What will we do when Google, Facebook and Twitter stop all conservative expression on the internet?

Conservatives should close all of those social media accounts. The liberal puke stains will wallow in ecstasy for a short time then wonder why all the social media started shutting down.But they'll have won their victory, poor saps.
Cool, do it!
You are literally a man who would fuck over his own grandmother if the Democrats told you to do it.
And now you resort to a family attack in your self-imposed impotence.
The internet was supposed to be about freedom.

Now it isn't.
Sure it is, start your own platform. Say whatever you want. Why should they be forced to let you kids spew your hate and conspiracy theories on the platforms they built?

Start your own platform, don't allow reality of common sense. Just conservative nonsense.

You know damn well giant social media platforms play a pivotal role in politics and that conservatives don't have a way to compete with them if they are silenced. You just don't care. Your argument is a dismissal based on your lack of care and nothing else. If it was left wingers being silenced y'all would be losing your shit.
So what would you like to do about it?
Use the anti-trust laws to break up these internet monopolies.
and that is going to happen. like it or not, for it or not, it's coming.
Conservatives should close all of those social media accounts. The liberal puke stains will wallow in ecstasy for a short time then wonder why all the social media started shutting down.But they'll have won their victory, poor saps.
Cool, do it!
You are literally a man who would fuck over his own grandmother if the Democrats told you to do it.
What does that have to do with social media and anti trust?! Are you already out of ideas and solutions that you need to bring up my dead grandmother?! What’s wrong with you??
What's wrong with me is you're a total hypocrite.

If the internet tech giants were controlled by conservatives who were turning the screws on liberals, you'd be demanding the government take immediate action.
And yet...that's not what is reality, is it? You perceive yourself at impotent, as helpless...so instead of taking action, you whine and whine and whine. How's that working out for you in your life? Happy as a whiner?
Conservatives should close all of those social media accounts. The liberal puke stains will wallow in ecstasy for a short time then wonder why all the social media started shutting down.But they'll have won their victory, poor saps.
no - just stop using it for politics. i rarely if ever talk politics on facebook. i come in here or go to other places where i can speak more freely w/o it being a huge social justice jury ready to hang me for every word.

i use FB to keep in touch with people i'd otherwise never see.
The internet was supposed to be about freedom.

Now it isn't.
Sure it is, start your own platform. Say whatever you want. Why should they be forced to let you kids spew your hate and conspiracy theories on the platforms they built?

Start your own platform, don't allow reality of common sense. Just conservative nonsense.
Right after we even the playing field by applying anti-trust laws to them.
Cool...Big Government, friend of CRCs again.
That day is coming soon.
No, it’s not.

Google, Facebook and Twitter are not prohibiting conservative expression; conservatives are at complete liberty to express their ignorance, fear, stupidity, bigotry, racism, and hate online.

What’s of legitimate concern is that the authoritarian right will seek to use the power of the state to dictate to social media its content, in violation of the First Amendment.
That day is coming soon.
No, it’s not.

Google, Facebook and Twitter are not prohibiting conservative expression; conservatives are at complete liberty to express their ignorance, fear, stupidity, bigotry, racism, and hate online.

What’s of legitimate concern is that the authoritarian right will seek to use the power of the state to dictate to social media its content, in violation of the First Amendment.
the left is already doing that and you don't appear to give a fuck cause it's YOUR side.
Again that is totally irrelevant

I think your hypocrisy is plenty relevant.

You’re whining about a problem and I’m asking what you want to do for solutions.

Your question is insincere, dishonest. You don't believe something should be done and you have no intention of having a real conversation about potential solutions.
No none of that is relevant. First of all you have no clue what my personal opinions are. Second, the OP is posting about a problem and all I’m doing is asking what solutions he proposes. My opinion has no bearing. But since neither of you can answer the question the only thing you have left is attacking me. That’s pretty pathetic.
The internet was supposed to be about freedom.

Now it isn't.
Sure it is, start your own platform. Say whatever you want. Why should they be forced to let you kids spew your hate and conspiracy theories on the platforms they built?

