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Zone1 What to Do with Gaza?

The 1967 border was with Jordan.
Jordan ceded that territory to Israel in 1994; the border between Israel and Jordan is the Jordan River (et al)

Describe this process.
Demonstrate this process will be avoided if Israel allows the creation of a Palestinian state and cedes the West Bank to it.
International law concedes that the West Bank, East Jerusalem, and Gaza belong to the Palestinians. The Palestinians are the natives of the land and they will get their piece of the pie, or they will get the whole pie. Choose. A piece of the pie or the whole pie, what do you Jews want? The Jewish State is committing suicide with its genocidal bombing campaign of Gaza. The world is waking up to Israel's evil and if they don't stop soon there's going to be a devastating war. The whole Muslim world is going to completely "snap", and Israel is going to get its ass royally kicked.
Cite / copy / paste.

Cite / copy / paste.

Cite / copy / paste.

Cite / copy / paste.

Cite / copy / paste.
You're denying that Netanyahu in a press conference compared the Palestinians to Amalekites? Are you denying that several Israeli officials have expressed that all Palestinians are guilty of Oct 7th?
International law concedes that the West Bank, East Jerusalem, and Gaza belong to the Palestinians.
Under international law, Jordan ceded the WB to Israel in 1994.
At that point, the controversy under international law - the Israeli occupation of Jordanian territory - ended.
There's still whining and crying , but it doesn't have anything to do with international law.
The Palestinians are the natives of the land and they will get their piece of the pie, or they will get the whole pie. .
Describe this process.
Demonstrate this process will be avoided if Israel allows the creation of a Palestinian state and cedes the West Bank to it.
All I see here is your inability to prove your claims.
Everyone knows he said it, it's on the video you idiot. Anyone can find that video on YouTube by simply searching "Netanyahu Amalekites". Do you think the natives of the land, who had their lands and homes stolen by these Zionist Ashkenazi pigs are going to concede their land because Jordan, a country created by the West supposedly had the authority to give away their land to the Zionists? You're so confused. You're living in Lala Land.
Do you think the natives of the land, who had their lands and homes stolen by these Zionist Ashkenazi pigs are going to concede their land because Jordan, a country created by the West supposedly had the authority to give away their land to the Zionists?
As of 1950, the West Bank was part of Jordan.
The people there were Jordanian citizens. They had the right to vote and were represented in the Jordanian legislature.

Under international law, Jordan ceded the WB to Israel in 1994.

At that point, the controversy under international law - the Israeli occupation of Jordanian territory - ended.
There's still whining and crying , but it doesn't have anything to do with international law.
The Palestinians are the natives of the land and they will get their piece of the pie, or they will get the whole pie. .
Describe this process.
Demonstrate this process will be avoided if Israel allows the creation of a Palestinian state and cedes the West Bank to it.
As of 1950, the West Bank was part of Jordan.
The people there were Jordanian citizens. They had the right to vote and were represented in the Jordanian legislature.

Under international law, Jordan ceded the WB to Israel in 1994.

At that point, the controversy under international law - the Israeli occupation of Jordanian territory - ended.
There's still whining and crying , but it doesn't have anything to do with international law.

Describe this process.
Demonstrate this process will be avoided if Israel allows the creation of a Palestinian state and cedes the West Bank to it.
Firstly, the notion that Jordan’s annexation of the West Bank in 1950 somehow settled the status of this territory under international law is deeply flawed. This annexation was not widely recognized and did not extinguish the rights of the Palestinian people to their land or to self-determination. The annexation itself was more of a wartime exigency and less of an internationally sanctioned rearrangement of borders.

Secondly, to say that Jordan ceded the West Bank to Israel in 1994 is an erroneous interpretation of the events that transpired. The peace treaty between Jordan and Israel that year recognized the West Bank's disputed status and Jordan's administrative guardianship until 1988, but it did not transfer sovereignty to Israel. The Oslo Accords, which were the key agreements of that era, did not grant Israel sovereignty over the West Bank but rather created a framework for Palestinian self-governance and future statehood through negotiations.

Moreover, the United Nations Security Council Resolution 242, a cornerstone of peace efforts, calls for the withdrawal of Israeli armed forces from territories occupied in the 1967 conflict, highlighting the international stance on the illegality of Israel’s occupation. The continued expansion of Israeli settlements in the West Bank is also widely considered illegal under international law, specifically, the Fourth Geneva Convention, which prohibits an occupying power from transferring its population into the territory it occupies.

The idea that the West Bank is no longer Palestinian territory under international law because of a supposed decision by Jordan is a misrepresentation. The right to self-determination is a fundamental principle of international law, enshrined in the UN Charter, and applies to the Palestinian people. It is this principle, along with relevant UN resolutions, that underscores the Palestinian claim to the West Bank.

