What will we conclude from the Santa Barbara shootings?


Gold Member
Jun 20, 2006
San Diego, CA
Something I wrote after the Sandy Hook shootings.

As true today as it was that time.


Whenever something like this happens, we always go through the usual "Oh my, why did he do it, what caused him to do it, what could we have done to prevent this" litany. Every time. I suppose it's only natural to think those things after some horrible tragedy like this.

But wondering what we could have done to prevent it, doesn't mean there WAS anything we could have done.

Seeing this thread just now, was the first I've heard of this event, and I know nothing about it except what's in the posts preceding this one.

But I can probably predict how things will go - since they have gone this way for every other mass murder like this.

The shooter's motives will be analyzed... and it will be found that he didn't really have any "normal" motives. He didn't hate the thirty or forty people he shot. He didn't even know most of them, perhaps didn't know any of them at all.

It will be found that he was a loner who was unhappy and a little weird, but not obviously homicidal. And/or his girlfriend jilted him last week. Or that he got a reprimand on his job. Or got a speeding ticket in his car. Or that he just got back from Iraq where he was greatly stressed. Or that his parents he was living with (if he was) suggested that he get off his duff and get a job. Or he got up two mornings ago, saw a green tree with a red bird in it, and decided from that to go and kill a bunch of people. Or some other thing happened that people can point to as the "trigger" that set him off.

And nobody, but nobody, will point out the fact that the thing that "set him off", is something that happens to various people every day, by the thousands or millions across this country... and none of THEM got a gun and started blasting away at everyone in sight. Not even the loners who were unhappy and a little weird... of which there are lots, in this country of 300 million people.

Why did he do it? Because there was something broken inside his head.

Not something that caused him to lurch around, drooling and babbling and slapping himself. But something that remained pretty much hidden, until a "stimulus" that hundreds of thousands of people get every day, happened to him this time. And the broken thing inside his head caused him to react very differently from the way everyone else has reacted over the eons.

What could have we done to prevent it? Not a damned thing. Because we don't have a "broken thing detector". Nothing else could have foretold that he would do this.

Even if we did have a "broken thing detector", it would probably register on 10% of the population, or more... the vast majority of whom will still never shoot anybody. What we don't know about the inner workings of the brain, would fill books, volumes, encyclopedia sets... if we knew enough about it to write them, which we don't. The "psychologists" we will see on TV for the next several weeks, are completely ignorant of what was wrong with this guy... and the honest ones will tell you that straight out. But those aren't the ones who will be on TV.

Well, that's what will happen over the next weeks. And a few people will say that if we make some laws about certain things, we will have "done something about it"... with no particular reason to think they will have any actual effect on the next guy with a broken thing inside his head.

Here we go again. As we did last time, and the time before that, and the time before that.

Useful result: ZERO. Just like last time, etc.
Of course, this guy was a little more "obviously" mentally ill than the Sandy Hook shooter was (not that Adam Lanza looked sane). But neither of them "looked like he was about to kill someone". What does a person about to kill someone, look like anyway? And how different does he look from your average blue-haired, vacant-stare, earring-in-the-lip-with-pants-below-his-asscrack teenager that you see every day?

Rodger's therapist was saying something was wrong. But until they actually found his I-want-to-kill-everybody manifesto, nobody said he was probably about to kill anyone... and by then it was too late.
And we continue to have a murder rate with guns like a third world nation. 32,000 a year. By next year, more people will be killed in this nation with guns than in automobile accidents. Yet, what do we need all these guns for? My guns are for hunting, they are not people guns like the assault weapons our gunnuts delight in. And, yes, I have had to experiance of having to defend myself with one of those guns. A single shot 12 gauge changed the minds of 10 people that had very ill intentions toward me. No war weopon needed, thank you.

But the NRA keeps pushing the proliferation these kinds of guns in the population. And, invariably, they fall into the hands of the crazies, and we get these massacres. A sad commentary on the sanity of all too many of our citizens.
And we continue to have a murder rate with guns like a third world nation. 32,000 a year. By next year, more people will be killed in this nation with guns than in automobile accidents. Yet, what do we need all these guns for? My guns are for hunting, they are not people guns like the assault weapons our gunnuts delight in. And, yes, I have had to experiance of having to defend myself with one of those guns. A single shot 12 gauge changed the minds of 10 people that had very ill intentions toward me. No war weopon needed, thank you.

