CDZ What was the world like when guns did not exist?


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
I think it is fairly obvious that at one point in human history, guns did not exist anywhere on the planet....and according to anti gun extremists, this led to a world that was full of peace, and joy and harmony.

I disagree......I think if you actually look at history, when guns did not exist, the strong raped, robbed, murdered and enslaved the weak...who pretty much had to take it......that professional sword swingers controlled the world....owned the slaves and pretty much ruled by the Might Makes Right rule....

I think that guns were a gift.....that they have allowed freedom to spread across the world, and have allowed normal, good people, to devote their lives to their own pursuits, while allowing them the ability to protect themselves without having to devote their lives to martial skills.....

So....was history before guns existed peace, joy and harmony...... or was it more brutal than it is today...?
I read, a person who is good with a quarter staff, has an advantage over someone who is good with a bow but resorting to a quarterstaff, in any conflict of passage.
Human beings are the most violent animal ever to walk the earth.
Anyone who denies this is too stupid to bother with.
"the atlas of world population history" by Colin McEvedy tends to support your position and Trevor N Dupuy's declassified works on the history of warfare support your position as well but so far as I can determine there are no useful links that would help.
Even before guns existed.....they had weapon control laws in every country .... the ruling class made sure to keep weapons out of the hands of the peasants...
What was the world like when guns did not exist?

As Thomas Hobbes so eloquently put it,

"...solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, and short".

He must have been a hoot at parties.
Not one of these people was murdered with a gun....the mongols did it all the old fashioned way...with swords...

Destruction under the Mongol Empire - Wikipedia

Ancient sources described Genghis Khan's conquests as wholesale destruction on an unprecedented scale in certain geographical regions, causing great demographic changes in Asia. According to the works of the Iranian historian Rashid al-Din (1247–1318), the Mongols killed more than 700,000 people in Merv and more than a million in Nishapur. The total population of Persia may have dropped from 2,500,000 to 250,000 as a result of mass extermination and famine. Population exchanges did also in some cases occur but depends as of when.[10]
Fire weapons and gunpowder

Several modern scholars speculate that Chinese firearms and gunpowder weapons were deployed by the Mongols at the Battle of Mohi.[8][9][10][11][12] Reliable sources mention weapons like "flaming arrows" and "naphtha bombs" being used against not just the Hungarian army but also against the Persians.[13][14] It is well documented that the Mongols used cannons and bombs during the Mongol invasions of Japan, in an early example of gunpowder warfare in action. One of the most notable weapons the Mongols used during the invasions was explosive bombs. A mounted samurai being attacked with these bombs is depicted on a Japanese scroll. [15]

Mongol military tactics and organization - Wikipedia
Even before guns existed.....they had weapon control laws in every country .... the ruling class made sure to keep weapons out of the hands of the peasants...
----------------------------------------------------------------- thats pretty much why i say that Japan as example is a police state . Only the elite Samurai and Warlords had swords and today only the police and Government have access to guns .
as is said , God created all men but Sam Colt with his invention of the revolving cylinder pistol / revolver made all men equal .
Even before guns existed.....they had weapon control laws in every country .... the ruling class made sure to keep weapons out of the hands of the peasants...
----------------------------------------------------------------- thats pretty much why i say that Japan as example is a police state . Only the elite Samurai and Warlords had swords and today only the police and Government have access to guns .
We all have access to guns, pismoe.

The real question is "what" guns.
before guns the men with the biggest muscles ruled . That applies to governments of mobs of invaders , government paid knights and 'kings' men .
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the kind needed to go head to head with the 'kings' or 'pol pots' or 'idi amins' men . ar15 rifle would have been good to go up against gov paid men like 'pol pots' torturers and murderers or 'idi amins' cannibals and government paid 'knights' / men .
I think it is fairly obvious that at one point in human history, guns did not exist anywhere on the planet....and according to anti gun extremists, this led to a world that was full of peace, and joy and harmony.

I disagree......I think if you actually look at history, when guns did not exist, the strong raped, robbed, murdered and enslaved the weak...who pretty much had to take it......that professional sword swingers controlled the world....owned the slaves and pretty much ruled by the Might Makes Right rule....

I think that guns were a gift.....that they have allowed freedom to spread across the world, and have allowed normal, good people, to devote their lives to their own pursuits, while allowing them the ability to protect themselves without having to devote their lives to martial skills.....

So....was history before guns existed peace, joy and harmony...... or was it more brutal than it is today...?

Usually your posts are defending gun rights so I'll take it as we are heading to that road.

People had bows.....Rate of fire is superior now. Fatality....guns do more damage, medical car sucked back then though so lets say its a wash.

Who says the pre-gun world was one of peace? I think of the Reformation wars and the dark ages as the pre-gun world in Europe.

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