What will the Bushes do with the Ukrainian government if they return?

By the way, they are copying the policy of the Bolsheviks there, denying the federalization of Ukraine and the rights of peoples to preserve their identity. They directly declare totalitarianism in the form of unitarism, they overthrew the supporter of the freedom of peoples and federalization, Bush's protege from the Party of Regions, Yanukovych. The meaning of the Orange Revolution was precisely in the denial of freedom, this is also a reproduction of the scenario of the Serbian terrorists of "Great Serbia" and communist Yugoslavia of Miloshevic, and they are all henchmen of the American left totalitarians.
I think for the purposes of this war it will mean depleting their military capability to the point they can't afford another such excursion for a decade or more and that has already been achieved.

This invasion has proven to the world that Putin's army is no match for an even marginally competent modern army.

Also, the fact all of their geographical gains other than in the east have been lost and his forces are still being driven back towards Russia.

The precision strikes within Russia by Ukraine are an even greater embarrassment.
Decade is a far too small period. Russia should be out of European issues for at least a generation. How to achieve that? Just from a top of my head:
The West's independence from Russia's energy supplies.

Strengthening NATO which includes new members (primarily Sweden and Finland), new bases, and new weapons on European territory.

Ukraine.. It is only a part of security architecture. The maximum is pulling Russian troops from all Ukrainian territory, including Crimea and Donbas; 'inputting' Ukraine in this architecture (to the point of giving it NATO membership, but not necessarily, basically), and virtually dissolution of the Russian Black Sea Fleet.

Of course, many questions remain about all that. Especially about Ukraine's part.
Decade is a far too small period. Russia should be out of European issues for at least a generation. How to achieve that? Just from a top of my head:
The West's independence from Russia's energy supplies.

Strengthening NATO which includes new members (primarily Sweden and Finland), new bases, and new weapons on European territory.

Ukraine.. It is only a part of security architecture. The maximum is pulling Russian troops from all Ukrainian territory, including Crimea and Donbas; 'inputting' Ukraine in this architecture (to the point of giving it NATO membership, but not necessarily, basically), and virtually dissolution of the Russian Black Sea Fleet.

Of course, many questions remain about all that. Especially about Ukraine's part.
I don't think that's doable without such crushing sanctions that Russia would be in the same position Germany was after the war debt they were settled with following WWI.

That would most likely have the opposite affect from the desired outcome.

What is needed is a popular revoltion iin Russia throwing out all of the old soviet leftovers and gangsters along with their oligarch buddies and a true democracy replacing the current system.

If Putin continues this war and sustaining the kinds of losses he has been that becomes a strong possibility.

Then we wouldn't need to worry again about another expansionist war being started by them.
It is only a part of security architecture
You'd better ask about the "security architecture" of Biden and Obama, who have reduced missile defense and lost control in central Europe. NATO has become a puppet of Europe, and the United States now has only one "security": Germany fucks them in the mouth, China in the ass.

It's all very funny to hear about "security" when after Ukrainian children they are about to start selling American
You'd better ask about the "security architecture" of Biden and Obama, who have reduced missile defense and lost control in central Europe. NATO has become a puppet of Europe, and the United States now has only one "security": Germany fucks them in the mouth, China in the ass.

It's all very funny to hear about "security" when after Ukrainian children they are about to start selling American
NATO was formed specifically to protest Western Europe.
If America existed as a sovereign state, there would be no Bandera government or war in the Russian Federation with Ukraine. Everything there used to be under the control of Reagan and the Bushes.
NATO was formed specifically to protest Western Europe.
Yes, and in the opinion of autists, it is shameful to get the fuck out of Eastern Europe means control of Eastern Europe, to get the fuck out of Afghanistan means to control Afganistan, and so on.
If America existed as a sovereign state, there would be no Bandera government or war in the Russian Federation with Ukraine. Everything there used to be under the control of Reagan and the Bushes.
You have reduced yourself to a babbling lunatic.

