What the Smartest Man in the World Says About Trump

So now we should be wary of what one of the smartest men on earth says.. but take a pathological liar, like Trump, at his word..
Got it.

Hawking did not say this. Sadly he hasn't been capable of saying this for some years now. ALS is a terrible disease. I don't know or care what he would say about it if he was able. My point is, he's being taken advantage of in his state, and wether or not he's bashing or praising trump in these statements, they are not coming from him, but people using him as a puppet for money. We should not be helping the people doing that by pushing this story, even if we agree with them. It's not ok. HAWKING CANNOT COMMUNICATE ANYMORE THAN VERY SIMPLE SENTENCES THAT TAKE HIM A HALF HOUR TO COMPLETE. This is not coming from hawking. Don't care what he would say, just care about the fact of how sick it is to use him like human puppet for gain. That's just not right. We should get off this thread and have discourse about trump somewhere that's not originating with abuse of the disabled.
Funny since Trump mocks the disabled.. he's fair game. Thanks for input. Lol
You mean the disabled who feel they can mock Trump and not be mocked back?
Sorry, mofo, PC Time is a thing of the past.
I guess reading isn't your forte. Hawking gave constructive criticism, he mocked no one. The only ones doing the mocking here are the low information Trump voter mocking someone not fit to empty his bed pan.
I find it interesting that my posts have zero to do with Trump and yet all you can do is toss out ad hominems about how I love Trump.
Are you that stupid? Yes, you are.

This entire thread is based on an appeal to authority and not even a good one since hawking was a physicist, and not even a top one at that, just one who had a beautiful story that we all love. A more effective appeal to authority is when a doctor uses his credentials in an argument over biology, this is still a logical fallacy since being a doctor doesn't make what you said true.

But if the left wants to resort to a story of a man with ALS who can NO LONGER EFFECTIVELY COMMUNICATE, being used as a puppet, ad hominems, and appeals to authority, let them. They are showing their true colors...this is coming from a NON TRUMP SUPPORTER. Trying to throw ya a bone reasonable, guess your name is a misnomer.
You mean the disabled who feel they can mock Trump and not be mocked back?
Sorry, mofo, PC Time is a thing of the past.
I guess reading isn't your forte. Hawking gave constructive criticism, he mocked no one. The only ones doing the mocking here are the low information Trump voter mocking someone not fit to empty his bed pan.
I find it interesting that my posts have zero to do with Trump and yet all you can do is toss out ad hominems about how I love Trump.
Are you that stupid? Yes, you are.
Did you vote for him? Don't run away.
You bet your tiny Liberal, Open Borders brain I did.
Now what does that have to do with Stephen "I Need Someone To Wipe My Ass" Hawkings?
Of course you did. There never wasn't any doubt that you didn't let racism, misogyny, an inability to tell the truth, being an admitted sex offender and having the emotional makeup of a 9 year old get in your way of your vote.
You mean like Trump have the balls to address Business Visas, Off-Shoring and Trespassers taking our jobs?
Nah, I never took our Economic Policy in account.
Hawking did not say this. Sadly he hasn't been capable of saying this for some years now. ALS is a terrible disease. I don't know or care what he would say about it if he was able. My point is, he's being taken advantage of in his state, and wether or not he's bashing or praising trump in these statements, they are not coming from him, but people using him as a puppet for money. We should not be helping the people doing that by pushing this story, even if we agree with them. It's not ok. HAWKING CANNOT COMMUNICATE ANYMORE THAN VERY SIMPLE SENTENCES THAT TAKE HIM A HALF HOUR TO COMPLETE. This is not coming from hawking. Don't care what he would say, just care about the fact of how sick it is to use him like human puppet for gain. That's just not right. We should get off this thread and have discourse about trump somewhere that's not originating with abuse of the disabled.
Funny since Trump mocks the disabled.. he's fair game. Thanks for input. Lol
You mean the disabled who feel they can mock Trump and not be mocked back?
Sorry, mofo, PC Time is a thing of the past.
I guess reading isn't your forte. Hawking gave constructive criticism, he mocked no one. The only ones doing the mocking here are the low information Trump voter mocking someone not fit to empty his bed pan.
I find it interesting that my posts have zero to do with Trump and yet all you can do is toss out ad hominems about how I love Trump.
Are you that stupid? Yes, you are.