Start your own platform, don't allow reality of common sense. Just conservative nonsense.
Right after we even the playing field by applying anti-trust laws to them.
Cool...Big Government, friend of CRCs again.
yeah, big government. Just ask Microsoft all about that stopping the little guys from making a dent into the market.
Google, Facebook, Twitter, Amazon, Microsoft, Apple, Comcast, and others are all Far Left Progressive CONTROL FREAKS. They must be broken up, or treated like the UTILTIIES they are. Globalists that want to destroy American sovereignty.
Google, Facebook, Twitter, Amazon, Microsoft, Apple, Comcast, and others are all Far Left Progressive CONTROL FREAKS. They must be broken up, or treated like the UTILTIIES they are. Globalists that want to destroy American sovereignty.
So funny to hear the so called “conservatives” calling for the government to break up private businesses. You realize are a hypocrite if you call yourself a conservative, right?

Perhaps you should give Lizzy Warren your vote as she is running on breaking up big tech.
Liberals eventually ruin everything: the schools, the universities, the media, movies, TV shows, all have been ruined by liberals. These are places where liberals use their power to silence conservative voices.

It looked like the internet would be a place where everyone had a voice.

But now, liberals have ruined that too.

You poor, poor baby you.
Liberals eventually ruin everything: the schools, the universities, the media, movies, TV shows, all have been ruined by liberals. These are places where liberals use their power to silence conservative voices.

It looked like the internet would be a place where everyone had a voice.

But now, liberals have ruined that too.
I guess conservatives are too stupid to handle the schools, universities, media, movies, TV shows, etc. etc.

Right? That's why you've conceded control? You are just too stupid, or lazy?
Liberals eventually ruin everything: the schools, the universities, the media, movies, TV shows, all have been ruined by liberals. These are places where liberals use their power to silence conservative voices.

It looked like the internet would be a place where everyone had a voice.

But now, liberals have ruined that too.
I guess conservatives are too stupid to handle the schools, universities, media, movies, TV shows, etc. etc.

Right? That's why you've conceded control? You are just too stupid, or lazy?
Whining takes up a LOT of energy.
Google, Facebook, Twitter, Amazon, Microsoft, Apple, Comcast, and others are all Far Left Progressive CONTROL FREAKS. They must be broken up, or treated like the UTILTIIES they are. Globalists that want to destroy American sovereignty.

Ahh yes. That's what government is for, right? To persecute people who disagree with you!
You aren't silenced

I'm not a conservative; I'm just not a hack. My principles don't change based on what's convenient for my team.

That means no hate speech, racism, wild conspiracy theories,that kinda stuff.

Good thing those aren't subjective ideas that can easily be abused. /s
What they consider a violation is laid outnin the TOS. Maybe these nutcases should read it.

What is considered "racist", for example, is very subjective. Case in point, Trump says makes a comment about actual rats infesting a city and the leftist call it racism. The real problem is that any disagreement with a lefist is considered racist, homophobic, etc. It is the way liberals are wired...they can't help it.
Not really, no.

Yes, really. What is offensive, racist, homophobic, etc. can be very subjective. Some things are offensive to some but not others. I am offended by leftist policies like affirmative action, which is racist IMO, so should all references to this be banned?
The society we live in says affirmative action is not racist. Quite the opposite in fact. If you choose to use their platform you must be prepared to use the mainstream definitions for terms.
The internet was supposed to be about freedom.

Now it isn't.
Sure it is, start your own platform. Say whatever you want. Why should they be forced to let you kids spew your hate and conspiracy theories on the platforms they built?

Start your own platform, don't allow reality of common sense. Just conservative nonsense.

You know damn well giant social media platforms play a pivotal role in politics and that conservatives don't have a way to compete with them if they are silenced. You just don't care. Your argument is a dismissal based on your lack of care and nothing else. If it was left wingers being silenced y'all would be losing your shit.
So what would you like to do about it?
Use the anti-trust laws to break up these internet monopolies.
and that is going to happen. like it or not, for it or not, it's coming.
Wishful thinking on your part.

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