What the Smartest Man in the World Says About Trump

A brag vs a crime?
You're an imbecile; no sarcasm intended.
You're an absolute imbecile.
A brag? Is that what you tried to tell yourself?
IM sure the 13 women that verified his standing in serial sex offenders R Us was just all a figment of your imagination too.
You're a clown just like the orange one. You're perfect together. No morals, no common sense, and a pathological liar.
And where are they today?
They should be testifying at the Russian Connection hearings.
I guess you approve of Trespassers.
That has to be the most incoherent comment of yours yet.
I guess you think Bill Cosby is innocent too. Lol
None of Trump's victims sued. Not a one. They were pissed when they heard him lie about it at the debate.
The fact you bought THATlie of his with so many others shows exactly who you are.
Yet all of Bill Clintons victims showed up to a debate and I bet that didn't phase you a bit.
Liberal, Open Borders, asshole Hypocrite
Trump's grandstanding impressed you?
Damn you are so easily conned.
The mark of a very stupid individual
When Trump goes down and he's going down you will be humiliated for life for defending this unhinged lunatic
What I like about Trump is that his stand on American Economic Policy has been consistent for over 20 years.
You know, longer that the number of years you spent in 8th grade.
" I like to grab them by the pussy."
" I moved on her and she was married."

Anti Groucho: I'll vote for that.

I vote for Americans having jobs.
And keeping Bill Clinton away from White House interns.
And for the fact that you're an 18 year old imbecile.
Just like a true deplorable you run away from the crimes of your serial sex offender and run to Bill CLINTON.
You're so very average. You're exactly like the low information Trump voter who didn't care they were voting for a lunatic.
Hillary believes in Open Borders = No Jobs for Americans.
It's obvious you are a trespasser or live off your portfolio or welfare or food stamps.
You lie just like your messiah. Hillary would have been a great jobs president and she wouldn't have alienated our allies like the orange clown is doing.
You don't even know this idiot has a huge credibility issue throut the world.
A brag? Is that what you tried to tell yourself?
IM sure the 13 women that verified his standing in serial sex offenders R Us was just all a figment of your imagination too.
You're a clown just like the orange one. You're perfect together. No morals, no common sense, and a pathological liar.
And where are they today?
They should be testifying at the Russian Connection hearings.
I guess you approve of Trespassers.
That has to be the most incoherent comment of yours yet.
I guess you think Bill Cosby is innocent too. Lol
None of Trump's victims sued. Not a one. They were pissed when they heard him lie about it at the debate.
The fact you bought THATlie of his with so many others shows exactly who you are.
Yet all of Bill Clintons victims showed up to a debate and I bet that didn't phase you a bit.
Liberal, Open Borders, asshole Hypocrite
Trump's grandstanding impressed you?
Damn you are so easily conned.
The mark of a very stupid individual
When Trump goes down and he's going down you will be humiliated for life for defending this unhinged lunatic
What I like about Trump is that his stand on American Economic Policy has been consistent for over 20 years.
You know, longer that the number of years you spent in 8th grade.
Trump's history revolves around scamming people. Small businessmen, contractors etc. Remember he said he'll never settle when he was sued for scamming people with his bogus University?
He settled. Lol
He's a crook and you're petrified the hearing will bear this out.
IMG_0026.JPG Donald Trump: known as the original birther which he carried on for 5 years. That's how he got his start in politics. And small minded sheep like the anti Groucho bought it.
Then of course there was his refusing to rent to black people. He was the conservative's dream candidate.
The Anti Groucho revels in having the morals of a KGB agent... in other words.. many in Trump's cabinet.
What are you rambling about now that I've completely humiliated you?
Ha ha ... by making excuses for the serial sex offender?
Surely you are one of the biggest assholes on this forum... and that's saying a lot.

Uh he has never been convicted of a sex crime, so I'm confused as to how you can call him a serial sex offender. Especially when Bill Clinton been accused of rape, and that was back in the day before he was even president, and was found to be lying about the lewinski scandal for a year. If that's all you need to condemn trump than go ahed and condemn Clinton.