This entire thread is based on an appeal to authority and not even a good one since hawking was a physicist, and not even a top one at that, just one who had a beautiful story that we all love. A more effective appeal to authority is when a doctor uses his credentials in an argument over biology, this is still a logical fallacy since being a doctor doesn't make what you said true.

But if the left wants to resort to a story of a man with ALS who can NO LONGER EFFECTIVELY COMMUNICATE, being used as a puppet, ad hominems, and appeals to authority, let them. They are showing their true colors...this is coming from a NON TRUMP SUPPORTER. Trying to throw ya a bone reasonable, guess your name is a misnomer.
I admit I just enjoy driving Liberals insane.
Too bad there are few, if any, Democrats here.
So now we should be wary of what one of the smartest men on earth says.. but take a pathological liar, like Trump, at his word..
Got it.

Hawking did not say this. Sadly he hasn't been capable of saying this for some years now. ALS is a terrible disease. I don't know or care what he would say about it if he was able. My point is, he's being taken advantage of in his state, and wether or not he's bashing or praising trump in these statements, they are not coming from him, but people using him as a puppet for money. We should not be helping the people doing that by pushing this story, even if we agree with them. It's not ok. HAWKING CANNOT COMMUNICATE ANYMORE THAN VERY SIMPLE SENTENCES THAT TAKE HIM A HALF HOUR TO COMPLETE. This is not coming from hawking. Don't care what he would say, just care about the fact of how sick it is to use him like human puppet for gain. That's just not right. We should get off this thread and have discourse about trump somewhere that's not originating with abuse of the disabled.
Funny since Trump mocks the disabled.. he's fair game. Thanks for input. Lol
You mean the disabled who feel they can mock Trump and not be mocked back?
Sorry, mofo, PC Time is a thing of the past.
I guess reading isn't your forte. Hawking gave constructive criticism, he mocked no one. The only ones doing the mocking here are the low information Trump voter mocking someone not fit to empty his bed pan.
I find it interesting that my posts have zero to do with Trump and yet all you can do is toss out ad hominems about how I love Trump.
Are you that stupid? Yes, you are.
I guess reading isn't your forte. Hawking gave constructive criticism, he mocked no one. The only ones doing the mocking here are the low information Trump voter mocking someone not fit to empty his bed pan.
I find it interesting that my posts have zero to do with Trump and yet all you can do is toss out ad hominems about how I love Trump.
Are you that stupid? Yes, you are.
Did you vote for him? Don't run away.
You bet your tiny Liberal, Open Borders brain I did.
Now what does that have to do with Stephen "I Need Someone To Wipe My Ass" Hawkings?
Of course you did. There never wasn't any doubt that you didn't let racism, misogyny, an inability to tell the truth, being an admitted sex offender and having the emotional makeup of a 9 year old get in your way of your vote.
You mean like Trump have the balls to address Business Visas, Off-Shoring and Trespassers taking our jobs?
Nah, I never took our Economic Policy in account.
You voted for a serial sex offender who is incapable of telling the truth.
Now how could a president who constantly lies to us hurt the country and world?
Didn't think of that did you...or you didn't care.
"What the Smartest Man in the World Says About Trump"

He quite likely says the same things pretty much anyone of above average intellect says. Be that as it may, one doesn't need to be the "smartest man in the world," or anything really close to it, to see what's wrong with Trump.
Be all that as it may, the problem with Trump isn't that he's not brilliant, but rather that he'd isn't as bright as he claims he is. For example, Trump likes to tout that he went to Wharton. In fact he did, but what he doesn't say is that he didn't get a Wharton graduate degree (their MBA is the degree that would-be "high fliers" and very smart people in business and finance get). Trump's a guy of slightly above average intellect who got a degree and then put his father's millions to work and made money as a result, but make no mistake, Trump's failed at more stuff than do people of notably higher than average intelligence.