But the NRA keeps pushing the proliferation these kinds of guns in the population. And, invariably, they fall into the hands of the crazies, and we get these massacres. A sad commentary on the sanity of all too many of our citizens.

This guy used a handgun. Not an assault rifle. Also 32,000 is gun DEATHS, of which 19,000 or so are suicides. You also have to deduct justifiable homicides and valid police shootings.
And we continue to have a murder rate with guns like a third world nation. 32,000 a year. By next year, more people will be killed in this nation with guns than in automobile accidents. Yet, what do we need all these guns for? My guns are for hunting, they are not people guns like the assault weapons our gunnuts delight in. And, yes, I have had to experiance of having to defend myself with one of those guns. A single shot 12 gauge changed the minds of 10 people that had very ill intentions toward me. No war weopon needed, thank you.

So it's okay for you to defend yourself with your gun, but not for me to do it with mine? Hypocricy, anyone? You're lucky the 10 people you met with that shotgun were imbeciles. At best you would have gotten 4 of them with the ONE ROUND in your single shot weapon. That would have left at minimum, 6 people to beat your ass to death. Sorry, those aren't odds I'm willing to take a chance on.
And we continue to have a murder rate with guns like a third world nation. 32,000 a year. By next year, more people will be killed in this nation with guns than in automobile accidents. Yet, what do we need all these guns for? My guns are for hunting, they are not people guns like the assault weapons our gunnuts delight in. And, yes, I have had to experiance of having to defend myself with one of those guns. A single shot 12 gauge changed the minds of 10 people that had very ill intentions toward me. No war weopon needed, thank you.

But the NRA keeps pushing the proliferation these kinds of guns in the population. And, invariably, they fall into the hands of the crazies, and we get these massacres. A sad commentary on the sanity of all too many of our citizens.

This guy used a handgun. Not an assault rifle. Also 32,000 is gun DEATHS, of which 19,000 or so are suicides. You also have to deduct justifiable homicides and valid police shootings.

You also have to deduct the gangland hits which aren't random at all.

Gun control in the Santa Barbara incident completely dismisses that three people were stabbed to death and four more hit by Rodger's car. The gun shootings weren't even the majority of the mayhem.
There was nothing that could be done. Nothing a lucid person would even suggest anyway.

His parents should have had him committed if they were concerned there was a problem, not left it up to police to figure out.

Even if the sick bastard didn't have a gun, he used other weapons and would have continued to do so.

Of course the bed wetters are dancing in the blood of the innocent again, chanting mindlessly for the disarmament of their enemies We The People just like they're programmed too.

Sick fucks.

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Also 32,000 is gun DEATHS, of which 19,000 or so are suicides. You also have to deduct justifiable homicides and valid police shootings.

And most of the rest are gang killings.

If you're not in a gang, you have less chance of being murderered by someone with a gun, than being struck by lightning.
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And we continue to have a murder rate with guns like a third world nation.

Actually, there are over 100 countries with a higher murder rate than the US, not all of which are "third world", an arbitrary definition at best.

32,000 a year.

Fucking liar. Why am I not surprised?

The last murder figure for the US is 16,259.

From the CDC:


By next year, more people will be killed in this nation with guns than in automobile accidents. Yet, what do we need all these guns for?

How about for self protection from those idiots and crazy fucks out there that would harm another innocent person? How about that?

My guns are for hunting, they are not people guns like the assault weapons our gunnuts delight in.

You have some evidence that "assault weapons" are being used in crimes outside of the military? I challenge you to cite one...just ONE...example of a murder committed with an assault weapon. And no, you don't get to change the definition of an assault weapon to suit your overwhelming bias.

And, yes, I have had to experiance of having to defend myself with one of those guns. A single shot 12 gauge changed the minds of 10 people that had very ill intentions toward me. No war weopon needed, thank you.

First, a semi automatic firearm is not necessarily a "war weapon". Secondly, you have committed a logical fallacy: anecdotal. Just because your single shot shotgun worked in your self defense doesn't mean it would be effective in all self defense scenarios. Nor does it matter...it's not your choice to impose on others.

But the NRA keeps pushing the proliferation these kinds of guns in the population.

