What was a reason for God to sacrifice His Son?

I shared what the bible teaches--its not my personal judgements--just facts.
It absolutely is your personal judgment. The Catholic Church did not exist at the time the authors penned the Books of the Bible.

that's funny--God warned us about them-2Thess 2:3
You are rationalizing judging people and you are going to quote scripture?

What does scripture say about judging others?

The Pope-- is called - the holy father---Reality--God is the holy Father not the Pope. The Pope is a mortal sinner. In Fact the bible clearly teaches--Do NOT call any man FATHER --this is speaking about in a spiritual teacher sense. In The OT Men are called Father--So its not Dads that reference was to--simple bible milk, yet its been over 1700 years and your teachers can not get it right.Why? Dogma get in the way?--The bible judged right there against your Pope. Its not me judging--the bible has all the judgements in black and white-there will be no excuses.
Maybe you should read the Catechism and tell me what you reject and what you accept.

If nothing else you will learn that everything you believe about Catholics is a lie.

I think you should read unbias facts about the history of your religion. One Pope used to sell salvation for $$$--
I would say correctly predicting the universe had a beginning 6000 years ago deserves a novel prize.
So you think the universe is only 6000 years old?
Don't be silly. Space and time were created ~14 billion years ago.

6000 years ago men knew that the universe had a beginning. It only took science 5900 years to catch up.
Actually, when the bible says that god said "let there be light", that was hundreds of millions of years after the Big Bang. The universe was initially dark.
We aren't reading the same thing then.

To me the account of Genesis is about the beginning of Creation.
Did you believe that before you started reading or after you read it?

Genesis is about the creation of heaven and earth, not the universe, solar system, planet, or the fist plants or animals.

The light, the firmament or foundation of heaven, was spoken into existence.

The law of God came into the world as a light to the nations, a light that teaches people to distinguish between clean and unclean, true and false, good and evil, light and darkness, life and death.
It is about the creation of everything.
It absolutely is your personal judgment. The Catholic Church did not exist at the time the authors penned the Books of the Bible.

that's funny--God warned us about them-2Thess 2:3
You are rationalizing judging people and you are going to quote scripture?

What does scripture say about judging others?

The Pope-- is called - the holy father---Reality--God is the holy Father not the Pope. The Pope is a mortal sinner. In Fact the bible clearly teaches--Do NOT call any man FATHER --this is speaking about in a spiritual teacher sense. In The OT Men are called Father--So its not Dads that reference was to--simple bible milk, yet its been over 1700 years and your teachers can not get it right.Why? Dogma get in the way?--The bible judged right there against your Pope. Its not me judging--the bible has all the judgements in black and white-there will be no excuses.
Maybe you should read the Catechism and tell me what you reject and what you accept.

If nothing else you will learn that everything you believe about Catholics is a lie.

I think you should read unbias facts about the history of your religion. One Pope used to sell salvation for $$$--
I think you shouldn't worry about religions that are not your own.
It absolutely is your personal judgment. The Catholic Church did not exist at the time the authors penned the Books of the Bible.

that's funny--God warned us about them-2Thess 2:3
You are rationalizing judging people and you are going to quote scripture?

What does scripture say about judging others?

The Pope-- is called - the holy father---Reality--God is the holy Father not the Pope. The Pope is a mortal sinner. In Fact the bible clearly teaches--Do NOT call any man FATHER --this is speaking about in a spiritual teacher sense. In The OT Men are called Father--So its not Dads that reference was to--simple bible milk, yet its been over 1700 years and your teachers can not get it right.Why? Dogma get in the way?--The bible judged right there against your Pope. Its not me judging--the bible has all the judgements in black and white-there will be no excuses.
Maybe you should read the Catechism and tell me what you reject and what you accept.

If nothing else you will learn that everything you believe about Catholics is a lie.

Ot--condemns--statues, icons, graven images--Yet the Pope allows all 3 into the churches and homes.
Call no man Father( in a spiritual teacher sense)--Yet the Pope allows it.
In their pictures of Jesus through the centuries have portrayed Jesus as a sinner with long hair, It was forbidden for a jewish male to have long hair. With the exception of the Nazarites( Samson) not Nazarenes( Jesus) God made a special covenant with the Nazarites--They should never cut there hair, but could not drink any alcohol.
All 3 simple bible milk--yet its been 1700 years or more and they still cannot understand the milk let alone the meat.
No follower of Jesus -EVER stood in a war against one of their brothers in Christ--Not a single teacher that has Jesus would ever allow it.
Often times ignorance is insolent.
We don't bow to that. We bow to his presence in the Eucharist which is housed in the Tabernacle.