The "issue" with Trump and Trumpkins, however, isn't so much that they're abjectly stupid; it's that he and they are profoundly ignorant and they aren't of a mind to alter that state of being. You'll notice I included some "anti-intellectualism" content above. Read it. Intellectualism is somewhat about being innately smart, but in adulthood, shortcomings in that dimension can readily be offset by, without exception doing all the following: (1) fully applying the intellect one has -- assuming one is born with average to slightly above average intellect -- (2) getting very well informed on whatever topic one must address, and (3) having mastered critical thinking skills and consistently applying them. Trump and Trumpkins just don't do those things on anything resembling a regular basis, let alone without exception. That's the real problem.
Good post. But what sets Trump apart from all previous charlatans is he's taken lying to a new art form. He's convinced his sheep there is no such thing as FACTS, only what he tells them.

While the lying is certainly a big problem, for obvious reasons, the real problem is his insecurity, which manifests itself as competitiveness and is what causes him to lie, or more aptly, have no regard for the virtue of truth.
Hawking did not say this. Sadly he hasn't been capable of saying this for some years now. ALS is a terrible disease. I don't know or care what he would say about it if he was able. My point is, he's being taken advantage of in his state, and wether or not he's bashing or praising trump in these statements, they are not coming from him, but people using him as a puppet for money. We should not be helping the people doing that by pushing this story, even if we agree with them. It's not ok. HAWKING CANNOT COMMUNICATE ANYMORE THAN VERY SIMPLE SENTENCES THAT TAKE HIM A HALF HOUR TO COMPLETE. This is not coming from hawking. Don't care what he would say, just care about the fact of how sick it is to use him like human puppet for gain. That's just not right. We should get off this thread and have discourse about trump somewhere that's not originating with abuse of the disabled.
Funny since Trump mocks the disabled.. he's fair game. Thanks for input. Lol
You mean the disabled who feel they can mock Trump and not be mocked back?
Sorry, mofo, PC Time is a thing of the past.
I guess reading isn't your forte. Hawking gave constructive criticism, he mocked no one. The only ones doing the mocking here are the low information Trump voter mocking someone not fit to empty his bed pan.
I find it interesting that my posts have zero to do with Trump and yet all you can do is toss out ad hominems about how I love Trump.
Are you that stupid? Yes, you are.
I find it interesting that my posts have zero to do with Trump and yet all you can do is toss out ad hominems about how I love Trump.
Are you that stupid? Yes, you are.
Did you vote for him? Don't run away.
You bet your tiny Liberal, Open Borders brain I did.
Now what does that have to do with Stephen "I Need Someone To Wipe My Ass" Hawkings?
Of course you did. There never wasn't any doubt that you didn't let racism, misogyny, an inability to tell the truth, being an admitted sex offender and having the emotional makeup of a 9 year old get in your way of your vote.
You mean like Trump have the balls to address Business Visas, Off-Shoring and Trespassers taking our jobs?
Nah, I never took our Economic Policy in account.
You voted for a serial sex offender who is incapable of telling the truth.
Now how could a president who constantly lies to us hurt the country and world?
Didn't think of that did you...or you didn't care.

Serial sex offender?
Where's the proof?

Oh, I see, you think Donald J Trump = Bill Clinton!
Funny since Trump mocks the disabled.. he's fair game. Thanks for input. Lol
You mean the disabled who feel they can mock Trump and not be mocked back?
Sorry, mofo, PC Time is a thing of the past.
I guess reading isn't your forte. Hawking gave constructive criticism, he mocked no one. The only ones doing the mocking here are the low information Trump voter mocking someone not fit to empty his bed pan.
I find it interesting that my posts have zero to do with Trump and yet all you can do is toss out ad hominems about how I love Trump.
Are you that stupid? Yes, you are.

This entire thread is based on an appeal to authority and not even a good one since hawking was a physicist, and not even a top one at that, just one who had a beautiful story that we all love. A more effective appeal to authority is when a doctor uses his credentials in an argument over biology, this is still a logical fallacy since being a doctor doesn't make what you said true.

