What They Really Want

Uh, Guys? Ladies?

A MAJOR liberal rag has called for the POS-TUS to call in Federal Troops in order to seize power from Congress.......

Isn't that kind of a Big Deal?

I mean, TNR is over 100 years old. Founded by Walter Lippman, edited by some very famous people, read and recommended by some of the highest ranking dimocraps in the land....

I think when they call for the VIOLENT seizure of power from the United States Congress...

I think that's a BIG DEAL.

But...... I'm kinda old-fashioned that way

I don't have any interest in reading or listening to partisan rags like The New Republic; etc, or what ever is out there for the lefties or righties to do the goose-step to.
Anyway, this thread caught my interest so I went to their website and sure enough, a writer and Senior Editor (Julia Ioffe) for The New Republic wrote a short piece regarding what Yetlsin did in Russia 20 years ago. Two Russians Walk Into a Parliamentary Crisis... | New Republic
Now she didn't come out and say that Obama should do what Yeltsin did but,,,,! She's quite the loose cannon.
Those crazy Russians!
I do think it's a big stretch when you state "What They Really Want",,,,who's they? If you're implying the entire left or a significance number on the left want a Yeltsin type of reaction from Obama, I'd say your way off base. A very small segment of the far, far left want Obama to pull a Yeltsin? That would be a more realistic statement.

Never ask a nutter who "they" are. Identifying "them" is a very difficult task. Nutters need "them". But only if "they" are very vague boogie men.
You're not paying attention.
I know a lot of you have always thought that I was engaging in hyperbole when I compared dimocraps to Nazis, Stalinists, Maoists and other violent Dictators.

No, everyone thinks you’re just exhibiting your ignorance, hate, and stupidity.

I notice you couldn't be bothered to condemn the ignorance, hate, and stupidity shown by the TNR retard.

Is that perhaps because you agree with it?

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