What Trump promises will be kept.....and soon forgotten?

Name some...

National healthcare...done
Repeal Bush tax cuts.....done
Withdraw combat troops from Afghanistan and Iraq...done

What hasn't Obama accomplished that he said he would?

Well, lets watch how long it'll take for some right winger to come up with the Obama unfulfilled promise regarding the closing of GITMO.......and then we'll remind them as to WHO vehemently opposed closing that hell hole.
Name some...

National healthcare...done
Repeal Bush tax cuts.....done
Withdraw combat troops from Afghanistan and Iraq...done

What hasn't Obama accomplished that he said he would?

Well, lets watch how long it'll take for some right winger to come up with the Obama unfulfilled promise regarding the closing of GITMO.......and then we'll remind them as to WHO vehemently opposed closing that hell hole.

Even a broken clock is right twice a day.

Even a broken clock is right twice a day.


Well, Trump has advocated a Canadian-style HC system.....Let's hope he can pull that off....If he does, I'll give him full credit (and watch your ilk bitch.,).....LOL
Even a broken clock is right twice a day.


Well, Trump has advocated a Canadian-style HC system.....Let's hope he can pull that off....If he does, I'll give him full credit (and watch your ilk bitch.,).....LOL

That may be a 2nd term thing, he has plenty to do in his first term.
Name some...

National healthcare...done
Repeal Bush tax cuts.....done
Withdraw combat troops from Afghanistan and Iraq...done

What hasn't Obama accomplished that he said he would?

Well, lets watch how long it'll take for some right winger to come up with the Obama unfulfilled promise regarding the closing of GITMO.......and then we'll remind them as to WHO vehemently opposed closing that hell hole.

Even with Republicans blocking the closing of Gitmo, Obama has still dropped its inmate population from over 200 down to 80
Don't be surprised if more are transferred by january
Name some...

National healthcare...done
Repeal Bush tax cuts.....done
Withdraw combat troops from Afghanistan and Iraq...done

What hasn't Obama accomplished that he said he would?

Well, lets watch how long it'll take for some right winger to come up with the Obama unfulfilled promise regarding the closing of GITMO.......and then we'll remind them as to WHO vehemently opposed closing that hell hole.

Even a broken clock is right twice a day.


Obamacare passed as promised
Name some...

National healthcare...done
Repeal Bush tax cuts.....done
Withdraw combat troops from Afghanistan and Iraq...done

What hasn't Obama accomplished that he said he would?

Well, lets watch how long it'll take for some right winger to come up with the Obama unfulfilled promise regarding the closing of GITMO.......and then we'll remind them as to WHO vehemently opposed closing that hell hole.

Even a broken clock is right twice a day.


Obamacare passed as promised

What was passed and implemented was not what was promised.
What was passed and implemented was not what was promised.

True....to some extent......The mandate for healthy folks to ALSO buy insurance was crucial to the ACA success.......and, unfortunately, the penalties for not adhering to the mandate were way too low.
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What was passed and implemented was not what was promised.

True....to some extent......The mandate for healthy folks to ALSO buy insurance was crucial to the ACA success.......and, unfortunately, the penalties for not adhering to the mandate was way too low.

my insurance didn't get better, it got more costly, and I was forced into participating in wellness program just to have access to the less shitty programs.

And if the "Cadillac Tax" stays as law, I will expect even more shit due to the law.

I liked my plan, I couldn't keep my plan. He didn't say anything about cost, just "you like it, you keep it, period"
Name some...

National healthcare...done
Repeal Bush tax cuts.....done
Withdraw combat troops from Afghanistan and Iraq...done

What hasn't Obama accomplished that he said he would?

Well, lets watch how long it'll take for some right winger to come up with the Obama unfulfilled promise regarding the closing of GITMO.......and then we'll remind them as to WHO vehemently opposed closing that hell hole.

Even a broken clock is right twice a day.


Obamacare passed as promised

What was passed and implemented was not what was promised.

That is the way legislation works

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Name some...

National healthcare...done
Repeal Bush tax cuts.....done
Withdraw combat troops from Afghanistan and Iraq...done

What hasn't Obama accomplished that he said he would?

Well, lets watch how long it'll take for some right winger to come up with the Obama unfulfilled promise regarding the closing of GITMO.......and then we'll remind them as to WHO vehemently opposed closing that hell hole.

Even a broken clock is right twice a day.


Obamacare passed as promised

What was passed and implemented was not what was promised.

That is the way legislation works

Bullshit. If you are going to rework a sizable part of the US economy you should know what you are placing into action.
Well, lets watch how long it'll take for some right winger to come up with the Obama unfulfilled promise regarding the closing of GITMO.......and then we'll remind them as to WHO vehemently opposed closing that hell hole.

Even a broken clock is right twice a day.


Obamacare passed as promised

What was passed and implemented was not what was promised.

That is the way legislation works

Bullshit. If you are going to rework a sizable part of the US economy you should know what you are placing into action.

