread, although I'd have to disagree, but at least you think. I'm still calling BS on this interview hawking had, it would require him to have miraculously improved since the last 5 years, which with ALS does not happen. Not saying he isn't mentally sharp, just the time it takes for him to actually communicate it is not what that interview reflects, and he has only gotten worse since the world has actually heard him speak, which wasn't pretty.

You're calling bullshit on this interview and I'm calling bullshit on you. Stephen Hawking is doing fine.. he currently uses a new communication device that enables him to lecture and communicate with people.
So your fakes news is spoiled again.

How Do Stephen Hawking's Gadgets Help Him Talk?
Got it! You are lying your ass off. Keep going. :dunno:

PS: You ever had a Tiger by the tail, boy?

*yawn* And you are a raving loon devoid of critical thought. Anything else, Marion?

You made a ridiculous claim and provided no proof, therefore you are dismissed.

By the way, here's the smartest man in the US: His name is not Steven Hawking.

I get the feeling this guy can drive a 16p nail in 4 whacks.

First, I'm not debating with you whether Professor Hawking is the smartest man on earth or not. I don't really care. You aren't even a part of the conversation. You are like a petulant child that comes in halfway through the movie demanding to know what he missed. But now that you've shoehorned in your lightweight intellect, allow me to retort:

You are aware that Professor Hawking does speaking engagements, aren't you?

I had half a response to your previous post written out but it got lost. Anyway it went something like, there was only a few responses I could confidently call BS on of yours, you didn't give those. It would be an interesting topic in a different thread, although I'd have to disagree, but at least you think. I'm still calling BS on this interview hawking had, it would require him to have miraculously improved since the last 5 years, which with ALS does not happen. Not saying he isn't mentally sharp, just the time it takes for him to actually communicate it is not what that interview reflects, and he has only gotten worse since the world has actually heard him speak, which wasn't pretty.

You're calling bullshit on this interview and I'm calling bullshit on you. Stephen Hawking is doing fine.. he currently uses a new communication device that enables him to lecture and communicate with people.
So your fakes news is spoiled again.

How Do Stephen Hawking's Gadgets Help Him Talk?

When's the last time he spoke publicly? Hmm? I'm not trying to put him down, I'm calling you out.

It's impossible to "lecture" @ 5 words a minute.

Your whole thread is a lie, to be honest, sorry. Last post here for me.

I move for a lock.
Last edited:
You made a ridiculous claim and provided no proof, therefore you are dismissed.

By the way, here's the smartest man in the US: His name is not Steven Hawking.

I get the feeling this guy can drive a 16p nail in 4 whacks.

First, I'm not debating with you whether Professor Hawking is the smartest man on earth or not. I don't really care. You aren't even a part of the conversation. You are like a petulant child that comes in halfway through the movie demanding to know what he missed. But now that you've shoehorned in your lightweight intellect, allow me to retort:

You are aware that Professor Hawking does speaking engagements, aren't you?

I had half a response to your previous post written out but it got lost. Anyway it went something like, there was only a few responses I could confidently call BS on of yours, you didn't give those. It would be an interesting topic in a different thread, although I'd have to disagree, but at least you think. I'm still calling BS on this interview hawking had, it would require him to have miraculously improved since the last 5 years, which with ALS does not happen. Not saying he isn't mentally sharp, just the time it takes for him to actually communicate it is not what that interview reflects, and he has only gotten worse since the world has actually heard him speak, which wasn't pretty.

You're calling bullshit on this interview and I'm calling bullshit on you. Stephen Hawking is doing fine.. he currently uses a new communication device that enables him to lecture and communicate with people.
So your fakes news is spoiled again.

How Do Stephen Hawking's Gadgets Help Him Talk?

When's the last time he spoke publicly? Hmm? I'm not trying to put him down, I'm calling you out.

It's impossible to "lecture" @ 5 words a minute.

Your whole thread is a lie, to be honest, sorry. Last post here for me.

I move for a lock.