But if the left wants to resort to a story of a man with ALS who can NO LONGER EFFECTIVELY COMMUNICATE, being used as a puppet, ad hominems, and appeals to authority, let them. They are showing their true colors...this is coming from a NON TRUMP SUPPORTER. Trying to throw ya a bone reasonable, guess your name is a misnomer.
I admit I just enjoy driving Liberals insane.
Too bad there are few, if any, Democrats here.
Climate change is one of the great dangers we face, and it’s one we can prevent
Yeah you know more than this brilliant man.
Thanks for the laugh

Stephen Hawking is certifiable and jealous of normal people. Get real. He has zero common sense.

Let me know the next time he hammers a 16p nail in within 4 whacks, until then, dismissed.

He can't even really communicate with humanity properly and you shnooks are putting words in his mouth? That's pathetic.
Hilarious you say Hawking has zero common sense when your fuhrer has no ability to tell the truth . Ever.
Stephen is respected thruout the world whereas Trump is an international laughing stock. And you go with the laughing stock.
Speaking with Piers Morgan during an interview with Good Morning Britain on Monday morning, Stephen Hawking was asked his view of Trump’s presidency.

"Trump was selected by people who felt disenfranchised by the governing elite and the revolt against globalization. His priority will be to satisfy this electorate who are neither liberal nor that well-informed.
So much for the fallacy that Hawking is the "smartest man in the world". :rolleyes-41:
You mean the disabled who feel they can mock Trump and not be mocked back?
Sorry, mofo, PC Time is a thing of the past.
I guess reading isn't your forte. Hawking gave constructive criticism, he mocked no one. The only ones doing the mocking here are the low information Trump voter mocking someone not fit to empty his bed pan.
I find it interesting that my posts have zero to do with Trump and yet all you can do is toss out ad hominems about how I love Trump.
Are you that stupid? Yes, you are.

This entire thread is based on an appeal to authority and not even a good one since hawking was a physicist, and not even a top one at that, just one who had a beautiful story that we all love. A more effective appeal to authority is when a doctor uses his credentials in an argument over biology, this is still a logical fallacy since being a doctor doesn't make what you said true.

But if the left wants to resort to a story of a man with ALS who can NO LONGER EFFECTIVELY COMMUNICATE, being used as a puppet, ad hominems, and appeals to authority, let them. They are showing their true colors...this is coming from a NON TRUMP SUPPORTER. Trying to throw ya a bone reasonable, guess your name is a misnomer.
I admit I just enjoy driving Liberals insane.
Too bad there are few, if any, Democrats here.
Climate change is one of the great dangers we face, and it’s one we can prevent
Yeah you know more than this brilliant man.
Thanks for the laugh

Stephen Hawking is certifiable and jealous of normal people. Get real. He has zero common sense.

Let me know the next time he hammers a 16p nail in within 4 whacks, until then, dismissed.

He can't even really communicate with humanity properly and you shnooks are putting words in his mouth? That's pathetic.
Hilarious you say Hawking has zero common sense when your fuhrer has no ability to tell the truth . Ever.
Stephen is respected thruout the world whereas Trump is an international laughing stock. And you go with the laughing stock.
How old are you?
I never mentioned Trump.
You need therapy.
Funny since Trump mocks the disabled.. he's fair game. Thanks for input. Lol
You mean the disabled who feel they can mock Trump and not be mocked back?
Sorry, mofo, PC Time is a thing of the past.
I guess reading isn't your forte. Hawking gave constructive criticism, he mocked no one. The only ones doing the mocking here are the low information Trump voter mocking someone not fit to empty his bed pan.
I find it interesting that my posts have zero to do with Trump and yet all you can do is toss out ad hominems about how I love Trump.
Are you that stupid? Yes, you are.
Did you vote for him? Don't run away.
You bet your tiny Liberal, Open Borders brain I did.
Now what does that have to do with Stephen "I Need Someone To Wipe My Ass" Hawkings?
Of course you did. There never wasn't any doubt that you didn't let racism, misogyny, an inability to tell the truth, being an admitted sex offender and having the emotional makeup of a 9 year old get in your way of your vote.
You mean like Trump have the balls to address Business Visas, Off-Shoring and Trespassers taking our jobs?
Nah, I never took our Economic Policy in account.
You voted for a serial sex offender who is incapable of telling the truth.
Now how could a president who constantly lies to us hurt the country and world?
Didn't think of that did you...or you didn't care.