Your religion--murdered young catholic men for Adolf Hitler. Jesus does not know them. While the teachers and blind followers prayed to the same God on both sides of 55million humans being slaughtered. One of the biggest hipocrosys ever witnessed by all creation. Keep bowing to that piece of wood.
My religion did that? How?

Most of the german armies and Italian were catholic--If the teachers applied Jesus they would have told them-- no matter what do not stand on both sides killing each other in hatred. My teachers were wise enough to do that. I say Germany wouldn't have had enough army to attack anyone if the teachers stood for Jesus.
The same with what occurred in the usa--Millions of native americans wiped out or forced on reservations--for land and gold. Many told they were Christian accomplishing these acts. They were wrong-Matt 7:21-23
Right and Christians, many who were Catholics, stopped it.

Can you tell me what scripture says about judging others?

after 55 million were dead they saw their major error as murderers. Their own works have already judged them. But if it happens again--the same result will occur.
So that would be a no. You should worry about the log in your eye.
You are confused. I did not say that God spoke creation into being. No proof of that? LOL....The world was around for billions of years before anyone ever said anything. You seem to be malfunctioning...Whats up with that bro?

I said that the creation story is about the time when law came into the world from an extraterrestrial source as a light, spoken into existence, creating the foundation for a higher way to understand and live life that fulfills the promise of eternal life and entry into a realm of superior intelligences for all those who actually try to do it..

Oh wait a minute! I get it!..... You, mysteriously, felt insulted again..... lol....
So who was it that did the "spoken into existence" thing?

Let me put it this way. Moses gave the written law. The hidden meaning is the light and wisdom of God spoken into existence from elsewhere through words that do not make any sound and were never written down.

For instance according to the written law swine are unclean creatures because they do not ruminate.

Only in discovering the not so hidden meaning can one see the light and wisdom of God in giving this law. Only then will you hear his words.

Without that light, that understanding, all anyone can do is dick around over whats for dinner or deride how absurd that is..either way, not kosher.

Thats why Jesus said, "straight narrow and difficult is the way to eternal life and few are they who find it." because it was hidden, never written down, and requires ruminating to perceive, to grasp.

Almost impossible, easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle, in a world where deep thinking is considered a hideous deformity, a sign of anger, mental illness, or demonic possession. Even though no one can stop another from doing it secretly, even though, like a raging fire in a dead wood forest, no one can stop thinking deeply themselves.... once they begin....
So what's god reason for not eating pigs that you hear when you read the book?

The flesh of unclean creatures that do not ruminate is forbidden because their flesh defiles and contaminates.

If you swallow the teachings of people that do not ruminate, think deeply, without thinking deeply, it will defile and contaminate your mind and you will degenerate into an unclean creature that cannot ruminate, think deeply.

Hear, if you have ears to hear.

The wisdom is about as difficult to understand as the wisdom of avoiding malware from screwing up your computer.

I'd say that instruction is fairy crucial if you ever plan on using your brain and hope to lead a fulfilled life...
My life is fulfilled without having to obey total nonsense about animals.
If that were true you wouldn't be behaving like the other religious fanatics here.
So who was it that did the "spoken into existence" thing?

Let me put it this way. Moses gave the written law. The hidden meaning is the light and wisdom of God spoken into existence from elsewhere through words that do not make any sound and were never written down.

For instance according to the written law swine are unclean creatures because they do not ruminate.

Only in discovering the not so hidden meaning can one see the light and wisdom of God in giving this law. Only then will you hear his words.

Without that light, that understanding, all anyone can do is dick around over whats for dinner or deride how absurd that is..either way, not kosher.

Thats why Jesus said, "straight narrow and difficult is the way to eternal life and few are they who find it." because it was hidden, never written down, and requires ruminating to perceive, to grasp.

Almost impossible, easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle, in a world where deep thinking is considered a hideous deformity, a sign of anger, mental illness, or demonic possession. Even though no one can stop another from doing it secretly, even though, like a raging fire in a dead wood forest, no one can stop thinking deeply themselves.... once they begin....
So what's god reason for not eating pigs that you hear when you read the book?

