What Will Be The Top Excuses For Hillary's Election Loss?

The only reason for a Hillary loss at this point would be Obama being allowed to run for a third term
Here is why she'll win:

Most of the Republicans are already crying about why Trump lost. They're not waiting until after the election.

I guess that's smart of them, beating the rush.
She finally coughed up the truth she's been choking on all through the primary season....
Hillary holding hands with Huma giving her concession speech....
I had the whole media and the vast right wing conspiracy against me....

I did my best but the people were duped.
She finally wears a skirt instead of those pantsuits and her dick flops out....
Make your predictions now.

They are already preparing for that by the way they are attacking Trump. Sexism, racism/bigotry, and greed. I have heard too many on the left claiming that Trump is popular because many secretly have those faults. We have heard many times that it's time for a woman president, as if sex is actually a quality. We have heard how Trump is a bigot for wanting secure borders and they claim he's racist but don't offer any explanation for that. Of course, since he is wealthy, he must be greedy, so will want to simplify the tax code. Repubs just submitted a bill that would reduce the tax code to "something that would fit on a postcard." That is seen as lowering taxes and, therefore, greedy not to want to see more redistribution of wealth.

A Hillary loss would mean, according to the left, that the American people are predominantly greedy, sexist, racist bigots.
Hillary-haters, your disgusting sexism is one reason why you'll lose so badly.

It's also why women want nothing to do with you personally, but that's only your problem.

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