Serial sex offender?
Where's the proof?

Oh, I see, you think Donald J Trump = Bill Clinton!
Still living in that bubble I see. He's a self admitted serial sex offender. Funny you missed that part of his resume..
The "smartest man in the world" can't even take a piss by himself.

He may know something about physics but he is a dumbass when it comes American politics.
Hawking did not say this. Sadly he hasn't been capable of saying this for some years now. ALS is a terrible disease. I don't know or care what he would say about it if he was able. My point is, he's being taken advantage of in his state, and wether or not he's bashing or praising trump in these statements, they are not coming from him, but people using him as a puppet for money. We should not be helping the people doing that by pushing this story, even if we agree with them. It's not ok. HAWKING CANNOT COMMUNICATE ANYMORE THAN VERY SIMPLE SENTENCES THAT TAKE HIM A HALF HOUR TO COMPLETE. This is not coming from hawking. Don't care what he would say, just care about the fact of how sick it is to use him like human puppet for gain. That's just not right. We should get off this thread and have discourse about trump somewhere that's not originating with abuse of the disabled.
Funny since Trump mocks the disabled.. he's fair game. Thanks for input. Lol
You mean the disabled who feel they can mock Trump and not be mocked back?
Sorry, mofo, PC Time is a thing of the past.
I guess reading isn't your forte. Hawking gave constructive criticism, he mocked no one. The only ones doing the mocking here are the low information Trump voter mocking someone not fit to empty his bed pan.
I find it interesting that my posts have zero to do with Trump and yet all you can do is toss out ad hominems about how I love Trump.
Are you that stupid? Yes, you are.
I find it interesting that my posts have zero to do with Trump and yet all you can do is toss out ad hominems about how I love Trump.
Are you that stupid? Yes, you are.
Did you vote for him? Don't run away.
You bet your tiny Liberal, Open Borders brain I did.
Now what does that have to do with Stephen "I Need Someone To Wipe My Ass" Hawkings?
Of course you did. There never wasn't any doubt that you didn't let racism, misogyny, an inability to tell the truth, being an admitted sex offender and having the emotional makeup of a 9 year old get in your way of your vote.
You mean like Trump have the balls to address Business Visas, Off-Shoring and Trespassers taking our jobs?
Nah, I never took our Economic Policy in account.
You voted for a serial sex offender who is incapable of telling the truth.
Now how could a president who constantly lies to us hurt the country and world?
Didn't think of that did you...or you didn't care.
Yes....Bill Clinton sucked, but what about Trump?
You mean the disabled who feel they can mock Trump and not be mocked back?
Sorry, mofo, PC Time is a thing of the past.
I guess reading isn't your forte. Hawking gave constructive criticism, he mocked no one. The only ones doing the mocking here are the low information Trump voter mocking someone not fit to empty his bed pan.
I find it interesting that my posts have zero to do with Trump and yet all you can do is toss out ad hominems about how I love Trump.
Are you that stupid? Yes, you are.
You bet your tiny Liberal, Open Borders brain I did.
Now what does that have to do with Stephen "I Need Someone To Wipe My Ass" Hawkings?
Of course you did. There never wasn't any doubt that you didn't let racism, misogyny, an inability to tell the truth, being an admitted sex offender and having the emotional makeup of a 9 year old get in your way of your vote.
You mean like Trump have the balls to address Business Visas, Off-Shoring and Trespassers taking our jobs?
Nah, I never took our Economic Policy in account.
You voted for a serial sex offender who is incapable of telling the truth.
Now how could a president who constantly lies to us hurt the country and world?
Didn't think of that did you...or you didn't care.

Serial sex offender?
Where's the proof?