Like I said before this thread illustrates that no one is operating on any principles or reason here. Just tribal emotions of I'm gonna say what helps my side most at the time, despite any other position I've held in the past.
The Anti Groucho revels in having the morals of a KGB agent... in other words.. many in Trump's cabinet.
What are you rambling about now that I've completely humiliated you?
Ha ha ... by making excuses for the serial sex offender?
Surely you are one of the biggest assholes on this forum... and that's saying a lot.

Uh he has never been convicted of a sex crime, so I'm confused as to how you can call him a serial sex offender. Especially when Bill Clinton been accused of rape, and that was back in the day before he was even president, and was found to be lying about the lewinski scandal for a year. If that's all you need to condemn trump than go ahed and condemn Clinton.

Like I said before this thread illustrates that no one is operating on any principles or reason here. Just tribal emotions of I'm gonna say what helps my side most at the time, despite any other position I've held in the past.
No the serial sex offender never was convicted of a sex crime even though he admitted to it. Even though there were many women who had the courage to come forward to testify him assaulting them. He wasn't convicted of defrauding thousands of people either... even though there were many that were.

This thread proves that even when one of the smartest men in the world has valid criticism of Trump, his whores come out like a pack of wild dogs and try to savage him.
It's their MO.

Yes Bill CLINTON lied about sex. Donald Trump lies about everything and anything. Even the size of his inauguration crowd, that he had the biggest electoral victory since Reagan, that there were 3-6 millions illegals that voted... all because his ego was injured because he didn't win the popular vote.
I am quite concerned about Hawking's predictions about the effect of Climate Change on planet Earth.
He stated the Earth will implode in 700,000,000 years.
That's just around the corner.....shit! :ack-1:

LOL He also stated if time travel is possible why haven't we been visited by people from the future? Here's a novel thought dumbass somebody has to invent it first?
A brag? Is that what you tried to tell yourself?
IM sure the 13 women that verified his standing in serial sex offenders R Us was just all a figment of your imagination too.
You're a clown just like the orange one. You're perfect together. No morals, no common sense, and a pathological liar.
And where are they today?
They should be testifying at the Russian Connection hearings.
I guess you approve of Trespassers.
That has to be the most incoherent comment of yours yet.
I guess you think Bill Cosby is innocent too. Lol
None of Trump's victims sued. Not a one. They were pissed when they heard him lie about it at the debate.
The fact you bought THATlie of his with so many others shows exactly who you are.
Yet all of Bill Clintons victims showed up to a debate and I bet that didn't phase you a bit.
Liberal, Open Borders, asshole Hypocrite
Trump's grandstanding impressed you?
Damn you are so easily conned.
The mark of a very stupid individual
When Trump goes down and he's going down you will be humiliated for life for defending this unhinged lunatic
What I like about Trump is that his stand on American Economic Policy has been consistent for over 20 years.
You know, longer that the number of years you spent in 8th grade.
Trump is the biggest flip flopper in American history. He's an opportunist that said one thing to one crowd and the opposite to another. He was once pro choice but when he found his gullable sheep wouldn't go for that he did a 180.
I bet you called John Kerry a flip flopper for that one time yet play ostrich to Trump's dozen of flip flops.
Yes you are a hypocrite.
I am quite concerned about Hawking's predictions about the effect of Climate Change on planet Earth.
He stated the Earth will implode in 700,000,000 years.
That's just around the corner.....shit! :ack-1:

LOL He also stated if time travel is possible why haven't we been visited by people from the future? Here's a novel thought dumbass somebody has to invent it first?
Get it right.
He also recanted a lot of his Theory about black holes, and his theory about interspacial bodies. Steven Hawkimgs IS just like the stupid liberals who worship his lunacy. The fact is that the "GLOBAL WARMING theory they were using as a way to steal trillions of dollars from the working class failed, then they renamed it to "climate change" and continue to stela trillions of dollars from the working class. Both have been proven to be NATURAL PHENOMENA That man has no appreciable effect on. IN stopping it OR causing it. SO what does "smartest man on earth" mean? You probably mean "smartest liberal on earth"! That is about on par with a middle of the road conservative as far as education, and bottom third in IQ.
Climate change is one of the great dangers we face, and it’s one we can prevent
Yeah you know more than this brilliant man.
Thanks for the laugh

Stephen Hawking is certifiable and jealous of normal people. Get real. He has zero common sense.

Let me know the next time he hammers a 16p nail in within 4 whacks, until then, dismissed.