The flesh of unclean creatures that do not ruminate is forbidden because their flesh defiles and contaminates.

If you swallow the teachings of people that do not ruminate, think deeply, without thinking deeply, it will defile and contaminate your mind and you will degenerate into an unclean creature that cannot ruminate, think deeply.

Hear, if you have ears to hear.

The wisdom is about as difficult to understand as the wisdom of avoiding malware from screwing up your computer.

I'd say that instruction is fairy crucial if you ever plan on using your brain and hope to lead a fulfilled life...
My life is fulfilled without having to obey total nonsense about animals.

lol... That would explain your charming disposition and obsession with kangaroos....
My obsession with roos stems from the fact that NOBODY knows how Noah got them to his boat and back again.
We don't bow to that. We bow to his presence in the Eucharist which is housed in the Tabernacle.

Your religion--murdered young catholic men for Adolf Hitler. Jesus does not know them. While the teachers and blind followers prayed to the same God on both sides of 55million humans being slaughtered. One of the biggest hipocrosys ever witnessed by all creation. Keep bowing to that piece of wood.
My religion did that? How?

Most of the german armies and Italian were catholic--If the teachers applied Jesus they would have told them-- no matter what do not stand on both sides killing each other in hatred. My teachers were wise enough to do that. I say Germany wouldn't have had enough army to attack anyone if the teachers stood for Jesus.
The same with what occurred in the usa--Millions of native americans wiped out or forced on reservations--for land and gold. Many told they were Christian accomplishing these acts. They were wrong-Matt 7:21-23
Right and Christians, many who were Catholics, stopped it.

Can you tell me what scripture says about judging others?

after 55 million were dead they saw their major error as murderers. Their own works have already judged them. But if it happens again--the same result will occur.

Lighten up numbskull. I thought that when Jesus came back everything will be just peachy for a thousand years..

Whats with all the panic?
So who was it that did the "spoken into existence" thing?

Let me put it this way. Moses gave the written law. The hidden meaning is the light and wisdom of God spoken into existence from elsewhere through words that do not make any sound and were never written down.

For instance according to the written law swine are unclean creatures because they do not ruminate.

Only in discovering the not so hidden meaning can one see the light and wisdom of God in giving this law. Only then will you hear his words.

Without that light, that understanding, all anyone can do is dick around over whats for dinner or deride how absurd that is..either way, not kosher.

Thats why Jesus said, "straight narrow and difficult is the way to eternal life and few are they who find it." because it was hidden, never written down, and requires ruminating to perceive, to grasp.

Almost impossible, easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle, in a world where deep thinking is considered a hideous deformity, a sign of anger, mental illness, or demonic possession. Even though no one can stop another from doing it secretly, even though, like a raging fire in a dead wood forest, no one can stop thinking deeply themselves.... once they begin....
So what's god reason for not eating pigs that you hear when you read the book?

The flesh of unclean creatures that do not ruminate is forbidden because their flesh defiles and contaminates.

If you swallow the teachings of people that do not ruminate, think deeply, without thinking deeply, it will defile and contaminate your mind and you will degenerate into an unclean creature that cannot ruminate, think deeply.

Hear, if you have ears to hear.

The wisdom is about as difficult to understand as the wisdom of avoiding malware from screwing up your computer.

I'd say that instruction is fairy crucial if you ever plan on using your brain and hope to lead a fulfilled life...
My life is fulfilled without having to obey total nonsense about animals.
If that were true you wouldn't be behaving like the other religious fanatics here.
Because I'm interested in some topics at this site my life isn't fulfilled? Brah, this place is interesting and entertaining, that's why you're here as well. Or are you trying to say that you're here because you're not fulfilled? Let me help you.
Let me put it this way. Moses gave the written law. The hidden meaning is the light and wisdom of God spoken into existence from elsewhere through words that do not make any sound and were never written down.

For instance according to the written law swine are unclean creatures because they do not ruminate.

Only in discovering the not so hidden meaning can one see the light and wisdom of God in giving this law. Only then will you hear his words.

Without that light, that understanding, all anyone can do is dick around over whats for dinner or deride how absurd that is..either way, not kosher.

Thats why Jesus said, "straight narrow and difficult is the way to eternal life and few are they who find it." because it was hidden, never written down, and requires ruminating to perceive, to grasp.