Oh, I see, you think Donald J Trump = Bill Clinton!
Still living in that bubble I see. He's a self admitted serial sex offender. Funny you missed that part of his resume..
And I don't mean a Missing Link such as yourself.
I guess reading isn't your forte. Hawking gave constructive criticism, he mocked no one. The only ones doing the mocking here are the low information Trump voter mocking someone not fit to empty his bed pan.
I find it interesting that my posts have zero to do with Trump and yet all you can do is toss out ad hominems about how I love Trump.
Are you that stupid? Yes, you are.

This entire thread is based on an appeal to authority and not even a good one since hawking was a physicist, and not even a top one at that, just one who had a beautiful story that we all love. A more effective appeal to authority is when a doctor uses his credentials in an argument over biology, this is still a logical fallacy since being a doctor doesn't make what you said true.

But if the left wants to resort to a story of a man with ALS who can NO LONGER EFFECTIVELY COMMUNICATE, being used as a puppet, ad hominems, and appeals to authority, let them. They are showing their true colors...this is coming from a NON TRUMP SUPPORTER. Trying to throw ya a bone reasonable, guess your name is a misnomer.
I admit I just enjoy driving Liberals insane.
Too bad there are few, if any, Democrats here.
Climate change is one of the great dangers we face, and it’s one we can prevent
Yeah you know more than this brilliant man.
Thanks for the laugh

Stephen Hawking is certifiable and jealous of normal people. Get real. He has zero common sense.

Let me know the next time he hammers a 16p nail in within 4 whacks, until then, dismissed.

He can't even really communicate with humanity properly and you shnooks are putting words in his mouth? That's pathetic.
Hilarious you say Hawking has zero common sense when your fuhrer has no ability to tell the truth . Ever.
Stephen is respected thruout the world whereas Trump is an international laughing stock. And you go with the laughing stock.
How old are you?
I never mentioned Trump.
You need therapy.
I was talking to Marion. But you did enough damage to your reputation forever admitting you voted for the orange clown
Speaking with Piers Morgan during an interview with Good Morning Britain on Monday morning, Stephen Hawking was asked his view of Trump’s presidency.

"Trump was selected by people who felt disenfranchised by the governing elite and the revolt against globalization. His priority will be to satisfy this electorate who are neither liberal nor that well-informed. We have already seen this in the promise to build a wall along the Mexican border and the sanction of two oil pipelines and the appointment to the Environment Protection Agency, Scott Pruitt, a man who does not believe carbon dioxide causes climate change. This appointment pleases the coal industry and miners who voted for Trump."

Piers, always the Trump cheerleader, asked the professor if the reaction to Trump’s election is justified and Hawking said maybe, but “it represents a definite swing to a right-wing, more authoritarian approach” and he went on to say that he feels like he cannot visit the U.S. because of the Butternut Bigot:
"I would like to visit again and to talk to other scientists, but I fear that I may not be welcome."

Piers asked if Professor Hawking had any message he’d like to relay to him. The professor’s response was :

"He should replace Scott Pruitt at the Environment Protection Agency. Climate change is one of the great dangers we face, and it’s one we can prevent. It affects America badly, so tackling it should win votes for his second term. God forbid."

WATCH: Stephen Hawking Just Said What We All Are Thinking About Trump In One Brilliant Interview
Does anyone really think polar bears are drowning?
You mean the disabled who feel they can mock Trump and not be mocked back?
Sorry, mofo, PC Time is a thing of the past.
I guess reading isn't your forte. Hawking gave constructive criticism, he mocked no one. The only ones doing the mocking here are the low information Trump voter mocking someone not fit to empty his bed pan.
I find it interesting that my posts have zero to do with Trump and yet all you can do is toss out ad hominems about how I love Trump.
Are you that stupid? Yes, you are.

This entire thread is based on an appeal to authority and not even a good one since hawking was a physicist, and not even a top one at that, just one who had a beautiful story that we all love. A more effective appeal to authority is when a doctor uses his credentials in an argument over biology, this is still a logical fallacy since being a doctor doesn't make what you said true.