You mean like "Repeal and Replace"?

We still have no idea of what replace means
Even a broken clock is right twice a day.


Obamacare passed as promised

What was passed and implemented was not what was promised.

That is the way legislation works

Bullshit. If you are going to rework a sizable part of the US economy you should know what you are placing into action.

You mean like "Repeal and Replace"?

We still have no idea of what replace means

tr.v. re·placed, re·plac·ing, re·plac·es
To put back into a former position or place: replaced the sofa after vacuuming.
2. To take the place of or fill the role of: Jets have largely replaced propeller planes.
3. To provide a substitute for (something broken or unsatisfactory, for example): replace a spark plug; replace a team'scoach.
4. To pay back or return; refund: They were forced to replace the money they stole.
Obamacare passed as promised

What was passed and implemented was not what was promised.

That is the way legislation works

Bullshit. If you are going to rework a sizable part of the US economy you should know what you are placing into action.

You mean like "Repeal and Replace"?

We still have no idea of what replace means

tr.v. re·placed, re·plac·ing, re·plac·es
To put back into a former position or place: replaced the sofa after vacuuming.
2. To take the place of or fill the role of: Jets have largely replaced propeller planes.
3. To provide a substitute for (something broken or unsatisfactory, for example): replace a spark plug; replace a team'scoach.
4. To pay back or return; refund: They were forced to replace the money they stole.

Thanks Dr Webster

Now all you have to do is send that definition to the Republican Party so they understand that they have more to do than just repeal

2. To take the place of or fill the role of: Jets have largely replaced propeller planes.
3. To provide a substitute for (something broken or unsatisfactory, for example): replace a spark plug; replace a team'scoach.

Republicans will find it is not as easy as just repealing Obamacare
Tell ya what...

make up a list of his promises, and in 4, or 8, years, count up the ones he didn't keep.

and, while you have nothing else to do during those 4-8 years, Make up a list of the promises Obama didn't keep, then one of the promises Bush didn't keep.

Hell, why you're at it, check Clintons promises.

then take a nice long look at them..

and wonder why you bothered with your OP
How come you never mention GOP obstructionism.

Remember, Obama wanted to rebuild American infrastructure during his entire 8 years. And now Trump is going to make that the center of his economic plan? Republicans will fuck this country over with their rotten and anti America politics. And just like his companies and his campaign, he will run it like mess. Trump needs to get down on his knees and thank American media for getting him elected.

Trump has gotten nearly $3 billion in ‘free’ advertising

More than double all the other candidates put together.
When its all said an done they will still be uneducated rubes in flyover country trailer dwellers , unemployed
Even a broken clock is right twice a day.


Obamacare passed as promised

What was passed and implemented was not what was promised.

That is the way legislation works

Bullshit. If you are going to rework a sizable part of the US economy you should know what you are placing into action.

You mean like "Repeal and Replace"?

We still have no idea of what replace means

Well they had no idea what would happen when they passed it, so your request for certainty is of course hackish and comical,
Tell ya what...

make up a list of his promises, and in 4, or 8, years, count up the ones he didn't keep.

and, while you have nothing else to do during those 4-8 years, Make up a list of the promises Obama didn't keep, then one of the promises Bush didn't keep.

Hell, why you're at it, check Clintons promises.

then take a nice long look at them..

and wonder why you bothered with your OP
How come you never mention GOP obstructionism.

Remember, Obama wanted to rebuild American infrastructure during his entire 8 years. And now Trump is going to make that the center of his economic plan? Republicans will fuck this country over with their rotten and anti America politics. And just like his companies and his campaign, he will run it like mess. Trump needs to get down on his knees and thank American media for getting him elected.

Trump has gotten nearly $3 billion in ‘free’ advertising

More than double all the other candidates put together.

and after seeing the mess that was the Stimulus and Obamacare, any one with a brain would have blocked what he wanted
Well, we just learned that Trump will not opt to further investigate Clinton....and that is good for sane Americans but will piss off many of Trump's acolytes.

So, what about that "beautiful wall" (or fence) with Mexico.......or will that be soon forgotten?

......and what about deporting 10 million illegals?

...or what about that Nazi-like registry of Muslims and the banning of Muslim immigrants?

...slashing taxes for the middle class?

...draining the swamp?

....pulling out of NATO?

....bringing coal miners' jobs back???

....renegotiating all trade agreements with other countries?

So many promises........so much to attack Trump on........LOL
After all the broken Obama promises you swallowed you have no credibility left. Just like the over the limit race card you like.

He is the only one who did something about healthcare, and that was a big thing, and now the Pubs are going to destroy it.

It's already destroying itself.

Guess they should have read it before they passed it
Seems Trump's not going to touch healthcare right now. And there are parts of it he wants to keep. I wonder how many parts that turns out to be.

Guess Trump realized throwing 22 million off healthcare is not "politically correct".

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