Almost impossible, easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle, in a world where deep thinking is considered a hideous deformity, a sign of anger, mental illness, or demonic possession. Even though no one can stop another from doing it secretly, even though, like a raging fire in a dead wood forest, no one can stop thinking deeply themselves.... once they begin....
So what's god reason for not eating pigs that you hear when you read the book?

The flesh of unclean creatures that do not ruminate is forbidden because their flesh defiles and contaminates.

If you swallow the teachings of people that do not ruminate, think deeply, without thinking deeply, it will defile and contaminate your mind and you will degenerate into an unclean creature that cannot ruminate, think deeply.

Hear, if you have ears to hear.

The wisdom is about as difficult to understand as the wisdom of avoiding malware from screwing up your computer.

I'd say that instruction is fairy crucial if you ever plan on using your brain and hope to lead a fulfilled life...
My life is fulfilled without having to obey total nonsense about animals.

lol... That would explain your charming disposition and obsession with kangaroos....
My obsession with roos stems from the fact that NOBODY knows how Noah got them to his boat and back again.
sheesh, if you like questions like that you should be wondering about talking serpents, the dead rising to life, and who was around to record what Jesus prayed about when he was all by himself...

God speed, old fart, on your valiant and noble quest to discover the truth....
So what's god reason for not eating pigs that you hear when you read the book?

The flesh of unclean creatures that do not ruminate is forbidden because their flesh defiles and contaminates.

If you swallow the teachings of people that do not ruminate, think deeply, without thinking deeply, it will defile and contaminate your mind and you will degenerate into an unclean creature that cannot ruminate, think deeply.

Hear, if you have ears to hear.

The wisdom is about as difficult to understand as the wisdom of avoiding malware from screwing up your computer.

I'd say that instruction is fairy crucial if you ever plan on using your brain and hope to lead a fulfilled life...
My life is fulfilled without having to obey total nonsense about animals.

lol... That would explain your charming disposition and obsession with kangaroos....
My obsession with roos stems from the fact that NOBODY knows how Noah got them to his boat and back again.

sheesh, if you like questions like that you should be wondering about talking serpents, the dead rising to life, and who was around to record what Jesus prayed about when he was all by himself...

God speed, old fart, on your valiant and noble quest to discover the truth....
Lots of people think that he bible is true. Even you quote certain parts that are as unbelievable as the parts you don't believe. Don't kid yourself, if YOU'VE found the true god then He's a total fucking asswipe. :lol:
The flesh of unclean creatures that do not ruminate is forbidden because their flesh defiles and contaminates.

If you swallow the teachings of people that do not ruminate, think deeply, without thinking deeply, it will defile and contaminate your mind and you will degenerate into an unclean creature that cannot ruminate, think deeply.

Hear, if you have ears to hear.

The wisdom is about as difficult to understand as the wisdom of avoiding malware from screwing up your computer.

I'd say that instruction is fairy crucial if you ever plan on using your brain and hope to lead a fulfilled life...
My life is fulfilled without having to obey total nonsense about animals.

lol... That would explain your charming disposition and obsession with kangaroos....
My obsession with roos stems from the fact that NOBODY knows how Noah got them to his boat and back again.

sheesh, if you like questions like that you should be wondering about talking serpents, the dead rising to life, and who was around to record what Jesus prayed about when he was all by himself...

God speed, old fart, on your valiant and noble quest to discover the truth....
Lots of people think that he bible is true. Even you quote certain parts that are as unbelievable as the parts you don't believe. Don't kid yourself, if YOU'VE found the true god then He's a total fucking asswipe. :lol:
lol... You should hear what he says about you...
My life is fulfilled without having to obey total nonsense about animals.

lol... That would explain your charming disposition and obsession with kangaroos....
My obsession with roos stems from the fact that NOBODY knows how Noah got them to his boat and back again.

sheesh, if you like questions like that you should be wondering about talking serpents, the dead rising to life, and who was around to record what Jesus prayed about when he was all by himself...

God speed, old fart, on your valiant and noble quest to discover the truth....
Lots of people think that he bible is true. Even you quote certain parts that are as unbelievable as the parts you don't believe. Don't kid yourself, if YOU'VE found the true god then He's a total fucking asswipe. :lol:
lol... You should hear what he says about you...
That's just a random voice in your head, not god.
lol... That would explain your charming disposition and obsession with kangaroos....
My obsession with roos stems from the fact that NOBODY knows how Noah got them to his boat and back again.

sheesh, if you like questions like that you should be wondering about talking serpents, the dead rising to life, and who was around to record what Jesus prayed about when he was all by himself...

