What the US can learn from New Zealand political discourse


Posting From Hunters Laptop
Gold Supporting Member
Jun 23, 2019
There is nothing as corrosive and damaging to the American political discourse as the right wing alternative facts machine.

“When you look at the numbers, New Zealanders have essentially been satisfied with their government since 1999,” said Stephen Mills, the head of UMR, Labour’s polling firm. That period had spanned two Labour and two centre-right National prime ministers – including Ardern – all of whom had led fairly moderate governments.

“A huge reason that our politics is not so extremely polarised and so far out there is because we no longer have Murdoch-owned press in New Zealand, and it’s never taken a foothold,” said David Cormack, the co-founder of a public relations firm and a former head of policy and communications for the left-leaning Green party.

Why New Zealand rejected populist ideas other nations have embraced
There is nothing as corrosive and damaging to the American political discourse as the right wing alternative facts machine.

“When you look at the numbers, New Zealanders have essentially been satisfied with their government since 1999,” said Stephen Mills, the head of UMR, Labour’s polling firm. That period had spanned two Labour and two centre-right National prime ministers – including Ardern – all of whom had led fairly moderate governments.

“A huge reason that our politics is not so extremely polarised and so far out there is because we no longer have Murdoch-owned press in New Zealand, and it’s never taken a foothold,” said David Cormack, the co-founder of a public relations firm and a former head of policy and communications for the left-leaning Green party.

Why New Zealand rejected populist ideas other nations have embraced

Yes, they use the British system where the government has far more control over the press than American governments do.

I hope the people of New Zealand get what lefty governments always end up giving them, less freedom, more taxes, more government.

Give it to them GOOD AND HARD.

Move there, you SJW cuck.
Rupert Murdock owns Fox and who knows what else. Kiwi's are cool and taught me how to play snooker in Hong Kong. I think Rupert Murdock died so his family owns Fox.
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There is nothing as corrosive and damaging to the American political discourse as the right wing alternative facts machine.
Obviously, you are ignoring the massive Soros radical left wing alternative facts machine that spews out false facts and lies on an industrial scale. ... :cool:
Am I though? :)
New Zealand is also 70% white European decent and 30% Asian. Zero percent t blacks. Kind of amazing how much a difference that makes in crime rates and overall happiness of the people. But if they embrace open borders and mass immigration from shit hole countries, you’ll see their “happiness” dwindle.
is because we no longer have Murdoch-owned press in New Zealand,
Well your hero did say, “the meaning of peace is the absence of opposition to socialism”.
I don’t remember Lincoln saying that. I’m damn sure Cal Ripken nor Tim Tebow did either so I’m out of heroes.
New Zealand is also 70% white European decent and 30% Asian. Zero percent t blacks. Kind of amazing how much a difference that makes in crime rates and overall happiness of the people. But if they embrace open borders and mass immigration from shit hole countries, you’ll see their “happiness” dwindle.
You should delete this. And get some help.
New Zealand with a population of 5 million? You gotta be kidding. Kentucky has about 5 million people. The U.S. was voting on civil rights legislation while New Zealander Brits were still killing Maori natives. Try entering New Zealand without papers and find yourself in the slammer. The U.S. supports twice the number of illegals as the entire population of New Zealand.
There is nothing as corrosive and damaging to the American political discourse as the right wing alternative facts machine.

“When you look at the numbers, New Zealanders have essentially been satisfied with their government since 1999,” said Stephen Mills, the head of UMR, Labour’s polling firm. That period had spanned two Labour and two centre-right National prime ministers – including Ardern – all of whom had led fairly moderate governments.

“A huge reason that our politics is not so extremely polarised and so far out there is because we no longer have Murdoch-owned press in New Zealand, and it’s never taken a foothold,” said David Cormack, the co-founder of a public relations firm and a former head of policy and communications for the left-leaning Green party.

Why New Zealand rejected populist ideas other nations have embraced
What a bunch of fucking horseshit.

I guess some people just love giving up all their liberty and flushing it all down the toilet. I guess that makes them happy.

You should go live there.
There is nothing as corrosive and damaging to the American political discourse as the right wing alternative facts machine.

“When you look at the numbers, New Zealanders have essentially been satisfied with their government since 1999,” said Stephen Mills, the head of UMR, Labour’s polling firm. That period had spanned two Labour and two centre-right National prime ministers – including Ardern – all of whom had led fairly moderate governments.

“A huge reason that our politics is not so extremely polarised and so far out there is because we no longer have Murdoch-owned press in New Zealand, and it’s never taken a foothold,” said David Cormack, the co-founder of a public relations firm and a former head of policy and communications for the left-leaning Green party.

Why New Zealand rejected populist ideas other nations have embraced
Living with the United States as a guarantee of personal choice in politics from the Asian men and women to the North does not hurt. Remove us and see what happens. Of course the Western nations have been infected with globalism. Yeah...without the United States, the people of New Zealand and Australia would be learning a Chinese dialect. And yes there are some tough people there.
The Maori have de facto political power in New Zealand. The Maori are white Polynesians.
There is nothing as corrosive and damaging to the American political discourse as the right wing alternative facts machine.

“When you look at the numbers, New Zealanders have essentially been satisfied with their government since 1999,” said Stephen Mills, the head of UMR, Labour’s polling firm. That period had spanned two Labour and two centre-right National prime ministers – including Ardern – all of whom had led fairly moderate governments.

“A huge reason that our politics is not so extremely polarised and so far out there is because we no longer have Murdoch-owned press in New Zealand, and it’s never taken a foothold,” said David Cormack, the co-founder of a public relations firm and a former head of policy and communications for the left-leaning Green party.

Why New Zealand rejected populist ideas other nations have embraced

Democrats: You're a racist! You're a Nazi! You're a misogynist! You hate gays! You hate immigrants! You love the rich! You love corporations! You hate the poor!

citygator: Huh, there's nothing more corrosive and damaging than ... Republicans

Fuck wad
So far you dummies are suggesting there is nothing to learn from other places. Stop eating your Italian and Chinese food cuz it was designed somewhere else!

It’s very clear that the disinformation embraced from the right is complicating a free and open society. I’m not an advocate of shutting down a free press but there should be easier legal remedies for the lies propagated by the filthy right.

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