The US IS a Sovereign state. There is no Bandera Government and hasn't been in nearly 70 years.

Reagan has been dead for over 20 years, join the rest of us in reality.
Yes, and in the opinion of autists, it is shameful to get the fuck out of Eastern Europe means control of Eastern Europe, to get the fuck out of Afghanistan means to control Afganistan, and so on.
You continue to prove yourself a babbling idiot.
You continue to prove yourself a babbling idiot.
Americans are still smart people, especially Texans. A leftist asshole like you is a rare exception in America, especially in Texas. If I didn't know you were an American, I would never have thought that. You are a total degenerate
I don't think that's doable without such crushing sanctions that Russia would be in the same position Germany was after the war debt they were settled with following WWI.

That would most likely have the opposite affect from the desired outcome.

What is needed is a popular revoltion iin Russia throwing out all of the old soviet leftovers and gangsters along with their oligarch buddies and a true democracy replacing the current system.

If Putin continues this war and sustaining the kinds of losses he has been that becomes a strong possibility.

Then we wouldn't need to worry again about another expansionist war being started by them.
Man, it is impossible for true democracy to take a root there. Be sure, 10-15 years after Putin is gone, they will choose another czar.

I don't say that Russian economy should be sanctioned overall, after all things are settled. But their military and energy sectors for sure. The latter is primarily to ensure Europe doesn't fall in Russian energy trap again.
Bush himself was from Texas. I have always looked to Texas as the pride of America. It's a shame.
Man, it is impossible for true democracy to take a root there. Be sure, 10-15 years after Putin is gone, they will choose another czar.

I don't say that Russian economy should be sanctioned overall, after all things are settled. But their military and energy sectors for sure. The latter is primarily to ensure Europe doesn't fall in Russian energy trap again.
There are no Sanctions, this is a fucking show. If Moscow closes the valve, Europe will simply die.

In the regions where gas is extracted, old women heat wood stoves and there are military units with diesel generators running on fuel oil, but they never stop pumping gas to Europe in full. Russia gets nothing for this, everything goes into refinancing the European debt. There are no sanctions and there cannot be. Europe really can't do anything, even industry and the army are not there. The only thing it is good at is keeping advisers/agents in foreign governments on a leash, playing shows and fucking Ukrainian orphans.
NATO is now a scarecrow. Europe does not have an army, and the people of the United States do not control their army.
The commander-in-chief of the American army is a corrupt official and a Chinese agent.

Initially, NATO was a cover for the occupation of Western Europe. Europe at that time did not have sovereignty, and its own currency, it covered its currencies with the dollar.
After Europe has escaped from the control of the United States, it is waiting for the moment when it can destroy the United States.
There are no Sanctions, this is a fucking show. If Moscow closes the valve, Europe will simply die.

In the regions where gas is extracted, old women heat wood stoves and there are military units with diesel generators running on fuel oil, but they never stop pumping gas to Europe in full. Russia gets nothing for this, everything goes into refinancing the European debt. There are no sanctions and there cannot be. Europe really can't do anything, even industry and the army are not there. The only thing it is good at is keeping advisers/agents in foreign governments on a leash, playing shows and fucking Ukrainian orphans.
Yes, real sanctions will begin when/if they will cut Russia from energy market (European, at least). Half of Russian budget if filled by oil and gas. So, don't try to trick. But of course they won't be put in force overnight.
No one even now remembers the American Anthem, 2 wars with Britain, about the Monroe Doctrine, they began to forget about their cowboys and about their sport, they began to consider themselves part of the Euro community, now there is not even a real right. Europe wiped its feet on America.
America not soveregn country, there is no own politics
Yes, real sanctions will begin when/if they will cut Russia from energy market (European, at least). Half of Russian budget if filled by oil and gas. So, don't try to trick. But of course they won't be put in force overnight.
This is nonsense for the financially illiterate cattle. Export economies work to finance foreign governments, all profits are converted only into inflation. There is no real profit for the economy.

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