Perhaps because law abiding citizens don't wish to be at a tactical disadvantage against the thugs that couldn't give two shits about your rules. Ever think of that?

And, invariably, they fall into the hands of the crazies, and we get these massacres. A sad commentary on the sanity of all too many of our citizens.

You think another law is going to get these "crazies" to follow your rules? What evidence do you have to back that up?
Do you really expect Americans to learn a lesson? When has America ever learned its lesson?

The CIA trained the Mujaheddin in Afghanistan specifically to be able to wear down a more powerful invading army over a long period of time. Afghanistan was turned into the Soviet Union's "Vietnam". Russia invaded and occupied Afghanistan for ten years and withdrew in defeat. Now America thinks that its going to succeed where the Russians failed. Did America learn any lessons? No.

The drug war was started right after the National Commission on Marihuana and Drug Abuse told the world that marijuana should be legalized. Has America learned any lesson? No.

Bush legalized torture and destroyed whatever was left of America's honor. Did Americans learn any lessons? No.

30k gun deaths per year while the Federal government and global oligarchy reduce Americans under absolute Despotism, exactly the situation that those guns are supposed to prevent. Have Americans in general learned any lessons about anything? No. There is now a situation in this country where banker criminals can make enough money so that they will not go to jail even when they confess to funding terrorism against America during war.

Americans will not learn any lessons because Americans are ignorant, arrogant, and stupid.
Fathers need to teach their sons not to treat women like a piece of meat that exists only for their own personal pleasure.
Americans will not learn any lessons because Americans are ignorant, arrogant, and stupid.

As we were always intended to be. See, America was founded by people who didn't give a fuck what the Government, and especially European Governments and people feel about things.
And we continue to have a murder rate with guns like a third world nation. 32,000 a year. By next year, more people will be killed in this nation with guns than in automobile accidents. Yet, what do we need all these guns for? My guns are for hunting, they are not people guns like the assault weapons our gunnuts delight in. And, yes, I have had to experiance of having to defend myself with one of those guns. A single shot 12 gauge changed the minds of 10 people that had very ill intentions toward me. No war weopon needed, thank you.

But the NRA keeps pushing the proliferation these kinds of guns in the population. And, invariably, they fall into the hands of the crazies, and we get these massacres. A sad commentary on the sanity of all too many of our citizens.

Please provide evidence that the NRA is "pushing the proliferation these kinds of guns in the population".

And when you fail, you can then apologize to the NRA for lying.
It is a small price to pay for our second amendment rights

People get killed.....just move on
Nothing we can do
It is a small price to pay for our second amendment rights

People get killed.....just move on
Nothing we can do

Criminals can get off due to jury trials, which are a right under the constitution, scrap it.
Criminals get off due to 4th amendment violations, might as well scrap that too.
Criminals get off due to right to counsel, might as well scrap that along with the other two.
Fathers need to teach their sons not to treat women like a piece of meat that exists only for their own personal pleasure.

Just as mothers need to start teaching their daughters their proper place in the world. Oh gee, I forgot, most mothers in this day and age don't have the foggiest idea what a proper woman's place is in society.

When neither gender remembers their proper place and embreaces it, it's almost impossible for the other other gender to do so either.
What will we conclude from the Santa Barbara shootings? Satan and demons are on earth to kill and destroy,if you allow satan to blind you and use you as his tool,fool,puppet you too will be used and fooled as the Santa Barbara shooter!!! BEWARE!
Americans will not learn any lessons because Americans are ignorant, arrogant, and stupid.

As we were always intended to be. See, America was founded by people who didn't give a fuck what the Government, and especially European Governments and people feel about things.
Precisely. "All men are created equal" is the greatest lie of this country. It's an interesting philosophy to aspire to, but the controlling interests of the American system have simply never adopted it. "All men are created equal" except for blacks, Chinese, Mexicans, Irish, Italians, poor people of all skin tones, etc. etc. etc. etc.

And now the ruling class has so much wealth that they're "too big to fail", so now they really don't have to care about the common good. HSBC made billions off of laundering money for narco-terrorists and the company paid a fine. No one went to jail even after they confessed.

They don't have anything to fear from a corrupt Congress or yet another corporate tool of a President, so if gun owners in America want real justice, march down Wall Street with your AR-15s and make them fear the People again.

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