I gotta go "wut"? before I hit the report button. What field are you in bro? Bizarro field or what?
Last edited by a moderator:
First, I'm not debating with you whether Professor Hawking is the smartest man on earth or not. I don't really care. You aren't even a part of the conversation. You are like a petulant child that comes in halfway through the movie demanding to know what he missed. But now that you've shoehorned in your lightweight intellect, allow me to retort:

You are aware that Professor Hawking does speaking engagements, aren't you?

I had half a response to your previous post written out but it got lost. Anyway it went something like, there was only a few responses I could confidently call BS on of yours, you didn't give those. It would be an interesting topic in a different thread, although I'd have to disagree, but at least you think. I'm still calling BS on this interview hawking had, it would require him to have miraculously improved since the last 5 years, which with ALS does not happen. Not saying he isn't mentally sharp, just the time it takes for him to actually communicate it is not what that interview reflects, and he has only gotten worse since the world has actually heard him speak, which wasn't pretty.
You're calling bullshit on this interview and I'm calling bullshit on you. Stephen Hawking is doing fine.. he currently uses a new communication device that enables him to lecture and communicate with people.
So your fakes news is spoiled again.

How Do Stephen Hawking's Gadgets Help Him Talk?

When's the last time he spoke publicly? Hmm? I'm not trying to put him down, I'm calling you out.

It's impossible to "lecture" @ 5 words a minute.

Your whole thread is a lie, to be honest, sorry. Last post here for me.

I move for a lock.

YES or NO, fuckface?

I gotta go "wut"? before I hit the report button. What field are you in bro? Bizarro field or what?

*sigh* I get it now, you're a simpleton. Just go ahead hit the report button you impotent little coward. You're nothing.
Speaking with Piers Morgan during an interview with Good Morning Britain on Monday morning, Stephen Hawking was asked his view of Trump’s presidency.

"Trump was selected by people who felt disenfranchised by the governing elite and the revolt against globalization. His priority will be to satisfy this electorate who are neither liberal nor that well-informed. We have already seen this in the promise to build a wall along the Mexican border and the sanction of two oil pipelines and the appointment to the Environment Protection Agency, Scott Pruitt, a man who does not believe carbon dioxide causes climate change. This appointment pleases the coal industry and miners who voted for Trump."

Piers, always the Trump cheerleader, asked the professor if the reaction to Trump’s election is justified and Hawking said maybe, but “it represents a definite swing to a right-wing, more authoritarian approach” and he went on to say that he feels like he cannot visit the U.S. because of the Butternut Bigot:
"I would like to visit again and to talk to other scientists, but I fear that I may not be welcome."

Piers asked if Professor Hawking had any message he’d like to relay to him. The professor’s response was :

"He should replace Scott Pruitt at the Environment Protection Agency. Climate change is one of the great dangers we face, and it’s one we can prevent. It affects America badly, so tackling it should win votes for his second term. God forbid."

WATCH: Stephen Hawking Just Said What We All Are Thinking About Trump In One Brilliant Interview

If Hawkins actually believe that "carbon dioxide causes climate change" maybe he's not all that bright
Imagine saying something that stupid in public.
You just failed science 101.
Climate Change: Vital Signs of the Planet: Carbon Dioxide
Got it! You are lying your ass off. Keep going. :dunno:

PS: You ever had a Tiger by the tail, boy?

*yawn* And you are a raving loon devoid of critical thought. Anything else, Marion?

You made a ridiculous claim and provided no proof, therefore you are dismissed.

By the way, here's the smartest man in the US: His name is not Steven Hawking.

I get the feeling this guy can drive a 16p nail in 4 whacks.

First, I'm not debating with you whether Professor Hawking is the smartest man on earth or not. I don't really care. You aren't even a part of the conversation. You are like a petulant child that comes in halfway through the movie demanding to know what he missed. But now that you've shoehorned in your lightweight intellect, allow me to retort:

You are aware that Professor Hawking does speaking engagements, aren't you?