Israel is now essentially committing suicide with its current genocidal bombing campaign of Gaza. The status quo of endless negotiations that result in nothing and allow Israel to continue with its occupation of Palestinian territory is going to end because that's the only way to ensure peace. The occupation will only guarantee more bloodshed in the future and that's unacceptable. The international community now realizes this, hence Israel is going to be forced to abide by international law and if it doesn't it will be at war with all of humanity. It will be clobbered into submission, which is really what these Zionist pigs deserve.
Firstly, the notion that Jordan’s annexation of the West Bank in 1950 somehow settled the status of this territory under international law is deeply flawed.
Fact remains: In 1967, the WB was part of Jordan.
Secondly, to say that Jordan ceded the West Bank to Israel in 1994 is an erroneous interpretation of the events that transpired.
The 1994 treaty specified the international boundary between Jordan and Israel is the Jordan river, et al.
This put the West Bank in the Israeli side of the international boundary.
Under international law,. here is no dispute here.
The peace treaty between Jordan and Israel that year recognized the West Bank's disputed status and Jordan's administrative guardianship until 1988,
The treaty was in 1994.
but it did not transfer sovereignty to Israel.
By definition, and like every other state, Israel is sovereign over all the territory within its international boundaries.
The Oslo Accords...
Superseded by the treaty.
Moreover, the United Nations Security Council Resolution 242...
Rendered moot by the treaty, as the controversy under international law it addresses - the Israeli occupation of Jordanian territory - resolved in 1994.
The idea that the West Bank is no longer Palestinian territory under international law because of a supposed decision by Jordan is a misrepresentation.
International law is the sum of treaty laws and custom.
The 1994 treaty is international law, completely valid. and not subject to outside approval, negation, or arrogation.
The Palestinians are the natives of the land and they will get their piece of the pie, or they will get the whole pie....
it will be clobberd into submission...
Describe this process.
Demonstrate this process will be avoided if Israel allows the creation of a Palestinian state and cedes the West Bank to it.
...which is really what these Zionist pigs deserve.
You're a genocidal piece of trash.
Netanyahu brought up the Amalekites in his speech this week.
Indeed he did,even kill the trees people including babies and Donkeys, everything.
It was the Palestinians that used donkey bombs. I remember it well.
I am talking about the criminal Netanyahu quoting some bullshit from a Bible about killing everything including trees, the man is clearly insane, he can plead insanity at his trial.
You're denying that Netanyahu in a press conference compared the Palestinians to Amalekites?

All I see here is your inability to prove your claims.

Everyone knows he said it, it's on the video you idiot. Anyone can find that video on YouTube by simply searching "Netanyahu Amalekites".

Ah... the "everyone knows" fallacy.
All I see here is your inability to prove your claims.

Apparently someone hasn't been paying attention (except for to the controlled MSM, of course.) Yes, Netanyahu did compare the Palestinians to Amalekites. And anyone who knows the Bible knows that the Amalek passage was about wiping out ALL of the enemy: men, women, children, babies, dogs, cats, everyone. I never did hear what the "Israel doesn't target civilians" folks had to say about that.

Here you go, lazybones:

Besides the obvious, the other thing that should be disturbing to people is that this man is said to be an atheist or agnostic, so clearly he is just using the Bible for his own purposes.
The person I responded to made a great many claims.
You have not cited / copy /pasted any of them

I cited the Amalek claim. Did you not read the specific quotes I posted?

Are you saying that Netanyahu didn't invoke Amalek, after I just posted the video?
I cited the Amalek claim.
""They are longing to recompense the murderers for the horrific acts they perpetrated on our children, our women, our parents and our friends. They are committed to eradicating this evil from the world, for our existence, and I add, for the good of all humanity. The entire people, and the leadership of the people, embrace them and believe in them. 'Remember what Amalek did to you' (Deuteronomy 25:17). We remember and we fight."

I asked him to cite/copy/paste proof of his claims - how does this do so?
You invaded the Holy Land and dispossessed the Palestinians of their homes, destroying their villages. The Nakba actually happened, and you don't have the right to dehumanize the Palestinians. You need to leave the West Bank, East Jerusalem, and stop encircling Gaza. Land, air, and sea, let it be, stop besieging it. You turned Gaza into an open-air prison. You're now also committing a genocidal bombing campaign, and have already admitted through your Jewish State government officials that there aren't any innocents in Gaza. You Zionists are sickos.