But if the left wants to resort to a story of a man with ALS who can NO LONGER EFFECTIVELY COMMUNICATE, being used as a puppet, ad hominems, and appeals to authority, let them. They are showing their true colors...this is coming from a NON TRUMP SUPPORTER. Trying to throw ya a bone reasonable, guess your name is a misnomer.
I admit I just enjoy driving Liberals insane.
Too bad there are few, if any, Democrats here.
Climate change is one of the great dangers we face, and it’s one we can prevent
Yeah you know more than this brilliant man.
Thanks for the laugh

Stephen Hawking is certifiable and jealous of normal people. Get real. He has zero common sense.

Let me know the next time he hammers a 16p nail in within 4 whacks, until then, dismissed.

He can't even really communicate with humanity properly and you shnooks are putting words in his mouth? That's pathetic.
Hilarious you say Hawking has zero common sense when your fuhrer has no ability to tell the truth . Ever.
Stephen is respected thruout the world whereas Trump is an international laughing stock. And you go with the laughing stock.

I know one thing: I'm smarter than you AND have more common sense.

So does Christopher Langan, who also is called the "Smartest man in America."

I bet you didn't know that, though. You just roll with your programming.

The thing wrong with programming is there's something called "GIGO" Look it up.
I find it interesting that my posts have zero to do with Trump and yet all you can do is toss out ad hominems about how I love Trump.
Are you that stupid? Yes, you are.

This entire thread is based on an appeal to authority and not even a good one since hawking was a physicist, and not even a top one at that, just one who had a beautiful story that we all love. A more effective appeal to authority is when a doctor uses his credentials in an argument over biology, this is still a logical fallacy since being a doctor doesn't make what you said true.

But if the left wants to resort to a story of a man with ALS who can NO LONGER EFFECTIVELY COMMUNICATE, being used as a puppet, ad hominems, and appeals to authority, let them. They are showing their true colors...this is coming from a NON TRUMP SUPPORTER. Trying to throw ya a bone reasonable, guess your name is a misnomer.
I admit I just enjoy driving Liberals insane.
Too bad there are few, if any, Democrats here.
Climate change is one of the great dangers we face, and it’s one we can prevent
Yeah you know more than this brilliant man.
Thanks for the laugh

Stephen Hawking is certifiable and jealous of normal people. Get real. He has zero common sense.

Let me know the next time he hammers a 16p nail in within 4 whacks, until then, dismissed.

He can't even really communicate with humanity properly and you shnooks are putting words in his mouth? That's pathetic.
Hilarious you say Hawking has zero common sense when your fuhrer has no ability to tell the truth . Ever.
Stephen is respected thruout the world whereas Trump is an international laughing stock. And you go with the laughing stock.
How old are you?
I never mentioned Trump.
You need therapy.
I was talking to Marion. But you did enough damage to your reputation forever admitting you voted for the orange clown
Your immaturity is too apparent for anyone to take you seriously except for your fellow Jack Asses.
I guess reading isn't your forte. Hawking gave constructive criticism, he mocked no one. The only ones doing the mocking here are the low information Trump voter mocking someone not fit to empty his bed pan.
I find it interesting that my posts have zero to do with Trump and yet all you can do is toss out ad hominems about how I love Trump.
Are you that stupid? Yes, you are.
Of course you did. There never wasn't any doubt that you didn't let racism, misogyny, an inability to tell the truth, being an admitted sex offender and having the emotional makeup of a 9 year old get in your way of your vote.
You mean like Trump have the balls to address Business Visas, Off-Shoring and Trespassers taking our jobs?
Nah, I never took our Economic Policy in account.
You voted for a serial sex offender who is incapable of telling the truth.
Now how could a president who constantly lies to us hurt the country and world?
Didn't think of that did you...or you didn't care.

Serial sex offender?
Where's the proof?

Oh, I see, you think Donald J Trump = Bill Clinton!
Still living in that bubble I see. He's a self admitted serial sex offender. Funny you missed that part of his resume..
And I don't mean a Missing Link such as yourself.
Do you need a link that the sun rises in the east too?
The Access Hollywood video is his admitting who and what he is..,

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