What will dems do in 2016 if they can't get another black to run for prez?

The only reason they won the last two elections is because the state media is so racist and biased in favor of blacks. If obozo was white he'd still be a nobody.
you repub-lie-tards say the dumbest shit ... the real question is when all the majority of tea bagers get booted out of office, along with many house leaders, what the hell are you going to do CRY BIG ALLIGATOR TEARS ???? me, I'll be laughing my ass off at your types
The only reason they won the last two elections is because the state media is so racist and biased in favor of blacks. If obozo was white he'd still be a nobody.
you repub-lie-tards say the dumbest shit ... the real question is when all the majority of tea bagers get booted out of office, along with many house leaders, what the hell are you going to do CRY BIG ALLIGATOR TEARS ???? me, I'll be laughing my ass off at your types

we are laughing at your goofy post
and your crystal ball make all them predictions?
Are you looking to double my net worth and bet on Obama running for a third term?

no, I'm not willing to pay off your mortgage :razz:

I have one of my own

What rate do they give on broken down trailers?

what kind of rate do they give on these?

The only reason they won the last two elections is because the state media is so racist and biased in favor of blacks. If obozo was white he'd still be a nobody.
you repub-lie-tards say the dumbest shit ... the real question is when all the majority of tea bagers get booted out of office, along with many house leaders, what the hell are you going to do CRY BIG ALLIGATOR TEARS ???? me, I'll be laughing my ass off at your types

we are laughing at your goofy post
and your crystal ball make all them predictions?
don't need any crystal Ball .... the writing is on the wall ... you
repub-lie-tards will be not in control of anything in 2014 ... you can take that to the bank ... how did you repub-lie-tards say it in 2012 ???? obama won't win .... and yet he did ... you guys said we will win the house and the senate and the white house ... hell you nearly lost the house ... with all this filibustering and only working only 126 days of the year, repub-lie-tards house rules that is ... you guys will lose the house in 2014... the people are seeing what you repub-lie-tards really are... and that doesn't takes any crystal ball to predict that ...
The only reason they won the last two elections is because the state media is so racist and biased in favor of blacks. If obozo was white he'd still be a nobody.
you repub-lie-tards say the dumbest shit ... the real question is when all the majority of tea bagers get booted out of office, along with many house leaders, what the hell are you going to do CRY BIG ALLIGATOR TEARS ???? me, I'll be laughing my ass off at your types

we are laughing at your goofy post
and your crystal ball make all them predictions?
I'm betting he's at least 12, what do you think?
you repub-lie-tards say the dumbest shit ... the real question is when all the majority of tea bagers get booted out of office, along with many house leaders, what the hell are you going to do CRY BIG ALLIGATOR TEARS ???? me, I'll be laughing my ass off at your types

we are laughing at your goofy post
and your crystal ball make all them predictions?
I'm betting he's at least 12, what do you think?

Nope,just realizes that you are Fcukards:cool:
Don't worry, Obama will run for a 3rd term. Does anybody think for one minute this tyranical dictator is gonna go quietly into the night because the Constitution limits him to 2 terms? Since when has he let the Constitution get in his way?

One has to wonder if this kind of goofy stuff is breathing its last breath, or whether it's going to stick around long enough to drive the GOP right over the freakin' cliff.

Somewhere, Mark Levin and Michael Savage are smiling as they watch this circus.

you repub-lie-tards say the dumbest shit ... the real question is when all the majority of tea bagers get booted out of office, along with many house leaders, what the hell are you going to do CRY BIG ALLIGATOR TEARS ???? me, I'll be laughing my ass off at your types

we are laughing at your goofy post
and your crystal ball make all them predictions?
I'm betting he's at least 12, what do you think?
well that's 8 years older then you
you repub-lie-tards say the dumbest shit ... the real question is when all the majority of tea bagers get booted out of office, along with many house leaders, what the hell are you going to do CRY BIG ALLIGATOR TEARS ???? me, I'll be laughing my ass off at your types

we are laughing at your goofy post
and your crystal ball make all them predictions?
I'm betting he's at least 12, what do you think?

actually probably an adult and votes, which is even more scary
Maybe Michelle will run..

well why not, you all are getting ready to run a woman(judd) with no experience in anything but acting..sorta like Obama's experience in things when you all elected him...None
might as well put another inexperienced person in that qualifications are, being wife of a President
The only two-term presidents to their legacy crowned with the succeeding president come from their own pary since 1900 are Reagan and FDR. Not even Wilson, Eisenhower or Clinton managed to pull that off. With Obama, the Democrats have little chance in 2016.
Maybe Michelle will run..

well why not, you all are getting ready to run a woman(judd) with no experience in anything but acting..sorta like Obama's experience in things when you all elected him...None
might as well put another inexperienced person in that qualifications are, being wife of a President

Well yes, why the hell not, you all are grooming a huge moron from Cuba because you think he'll bring in the Hispanics for you. :lol:
The only reason they won the last two elections is because the state media is so racist and biased in favor of blacks. If obozo was white he'd still be a nobody.


Perhaps they will get the 25% of the vote from the white guy only bars that they lost by running Obama and that will make up for the 9% gain in votes from blacks they may lose.

A more important issue is how to keep Republjcans from making stupid comments about rape. God, trying to lose 98% of the female vote are they?
The only two-term presidents to their legacy crowned with the succeeding president come from their own pary since 1900 are Reagan and FDR. Not even Wilson, Eisenhower or Clinton managed to pull that off. With Obama, the Democrats have little chance in 2016.

they seem to believe after Obama how can anyone vote anything but Democrat..
it's funny to watch

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