God speed, old fart, on your valiant and noble quest to discover the truth....
Lots of people think that he bible is true. Even you quote certain parts that are as unbelievable as the parts you don't believe. Don't kid yourself, if YOU'VE found the true god then He's a total fucking asswipe. :lol:
lol... You should hear what he says about you...
That's just a random voice in your head, not god.

How would you know if I was hearing voices, God, or just messing with you? You never bothered to sweep your mind clean from malware. Mention kangaroo and your mind crashes, only to reboot ask about kangaroos and crash again, over and over and over again....

Like a defective android that doesn't quite know how to be human....lol....
that's funny--God warned us about them-2Thess 2:3
You are rationalizing judging people and you are going to quote scripture?

What does scripture say about judging others?

The Pope-- is called - the holy father---Reality--God is the holy Father not the Pope. The Pope is a mortal sinner. In Fact the bible clearly teaches--Do NOT call any man FATHER --this is speaking about in a spiritual teacher sense. In The OT Men are called Father--So its not Dads that reference was to--simple bible milk, yet its been over 1700 years and your teachers can not get it right.Why? Dogma get in the way?--The bible judged right there against your Pope. Its not me judging--the bible has all the judgements in black and white-there will be no excuses.
Maybe you should read the Catechism and tell me what you reject and what you accept.

If nothing else you will learn that everything you believe about Catholics is a lie.

I think you should read unbias facts about the history of your religion. One Pope used to sell salvation for $$$--
I think you shouldn't worry about religions that are not your own.

We are all brothers and sisters of the same human family, I see many houses that would be in Gods kingdom on fire and its 5 am--does one walk away or does one knock? I knock.
that's funny--God warned us about them-2Thess 2:3
You are rationalizing judging people and you are going to quote scripture?

What does scripture say about judging others?

The Pope-- is called - the holy father---Reality--God is the holy Father not the Pope. The Pope is a mortal sinner. In Fact the bible clearly teaches--Do NOT call any man FATHER --this is speaking about in a spiritual teacher sense. In The OT Men are called Father--So its not Dads that reference was to--simple bible milk, yet its been over 1700 years and your teachers can not get it right.Why? Dogma get in the way?--The bible judged right there against your Pope. Its not me judging--the bible has all the judgements in black and white-there will be no excuses.
Maybe you should read the Catechism and tell me what you reject and what you accept.

If nothing else you will learn that everything you believe about Catholics is a lie.

Ot--condemns--statues, icons, graven images--Yet the Pope allows all 3 into the churches and homes.
Call no man Father( in a spiritual teacher sense)--Yet the Pope allows it.
In their pictures of Jesus through the centuries have portrayed Jesus as a sinner with long hair, It was forbidden for a jewish male to have long hair. With the exception of the Nazarites( Samson) not Nazarenes( Jesus) God made a special covenant with the Nazarites--They should never cut there hair, but could not drink any alcohol.
All 3 simple bible milk--yet its been 1700 years or more and they still cannot understand the milk let alone the meat.
No follower of Jesus -EVER stood in a war against one of their brothers in Christ--Not a single teacher that has Jesus would ever allow it.
Often times ignorance is insolent.

You are correct.
Your religion--murdered young catholic men for Adolf Hitler. Jesus does not know them. While the teachers and blind followers prayed to the same God on both sides of 55million humans being slaughtered. One of the biggest hipocrosys ever witnessed by all creation. Keep bowing to that piece of wood.
My religion did that? How?

Most of the german armies and Italian were catholic--If the teachers applied Jesus they would have told them-- no matter what do not stand on both sides killing each other in hatred. My teachers were wise enough to do that. I say Germany wouldn't have had enough army to attack anyone if the teachers stood for Jesus.
The same with what occurred in the usa--Millions of native americans wiped out or forced on reservations--for land and gold. Many told they were Christian accomplishing these acts. They were wrong-Matt 7:21-23
Right and Christians, many who were Catholics, stopped it.

Can you tell me what scripture says about judging others?

after 55 million were dead they saw their major error as murderers. Their own works have already judged them. But if it happens again--the same result will occur.
So that would be a no. You should worry about the log in your eye.