I had half a response to your previous post written out but it got lost. Anyway it went something like, there was only a few responses I could confidently call BS on of yours, you didn't give those. It would be an interesting topic in a different thread, although I'd have to disagree, but at least you think. I'm still calling BS on this interview hawking had, it would require him to have miraculously improved since the last 5 years, which with ALS does not happen. Not saying he isn't mentally sharp, just the time it takes for him to actually communicate it is not what that interview reflects, and he has only gotten worse since the world has actually heard him speak, which wasn't pretty.

You're calling bullshit on this interview and I'm calling bullshit on you. Stephen Hawking is doing fine.. he currently uses a new communication device that enables him to lecture and communicate with people.
So your fakes news is spoiled again.

How Do Stephen Hawking's Gadgets Help Him Talk?

No he's not doing fine. None of this article states how hawkings is actually doing, only that they've been trying to continually update with hawkings continual deterioration. Which should be a sign he is not doing fine.

Even if all what you claim to be true. He is still a physicist, that most of the actual smartest physicist disagree with. To which I'd ask should I agree with him or the actual smartest physicist in the world and their political beliefs, which is a trick question since they mostly reside in Switzerland. Of which our government is laregely based off of. Where the government has little power, they have rejected much of socialism, and citizens walk around with ARs strapped to their arms. Not to mention who happen to fall in the top 3 every year when it comes to standard of living, personal freedom, education, safety, and overall happiness of the citizens. And this is the oldest government in the world we for some reason can't take notes from?
Speaking with Piers Morgan during an interview with Good Morning Britain on Monday morning, Stephen Hawking was asked his view of Trump’s presidency.

"Trump was selected by people who felt disenfranchised by the governing elite and the revolt against globalization. His priority will be to satisfy this electorate who are neither liberal nor that well-informed. We have already seen this in the promise to build a wall along the Mexican border and the sanction of two oil pipelines and the appointment to the Environment Protection Agency, Scott Pruitt, a man who does not believe carbon dioxide causes climate change. This appointment pleases the coal industry and miners who voted for Trump."

Piers, always the Trump cheerleader, asked the professor if the reaction to Trump’s election is justified and Hawking said maybe, but “it represents a definite swing to a right-wing, more authoritarian approach” and he went on to say that he feels like he cannot visit the U.S. because of the Butternut Bigot:
"I would like to visit again and to talk to other scientists, but I fear that I may not be welcome."

Piers asked if Professor Hawking had any message he’d like to relay to him. The professor’s response was :

"He should replace Scott Pruitt at the Environment Protection Agency. Climate change is one of the great dangers we face, and it’s one we can prevent. It affects America badly, so tackling it should win votes for his second term. God forbid."

WATCH: Stephen Hawking Just Said What We All Are Thinking About Trump In One Brilliant Interview

If Hawkins actually believe that "carbon dioxide causes climate change" maybe he's not all that bright
Imagine saying something that stupid in public.
You just failed science 101.
Climate Change: Vital Signs of the Planet: Carbon Dioxide
2 decades, no warming.

Sucks to be a member of the Hari Krishna Warming cult
And I don't mean a Missing Link such as yourself.
Do you need a link that the sun rises in the east too?
The Access Hollywood video is his admitting who and what he is..,
Access Hollywood...you just completely devalued your existence.
So an audio of your serial sex offender's own words is not enough proof for you ? My god... when you sold your soul to the devil it must have been your happiest day ever.
A brag vs a crime?
You're an imbecile; no sarcasm intended.
You're an absolute imbecile.
A brag? Is that what you tried to tell yourself?
IM sure the 13 women that verified his standing in serial sex offenders R Us was just all a figment of your imagination too.
You're a clown just like the orange one. You're perfect together. No morals, no common sense, and a pathological liar.

And where are those 13 posers now?
" I like to grab them by the pussy."
" I moved on her and she was married."

Anti Groucho: I'll vote for that.

Damn we're going to have to crown you the King Of Inaccurate Quotes. You fucked up both of Trumps quotes, but I'm going to leave it to you to fix them while I sit back and laugh at your fake ass.

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