He can't even really communicate with humanity properly and you shnooks are putting words in his mouth? That's pathetic.

You stupid freaking idiot...Hawking is not capable making these statements and hasn't been for at least 5 years probably longer. You're a jackass and your no better than the people your going after when you use a dumbass ad hominem like that as if it's a valid argument.

If there's one thing to take from this thread, and it's deplorable origins, it's that people now a days, both right and left, don't actually hold to any sort of principles, just whatever their tribe tells them to say, which is whatever position is more beneficial at the time, and whatever letter is in front of their leaders name R or D.

You know, you really didn't have to go that far. I have since edited the post you quoted.

The whole OP is a lie.

I probably should not have. But use a little more self awareness before saying something like I can't trust a guy with ALS who can't swing a hammer. Not helping your case. Fueling those against your case.

Leading with insults never helps one's case at all, ever; In fact, quite the opposite. That even works with women.
Speaking with Piers Morgan during an interview with Good Morning Britain on Monday morning, Stephen Hawking was asked his view of Trump’s presidency.

"Trump was selected by people who felt disenfranchised by the governing elite and the revolt against globalization. His priority will be to satisfy this electorate who are neither liberal nor that well-informed. We have already seen this in the promise to build a wall along the Mexican border and the sanction of two oil pipelines and the appointment to the Environment Protection Agency, Scott Pruitt, a man who does not believe carbon dioxide causes climate change. This appointment pleases the coal industry and miners who voted for Trump."

Piers, always the Trump cheerleader, asked the professor if the reaction to Trump’s election is justified and Hawking said maybe, but “it represents a definite swing to a right-wing, more authoritarian approach” and he went on to say that he feels like he cannot visit the U.S. because of the Butternut Bigot:
"I would like to visit again and to talk to other scientists, but I fear that I may not be welcome."

Piers asked if Professor Hawking had any message he’d like to relay to him. The professor’s response was :

"He should replace Scott Pruitt at the Environment Protection Agency. Climate change is one of the great dangers we face, and it’s one we can prevent. It affects America badly, so tackling it should win votes for his second term. God forbid."

WATCH: Stephen Hawking Just Said What We All Are Thinking About Trump In One Brilliant Interview
Who programs that retards computer speech? Wasserman Shultz?
I am quite concerned about Hawking's predictions about the effect of Climate Change on planet Earth.
He stated the Earth will implode in 700,000,000 years.
That's just around the corner.....shit! :ack-1:

LOL He also stated if time travel is possible why haven't we been visited by people from the future? Here's a novel thought dumbass somebody has to invent it first?
Get it right.
Stephen Hawking: If aliens call, we should be 'wary of answering'

UassA in liberal land anyday is not worth opening for News, it is just comic relief, like an old Archie that features Jughead!!!
Poor disabled Stephen Hawking may not even have realized that Morgan didn't give a shit about the cosmos or physics or the relationship between time and space. Hawking was merely used as a stooge by the left wing American media to undermine the President of the United States.
I am quite concerned about Hawking's predictions about the effect of Climate Change on planet Earth.
He stated the Earth will implode in 700,000,000 years.
That's just around the corner.....shit! :ack-1:

LOL He also stated if time travel is possible why haven't we been visited by people from the future? Here's a novel thought dumbass somebody has to invent it first?
Get it right.
Stephen Hawking: If aliens call, we should be 'wary of answering'

Why did you link an article on aliens when I said time travel?

