What Trump's GOP and Democrats can do together


Diamond Member
Jun 26, 2016
Thoughts From An Independent

While Trump supporters and Liberals sit at their computers on sites like this and hiss and spit at each other, both sides may be forgetting there are some things the GOP and Democrats can come together on:

* Cybersecurity and Technology - This is an area that affects everyone. Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen has focused on the cyber threat and continues to focus resources and attention on the cyber realm. She has argued that it is the very diversity and multifaceted nature of cyber attacks that makes securing this unseen threat such a challenge.

* Infrastructure - In addition to our roads and bridges, protecting our national grid is certainly an encompassing topic that keeps DHS, DoD and intelligence community planners up at night,” he said. “The threats can be cybersecurity attacks, from Electronic Magnetic Pulse generated from a geomagnetic solar flare or from a terrorist short-range missile, or from a physical assault on utilities or power plants.”

* Aviation Security - Americas patchwork system of checkpoints and screenings have a number of weaknesses. What is needed is a standardized national approach to protecting our airways.

* Information Sharing - Too many government agencies hoard information, fearing their budget may be affected should they share it. A new approach to to budgeting and information sharing is needed.

Just remember folks...Liberals and Conservatives have about an equal number of voters each. One side is not going to eliminate the other, you can bitch at each other all you want, but at the end of the day you still have to live in the same country.
Thoughts From An Independent

While Trump supporters and Liberals sit at their computers on sites like this and hiss and spit at each other, both sides may be forgetting there are some things the GOP and Democrats can come together on:

* Cybersecurity and Technology - This is an area that affects everyone. Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen has focused on the cyber threat and continues to focus resources and attention on the cyber realm. She has argued that it is the very diversity and multifaceted nature of cyber attacks that makes securing this unseen threat such a challenge.

* Infrastructure - In addition to our roads and bridges, protecting our national grid is certainly an encompassing topic that keeps DHS, DoD and intelligence community planners up at night,” he said. “The threats can be cybersecurity attacks, from Electronic Magnetic Pulse generated from a geomagnetic solar flare or from a terrorist short-range missile, or from a physical assault on utilities or power plants.”

* Aviation Security - Americas patchwork system of checkpoints and screenings have a number of weaknesses. What is needed is a standardized national approach to protecting our airways.

* Information Sharing - Too many government agencies hoard information, fearing their budget may be affected should they share it. A new approach to to budgeting and information sharing is needed.

Just remember folks...Liberals and Conservatives have about an equal number of voters each. One side is not going to eliminate the other, you can bitch at each other all you want, but at the end of the day you still have to live in the same country.
I'm glad you used the term "could".

They're not allowed to, currently. Evidently communication, collaboration and innovation are bad things in DC.

Think back to kindergarten, where all the kids play their little games. Like that.
Pelosi and AOC agree on one thing, do not let Trump have ANY legislative victories where he can claim bi-partisanship. The battle-lines seem to be the "city mice" vs the "country mice".
The 2020 election may hinge on Trump's trade deals and bringing good jobs back to the US instead of the Obama version of "those jobs are not coming back".

Can Trump win re-election with coat-tails? We will see. Even then, with a GOP House and Senate they could not get big things done, like healthcare and immigration reform. So I have very little hope that there could ever be any bi-partisan deals between the GOP and dems. I'm curious how the 2020 Budget is doing? Haven't heard how "required" legislation is doing. I'd be happy if that gets done without government shutdowns.
Yeah, but they probably won't since working with Trump would be the kiss of death for any Democrat afraid of being primaried right now.
Yeah, but they probably won't since working with Trump would be the kiss of death for any Democrat afraid of being primaried right now.
You're right. Democrats have to apologize if they say a Republican is a 'nice guy', much less cooperate with them

But it's deeper than that.

You can't compromise with someone that has diametrically opposite goals.

Trump is campaigning on MAGA.

Democrats are campaigning on America being such a Shithole that citizens will give up their freedoms for Socialism.

Democrats oppose a strong border because it's good for America. Period.

Democrats opposed the tax cut because 8t was good for America. Period.

Listen to what these Jack-o'-lanterns are campaigning on. Raising taxes, Green New Deal, Free whatever...

Democrats need a weak border, higher unemployment, a lousy economy, higher taxes, international turmoil. That's why they hate Trump.

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