By applying Jesus and Gods will( 1John 3:10-12) my teachers told the young men never stand against one another in wars of hatred. Love amongst themselves is a true mark Jesus taught. They were sent to prision, and concentration camps, etc and branded cowards by those who threw Jesus away to kill their own brothers in Christ. Its not easy applying Jesus in a satan ruled world.
Your religion--murdered young catholic men for Adolf Hitler. Jesus does not know them. While the teachers and blind followers prayed to the same God on both sides of 55million humans being slaughtered. One of the biggest hipocrosys ever witnessed by all creation. Keep bowing to that piece of wood.
My religion did that? How?

Most of the german armies and Italian were catholic--If the teachers applied Jesus they would have told them-- no matter what do not stand on both sides killing each other in hatred. My teachers were wise enough to do that. I say Germany wouldn't have had enough army to attack anyone if the teachers stood for Jesus.
The same with what occurred in the usa--Millions of native americans wiped out or forced on reservations--for land and gold. Many told they were Christian accomplishing these acts. They were wrong-Matt 7:21-23
Right and Christians, many who were Catholics, stopped it.

Can you tell me what scripture says about judging others?

after 55 million were dead they saw their major error as murderers. Their own works have already judged them. But if it happens again--the same result will occur.

Lighten up numbskull. I thought that when Jesus came back everything will be just peachy for a thousand years..

Whats with all the panic?

Have you read the bible? 99% mislead, throughout( with the possible exception when Israel stood strong) they fell over and over. Jesus compared these last days to Noahs day( 99% mislead, or more) 8 humans knew the true God. Jesus said Few will find the road. They refuse to believe Jesus words so I use tough love tactics. And we are far into revelation.
My obsession with roos stems from the fact that NOBODY knows how Noah got them to his boat and back again.

sheesh, if you like questions like that you should be wondering about talking serpents, the dead rising to life, and who was around to record what Jesus prayed about when he was all by himself...

God speed, old fart, on your valiant and noble quest to discover the truth....
Lots of people think that he bible is true. Even you quote certain parts that are as unbelievable as the parts you don't believe. Don't kid yourself, if YOU'VE found the true god then He's a total fucking asswipe. :lol:
lol... You should hear what he says about you...
That's just a random voice in your head, not god.

How would you know if I was hearing voices, God, or just messing with you? You never bothered to sweep your mind clean from malware. Mention kangaroo and your mind crashes, only to reboot ask about kangaroos and crash again, over and over and over again....

Like a defective android that doesn't quite know how to be human....lol....
You already admitted that you didn’t know how the Roos got there.
Let me put it this way. Moses gave the written law. The hidden meaning is the light and wisdom of God spoken into existence from elsewhere through words that do not make any sound and were never written down.

For instance according to the written law swine are unclean creatures because they do not ruminate.

Only in discovering the not so hidden meaning can one see the light and wisdom of God in giving this law. Only then will you hear his words.

Without that light, that understanding, all anyone can do is dick around over whats for dinner or deride how absurd that is..either way, not kosher.

Thats why Jesus said, "straight narrow and difficult is the way to eternal life and few are they who find it." because it was hidden, never written down, and requires ruminating to perceive, to grasp.

Almost impossible, easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle, in a world where deep thinking is considered a hideous deformity, a sign of anger, mental illness, or demonic possession. Even though no one can stop another from doing it secretly, even though, like a raging fire in a dead wood forest, no one can stop thinking deeply themselves.... once they begin....
So what's god reason for not eating pigs that you hear when you read the book?

The flesh of unclean creatures that do not ruminate is forbidden because their flesh defiles and contaminates.

If you swallow the teachings of people that do not ruminate, think deeply, without thinking deeply, it will defile and contaminate your mind and you will degenerate into an unclean creature that cannot ruminate, think deeply.

Hear, if you have ears to hear.

The wisdom is about as difficult to understand as the wisdom of avoiding malware from screwing up your computer.

I'd say that instruction is fairy crucial if you ever plan on using your brain and hope to lead a fulfilled life...
My life is fulfilled without having to obey total nonsense about animals.
If that were true you wouldn't be behaving like the other religious fanatics here.
Because I'm interested in some topics at this site my life isn't fulfilled? Brah, this place is interesting and entertaining, that's why you're here as well. Or are you trying to say that you're here because you're not fulfilled? Let me help you.
It is the fact that you enjoy what you are doing that leads me to my conclusion.

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