You even compared the people of Gaza to Amalek, a people whom the ancient Israelites committed genocide against, killing women, children, and even donkeys. Even the livestock and pets of the Amalekites were killed, for something their ancestors supposedly did 300 years before. You Jews seem to still live in the bronze age. You're a bunch of superstitious savages.
oh look -- an angry rant filled to the brim with mistakes! Everything from the phantom "Palestinians" to "open air prison" to Amalek. Someday maybe someone will be really patient with you and unpack all your mistakes.
""They are longing to recompense the murderers for the horrific acts they perpetrated on our children, our women, our parents and our friends. They are committed to eradicating this evil from the world, for our existence, and I add, for the good of all humanity. The entire people, and the leadership of the people, embrace them and believe in them. 'Remember what Amalek did to you' (Deuteronomy 25:17). We remember and we fight."

I asked him to cite/copy/paste proof of his claims - how does this do so?

You keep saying "claims" plural. You'll have to take up ChristianMan's claims with HIM, I didn't read all of his posts or see all of his claims.

I was specifically talking about the fact that Netanyahu brought up Amalek. Which he did. Which I showed you.

If that's the one you're arguing, are you claiming that Netanyahu wasn't trying to compare the current situation in Gaza to fighting the Amalekites?
Fact remains: In 1967, the WB was part of Jordan.

The 1994 treaty specified the international boundary between Jordan and Israel is the Jordan river, et al.
This put the West Bank in the Israeli side of the international boundary.
Under international law,. here is no dispute here.

The treaty was in 1994.

By definition, and like every other state, Israel is sovereign over all the territory within its international boundaries.

Superseded by the treaty.

Rendered moot by the treaty, as the controversy under international law it addresses - the Israeli occupation of Jordanian territory - resolved in 1994.

International law is the sum of treaty laws and custom.
The 1994 treaty is international law, completely valid. and not subject to outside approval, negation, or arrogation.

Describe this process.
Demonstrate this process will be avoided if Israel allows the creation of a Palestinian state and cedes the West Bank to it.

You're a genocidal piece of trash.

Status in 1967:
The assertion that the West Bank was part of Jordan in 1967 is correct in terms of administrative control; however, this control was not recognized as legitimate sovereignty by the international community, which is why its capture by Israel during the Six-Day War is widely considered an occupation.
  • 1994 Treaty and International Boundaries: The 1994 Israel-Jordan Treaty of Peace indeed established the international boundary between Jordan and Israel along the Jordan River and other points, but it did not address the sovereignty of the West Bank. The treaty specifically omitted the West Bank from the territorial adjustments, recognizing the need for the status of this territory to be negotiated in future peace talks.
  • Sovereignty by International Boundaries: The claim that Israel is sovereign over all territories within its international boundaries is misleading when it comes to the West Bank. The international community does not recognize the West Bank as Israeli territory; thus, sovereignty remains disputed. The principle of uti possidetis juris (as one possesses under law) does not apply when territorial sovereignty is contested, as it is with the West Bank.
  • Superseding of the Oslo Accords: The Oslo Accords have not been superseded by the Israel-Jordan peace treaty. They are separate agreements with different parties and different objectives. The Oslo Accords specifically established a process for Palestinian self-governance and eventual statehood, a process that has not been completed or nullified by subsequent agreements.
  • Resolution 242 and the Treaty: UN Security Council Resolution 242 calls for the withdrawal of Israeli forces from territories occupied in the 1967 conflict, and it cannot be rendered moot by a bilateral treaty between Israel and Jordan. The resolution applies to all territories occupied during the 1967 conflict, with the final status intended to be resolved through negotiations, which includes the West Bank.
  • International Law and Treaties: While treaties are indeed a source of international law, they do not operate in a vacuum. The 1994 treaty between Israel and Jordan did not determine the status of the West Bank under international law, nor did it negate the rights of the Palestinian people as established by international law and recognized by the international community.
  • Custom and Practice: International law also includes customary international law, which arises from the consistent practice of States accompanied by the belief that the law requires them to act in that way (opinio juris). The persistent objection to the annexation of the West Bank and the establishment of settlements there indicates that the international community does not recognize Israeli sovereignty over the West Bank.
Zionist Israel is committing suicide in front of the world, in committing this barbarous act of genocide upon the civilian population of Gaza. You Zionist scum aren't going to have your Jewish apartheid ethno-state for long.
You keep saying "claims" plural. You'll have to take up ChristianMan's claims with HIM,
I did.
He obvious cannot deliver.
I was specifically talking about the fact that Netanyahu brought up Amalek. Which he did. Which I showed you.
I suggest you go back and read for context.

He made a bunch of claims.I asked hom to cite / copy / paste proof.
He asked "do you deny...?" some crap about Netanyahu and Amalek
I said all I see here is your inability to cite / copy / paste proof of his claims.

That statement stands; your aside is irrelevant to the conversation.


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