You're worthless
And where are they today?
They should be testifying at the Russian Connection hearings.
I guess you approve of Trespassers.
That has to be the most incoherent comment of yours yet.
I guess you think Bill Cosby is innocent too. Lol
None of Trump's victims sued. Not a one. They were pissed when they heard him lie about it at the debate.
The fact you bought THATlie of his with so many others shows exactly who you are.
Yet all of Bill Clintons victims showed up to a debate and I bet that didn't phase you a bit.
Liberal, Open Borders, asshole Hypocrite
Trump's grandstanding impressed you?
Damn you are so easily conned.
The mark of a very stupid individual
When Trump goes down and he's going down you will be humiliated for life for defending this unhinged lunatic
What I like about Trump is that his stand on American Economic Policy has been consistent for over 20 years.
You know, longer that the number of years you spent in 8th grade.
Trump's history revolves around scamming people. Small businessmen, contractors etc. Remember he said he'll never settle when he was sued for scamming people with his bogus University?
He settled. Lol
He's a crook and you're petrified the hearing will bear this out.
You don't know much about business, do you?
Trump hires the companies that hire the contractors.
The companies didn't pay the contractors so the contractors went for the publicity.
Can't say I blame them as they deserve better from the companies that hired them.
And where are they today?
They should be testifying at the Russian Connection hearings.
I guess you approve of Trespassers.
That has to be the most incoherent comment of yours yet.
I guess you think Bill Cosby is innocent too. Lol
None of Trump's victims sued. Not a one. They were pissed when they heard him lie about it at the debate.
The fact you bought THATlie of his with so many others shows exactly who you are.
Yet all of Bill Clintons victims showed up to a debate and I bet that didn't phase you a bit.
Liberal, Open Borders, asshole Hypocrite
Trump's grandstanding impressed you?
Damn you are so easily conned.
The mark of a very stupid individual
When Trump goes down and he's going down you will be humiliated for life for defending this unhinged lunatic
What I like about Trump is that his stand on American Economic Policy has been consistent for over 20 years.
You know, longer that the number of years you spent in 8th grade.
Trump is the biggest flip flopper in American history. He's an opportunist that said one thing to one crowd and the opposite to another. He was once pro choice but when he found his gullable sheep wouldn't go for that he did a 180.
I bet you called John Kerry a flip flopper for that one time yet play ostrich to Trump's dozen of flip flops.
Yes you are a hypocrite.
Let's have some Links to where Trump flipped on a economic position.
Poor disabled Stephen Hawking may not even have realized that Morgan didn't give a shit about the cosmos or physics or the relationship between time and space. Hawking was merely used as a stooge by the left wing American media to undermine the President of the United States.

By a foreign national named Piers Morgan.
The Anti Groucho revels in having the morals of a KGB agent... in other words.. many in Trump's cabinet.
What are you rambling about now that I've completely humiliated you?
Ha ha ... by making excuses for the serial sex offender?
Surely you are one of the biggest assholes on this forum... and that's saying a lot.

Uh he has never been convicted of a sex crime, so I'm confused as to how you can call him a serial sex offender. Especially when Bill Clinton been accused of rape, and that was back in the day before he was even president, and was found to be lying about the lewinski scandal for a year. If that's all you need to condemn trump than go ahed and condemn Clinton.

Like I said before this thread illustrates that no one is operating on any principles or reason here. Just tribal emotions of I'm gonna say what helps my side most at the time, despite any other position I've held in the past.
No the serial sex offender never was convicted of a sex crime even though he admitted to it. Even though there were many women who had the courage to come forward to testify him assaulting them. He wasn't convicted of defrauding thousands of people either... even though there were many that were.

This thread proves that even when one of the smartest men in the world has valid criticism of Trump, his whores come out like a pack of wild dogs and try to savage him.
It's their MO.

Yes Bill CLINTON lied about sex. Donald Trump lies about everything and anything. Even the size of his inauguration crowd, that he had the biggest electoral victory since Reagan, that there were 3-6 millions illegals that voted... all because his ego was injured because he didn't win the popular vote.

Again not a trump supporter, didn't vote for nor currently like the guy. I've never had locker room talk like what trump claims is locker room talk. I'm also not a fragile narcissist who constantly needs to inflate themselves. By YOUR STANDARDS Clinton is just as bad, and has committed an even bigger treason than trump colluding with Russia, with Clinton selling satellite secretes to China...again by your standards. Not to mention trump has never actually perjured himself like Clinton did under OATH.

My point is, you cannot criticize trump for what you are, unless you criticize Clinton for the same. I never excused Clinton for what he did, the left did, how does the left have any credibility now criticizing trump?
I'm laughing so hard over the mindless Trump whores claiming and insinuating superior intellect over Stephen Hawking.

I knew this would happen which is why I posted his comments.
You dopes never disappoint.

See my first post in this thread.

Hawking is no longer capable of stringing together anything more than simple sentences, and it takes a looong time for him to do that, and even that was about 5 years ago, and he's deteriorated more since. The people in control of hawking are using him and his ALS to make money. You really should not be promoting this story wether he's bashing or praising trump. It really is not at all classy.

How do you know this information?

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