What will we do when Google, Facebook and Twitter stop all conservative expression on the internet?

It's not a viable option to close your Facebook account. Many people use Facebook to advertise their business. They have us by the short hairs.
Conservatives should close all of those social media accounts. The liberal puke stains will wallow in ecstasy for a short time then wonder why all the social media started shutting down.But they'll have won their victory, poor saps.
Cool, do it!
Conservatives should close all of those social media accounts. The liberal puke stains will wallow in ecstasy for a short time then wonder why all the social media started shutting down.But they'll have won their victory, poor saps.
Cool, do it!
You are literally a man who would fuck over his own grandmother if the Democrats told you to do it.
Conservatives should close all of those social media accounts. The liberal puke stains will wallow in ecstasy for a short time then wonder why all the social media started shutting down.But they'll have won their victory, poor saps.

Many people that use social media are low information voters that can be swayed by either side. What you're suggesting would lead to a lot more votes for the Democrats.
Conservatives should close all of those social media accounts. The liberal puke stains will wallow in ecstasy for a short time then wonder why all the social media started shutting down.But they'll have won their victory, poor saps.
Cool, do it!
You are literally a man who would fuck over his own grandmother if the Democrats told you to do it.
What does that have to do with social media and anti trust?! Are you already out of ideas and solutions that you need to bring up my dead grandmother?! What’s wrong with you??
Conservatives should close all of those social media accounts. The liberal puke stains will wallow in ecstasy for a short time then wonder why all the social media started shutting down.But they'll have won their victory, poor saps.

Many people that use social media are low information voters that can be swayed by either side. What you're suggesting would lead to a lot more votes for the Democrats.
I very much doubt that.
Conservatives should close all of those social media accounts. The liberal puke stains will wallow in ecstasy for a short time then wonder why all the social media started shutting down.But they'll have won their victory, poor saps.
Cool, do it!
You are literally a man who would fuck over his own grandmother if the Democrats told you to do it.
What does that have to do with social media and anti trust?! Are you already out of ideas and solutions that you need to bring up my dead grandmother?! What’s wrong with you??
What's wrong with me is you're a total hypocrite.

If the internet tech giants were controlled by conservatives who were turning the screws on liberals, you'd be demanding the government take immediate action.
Conservatives should close all of those social media accounts. The liberal puke stains will wallow in ecstasy for a short time then wonder why all the social media started shutting down.But they'll have won their victory, poor saps.
Cool, do it!
You are literally a man who would fuck over his own grandmother if the Democrats told you to do it.
What does that have to do with social media and anti trust?! Are you already out of ideas and solutions that you need to bring up my dead grandmother?! What’s wrong with you??
What's wrong with me is you're a total hypocrite.

If the internet tech giants were controlled by conservatives who were turning the screws on liberals, you'd be demanding the government take immediate action.
Again that is totally irrelevant to the argument. You’re whining about a problem and I’m asking what you want to do for solutions. I haven’t even stated an opinion on the matter yet you run away from presenting solutions and decide to talk about my grandma and call me names. Grow up and do better. Want to try again to explain what you want to do and how it will help the problem?
Again that is totally irrelevant

I think your hypocrisy is plenty relevant.

You’re whining about a problem and I’m asking what you want to do for solutions.

Your question is insincere, dishonest. You don't believe something should be done and you have no intention of having a real conversation about potential solutions.
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Start your own platform?
You will find that the Revolutionary system you are bringing here will have no need for all of you. The old in our nation that has sucked on the tit and believe they have earned everything is sickening. Many have earned nothing. The young who believe they earned everything and earned nothing is even more sickening. You will cleanse this nation of excess people. You will bring back survival of the fittest after you eliminate those who do not fit your Revolutionary ideas. You can not keep the same system. Your system with power blocks is already diverse in many ways. I see no difference between you and the Lake of Fire I lived in.
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I am emoting. It is drama. Progs love drama. It is Julliard! And those drugs are part of the Prog package. You guys have parasites elected for 50 years. They have been around for so long that they have created vicious left wing versions of themselves who are vicious. I will be right. Because I am. When you emasculate a person who can be great at a way of living and push him to a more austere way, then that breeds resentment. We had the same system that changed more then 50 years ago to open up and be fair. But we did not change the quotas and reduce the diversity as things improved. Look around and see the troubles most of our tech industries are having without farming out to people who have much less rules. Even with those rules it may not be that good. For we tie the hands behind the backs of our best and put a show of every gender and culture to the front in a society that is running in second place now and is living off of our past. A true story. I love those Asian designed cars....vrooom...vrooom...
Leftists have suddenly become all about giant international corporations.
Leftists have suddenly become all about giant international corporations.

And their right to do whatever they want free of government intervention. Come to think of it the right wingers are kinda being hypocrites too. :dunno:
Why are American businesses that own these companies embracing communist country ways of doing things rather than share-with-all information that's how America arrived, sharing competitive ideas and winning if yours was picked the best. People pick with their buying power. At least, we used to.
At least, we used to.

Kinda hard when you allow big corporations to grow and monopolize everything to the point of absurdity. The truth is conservatives have done this to themselves by not realizing that big business can be just as dangerous and oppressive as big government. Maybe we can stop it before they all fuse into Skynet and take over the world.
All conservatives should delete their accounts.

They admit they are private companies and are allowed to be biased.

What’s funny is those who try to lie and say they aren’t biased. That’s just stupid.
Everyone is biased. Liberals are biased in favor of liberal politics. Conservatives are biased in favor of conservative politics. Libertarians are biased in favor of Libertarian politics. Green Party voters are biased in favor of Green Party politics. That's life.
That day is coming soon.
Well, conservative rich businessmen/women could fund communications satellites going into space that would provide internet service and social-media sites for the like-minded public, then their voices wouldn't be silenced.

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