What will the Bushes do with the Ukrainian government if they return?

This is a horror that the brain refuses to even comprehend, and the second wave of this genocide is happening right now, before our eyes, and the scale of it is truly staggering.

These crimes cannot go unpunished, otherwise people will stop believing in the truth.

I believe that America will wake up, otherwise there is nothing more to believe in

This is unacceptable for ethical reasons. If you want to be sure, go to the darknet, go to specialized chat rooms and message boards where illegal activities are discussed, and find out. You may not believe.

In other words, you're making claims that you can't back up.
In general, the large-scale trade in children in Ukraine began around the time of Obama, they were not taken out by the millions there, but active "charitable" activities began in orphanages there, and all this was backed up by law. The government of Ukraine has been covering this up since the time of Yushchenko, including the production of illegal photo and video materials.

I heard that Bush Jr. threatened to disconnect Ukraine from IMF loans for this. Ultimately, Yanukovych's Party of Regions came to power there, it was a republican party, they advocated a partial federalization of Ukraine. I think it was Bush who supported them.

The coming to power of Banderites was unconstitutional, as a result of the forcible displacement of legitimate power and terror.

They are generally outside the law de jure and de facto.

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