What was the difference between What Obama told the Russians and Flynn?

Obama was the one always trying to start a war with Russia. Let's not forget his whole swan song about the fact Putin doesn't have gay marriage legal. Which is what started some tension. It's all Obama's junk from the last 8 years now trying to be put on President Trump.

Where do you fools get this stuff?

You like chasing your tail a lot huh?

Okay then, post proof.


You can't and you know it. You can't because you're making it up.

As he was leaning toward Medvedev in Seoul, Obama was overheard asking for time — “particularly with missile defense” — until he is in a better position politically to resolve such issues.

I understand your message about space,” replied Medvedev, who will hand over the presidency to Putin in May.

“This is my last election … After my election I have more flexibility,” Obama said, expressing confidence that he would win a second term.

“I will transmit this information to Vladimir,” said Medvedev, Putin’s protégé and long considered number two in Moscow’s power structure.
FACT CHECK: Obama Pledged 'More Flexibility' Toward Russia After 2012 Election

Flynn said there was a brief discussion of the 35 Russian diplomats who were being expelled by Obama in retaliation for Moscow’s alleged interference in the 2016 campaign.

It wasn’t about sanctions. It was about the 35 guys who were thrown out,” Flynn said. “So that’s what it turned out to be. It was basically, ‘Look, I know this happened. We’ll review everything.’
I never said anything such as, ‘We’re going to review sanctions,’ or anything like that.”…

…The December conversation “was not to relieve sanctions. It was basically to say, ‘Look, we’re coming into office in a couple of weeks. Give us some time to take a look at everything.’”
OBAMA Gave NSA New Powers In Final Days As President That May Have Been Used To Sabotage Trump

So what was the difference?
Well Obama was President and he was telling Putin we will be going easy on Russia after I'm re-elected!

The difference is that President Obama was legally President and could legally speak to Russia regarding foreign policy.

Flynn was a private citizen, who discussed foreign policy with Russia- and then lied to both the American people- and the Vice President about doing so.

Of course you think the two are the same.

Because you are a Trumpster.

if the op Drone is stupid enough to ask what the difference is, he's too stupid to understand your answer.
Obama was the one always trying to start a war with Russia. Let's not forget his whole swan song about the fact Putin doesn't have gay marriage legal. Which is what started some tension. It's all Obama's junk from the last 8 years now trying to be put on President Trump.

Where do you fools get this stuff?

So you didn't know that your precious Obambi moved men and materiel to the Russian Border? You didn't know that Obambi gave the "Rebels" including ISIS in Syria Stingers to shoot at the Russians with? The Banks want war with Russia and Obambi tried to give it to them.Not to worry though Trump is doing the same thing.
Obama was the one always trying to start a war with Russia. Let's not forget his whole swan song about the fact Putin doesn't have gay marriage legal. Which is what started some tension. It's all Obama's junk from the last 8 years now trying to be put on President Trump.

Where do you fools get this stuff?

So you didn't know that your precious Obambi moved men and materiel to the Russian Border? You didn't know that Obambi gave the "Rebels" including ISIS in Syria Stingers to shoot at the Russians with? The Banks want war with Russia and Obambi tried to give it to them.Not to worry though Trump is doing the same thing.

Again -- President Obama was president.

Can anyone show that Obama was being paid by Russia and working as an operative for Turkey?
Obama was the one always trying to start a war with Russia. Let's not forget his whole swan song about the fact Putin doesn't have gay marriage legal. Which is what started some tension. It's all Obama's junk from the last 8 years now trying to be put on President Trump.

Where do you fools get this stuff?

So you didn't know that your precious Obambi moved men and materiel to the Russian Border? You didn't know that Obambi gave the "Rebels" including ISIS in Syria Stingers to shoot at the Russians with? The Banks want war with Russia and Obambi tried to give it to them.Not to worry though Trump is doing the same thing.

Again -- President Obama was president.

Can anyone show that Obama was being paid by Russia and working as an operative for Turkey?

We can easily show that it was against the law for him to surveille American citizens, you shameless douche bag.
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