What Will Obamacare do for/to you?

If Obamacare makes people happy, what it will do for/to me is give the dems one more successful issue to campaign on. If it makes people unhappy what it will do for/to me is give the repoublicans something to campaign on.

As far as healthcare ours won't change. And we've been on everything over the years and I don't see much pocketbook difference between any of the plans we have been on. I do think doctors have gotten worse, though, in that there seem to be a heck of a lot that are in it "for the money" instead of for my health. And lots that seem to want nothing more than to push drugs on me, which I hate.
I thought I posted this yesterday but I couldn't find it today...

If you want to see what Obamacare will do for/to you without having to read the whole bill this woman dissected it for you.

Defend Your Health Care

But in case you want to read the whole bill and see for yourself, here it is...


In short, no change if you have healthcare now. But this isn't about the people who have good coverage and their employers pay the bulk of it. This is about the uninsured.

So what if you lose your job? What if you have a pre existing condition? What if they raise their prices another 191% in the next 5 years?

With the corporate owned media and lobbyists on your side, it seems you are winning this debate, but I have another theory.

Tom Delay started every debate from a very very far right position. That way the Dems could not even entertain their left position. They had to start in the center. So each solution was a right of center solution. That's what we are doing now to the GOP. We're suggesting socialism and so doing nothing is not an option. So we are forcing the GOP to actually admit to the problems and come up with real solutions.
Bullshit. If you have healthcare now, you will be forced into government health care within 5 years.

For me, what Obamacare means is I'll be taxed for the good health care plan I receive now, until I am forced into a crappier health care program, within 5 years. I'm above the poverty level now, but with Obamacare and my increased taxes, I'll be below it and eligible for government programs I administer.

Read the fucking plan before you start shooting your stupid mouth off.
You people who say that your healthcare won't change are...I'm sorry to say either COMPLETE IDIOTS.... or already don't have insurance...
You guys didn't even read the bill yet you know everything that this woman says is wrong... LOL Typical liberals....
If the dems pass this communist manifesto the way it's written today, quite simply, we're fucked.

I just hope it's something we'll be able to ROLL BACK after obama is sent packing.
Our health care system is engineered, deliberately or not, to resist change. The people who pay for it -- you and I -- often don't realize that they're paying for it. Money comes out of our paychecks, in withheld taxes and insurance premiums, before we ever see it. It then flows to doctors, hospitals and drug makers without our realizing that it was our money to begin with.

The doctors, hospitals and drug makers use the money to treat us, and we of course do see those treatments. If anything, we want more of them. They are supposed to make us healthy, and they appear to be free. What's not to like?

The immediate task facing Mr. Obama -- in his news conference on Wednesday night and beyond -- is to explain that the health care system doesn't really work the way it seems to. He won't be able to put it in such blunt terms. But he will need to explain how a typical household, one that has insurance and thinks it always will, is being harmed.

The United States now devotes one-sixth of its economy to medicine. Divvy that up, and health care will cost the typical household roughly $15,000 this year, including the often-invisible contributions by employers. That is almost twice as much as two decades ago (adjusting for inflation). It's about $6,500 more than in other rich countries, on average.

We may not be aware of this stealth $6,500 health care tax, but if you take a moment to think, it makes sense. Over the last 20 years, health costs have soared, and incomes have grown painfully slowly. The two trends are directly connected: employers had to spend more money on benefits, leaving less for raises.

In exchange for the $6,500 tax, we receive many things. We get cutting-edge research and heroic surgeries. But we also get fabulous amounts of waste -- bureaucratic and medical.

One thing we don't get is better health than other rich countries, whether it's Canada, France, Japan or many others.

Since Obamacare prevents health insurers from writing new policies from day one of year 1 of its institution, it means that my employer will no longer be able to seek out affordable health insurance plans for its employees. My employer will be forced to keep its plan as it is or be sucked into the government plan which may not offer what I need.

In short, within a year or two every employer will be sucked into the government plan and we'll all get down on our knees and bow to Obama for providing us with such great coverage... well, the liberals will anyway.

And in 75 years, Americans will be asking how the fudge we allowed ourselves to be suckered into a plan that provides so little yet is taxed so heavily... shades of Social Security all over. Yet liberals will still be preaching that Obama was the second coming of Christ.

You'd be smiling too if you got a new Cadillac every year!​


Hey Doc, how many cancer patients do you have to milk to buy one of these?​

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Bullshit. If you have healthcare now, you will be forced into government health care within 5 years.

For me, what Obamacare means is I'll be taxed for the good health care plan I receive now, until I am forced into a crappier health care program, within 5 years. I'm above the poverty level now, but with Obamacare and my increased taxes, I'll be below it and eligible for government programs I administer.

Read the fucking plan before you start shooting your stupid mouth off.
I see, the world according to AllieBaba.
how about this......i employ about 200 people.....i cover their healthcare....zero out of pocket and copay is $25.....

i pass all this along to me clients in the billing rates.....

govt creates obama care....

why wouldn't i just cancel our program tell everyone to go get obama care...maintain the billing rates and pocket the profit.....
"I hear you."

"I understand."

"What do you think about that?"​

"That will be $550 for the session without ObamaCare."​

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You guys didn't even read the bill yet you know everything that this woman says is wrong... LOL Typical liberals....

Is there even a bill yet? Everything I've heard indicates there are multiple versions in both the house and senate. Who knows what will emerge.
If the dems pass this communist manifesto the way it's written today, quite simply, we're fucked.

I just hope it's something we'll be able to ROLL BACK after obama is sent packing.

Why would we be fucked? Why couldn't it be rolled back in 4 or 8 years if it doesn't work? The only reason it couldn't be rolled back is if it is popular. If it is popular then it must be working well or at least perceived to be working well for most people.

Major healthcare reform is way overdo. You want to talk about being fucked, if you lose your job and get sick, then you are fucked. The right had 8 years to address the issue and did not, so tough luck.
If the dems pass this communist manifesto the way it's written today, quite simply, we're fucked.

I just hope it's something we'll be able to ROLL BACK after obama is sent packing.

Why would we be fucked? Why couldn't it be rolled back in 4 or 8 years if it doesn't work?
Have any recent example, besides the 55mph speed limit, when that has happened with a failed program??


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